Azur Lane: A Fight Against th...

By TatsuyaHisaki

82.9K 828 3.2K

17 year-old Jacob lived in a small peaceful village just on the beach side far from any major city or town. H... More

Part 1: The Azur Lane!
Part 3: Akagi's Plan!
Part 4: The Mental Cube
Part 5: Spending The Day With Illustrious!
Part 6: The First Attack!
Part 7: Enterprise!
Part 8: Fight or Save?
Part 9: The First Siren Attack!
Part 10: A New Ally!
Part 11: Prinz And Iron Blood!
Part 12: The Rescue Operation!
Part 13: Setting Up For the Ceremony!
Part 14: PARTY TIME!!
Part 15: I Became an Older Brother...Again?!
Part 16: My Date With Illustrious.
Part 17: The Secret's Out.
Part 18: The Paradise That Embodies Heaven!
Part 19: The Paradise That Embodies Heaven (Pt. 2)
Part 20: The "Fishing" Trip
Part 21: Finally... At Long Last.
Part 22: Fight Once Again...For Her Sake.
Part 23: The Brutal Truth...That Reminds Me of That Day. (Contains Lemon)
Part 24: Mother Complex...
Part 25: Three Legends of the Sakura Empire!
Part 26: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Contains Lemon)
Part 27: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Pt.2)
Part 28: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Pt.3) (Contains Lemon)
Part 29: The Crane Sisters. (Contains Lemon)
Part 30: The Grey Ghost and the Head Maid! (Contains Lemon) (Christmas Special)
Part 31: The Pride of Iron Blood. (New Years Special) (Final)

Part 2: Sakura Empire

3.2K 43 166
By TatsuyaHisaki

I was on my way to Sakura Empire. It's been roughly an hour since Hornet and her team was saved. I was just sitting on the edge of the carrier ship looking out at the ocean when I felt something sharp press against my back.

Jacob: What's up Zuikaku?

Zuikaku: How do you know it's me?

Jacob: Because you are the only person here I know that has something sharp.

Zuikaku: Why are you coming with us? We are enemies.

Jacob: Come'on Zuikaku, we aren't enemies. I was only helping Azur Lane because they are letting me live there. If it wasn't for that then I probably wouldn't have helped, mainly because I wouldn't have known about it.

Zuikaku: That doesn't change the fact that you helped them.

Jacob: *sigh* Would you give it a rest, I'm not even trying to start anything.

Zuikaku: How do I know that you aren't lying?

Jacob: Let me explain something Zuikaku. There are two types of people who like sword fighting. First, there's the people who, when in battle, thinks that everything their opponent says is just to throw them off. That's you. Then there's the people who, when in battle, say things and actually mean it, but their opponent thinks they are lying when they aren't. That's me.

Zuikaku: Can you blame me, we are enemies who just fought each other and now you are coming with us.

Jacob: Say 'we are enemies' one more time and I'm throwing you off of here.

Zuikaku: Is that a threat?

Jacob: No it's a statement.

Zuikaku: You better watch it, you're with us and if you haven't forgotten, we are in the middle of the ocean, you can't go anywhere.

Jacob: I think you forgot that I can stay on top the water just like you. *Says under breath* Don't know how.

Zuikaku: Whatever, just know that if you try anything, I'll cut you down on the spot.

Jacob: Whatever works for you.

???: Zuikaku, leave the boy alone. If he said he won't start anything then he won't start anything.

Jacob: *thoughts* That sounded like a German accent.

???: Stand up boy.

I stood up and turned around to see a girl with white hair standing behind Zuikaku. She had red in a little bit of her hair.

???: My name is...

Jacob: Prinz Eugen I know. You're from Ironblood right?

(Prinz Eugen)

Prinz Eugen: That's correct. You say that you are coming to Sakura Empire because you want to ask Akagi some questions, is that correct?

Jacob: That would be correct.

Prinz Eugen: And you say that you won't start anything while you are there correct?

Jacob: Correct.

Prinz Eugen: I find it very suspicious that you helped Azur Lane and then right after, you come to Sakura Empire.

Jacob: I realized that, but you have my word I won't start anything with Sakura Empire or Ironblood.

Prinz started walking up to me and then she stopped when she got right in front of me.

Prinz Eugen: Hmm, obedient, but you also stand up to people, I think I like you.

Jacob: I know I like you.

Prinz Eugen: And what might you mean by that?

Jacob: You know what I mean.

Prinz Eugen: Oh, so then why not show me that you mean it.

Then Prinz leaned in, closed her eyes, and puckered up her lips.

Jacob: That's a little soon, at least ask me out first.

Then Prinz pulled back and started to laugh.

Prinz Eugen: You're pretty funny. But how do you know if I was joking or not?

Then Prinz grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me close to her. I wasn't fast enough to counter her attack and after that, our lips touched and we kissed. After about 2 seconds, Prinz let go and I started to stumble backwards, almost too far. My left foot slipped off of the ship and I started falling backwards. I closed my eyes as I waited to fall off, but then there was a sound of a metal chomp and I felt myself stop. I opened my eyes to see two gun barrels pointing right at my face. I looked down and saw that the guns were sitting on what looked like the deck of a ship. Then I was being pulled back onto the deck of the carrier ship. I looked at Prinz and she was smiling at me.

Jacob: T-thanks, Prinz Eugen.

Prinz Eugen: Just Prinz is fine love.

Jacob: Okay, Prinz. WAIT, love?

Prinz: That's right. What's wrong, I thought you said you liked me and we even kissed.

Jacob: You forced that on me!

Prinz: So you like me, but you don't want to be with me?

Jacob: Oh don't get me wrong, I would love to be with you. But if we were in a relationship, how would it work out? I mean, I live in Azur Lane and you are against them.

Prinz: Yeah I know. I was only teasing you.

Jacob: So to you, teasing is forcing a kiss?

Prinz: What, you didn't like it?

Jacob: Hey, don't put words in my mouth.

Prinz: Ahh, so you did like it!

Jacob: Som 'em li dat.

Prinz started laughing again. When she stopped, she looked at me and smiled.

Prinz: It's so fun to tease you. I don't know if I would be able to control myself.

Jacob: I *pause* have nothing to say to that.

Zuikaku: Are you two done?

I looked at Zuikaku and I saw that she was blushing a little.

Jacob: You want one too?

Zuikaku: Want what?

Jacob: A kiss.

Zuikaku: What are you saying?! Oh course not!

Jacob: Ah well your loss. I was gonna say because if you did want a kiss, I'm sure Prinz wouldn't mind. Her kissing you I mean.

Zuikaku: You just shut up!

Jacob: You never had a boyfriend huh?

Zuikaku started blushing even more after I asked her that.

Zuikaku: Of course not. I'm sure you never had one too.

Jacob: A boyfriend, no. I'm not gay. Girlfriend, also a no, but I have one now.

Zuikaku: You wouldn't be talking about me would you, cause if you are then the answer is no!

Jacob: I mean Prinz.

Zuikaku: WHAT! You two are *pause* dating?

Jacob: You don't know what sarcasm is, don't you?

Zuikaku: Of course I know what sarcasm is.

Jacob: Man you take everything serious huh?

Zuikaku: I don't know what you're talking about.

Jacob: Yup, your in denial.

Zuikaku: Shut up!

Jacob: Fine.

I turned away from Zuikaku and turned towards Prinz.

Jacob: Hey Prinz, let me ask you something.

Prinz: Oh, are you going to ask me out, I wonder.

Jacob: No. *Makes straight face*

Prinz: Then what is it?

Jacob: How did you catch me from falling off earlier?

Prinz just looked at me before something rushed in front of my face and there was another metal chomping sound. The guns that were aimed right for my face earlier, well just below them, the part that looks like the deck of a ship, it could actually open up like a mouth. It had what looked like metal teeth. Prinz pulled whatever the thing was away from my face. (If you look at the picture of Prinz, you could tell what I'm talking about. It's on the bottom right hand side of the picture.)

Jacob: Oh, that's how.

Prinz didn't respond, instead she walked up to me. When she took the first step, I saw her boobs bounce a little and I started to blush a bit. Prinz continued walking towards me and when she was right in front of me, she moved to my side and grabbed my arm. Then Prinz started to pull me away from the edge of the ship. She was walking with her arms wrapped around mine and I felt her breast press against my arm, which caused me to blush even more.

Prinz: So you like them huh?

Jacob: N-no.

Prinz: Then why are you blushing?

Jacob: No reason. I just haven't been this close to a girl before.

Prinz: Du lügst.

Jacob: Whaa?

Prinz: I said 'You are lying'.

Jacob: No I'm not.

Prinz: ja, das bist Du.

Jacob: Again, what?

Prinz: You don't know how to speak german? I said 'Yes you are.'

Jacob: Does it look like I know how to speak german?

Prinz: Ich weiß es nicht. Offensichtlich nicht.

I just stared at Prinz with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth.

Prinz: I said 'I don't know. Obviously not.'

Jacob: Oh okay, cause I thought you were cursing me out or something.

Prinz: Dummkopf. (Idiot)

Jacob: I'm not stupid.

Prinz: Ja, du bist ein Idiot. (Yes you are an idiot.)

Jacob: Only word I got out of that was idiot.

Prinz: Schön für dich. (Good for you.)

Jacob: Would you please stop speaking german? I can't understand a damn thing you are saying!

Prinz: Oh I'm about to have some fun.

Jacob: What do you mean by that?

Prinz didn't answer me, instead, she leaned in and whispered into my ear.

Prinz: ich liebe dich.

I started blushing when Prinz said that. Then she pulled away and looked at my face.

Jacob: You don't mean that, do you?

Prinz: Mean what?

Jacob: Well, I actually knew what that meant.

Prinz: Care to tell me what I said?

Jacob: 'I love you.'

Prinz looked surprised that I actually knew what she said.

Prinz: How did you know that?

Jacob: I looked up what a bunch of different things meant in german.

Prinz: I see. Well I think that I teased you enough for today.

Jacob: Thank *pause* God.

Prinz: But there's always tomorrow.

Jacob: SHIT!

About an hour after that we arrived at Sakura Empire.

Jacob: *thoughts* I knew that from the name SAKURA Empire, this place would have a somewhat Chinese or Japanese culture, but damn, that's a lot of cherry blossoms.

Sakura Empire was an island like Azur Lane, but it is a lot smaller. Me, Zuikaku, and Prinz were waiting at the front side of the carrier ship when someone walked up to us. I turned around and saw a girl with white hair and she wore a cloak like Zuikaku. This girl was carrying what looked like a flute.

(The girl)

???: Zuikaku!

Zuikaku: Hello Shoukaku.

Shoukaku stopped running when she got to us and she started looking at the three of us. When she saw me, she looked like she was ready to kill me.

Shoukaku: You're the boy who punched my sweet Zuikaku's face!

Jacob: Well, I can't deny that I did.

Shoukaku: I should kill you for hurting my Zuikaku.

Jacob: I apologised to her.

Shoukaku: It doesn't matter, you still hurt her.

Jacob: We were fighting. What did you want me to do, not fight back?

Zuikaku: Shoukaku it's fine, he did apologize for punching me so calm down.

Shoukaku: But Zuikaku!

Zuikaku: *turns towards Jacob* Don't worry about her. This is my older sister Shoukaku.

Jacob: Older sister huh?

I looked at Shoukaku and I started to feel back for her. Zuikaku is her younger sister and all she was trying to do is protect her.

Jacob: Shoukaku, I'm really sorry for hurting Zuikaku. I didn't know that she was your little sister.

Shoukaku: I don't want your apology.

Jacob: I'm apologizing to you because I realized that you were only looking out for her. 

Shoukaku: Even still.

Jacob: I'm also apologizing because I hurt your sister. I used to have an older sister and a younger sister and I would alway look out for them, but they are both dead now. I know what it feels like to want to protect a sibling so again I'm sorry Shoukaku.

Shoukaku was at a lost for word. She didn't know what to say, she just stood there with her mouth hanging open slightly.

A couple of minutes later, both carrier ships docked and the four of us got off the ship and started walking down the dock towards the land. Zuikaku and Shoukaku was walking in front of me and Prinz. Then Zuikaku and Shoukaku stopped walking and they started talking to someone. 

Zuikaku: Akagi, we brought back someone who wants to speak with you.

Jacob: *thoughts* Akagi's right here then? Perfect.

Akagi: And who might that be Zuikaku?

I started walking forwards and pushed through Zuikaku and Shoukaku.

Jacob: It's someone you know.

I stopped in front of Akagi and she didn't seemed surprised at all. Kaga on the other hand looked like she was ready to fight me.

Akagi: Who are you again I can't remember? Oh yes that's right, you're that boy from the other day. So, what brings you to Sakura Empire?

Jacob: I need to ask you a couple of questions.

Akagi: And here I was thinking that you decided to join with us.

Jacob: Akagi...

I started to talk, but someone ran up to Akagi and was telling her that someone else needed to speak to her. 

Akagi: I'm really sorry, but someone else needs to see me it seems. Do you think you can wait for me?

Jacob: I'm not going anywhere until I ask you what I need to ask.

Akagi then walked up to me and stopped right in front of me. She placed one of her hands on my neck and got close to my face. Then she leaned and whispered into my ear.

Akagi: Perfect.

After that, Akagi and Kaga walked off to God knows where.

Jacob: *Says under breath* Akagi, you're just stalling aren't you?

There was some laughter over to my right. I looked and saw a girl with a fox tail clinging to another girl.

???: As always, they're so childish.

Jacob: *thoughts* That sounds like a German accent.

I turned around and saw a shorter girl standing next to Prinz. Prinz let out a small laugh.

Prinz: I admit, I find them rather charming.

???: Who's this that you've brought with you?

Shoukaku: This boy hurt Zuikaku!

???: Calm down Shoukaku.

I started thinking about a whole bunch of different things after that. Like about my fight against Zuikaku, my family, Akagi, Azur Lane, I couldn't stop thinking about all these things and it was making my head hurt. Zuikaku must have noticed because she walked up on the side of me and tapped on my shoulder.

Zuikaku: Don't let my sister get to you.

Jacob: Oh no that's fine, I'm not worried about Shoukaku.

Zuikaku: Then what's wrong? I can tell something is troubling you.

Jacob: I don't want to talk about it here. Maybe later.

Zuikaku: Oh okay.

Then there was a long pause.

Zuikaku: Hey, why don't I show you around? We could go get something to eat.

Jacob: I'm not really that hungry. *Stomach growls* 

Prinz: Your stomach says otherwise.

Jacob: Who asked you?

Zuikaku: Well if you are going to be staying here for a while then you need to know your way around.

Jacob: I guess you're right.

Several hours passed. Zuikaku, along with Prinz and Shoukaku, showed me around Sakura Empire. If I'm honest, I love Sakura Empire because it has so much Chinese or Japanese culture and I really like that. We all ate at a roman shop in town and it was pretty good. Now, we were in what seemed like a hotel, but I wasn't really sure.

Prinz and Shoukaku left to go somewhere and now it was just me and Zuikaku.

Zuikaku: I'm going to go somewhere.

Jacob: Where are you going?

Zuikaku: I'm going train.

Jacob: If that's the case, I'm coming too.

Zuikaku: Aren't you hurt?

Jacob: No why?

Zuikaku: I know I cut your chest when we fought.

Jacob: Oh yeah that, I don't even feel it to be honest.

Zuikaku: Whatever, but I'm going right now.

Jacob: That's fine with me.

I stood up and walked over to the door with Zuikaku and we left the building. We were walking down a hall that led to an open area with a big cherry blossom tree. It was like a courtyard in the middle of all these buildings. As me and Zuikaku made it to the courtyard, I saw a girl standing near the cherry blossom tree. She had long black hair and wore what looked like a white sailor outfit. The girl was holding a sword in her left hand. Me and Zuikaku continued walking towards the courtyard. When we made it, the girl standing there drew her sword and cut a cherry blossom petal in half, all in an instant. Zuikaku started clapping and the girl turned around to face us. 

Zuikaku: Training hard I see Takao.

The girl named Takao walked up to us and I was caught off guard by her voice. When the girl started speaking, I was surprised by how deep her voice was. 

(The girl)

Takao: Zuikaku, it's good to see you've returned.

Zuikaku: Yeah but, I can't exactly say I did very well out there.

Takao: I see.

Jacob: What are you talking about Zuikaku, you managed to cut me back there. If I'm honest, you did pretty good.

Zuikaku: Yeah but you are just a human.

Jacob: And I fought against a battleship and I'm still here.

Takao: Who's this Zuikaku?

Jacob: I'm Jacob. Takao right?

Takao: It's nice to meet you too, but I hope you don't mind me asking, why were you and Zuikaku fighting?

Jacob: Oh that, well we were fighting because I was helping Azur Lane with something and me and Zuikaku fought each other.

Takao: So you're with Azur Lane! *grabs sword*

Jacob: Woah Takao, I'm not here to start any trouble. I'm here cause I need to speak with Akagi.

Takao: How do I know I can trust you?

Jacob: Oh great, another Zuikaku.

Zuikaku: Takao it's okay, he hasn't tried anything yet and he says that he won't.

Takao then let go of her sword.

Takao: If you say so Zuikaku, but I'm keeping a close eye on you.

Jacob: Don't stare too much now, you might end up falling for me.

Takao started to blush a little. 

Takao: That's not going to happen.

Jacob: I know, it was a joke.

After that, me, Zuikaku, and Takao started walking down a stone pathway that led through a bamboo forest. After a few minutes of walking, we came to a cliffside that overlooked Sakura Empire. We were looking out at Sakura Empire and I noticed that Zuikaku was facing me, so I turned to face her.

Jacob: Is something on your mind Zuikaku?

Zuikaku: I'm going to take you down. I'm going to train and get stronger and when we fight, I'll take you down every time.

Jacob: *smiles* Sounds like a plan to me Zuikaku.

I grabbed my sword and drew it from its sheath, then I held it out with the blade facing Zuikaku and she did the same. We made our swords touch as if we were clashing and after a few second, we both sheathed our sword.

Then, Zuikaku stumbled forwards and she ran into me. I caught her in my arms before she was able to fall to the ground. Zuikaku turned her head and looked at Takao. 

Takao: Oh, my apologize, I may have hit a little too hard.

Zuikaku started making what sounded like whimpers as I still held her in my arms. I lifted Zuikaku up to where she was standing up straight now.

Takao: You must not take on every burden by yourself. You must learn to rely on us as well.

Zuikaku: Takao.

Takao: We're friends, are we not?

Zuikaku just smiled at Takao.

Takao: By the way, you two would make a great couple.

Me and Zuikaku looked at each other and we both blushed. Zuikaku a lot and me not as much.

Takao: I'm just joking.

Suddenly, sirens started going off and I was looking around in a panic.

Jacob: What's going on?

Takao: Intruders.

Takao then took off in a rush leaving me and Zuikaku.

Zuikaku: Come on, we have to bring you and lock you up.

Jacob: Wait why?

Zuikaku: Because you are from Azur Lane. If that gets out them people will think you are with the intruders. I'm sorry but that's what has to be done.

Jacob: Okay fine, whatever.

Me and Zuikaku started running for the hotel place from before and we made it there in about two minutes. After that, Zuikaku locked me in the room and she left. I turned around and saw the door to the balcony wide open and that I could leave any time I wanted.

Jacob: *Straight face* Wow.

I walked over to a little futon and sat down as I waited for this whole mess to blow over.

Several hours later, I was laying down on the futon when I heard the door to my room unlock and Zuikaku walked in. Following her was Prinz, Shoukaku, Takao, and to my surprise, Akagi and Kaga. I pushed off the ground and stood up when Akagi walked in.

Akagi: I recall you saying that you needed to speak with me.

Jacob: That's right.

Akagi: Well I'm here so ask away.

I took a deep breath in before breathing out.

Jacob: Akagi, I need to know where the Sirens are.

Akagi: Oh it's about this again. I know I asked this already, but why are you so keen on finding the Sirens?

Jacob: Remember when I told you that they destroyed my village years ago?

Akagi: I do recall that.

Jacob: Well.

I then explained everything that happened in my past. Everything that I told Illustrious and Wales.

Akagi: Oh you poor thing. 

Jacob: I don't need your sympathy.

Akagi: So you are looking for the Sirens so you can get revenge?

Jacob: Actually, it's not so much as revenge, but more like I'm looking for closure. My childhood was taken from me, I've seen things that a child shouldn't have seen, I've gone through things no child should ever go through.

Akagi: I see, but I'm afraid to say that I don't know where the Sirens are.

I looked at the floor as I clenched my hands into fists and I gritted my teeth.

Akagi: Was that all?

Jacob: Yes.

Akagi: Then I will take my leave. I hope you have a nice stay at Sakura Empire. Also, I'm going to be dropping by tomorrow morning to pick you up.

Jacob: Why?

Akagi: Because I will be going into town tomorrow and I want you to come.

I just stared at Akagi as she smiled back at me.

Jacob: Fine.

Akagi: Great. I'll be dropping by at around 8:00, so be ready.

Akagi and Kaga started walking for the door. Akagi opened the door and she paused before turning around to face me.

Akagi: Goodnight.

Then Akagi and Kaga left and it was just me, Zuikaku, Shoukaku, Prinz, and Takao. There was nothing but silence for a few second.

Prinz: Are you holding up okay?

Jacob: Never better.

Jacob: *thoughts* Akagi, you're hiding something, I know it.

Zuikaku: I'm sorry about your past Jacob. I didn't realize that you've gone through so much. 

Jacob: It's fine Zuikaku. You have nothing to apologize for.

Shoukaku: So what are you going to do now?

Jacob: Well, as of right now, I'm going to bed. I'm tired from everything that has happened today.

I laid down on the futon and pulled the covers up to my chin. Everyone started leaving.

Prinz: Goodnight love.

I just laid there with my eyes closed and I started blushing a little. Then soon after, the lights turned off and the room fell into silence as I drifted off to sleep.

End Part 2: Sakura Empire

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