The Talk

By 227bomba

28.5K 365 31

When Natalie's mom comes to visit her and David in Los Angeles, she talks to Natalie about something that has... More

End (18)
New Book!!


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By 227bomba

Nat's POV

I felt a someone touching my arm and slightly move it while calling my name "Ms. Mariduena" . The name was very faint where I could only barely make it out. The person repeated themselves a couple more times. Suddenly I heard a slightly more familiar and definitely more comforting tone "Nat", said David with a very raspy voice that told me he had just woken up. I loved the feeling that I had when I heard his voice right beside me, the first thing in the morning. I slowly opened my eyes allowing them to adjust to the bright lights of the plane. Outside of the window was still dark of course as it was around 3AM. With my eyes open now, I started to look around me to figure out where I was, that's when I saw David, wrapped around my arms, right beside me. I smiled. I then turned my head to look over my shoulder and I saw a flight attendant smiling at me as she said "Miss, we are landing in approximately ten minutes. Would you ming putting you seat in the upright position? Thank you", and with that she left. I did as she told me until I was completely upright and I didn't realize that I was still holding David's hand. I looked across the isle and spotted my mom which for some reason made me remove my hand from David's. He looked at me with an understanding expression and I just said "Thank you for helping me sleep". He just responded with a "you're welcome" and a big smile.

Soon enough we were on the ground and waiting to leave the plane. As we walked through the airport, we both had our backpack on our backs and our coats on so we didn't have to carry them with us. David and I took the lead as we headed for the baggage claim while my mom followed a couple steps behind. We each filmed a short instagram story of the other walking through the airport to show that we had finally arrived. We then collected our suitcases and took an Uber home because it was so late that we felt bad asking for anyone to pick us up.

David and I still had houses right next to each other except for my dad's house which was a 15 minute drive. My sisters were at my dads this whole week while my mom had stayed with us in LA so that meant that I the only one's at my moms would be me and her tonight. We were about 5 minutes away when I see David look for something in his backpack. As time passes, the expression on his face changes to one of worry snd he proceeds to check his bag more frantically. "what are you looking for?" I asked.

"The keys to my parents house. It's 3AM and I didn't want to wake them but I think I might have left them back in LA"

"Well, don't they have a spare set hidden under a rock or under the mat or something?"

"no, the only spare set is the only that I have but now I have no way of getting in."

Since my mom was upfront and she could only hear us, I placed my hand on his thigh to comfort him and told him, "Hey, stay with us for the night because you aren't going to see anyone at this time of the night anyways and then tomorrow morning you can head over there."

"Are you sure, I don't want to intrude. Plus, where would I sleep, aren't Isa and Lauren (Nat's sisters) there?"

"I mean, you could always sleep with me like old times plus it's not like I haven't slept in your bed almost everyday the past week." I said this wishing that he would say yes.

My mom then came in to the conversation and added "Hey, you know that you are always welcome at our house. I mean, my daughter does live in your house in LA and I just spent the past week there. Also, don't worry about Isa and Lauren, they're at their dad's tonight but you could always sleep with Nat if you preferred that." 

"please?" I added and he smiled and said "I guess. And thank you so much". As soon as he finished saying that we pulled up at our house and we all got out of the car. David helped me and my mom get out suitcases out of the trunk and the took his out. 

Already at the house, we had said goodnight to my mom and David and I were in my childhood room. I closed the door and opened my suitcase to grab my pajamas and David did the same. We quickly changed without caring that the other was right in front watching. I then went to the bathroom and when I came back, I saw David on my rug with a tiny blaket that barely covered him up back in middle school and a tiny pillow under his head. I looked at him confused and asked "What do you think you are doing?" and chuckled. He responded "Well, getting ready to sleep".

"I meant, what are you doing on the floor?"

"Well this is how we always did it back in school"

"Yeah, but we aren't in school anymore and now we are used to sleeping in the same bed together even if it is a single bed. Plus I want to cuddle with you tonight because I haven't had a moment alone with you since that kiss. So come here".

He laughed that I was getting so fired up about this insignificant thing but deep down I knew that he wanted to sleep in the bed with me tonight cuddling. He slowly got up and piked the blanket and pillow off the floor as I got in to bed. He then slid under the covers right beside me and because of the size of the bed, we were so close. We were facing each other and after a couple seconds he said "Come here, I feel like I haven't kissed you the whole day". I just smiled and blushed very hard and we bot go closer to each other until our lips were touching. This kiss, we were both much more sure of ourselves and it was definitely much more passionate. We both pulled away, satisfied and I flipped over so that My back was to his front. He took his right arm and wrapped it around my waist bringing me closer to his body. I felt my entire body tingle at the thought of our bodies touching. That night I had one of the best night sleeps in my life. I felt so secure in his arms. 

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