The Haddock Twins: Defenders...

By Skylight369

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The Dragon Riders need to transition from riders to defenders as they deal with threats from the Outcasts and... More

Live and Let Fly
Gronckle Iron
The Night and the Fury
Tunnel Vision
Race To Fireworm Island
Fright of Passage
Worst in Show
Appetite for Destruction
Zippleback Down
A View to Skrill
A View To Skrill (Part 2)
The Flight Stuff
Free Scauldy
Tale of Two Dragons
The Eel Effect
Bing, Bam, Boom!
Cast Out (Part I)
Cast Out (Part II)

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

66 0 0
By Skylight369

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from How to train your dragon

Today, Trader Johann is due for another visit to Berk and all the villagers were gathered at the docks, waiting for his arrival.

Fishlegs was bouncing with excitement as he saw the ship getting closer. "Trader Johann's here, everybody, Trader Johann's here!"

Snotlout rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Johan Shmohan, that guy never lets me touch any of his cool stuff."

"Well that's because last time he was here, you broke half of it!" Hiccup pointed out.

"It's my word against his." Snotlout said defensively.

"And the word of the witnesses who have seen you broke all those things." Raeda pointed out.

"Shut up, Raeda."

Trader Johann's ship boarded the docks. "I'm back! Ah, Berk! The crown jewel of the entire Archipelago!" He said as the customers started boarding the ship.

"Over here Trader Johann!" Fishlegs exclaimed excitedly.."Oooo, what did you bring today?"

"First things, Mr. Fishlegs, treasures from every coast and every shore, like the pearls of danger." Showing Fishlegs the valuables. He then took out a beautiful pair of earrings.

"Oooooo!" Fishlegs said in awe.

"Perfect for that special lady in your life."

Snotlout nudged Astrid. "You know, those could be yours, Astrid, just say the word..."

"Yuck!" Astrid deadpanned, walking away.

"That's not the word!" Snotlout called out to her.

Gobber looked through all the valuables Johann had, but didn't seemed to impressed. "Hmm, nope!"

Trader Johann then walked up to the blacksmith/dragon dentist. "Ah, Mr. Gobber, what could I interest you in?"

"Why don't you wow me Johann, knock me off my feet." Gobber challenged.

"Put me to the test, I uh," Trader Johann said with a nervous chuckle."okay." He looked around and tried to find something that would interest the blonde man.

Fortunately for him, he didn't have to as Gobber found something that caught his eye.

"Hang on..." Gobber walked to a corner of the ship which had a blanket covering something."What's under here?"

Trader Johann was dismissive of that. "Oh, nothing too exciting, just an old pile of-"

"Scrap metal!" Gobber finished excitedly as he removed the blanket. "It's perfect! I've run out of things to pound around here!"

"Woah, It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!" Tuffnut said in awe.

"It's just scrap metal" Astrid said..

"No, I'm talking about this mace!" Tuffnut said, with his eyes on said weapon. He runs to the mace and picks it up. "Woah, hey mace. You wanna come home with me, don't you?" He changes the tone of his voice to a higher pitch. "Yes I do, Tuffnut, I wanna needlessly destroy other people's property with you!" He then goes back to his regular voice and hugged the mace. "Oh Macey, you get me!"

"I see you are a gentleman that recognizes quality when he sees it." Trader Johann said to Gobber. "This is the finest metal from the farthest reaches of the archipelago."

"I'll take it all." Gobber said.

"Excellent, always a pleasure, Mr. Gobber."

A loud crash sound was heard causing the group to look for the source and find Snotlout in the middle of the scene of the crime.

"Wasn't me!" Snotlout said all too quickly.

"I really hate that kid." Johann muttered looking at his destroyed possessions.

"Uh, Hicca, Hiccup, do you two think you can spare a hook two, kids?" Gobber requested, gesturing to the pile of scrap metal..

"Not a problem, Gobber." The Haddock twins replied.

"Hey guys!" Hiccup called, getting the attention of the other dragon riders.

"Come on, we need to get this scrap metal to the forge." Hicca said.

They got on their dragons, who grabbed the scrap metals with their claws.

"Let's do this, Macey!" Tuffnut said, lifting his new "companion" high in the air.

Snotlout was just about to get Hookfang to fly up when he is suddenly pulled off his dragon by Gobbers' hook.

"Not so fast, you, I paid good money for this scrap, I'll not have you dropping it into the ocean!" Gobber stated, causing Snotlout to mutter to himself and cross his arms.

The rest of the day went by without any incidents, it was only until the next morning when the trouble started.

Hiccup, Hicca, Toothless and Midnight were walking in the plaza when they saw a group of vikings gathered together and discussing something worriedly.

"I got those ladles when I went to sleep and now they're gone!"

"All my grandmother's goblets, GONE!"

"Okay, what did we just walk into?" Hiccup asked his twin and the two Night Furies.

"Whatever it is, we're definitely going to find out about it." Hicca said, while the Night Furies looked just as confused as their humans did.

"All my favorite milk jugs, gone!"

"What is going on here?" Hiccup asked the rest of the teens as the four of them joined the group.

"A bunch of stuff got stolen from the village last night." Snotlout explained.

"And some of us are taking it pretty hard." Astrid added, pointing to Tuffnut.

Said blonde boy was on knees, sobbing. "Macey, MACEY, Oh golly she's gone. NOOOOOO!" He wailed. He then narrowed his eyes at his twin. "You, you were always jealous of her." He accused, pointing at Ruff. "You knew I loved her more because I told you every so often and I wrote it in your room on the wall!"

The rest of the teens watched the scene, completely disturbed.

That was when the chief walked to the group. "We have quite a situation on our hands, axes, shields, helmets, drinking goblets, all stolen." He said to the teens.

"Axes, shields, helmets, drinking goblets." Hiccup repeated.

"What do all these things have in common?" Hicca asked, though she and her twin knew the answer.

"Obviously, duh." Snotlout said, knocking on his own helmet, which didn't get stolen. "They're all gone."

"No, they're metal, everything that's missing is metal." Raeda said, catching on.

"Rae, everything we own is metal." Astrid pointed out.

"It's a theory." Hiccup said.

"I miss the little spikes around your head." Tuffnut cried, while his twin rolled her eyes at him..

"Whatever's going on, I need to find who is responsible before this panic gets any worse." Stoick said.

That's when Gobber chose to run up to the group. "Bucket and Mulch are slapping each other with sturgeons." He reported, pointing at the two sturgeon-slapping vikings.

"What happened to their bludgeons?" The chief asked.

"Stolen, hence the sturgeon." The blacksmith/dragon dentist explained.

Stoick sighed. "In some ways It's probably better."

The Haddock twins looked at each other and nodded. "Uh Dad, what do you say you take care of this sturgeon slapping while Astrid, Raeda, Hicca and I do a little investigating." Hiccup offered. Stoick nodded and he and Gobber left to deal with the two sturgeon-slappers.

"Investigating? What exactly are you planning, Hiccup?" Astrid asked.

"To return to the scenes of crime and see if we can find out something about this metal thief." the boy explained.

"I'm in, and we should wear the cloaks I made." Raeda said. (A/N: From "Chaos" Chapter)

"Why do we need the cloaks?" Hicca asked.

"Well, for one thing, we need to make some use of the cloaks I made. Also I think this investigation work should be done in style." Raeda explained.

"Hmmm, I don't think a cloak is right for that." Astrid said.

"No? Then how about a different style. Maybe something more like a coat?" The artistic girl suggested.

"I miss her!" The Thorston boy continued to cry out. "She had such a weird voice!"

The four t=of them ignored the crying boy and started their investigation. Their first stop, the forge. "Gobber, can you remember who has been here the last couple of days?" Hiccup asked.

"Hmm, hard to say. Business has been booming. There's only 41 shopping days left till Snoggletog, you know. Don't wait until the last minute." Gobber said.

"I know that all too well. I already got plenty of orders for Snoggletog gifts like shield portraits." Raeda said.

Hicca checked the grounds of the forge. "No footprints..." She reported.

"This metal thief won't get the best of me, I've set booby traps that are guaranteed to nab it." Gobber said confidently while walking to his anvil. He then froze when he heard a 'click'.

"What's the matter?" Astrid asked.

"It would appear that I've trapped myself in my own booby." The older viking admitted sheepishly. He put his hands up as dozens of crossbows suddenly appeared, all pointing at Gobber. "No one... move... a muscle..."

After disabling the crossbows without shooting Gobber and then carefully threading around the rest of the forge, the group decided to go to the Thorston household, where Tuffnut had created a memorial for his beloved mace.

"This is where Macey was before her disappearance, quote, unquote." Tuffnut said, glaring at his twin.

"I didn't take your stupid mace!" Ruffnut said, glaring back.

"It was her favorite spot. She just loved watching the sunset, or this wall, depending on which side I left her on." Tuffnut lamented.

"This is weird." Astrid muttered to the others.

"Yeah, even for the Thorston twins." Hiccup agreed.

"Hey, leave me out of this one!" Ruffnut objected.

Hicca looked around the place. "Strange, no forced entry, not a single footprint..."

"Maybe the thief covered up their tracks?" Raeda suggested.

"That wouldn't explain the lack of eyewitnesses." Astrid pointed out.

"I don't get it." Hiccup said.

"I do." Ruffnut spoke up. "And you guys call yourselves detectives. You're not even dress like one!"

"Work in progress." Raeda informed the Thorston girl.

"Ok, first of all, no, we don't call ourselves detectives." Hiccup said. "And second, what's so obvious?"

Ruffnut motioned for the other four to get closer in a circle, and they did. "What you're looking for, is not just a metal thief, It's a ghost metal thief." She said in a low voice.

Deciding that they weren't going to find anything helpful, the four teens left the Thorston Household.

"Well, that was helpful, as usual." Hiccup said sarcastically.

"What did you expect? We went to the Thorston twins." Raeda pointed out.

Astrid looked at the dark clouds. "It's getting late. We'll start again in the morning."

The other three teens nodded in agreement and parted to their own houses to get ready for a peaceful sleep.

Or so one of them thought.

A few hours into his sleep, Hiccup found himself jolted awake when he felt himself getting yanked out of bed by his prosthetic foot. The boy looked around for the culprit, only to find his room filled with smoke. "What the, TOOTHLESS!" He called out as he was getting carried away. Luckily, the Night Fury woke up to his humans' cry and immediately fired at the fog, which released Hiccup as a result. Toothless then flapped his wings at the smoke, allowing Hiccup to see the culprit, or rather culprits.

"Are they." Hiccup asked out loud. That's when everything started falling into place.

The Smokebreaths gave up on the metal leg and went after a different prize, Hiccups' helmet. "Hey, you get your hands off that!" Hiccup demanded snatching his helmet back. It wasn't just an ordinary helmet for him, it was given to him as a gift from his late mother. He already lost the helmet once, he wasn't going to let it happen again. Toothless continued to fire at the Smokebreaths to keep them away from Hiccup. The smaller dragons decided to give up and leave. Hiccup then turned to Toothless. "Well, bud, It looks like we found our thief."

The next morning was filled with complaints as more vikings are reporting missing valuables. The Dragon Riders were among the victims. While Hiccup was lucky keep the Smokebreaths away from his possessions, the others weren't as lucky. Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Snotlout and Hicca were missing their helmets, Astrid was missing her shoulder pads and Raeda was missing the metal tips of her arrows.

"The thief hit you guys too, huh?" Fishlegs asked sullenly to the other teens, who nodded.

"I feel naked without my helmet." Snotlout complained.

"I'd never thought about this but being without my arrows is making me feel vulnerable." Raeda said.

"We need to find this thief and fast." Hicca said, determination filling her eyes. Like her twin, her helmet is one of her most valuable possessions for the same reason and she wasn't ready to give it up to anyone.

"Fear not, my fellow twin." Tuffnut spoke up with a roll parchment in his hands. "I made a sketch of the thief. It came to me in a dream, see, my self conscience is working overtime. Like a sports team that just can't win." He then showed him the drawing, but there was something visibly wrong with the sketch that the others noticed.

"Um, Tuffnut, that's you." Astrid pointed out.

"No it's not." Tuffnut argued.

"Yes it is."

"No, it isn't. I think I'd know myself if I..." He looked back at his sketched and paused. "Hmm...I guess it is."

Hiccup ran up to the group. "Hey, guys, I know who the thief is or should I say I know who are thieves are," He informed them. Stoick joined the group as well once he overheard Hiccup. "Adolescent Smothering Smokebreath dragons."

"Of course, Smokebreaths steal metal to build their nests," Hicca recalled, putting two and two together

"But, why would Smokebreaths be on Berk?" Stoick asked.

"Chief, coming in with the big win," Fishlegs piped in. "Smothering Smokebreaths don't surely stray far away from the home on Breakneck Bog."

"That's the part I'm still unclear about," Hiccup admitted.

"I've been robbed!" Gobber's yelled running up to the group. "The thief evaded my booby traps and took all the metal I bought from Trader Johann, left me with barely a scrap of... scrap."

The group then got an idea on how the Smokebreaths got here.

"This whole thing started right after Trader Johann came to Berk." Raeda pointed out.

"Dad, I think we might know how the Smokebreaths got here," Hiccup said.

Luckily Johann is still staying on Berk.

Speaking of whom, the trader was in the Great Hall, oblivious to the situation. He was eating some food while re- telling one of his adventures to a Viking couple.

"That's when I said 'what's for dinner' and the Chief of the Moreyory tribe licked his lips and said 'you are.'" Johann said chuckling, though the couple didn't seem to entertained by the story. "My first mate would have been his first course." He then noticed Hiccup, Hicca and Stoick walking towards him. "Ah, Master Hiccup, Mistress Hicca and the great Chief, to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Well, Johann we were wondering where you may have got that scrap metal you sold Gobber?" Hiccup asked.

"Unfortunately old friends I can't possibly reveal my sources," Johann said. Stoick then growled and glared at the man angrily, refusing to take that for an answer. Johann immediately took back his last statement. "Of course there are times when it's best to share. I procured it from a Berserker who was offering a price I couldn't refuse. He had just come from an island that we both well and deeply fear."

"Breakneck Bog," Hicca said.

"You didn't hear that from me," Johann said.

"Oh, that wasn't just a pile of scrap metal Johann, that was a Smokebreaths nest with hatchlings inside it," Hiccup informed the man.

"Well, that's unfortunate news," Johann said.

Stoick and the Haddock twins glared at him and walked away. Toothless and Midnight looked at trader and gave him a short growl, before joining the humans.

"No need to thank me!" Johann called to them. He then turned back to the Viking couple he was talking to. "Now back to our story, where was I? Ah, yes the first course." Unimpressed, the viking couple walked away from the table.

The three humans and two dragons made their way back to the plaza, while discussing the situation.

"Well, that answers how the Smokebreaths got here," Hiccup said.

"Now we need to figure out how to get all the metal back and fast. The village is starting to fall apart." Hicca pointed out.

Stoick, Hiccup, Midnight and Toothless looked around and saw the village was indeed in a bad shape. The Smokebreaths have taken every inch of metal they could find, including the nails, causing the benches and carts to fall apart.

Gobber then walked up to the group. "Gobber what's the latest?" Stoick asked.

"Just as I feared Stoick, almost no metal left in all of Berk," Gobber reported.

"And what of the armoury?" The chief asked.

"Huh, let's just say the axe handles outnumber the axes and then there's this," Gobber answered walking up to a catapult. He gave it a gentle tap with his hook and it fell apart instantly.

"Without weapons, Berk is vulnerable," Stoick said.

"Dad we still got the dragons," Hiccup reminded his dad.

"And Dagur has an armada," Stoick pointed out. "Seven dragons are no match for a large scale attack."

Neither of the twins offered any arguments as they realised that their dad was right.

Later that evening at the arena, the dragon riders were discussing on what to do about the Smothering Smokebreaths.

The twins gathered the other teens and dragons in the Academy to come up with a plan.

"We have to find that missing metal, especially the weapons," Hiccup said to the team.

"And we need to find them fast before anything happens to Berk." Hicca added.

"Oh, Macey must be so alone and scared out there. It's hard out there for a mace," Tuffnut lamented, causing Ruffnut to roll her eyes.

"But the Smokebreaths could be anywhere in Berk." Raeda pointed out.

"They could have even took the metal back to Breakneck Bog," Astrid said.

"I don't think so," Fishlegs chimed in, while reading the Book of Dragons. "Smokebreaths can't fly long distance carrying a lot of weight."

Ruffnut then noticed Snotlout polishing his helmet, before she remembered that Snotlout had his helmet stolen earlier. "Hey, Snotlout how'd you get your helmet back?"

"Haha, it's my spare. A real warrior is never without his helmet," Snotlout answered smugly.

"Can't say the same for his brain," Astrid muttered.

Snotlout heard that. "What is it with you today? You are so—" He started to say before Stormfly fired a spike at his helmet, in defense for her human. This caused Snotlouts' helmet to spin. "Hey!"

"Snotlout, come on, please focus," Hiccup pleaded.

"Come on, really," Snotlout complained. Stormfly then fired another spike at his helmet making it spin again.

Hiccup decided to continue. "If the Smokebreaths didn't take the metal back to Breakneck Bog they must've started building a nest somewhere here on Berk,"

"Awesome!" Tuffnut exclaimed in excitement causing everyone to stare at him. "Not awesome?"

"Definitely not awesome," Astrid said. She then looked at Hiccup and Hicca. "How are we going to find them? As Raeda said they could be anywhere?"

"Well, these only one way to catch a metal thief and that's—" Hicca started to explain, when Tuffnut interrupted he.

"Wait, don't tell me. With a net? No, no, no with a rope? No, okay, oh, oh, don't say it, with a ropey net,"

"I was just going to say with metal," Hicca said.

Tuffnut smacked his head. "Oh, was on the tip of my tongue. Stupid tongue." He said, sticking his thumb out so that he could glare at it. He looked at his sister with his tongue still sticking out. "Flick it. Come on, flick it." Ruffnut did just that. "Oh, yeah."

"So we need to gather all the metal from the arena and make a trap that the Smokebreaths won't be able to resist." Hicca explained.

"We lure them in, let them take the metal and follow them right back to the nest and all our missing weapons," Hiccup finished..

"You did say all the metal, right guys?" Astrid asked looking at Snotlout's helmet with a smirk on her face.

Snotlout, although paying attention to the conversation, was just casually whistling and rubbing his helmet. He then noticed Astrid staring at him with her smug expression. "What? He demanded before realising that the blonde girl was looking at his helmet specifically. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me. What about his leg that metal?" He protested, gesturing at Hiccup.

"Snotlout!" Hiccup chastised.

"All I'm saying fair is fair," Snotlout defended.

"Snotlout, please!" Hiccup said.

Despite protests from Snotlout, his beloved spare helmet was among the pile of metals that the teens managed to dig up to bait the Smokebreaths. The Dragon Riders and dragon were hiding near the bait, waiting for their targets to show up.

"I still say we should have flipped a yak-pie for it," Snotlout grumbled to Astrid and Raeda, causing both girls to roll their eyes.

"Shh, it looks like they've taken the bait," Hiccup whispered to the group. Sure enough, the pile of metal was soon concealed by a fog.. "Okay, very important; no one does absolutely anything until I give the signal."

Too bad the Thorston twins didn't pay attention to that part. "Get them!"

The blonde twins and the Zippleback flew straight into the fog which then became filled with an explosion.

"Yet, another plan perfectly executed," Hicca said sarcastically, shaking her head. "Dragons everyone."

The rest of the dragon riders flew into the fog, hoping not to lose sight of their targets.

"I got one!" Tuffnut yelled from inside the fog.

"Got one too!" Ruffnut yelled.

"Its skins feels all sweaty and clammy..." Tuffnut said. The fog started clearing away, revealing that the blonde twins actually caught each other. "... like a girl." The twins quickly moved away from each other.

Hiccup looked around and managed to locate the fog flying away. "There they go! Follow them!"

The dragon riders then flew up into the air and followed the Smothering Smokebreaths as they flew into the woods.

"Okay, don't lose them, bud!" Hiccup instructed. The fog then split into two. "Okay, tricky. Everyone split up!"

The teens split up, with Hiccup, Hicca and Raeda going after one fog and the others going after the other fog.

Toothless and Midnight fired at the fog, hoping to stop the small dragons inside, but no luck. Sparkfire then dived into to the fog, only for the fog to disappear.

"Sneaky." Raeda commented.

Hiccup spotted the fog flying away. "Toothless, over there."

Toothless flew after the cloud with Midnight and Sparkfire right behind him.

They all zig-zagged through trees, the bigger dragons trying to catch up with to the smaller dragons, until suddenly the Smokebreaths split apart and surrounded Hiccup and Toothless.

"Hiccup!" Hicca and Raeda called out. As concerned as they were for the Haddock boy, both girls refrained from getting their dragons to fire at the cloud in fear of accidentally hurting Hiccup and Toothless.

"Oh, not this again," Hiccup muttered, realising what the Smokebreaths were planning to do. And sure enough, the Smokebreaths took another chance at grabbing the boys' metal leg.

But Toothless was not about to let that happen. The Night Fury spun around and shot a plasma blast at the fog clouds to shake them off, but the Smokebreaths just came back.. Hiccup then fired a bola from his shield at the fog, and succeeded in capturing some of the Smokebreaths. But it proved to be useless as more Smokebreaths came. One of the smaller dragons crept up to Toothless' tail and removed the connecting rod. Without a fully functioning tail rod, the boys fell through the clouds. They were seconds away from a harsh impact with the ground when they suddenly find themselves slowly and carefully placed on the ground. They looked up and saw Sparkfire and Midnight land next to them.

"Thanks guys." Hiccup said to his sister, best human friend and the two dragons. Toothless warbled his thanks as well.

Hiccup looked up to see the fog flying away and immediately got up. "Follow that fog!"

"But Hiccup, you can't fly properly without the tail-fin." Raeda pointed out.

"Don't worry about me. We can't let the Smokebreaths get away." Hiccup insisted. He and Toothless took off on foot to the direction the Smokebreaths went. Raeda, Hicca, Midnight and Sparkfire immediately flew after them.

Despite their disadvantage, Toothless ran to the fog as fast as he could. "Get me close enough, Toothless." Hiccup instructed.

Toothless did just that and Hiccup aimed his shield at the fog. "You want some metal!" Hiccup yelled to the Smokebreaths. "Here you go!" He then fired the grappling hook at the fog.

The grappling hook managed to wrap itself around a Smothering Smokebreath, the same one who grabbed the connecting rod, in the fog. Surprisingly, the Smokebreath is stronger than it looked because it was able to pull Hiccup right off Toothless!

"Maybe this was a bad idea," Hiccup muttered as he got dragged by the smaller dragon.

Toothless ran after him. Had the male Night Fury known what his rider was going to do, he would not have ran that close to the fog.

Suddenly the Smokebreath that was dragging Hiccup was assaulted by a plasma blast, causing it to drop the rod it was holding. At the same time, the rope of the grappling hook was cut by a single spine shot, causing Hiccup to fall and get caught by Midnight as she flew by. Toothless was able to grab the connecting rod with his mouth.

"Can you atleast try to refrain from crazy stunts every once in awhile?" Hicca asked rhetorically as Midnight and Sparkfire landed near Toothless, who stopped running.

Hiccup rolled his eyes at his twins' comment and got off Midnight to fix the connecting rod back onto the tailfin. As he did that, the three dragons started growling.

"What is it, guys?" Hiccup asked. The three teens looked to where the dragons were looking and saw a dark object in the trees.

"Give us some light, girl." Hicca said to Midnight.

Midnight fired a plasma blast up into the trees, lighting the area around it. The light revealed a huge pile of metal that was wielded together.

"The Smokebreaths nest," Hiccup gasped. The group then saw the nest was covered a pack of Smothering Smokebreaths who were wielding more pieces of metal onto it. "Okay, we need to go back and get all the riders so we can break this apart and get it back to the village," He said to the girls who nodded in response.

Hiccup and Raeda got on their dragons but Hicca didn't moved. Instead she brought out her spy-glass to get a closer look at the metal nest.

Realising what his twin was trying to do, Hiccup went to her. "Sis, we'll find your helmet soon, I promise." He reassured. "But right now we need to regroup with the others and come up with a plan."

Taking one glance back at the metal nest, Hicca nodded to her twin and they both walked back to their dragons, but stopped when they heard Astrids' voice.

"Hiccup! Hicca! Raeda!" The blonde girl yelled as she flew down to them. "Thank Thor, I finally caught up to you guys."

"Astrid we found the Smokebreaths nest," Hiccup informed her.

"Now we need to come up with a plan to get rid of the Smokebreaths and get all our metal back." Hicca said

"We don't have time for that," Astrid said with a worried expression.

"What do you mean?" Raeda asked.

"We just spotted something on the horizon," Astrid informed the trio.

The group followed Astrid back to the cliffs and using the spy-glass saw that a Berserker armada was heading right towards them!

"What is this guy, the king of armadas, does he go anywhere without one?" Raeda asked.

"It's like he knew we were going to be defenceless," Astrid pointed out.

The auburn twins then remembered something Johann said to them when explaining where he got the scrap metal from and the realisation came to them both. "He did," They both said, before running towards the village to warn their dad, followed by Astrid and Raeda..

They gathered the rest of the dragon riders, the chief and the villagers together to explain the situation..

"Trader Johann said he bought the scrap metal from a Berserker," Hiccup explained.

"And it was from Breakneck Bog," Fishlegs added.

"A place that is filled with Smothering Smokebreaths," Hicca said..

"Dagur planted those dragons, he knew what they'll do," Astrid said.

"Taking away all our weapons would give Dagur the perfect advantage to strike." Raeda added.

"Hiccup, Hicca, you two found the Smokebreath nest, you and the other riders go to it and get our weapons," Stoick instructed.

"They'll be protecting it by now. We don't have enough time to fight the Smokebreaths and get back here before Dagur attacks," Hiccup pointed out.

"Then I say we head out there and blast those Berserkers with what we've got," Snotlout said, punching his palm for emphasis..

"Even with our dragons the eight of us won't be able take out those ships alone," Hicca said..

"Well, if we cut ourselves in half we'll be... twice as many," Tuffnut piped in..

"Just once try stopping between here and here," Astrid said gesturing to head and mouth. Tuffnut followed that gesture in confusion.

Hicca thought over what Tuffnut said. "No he's actually onto something,"

"See! I'll get an axe," Tuffnut said.

He was about to leave to do so, when Hiccup stopped him. "What? No! We don't need an axe... we don't need more of us. We need more dragons," He explained, having figured out his twins' line of thought..

"What are you two saying?" Stoick asked, his children. How would they find time to meet and befriend more dragons?

"Why fight against the Smokebreaths, when we can fight with them?" Hiccup explained, before turning to the villagers. "Everyone, being any metal you might still have in your houses, it doesn't matter how small it is!"

"You heard my son!" Stoick yelled, causing the villagers to scramble..

The dragon riders collected every piece of metal handed to them and mounted on their dragons, ready to take off.

"I gutted my first Outcast with this," Gobber said, unscrewing his hook. He walked to Hiccup and handed over his prosthetic "Take good care of it."

"Thanks, Gobber I will," Hiccup promised..

As soon as the dragon riders had every scrap of metal left, Hiccup, Hicca and Raeda led the group to the Smokebreaths' nest.

Once they found the Smokebreath, they wasted no time putting their plan in motion. "Ruff, Tuff, sound the dinner bell," Hiccup ordered.

The blonde twins began banging some pans together, making as much noise as they can to get the Smokebreaths attention, much to the other teens and dragons annoyances.

"Come and get it, smokebutts" Ruffnut called to the dragons as she and her twin dropped the pans towards them.

"Yes, smokebutts, come and get it you foggybottoms," Tuffnut taunted. With that, the bigger dragons flew away and as predicted, the smaller dragons started chasing after them.

Hiccup looked back to make sure the Smokebreaths were following them. "Okay, there they are. We need to pick up the pace; if they get this metal we're done."

They then flew towards Dagur's Berserker armada, where the Berserker chief was getting impatient. "Oh, come on already! There should be boot kissing by now!" Immediately after he said that, Savage dropped to the floor and began kissing Dagur's boot, much to the teens disgust. "No you." He kicked the older man in the face and began shaking his leg."That's disgusting."

"Just trying to be helpful sir," Savage said meekly, getting up.

Dagur then spotted that they were getting closer to Berk and smirked. "It's time."

"Berserkers prepare to fire," Savage ordered the troops, who started preparing the catapults.

Watching the ships get closer from the cliffs of Berk, Stoick and the rest of the villagers armed themselves with anything that could be used as a weapon, just in case.

"Arm yourselves with whatever you can find," Stoick ordered his people as he ready a large wooded log. "We'll battle to the end."

Gobber was about to pick up a boulder to through at the ships, but stopped when he and the others saw the Dragon Riders flying towards them with a Smothering Smokebreaths fog cloud close behind.

"Stoick, look," Gobber said, getting the chiefs attention..

Stoick looked to where Gobber was pointing and saw the Dragon Riders fly over them, towards the Berserker armada with the Smokebreaths right on their tails. The chief could only wait and see if his kids' plan works.

"Dagur's fleet up ahead," Hiccup said to the others.

Dagur saw them coming towards them, but was more perplexed when he saw the Smothering Smokebreaths fog cloud.

"What is that?" Dagur asked Savage.

"It looks like fog," Savage answered, causing Dagur to punch him in the face.

"Sir, we can no longer see the Berk mainland, we have no target," Vorg reported, unable to see Berk as the fog got closer in sight.

"What?!" Dagur demanded, angered that his plans are being foiled already.

Hiccup waited until they were right above the armada before giving the others the signal. "Okay, gang, metal away!"

The dragons immediately released the nets they were holding causing all the metal inside to landon the Berserker ships, much to Dagurs' confusion as he caught a metal spoon.. "A spoon? They're dropping spoons. Why are they dropping spoons?" He asked out loud, looking at the spoon. "What does this mean? Could this be a spoon of surrender?"

The fog then covered the armada and one of the Smokebreaths suddenly snatched the spoon out of Dagurs' hands.

"Don't think so, sir," Savage said, starting to get worried as he looked around the fog.

It took Dagur a minute to realise what was happening. "Oh, no!" He muttered. But there was nothing he or any of the Berserkers could do as the Smokebreaths came in from different directions snatching every metal in sight. They seemed to have gotten all they wanted as they flew away from the ships. Surprisingly the ships were still standing.

"Hiccup, I thought it was supposed to—?" Astrid questioned.

"Wait for it," Hiccup said..

"And in three, two, one," Hicca counted.

Right on cue the Berserker ships then began to break apart, leaving the Berserkers stranded in the ocean. Happy with their victory, the Dragon Riders flew back to Berk to let everyone know what happened.

Dagur glared at the Dragon Riders retreating form as he and Savage were left floating on a plank from the ships' remains. He then shoved Savage off the plank in anger. "This is not over, Hiccup and Hicca! You two hear me?! You just wait! You two will kiss this boot!" He yelled at them. Then a Smothering Smokebreath flew by and took his helmet and one of his knee pads. "You will kiss this boot." He muttered as he drifted away.

Later on, the Dragon Riders managed to get the Smokebreaths away from their nest and worked on retrieving all the lost metal that were welded in.

Oh, Macey let's never be apart again," Tuffnut said, hugging his reclaimed mace. "Life is an empty void without your spikey... face."He then spoke in a higher pitched voice "Oh, I missed you too Tuffnut," He then went back to his normal voice. "And I miss the sunsets with you, Macey,"

Hicca hummed happily as she readjusted her helmet back on her head.

Stoick went to his kids. "Well done, kids," He said putting a hand on each twins' shoulder..

"We'll recover the rest of the metal just as soon as we get the Smokebreaths back to Breakneck Bog," Hiccup informed his father..

"And how are you two planning to do that?" Stoick asked.

"I think we know someone who should be happy to help us," Hiccup said as he and his twin shared a knowing smile.

That "volunteer" happened to be Trader Johann. All the teens agreed, Trader Johann was the one who brought the Smokebreaths to Berk so it was fitting that he would be the one to send them back to their home.

Hiccup and Hicca used the scrap-metal to lure the Smokebreaths to the ship, much to Gobbers' dismay and reluctance, and flew with him to make sure the Smokebreaths make it back to Breakneck Bog without sinking Johanns' ship.

"But, Master Hiccup, Mistress Hicca, this can't be the only solution," Johann pleaded as the Smothering Smokebreaths flew around his ship.

"Well it kind of is." Hicca said.

"Think of the story you'll have to tell.," Hiccup pointed out. "Next stop Breakneck Bog."

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