The big 6

By cheerleader_girl263

558 22 3

There are 2 girls named Anna and Elsa. They have moved from New York City to California. Will they have frien... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2-the jurney in the airport.
Chapter4-new life
Chapter5-coming home.
Chapter 6-the mall
Chapter 7- getting ready.
Chapter 8: Anna's driving.

Chapter 3- the welcome meeting of jelsa.

61 2 0
By cheerleader_girl263

My plane finally landed. I got out of that tube door thing. I was trying to find my bags. It kinda took a while. I found my bags and started walking.

I then felt something push me down.

Ouch!!! I said.
I am so sorry. A girl said.
It's okay it happens. I said while helping the person up and helping with her stuff.

I stood up and lifted my head. Then I knew who it was. That girl with the platinum blonde hair. Oh my gosh.

Are you okay? I asked.
Y...Yeah, I just wasn't looking were I was going but I'm great actually. She said.
What's your name?
Elsa. Elsa Winters.
I'm Jack. Jack Frost.

She just stood there looking into my eyes. Her's were a light shade of baby blue. She was cute but i really didn't like her at the point.


She then got a phone call.
"Do you mind if I take this."
No not at all you go ahead.

A few seconds later she ended the call.

I'm sorry I have to go find my parents.

Okay. I hope I will see you again. * why did I just say that.*

Yeah. Me too. She said. Then that's when she left.

I got my stuff and headed to the front of the airport and fetched a cab to take me home. I wonder how "well behaved" Emma was with the baby sitter.

Elsa's POV

I'm Elsa. Elsa Winters.
In Jack. Jack Frost.

Then what do you know. My phone rings. It... What's Anna. It's always Anna.

-Phone call-
Anna: Elsa were are you!
Me: I just got into traffic over here were I am. And I ran Into someone. And he's trying to help me.
Anna: we'll hurry up and get over here. We are by the foods.
Me: okay I'll be right there. Bye.

-end of phone call-

I hanged up and looked at Jack.
I'm sorry I have to go. My family's waiting.
Okay. I hope I will see you again.
Then my hart just stopped. But the thing is. Did he really just say that. I don't know but all I said was yeah. Me too.

I then found Anna over by the foods were she said she was.
Were were you!! Anna said.
I just got stuck with a lot of people.
Well who were you with Elsa. Mom asked.
Someone. I responded.
Well I don't care who you were with. Let's just get out of here and go to the new house.

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