Forever Mine (sequel to The G...

By physco_ninja

55.2K 1.4K 763

Sabrina has found someone else. Will it be too late to win her heart back? •°•°•°•°•°• Make sure you read The... More

Christmas Day
Im back
What now
I have a plan
Operation Brabrina
What did I just do?
Scratch that off the bucket-list
Stay away
Three Days
A coma
I didn't even get to say goodbye
The Dream
Forever Mine.
Thanks :)


2.7K 71 38
By physco_ninja

*Bradley's POV*

I'm so glad I have Sabrina back. Two years was way too long.

I stayed the with her last night. Her parents NEVER let Chase stay. They let me stay before and now so I feel special. 

I'm gonna go get dressed now. I get out of the bed making sure not to disturb Sabrina. I go into the bathroom to change.

"Crap my bag is in the room" I say to myself. I'm in my boxers and I don't feel like redressing all over again. I peek my head out the door to make sure Sabrina is still asleep. She is. Good. 

I creep out out of the bathroom and into the room. 

I grab my bag and try to hurry back.

The door opens and I stop. Why? I don't know. 

"woah" Sarah says then closes the door 

Right as that happens Sabrina wakes up. She looks at me and widens her eyes. I run into the bathroom. 

I change, get ready and all that good stuff. 

In walk out and Sabrina smirks. 

"what" I say

"you looked embarrassed" 

"well I say in my boxers"

"and.. it no different then seeing you in shorts without a shirt" 

Sabrina then goes to get ready after that we head downstairs. 

Sarah sees us and looks at us weird.

"did you two..." she starts but I interrupt

"NO! I was getting dresses but I left my bag in the room" I say 

"okay... phew, good. You don't know how bad it looked walking in your sister's room, and seeing her boyfriend standing there in his boxers"

"Sarah! I would never. I'm waiting" Sabrina says

"Good. Be a good girl like me"

We all starting laughing 

*Sabrina's POV* 

I'm standing there texting Rowan when Bradly comes up behind. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek.

"Are you busy today?" he asks

"Never too busy for you"

" you wanna go do something"

"like what"

"I don't know. Maybe we can go skating, that was always fun"

"yeah! that sounds awesome"

":okay lets go"

I follow him out to the car. Yay! Spending the day with Bradley. I miss this.


"Are you scared" Bradley asked


"What? Pfft no. I just haven't skated in a while"

"c'mon I gotcha" he grabs my hand

I stumble as we go out onto the floor.

"h-hey there" he catches m before I fall

"thanks" I smile at him

After a while, I start getting better.

"I'm gonna let go now" Bradley says

I nod. He lets go and skates next to me.

"you think you got your old skating skills back" he asks

 "Um no...I mean I'm getting use to it now. To be honest, I haven't gone skating since the last time we went" 


We skate a little while longer, then we take a break.

"Want a drink or a snack?" 

"Oh no you don't have to get me anything" I say

"Again... do you want a drink or a snack?"

"ugh...fine a drink would be nice. Thank you" I smile 

*Bradey's POV* 

I go and get drinks for us. 

"I was gonna get one huge drink for us to share and be romantic and corny. Then I was like nah.. I'm thirsty. I don't want to hog the drink" I say sitting hers down in front of her

She giggles. She is so cute. 

I look at her and admire her beauty. 

Ger ocean blue eyes, her perfect white smile, and that gorgeous wavy blond hair. Everything about her is perfect. Even her imperfections. 

She is wonderful on the inside and out. 

"Wanna go back and skate" Sabrina asks

I grab her hand and we skate like that for a while. 

"Hey Perry.. wanna race... I think I can beat you" Sabrina smirks

"You're on Carpenter" 


Sabrina shoots forward. She is ahead of me for a bit then I catch up.

"How many laps" I ask

She holds up two fingers. Alright, easy. I speed past her.

Lap One check.  

I'm still in the lead. Sabrina starts catching up but with everything I have, I go faster. The "finish line" I guess you could say, is right there. 

I won! I turn around and smile. Then I see Sabrina coming right towards me. 

She runs into me and we fall. She lands right on top of me. I open my eyes to see hers staring right at me. 

She gives me a kiss "sorry" she says

"No worries" I say kissing her back 

We must've been laying there too long because a worker comes up to us. 

"Hey the two love birds on the floor" We look at him "yeah you two. GET UP" 

We start laughing. She rolls off of me and I get up. I stretch my arm out and she grabs it. 

"Hey the two lovebirds on the floor" I say in a mocking voice

"Yeah you two" she says in her best man voice and starts laughing

"GET UP" we say together trying to control our laughter 

We put on our shoes and walk back to the car. 

We grab a burger and eat. 

"Tonight was fun. I'm glad you don't think just going to some boring, fancy restaurant then going straight home is fun, because I don't. Yeah it doesn't matter where we go because its about spending time together. But I wanna have some fun yah know?" Sabrina says

I'm guessing that's what Chase did. 

"I understand, fancy restaurants can be cool. Once in a while, but not all the time. Also after you eat you need to go have some fun" 


I look at y phone to check the time. 

"Its late, I need to get you home"

*Sabrina's POV* 

Bradley drives me home and walks me inside. 

"Goodnight baby"he says then gives me a kiss 

we pull part "goodnight I love you"

"I love you too. I can come over tomorrow if that's cool"


He gives me one last kiss then leaves. 

I walk inside, close the door and smile like crazy. Sarah walks past me.

"Brabrina" she laughs then walks away 


Wel I think that was a good amount of stuff. I hoped you liked it. Brabrina starting off strong. 

Everyone is going to GMW live tapings and meeting the cast and I'm just sitting here like a potato writing on wattpad. But wattpad is cool yet...meeting the cast would be FRICKING AWESOME!!!!

:) peace xx 

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