I just need someone to Save me

By HollyBowden4

2K 20 16

What if when Jody's anger gets too much she runs off and finds herself stood outside Dance-works dance studio... More

Take a deep breath and listen to the music
We leave for tour next month
I'm going to miss you so much Tyler
My mum was ashamed of me but you guys all believe in me
Jody's Been Kidnapped
Their so happy Together I can't tell her about my feeling's for her
We'll always be friends Pel
Actually I just wanted to talk to you Jody
Do you think I'd make a good mum Pel
You know some people they hold on

The Sign of Three

127 1 4
By HollyBowden4

Jody's POV:

It had been a day since we'd arrived at our first venue for our Ignite tour, I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and saw a text from Tyler wishing me good luck for the first show, I was about to reply when a wave of sickness came over me I dashed into the bathroom and threw up. Perri knocked on the bathroom door and walked in and crouched down beside me before saying 'Are you feeling unwell my love' I shook my head and said 'No I think it's just nerves, and I had too much to eat last night', after having a shower and getting dressed myself and Perri made packed our bags and headed downstairs to meet with the others. 

Once we'd arrived at the Big top we had one last big run through of the entire show from the Ring I could hear people starting to arrive outside and I started to feel sick again, I sat down on the ringside Mitchell walked over and said 'Jody are you alright' I nodded and said 'I just feel abit sick I think it's nerves though'. Mitchell sat down beside me and handed me a bottle of water and said 'Take small sips, it's most likely just nerves Jody'. 

After having some lunch I started to feel abit better and whilst the lads were busy with the meet and greet I was sat with the girls whilst Starr did my hair and make-up, Starr put my hair into half braided pony-tails and my make-up was minimal with Silver eye-shadow and dusty red lipstick.

I looked in the mirror and said 'Starr it's brilliant thank-you' Starr smiled and gave me a hug before saying 'Your welcome Jody you look beautiful', I made my way to my changing cubicle and got changed into my costume. 

I heard Perri outside my changing cubicle he peeked round the curtain and said 'Wow you look sensational Jody' I turned and smiled at him before saying 'I've just realised I've forgotten my black vans'. Perri hugged me tight and said 'Good thing we have a spare pair for you, there under your seat out here', as I went to follow Perri I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror and I swear my stomach looked slightly swollen but I didn't have time to stand and think about it I walked after Perri and took his left hand Perri turned around, I smiled and said 'Good luck my love'. Perri wrapped his arms around my waist and said 'Good luck to you as-well my love'. 

Perri's POV:

The opening routine was going so well I quickly glanced over at Jody she was dancing really well, I was beyond excited to do our duet soon we'd pushed ourselves out of our comfort zone this time by adding some Aerial hoop choreography. 

The first half went so quickly and as the interval came to an end we all found ourselves getting ready for the second half there was one routine before mine and Jody's duet, neither of us were in this routine so we used the time to warm up prepare for our second duet. As it came to the end of the Basketball routine I went off to get changed and when I came out I saw Jody in her duet costume having some photo's taken, she looked exactly like that Trapeze performer off the greatest showman film except Jody was much more gorgeous.

Jody's POV:

I was having some professional photo's taken as a surprise for Perri's birthday, I glanced over and saw Perri stood looking and I swear his mouth had gone through the ground to the earth's core. I walked over and said 'It's almost time are you ready' Perri smiled and kissed me passionately on the lips before saying 'I'm ready for anything so long as it's with you', the others all came running through the curtains Sam stopped and said 'Good luck guys' As the lights went dark myself and Pel walked out and got into our positions and waited for the music to start.

(A/N: i searched high and low for a circus style duet I liked and in the end this one was the best one)

Finishing our duet and looking around seeing the entire audience on their feet was honestly the most incredible feeling ever. 

Ashley's POV:

Myself and the others had all stood by the curtains and watched Perri and Jody's duet and it was absolutely incredible, we went backstage to congratulate them as they came through the curtains and whilst they cooled down the rest of us went back into the ring for the next routine. 

Before we knew it the first show for our Ignite tour was over and after we'd all cooled down and got changed we got back on the tour bus and headed back to the hotel for a good nights sleep. 

(The next day)

Starr's POV:

We had two shows today and after a early morning rehearsal myself, Jody and Georgia went to the nearest shopping centre to grab some lunch. After grabbing some lunch we went into boots to get a few things, myself and Georgia were looking at the make-up and when I turned around to ask Jody something she wasn't there so I went looking for her. 

After looking around the aisle I saw her stood looking at the pregnancy tests, I walked over and said 'Jody are you alright', Jody turned to me and said 'I think I might be pregnant Starr'. Once we got back to the Big top Jody went to loo and did the test, I was inside doing my hair for the first performance I looked up in the mirror and saw Jody walking back in. 

I went over to her and took her into my changing cubicle and said 'Well what does it say' Jody took the test out from her hoodie pocket and said 'I've not looked at it yet, but here goes', I watched as Jody looked at the test a massive smile grew on her face she looked at me and said 'It says I'm pregnant, me and Perri are going to have a baby'. I jumped up and down with excitement I was so excited to become an auntie, I smiled and said 'Go and tell Perri go on' Jody smile got bigger as she said 'I've got a better idea'.

Perri's POV:

Our first show was going so well I was loving this tour so much, and soon the time came for me and Jody to perform our duet again. The whole way through this duet I noticed that Jody had a massive smile on her face and a rather beautiful glow surrounding her as-well, as we finished the duet and the audience were clapping and cheering Jody turned to me and said 'Perri how much do you love me'. 

I smiled and said 'I love you with all my heart and soul', Jody's smile got bigger than mine as she said 'Well I just hope you'll have a little love to spare'. Feeling slightly confused I said 'For what' before she replied Jody took something from the secret pocket in her costume and said 'Our child', Jody placed the pregnancy test in my hands my entire face lit up I picked Jody up and spun her round. 

Finding out that Jody was pregnant made me even more sure that I wanted to ask her to marry me, I just needed to start planning when and where to ask her and then thought I would ask her right at the end of our last show in the Ignite tour. The next morning myself and Jody were up early we told Ash that we had a quick appointment and that we would meet everyone at the big top, sitting in the waiting room at the drop in maternity clinic was so nerve racking, the door down the hall opened and the midwife said 'Miss Jackson' myself and Jody walked down the hall towards the room Jody smiled and said 'This is my boyfriend is it ok if he comes in'.

Jody's POV:

Myself and Pel both left the maternity clinic with massive smiles on our faces, as Perri drove us back to the big top I looked at him and said 'Do you think we should tell Ash and the lads, today' Perri nodded and said 'We'll have to tell Ash because he needs to know in case anything happens'. I looked at the ultra sound picture and said 'Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl' Perri pulled up alongside the tour bus and said 'I'd quite like a girl, but as long as it's healthy and your healthy I don't mind what sex it is', I leaned into Perri and kissed him passionately on the lips and said 'I love you so much Perri you make me feel safe and you mean more to me than the moon and the stars in the sky'.   

Myself and Pel walked into the Big top Ashley and the others were all sat around talking we walked over and stood near them Jordan broke the silence and said 'Is everything alright' Perri nodded and said 'Myself and Jody have some exciting news to tell you all', Nathan smiled and said 'Don't keep us waiting guys what is this good news'. I took the ultra-sound picture out of my bag and held it up before saying 'I'm pregnant' Ashley and the others all stood up and hugged me and Perri. 

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