Chillin Like A Villain-A Desc...

By randomreader000000

118K 3K 250

There's so many ways to be wicked. Here's mine. ____________________________________ Camilla De Vil was alway... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Not an Update - A Memorial
Possible Preview 😏

Part 17

2.5K 68 1
By randomreader000000

Chapter 17

It was only a couple weeks after their first kiss on the roof of Hell Hall when Harry decided to pull Camilla out of her home and into the streets of the Isle. He'd said she'd been secluded long enough and had to stop living in fear – she wasn't as alone as she thought. But even with that logic this idea of his was still crazy, and Camilla was an expert on crazy after spending so many years with her mother.

"Hook, you're out of your mind!" she complained as he tugged on her hand, his fingers lacing with hers. She did her best to keep up with him refusing to let every resident on the Isle see her dragged around like a dog on a leash. 

"Trust me." He said pausing and giving her a look that made it hard for her to think straight.

"I do trust you." She said, "It's her I don't trust."

"Well do ye at least trust me enough to protect ye should things turn sour?"

She took a deep breath and looked into his eyes, her view unhindered thanks to his hat, which kept his hair out of his face. It was amazing how much she could compare them to the sea. They could be as calm or as raging as the waves that crashed upon their rocky shore. Mystifying, deep, deadly and mesmerizing, she could go on all day. Eventually, she had to look away and just shrug and he chuckled. Amused by her unwillingness to admit she needed, or even wanted his protection.

"Come on then, we're almost there." He said before he tugged her along again. It wasn't long before the smell of salt water and fish assaulted Camilla's senses. She scrunched her nose in disgust and swore she heard Harry mumble 'cute' under his breath. They past Hook's Inlet, which housed the Inlet and Shack fishing shop Harry's father owned. Next to the shop against one of the piers was the renowned vessel of infamy, the Jolly Roger. It was the grandest ship Camilla had ever seen – not that she'd seen many ships – but compared to the other pirates dingy's the Jolly Roger towered over them all. But the Inlet wasn't where Harry chose to bring her. They continued along the wharf until they reached a more broken down section of the harbor, the walkways built at odd angles leading downward toward the sea with water that splashed against the soggy boards and mist curled along their feet. The open alleys had strings strung up with laundry hanging out to dry while the owners sat below fishing or grumbling to other pirates. At the bottom was Ursula's Fish and Chips. The establishments name painted on an old sign with lights circling it, though many were broken or flickering. Below that was another sign that read 'You'll take it how I make it!'

Camilla noticed the pirates who were hanging around the place were looking at her, their looks questioning and confused but not unwelcoming. Camilla usually was not welcome in this part of the Isle, she had run with Mal's gang of VK's and everyone knew it. Then she remembered Harry's words from the roof. Yeh have allies here. Whether they live on Mal's old turf or Uma's. Anyone who looked at her too long Harry glared at and they immediately turned their head. This was his land, the part of the Isle where he and Uma held the most power. From all sides people ducked out of view as Harry glared at them all with an evil smirk on his face. One person even shouted Harry! in warning to others. Harry meanwhile, removed his hand from Camilla's and instead wrapped his arm around her waist leading her forward to the swinging green doors of the chip shop. Obviously, she'd never been inside and was slightly overwhelmed by it, it was definitely different from the shops on her side of the tracks.

The squeaky hinges of the doors announced their arrival and Harry took his sword from his belt and placed it in a barrel marked 'Sword Check'. He led her past several tables, some with sea themed cloths some with nothing. Broken shells littered the floor along with sand from people's boots. Their were old worn signs nailed to the walls with different threats like 'Tip or else!' and 'Complain if ye dare!' among the threats were also spray painted outlines of ships, hooks and anchors with the words 'We ride with the Tide!' One pole even had a sign for a missing pet spider. From the ceiling hung shimmering streamers in various shades of blue and green wrapped up with strings of lights that gave the place and 'under the sea' feel. Camilla also noticed as she looked around that half of the chip shop was an actual sea cave. It had a makeshift stage and an old organ where she was sure the pirates sang different shanties.  There was also a dart board with a poster of an Auradon princess that had a quote above it, but it had so many daggers and sharpened sea stars that the only thing Camilla could read was 'so can you!'. She scowled instantly knowing it was something about Mal's transition to goodness.

She followed Harry to a long table by the kitchen with pub stools in different shapes and sizes. Standing at the kitchen window with her back to them was the girl Camilla had called an enemy for years –Uma. Her hair was in its usual braids, with teal, black and white intertwining, a pirate hat with fish netting and shells atop her head. Her outfit was ragged and torn in several places making it look like the girl had been dragged along the sea floor, but Camilla got the feeling she liked it that way. There was a loud sound of metal slamming on wood as she threw another tray into the kitchen to be cleaned and Camilla gave Harry a look that said 'This is so not the time!' but he only shrugged as he leaned on the long table, like this was Uma's behavior everyday – Camilla wouldn't know, maybe it was. If so, she'd hate to see the daughter of the sea witch on a bad day.

Harry cleared his throat causing Ursula's daughter to turn around. When she saw Camilla a grin spread across her face that could rival the Cheshire Cat. Her teeth were like perfect pearls and lit up her villainous smile.

"Well, well, look at the prize you hooked." She said talking to Harry but looking at Camilla. She was unsure how she wanted to appear to Uma, she could put on her normal confident mask but the girl might take it as threatening. She could appear nervous –which she was – but didn't want to look weak. Luckily, Harry spoke for her.

"She ain't here for a fight Uma." He said the tone of his voice tense, giving her a warning not to start trouble.

"Shame, I could use the entertainment." she replied leaning against the opposite side of the counter.

"What makes you think you'd win?" Camilla asked slowing falling back into her old ways, giving Uma a glare that taunted but wasn't enough to provoke her. The sea witch gave an empty chuckle, seeming amused but before she could reply with her own mocking comment Harry cleared his throat again. Uma turned her gaze to him and the two shared a look. To Camilla it looked like the pair of old friends could communicate silently as well as she used to with the VK's. Then Uma scoffed and broke eye contact with Harry, she turned to the kitchen window and picked up a fresh order and plopped it between them, then she started dipping the chips in ketchup.

"Why'd you bring her here Harry?" she asked now seeming annoyed as she popped a chip in her mouth.

"Well, Camilla and I have been talking –"

"Ha! So this is the girl you've been dumping us for." Uma said in realization, her face lighting up in fake enthusiasm. But Harry didn't seem put off, he only kept talking.

" – and she's considered. . . going on account." Uma paused mid-chew and looked up at Harry, the expression on her face questioning if he was being serious. Camilla had shared her shock, when Harry had approached her with the idea she'd first had no clue what he meant. Then he explained to her that 'go on account' was pirate talk, it was a term used for 'turning pirate'. She'd thought he was crazy but couldn't deny the logic behind his idea. Camilla needed allies, though she wasn't sure if Uma would have been the first person she'd turn to. If Harry hadn't literally pulled her along she probably would have sought out an alliance with Freddie Facilier, Ginny Gothel, Claudine Frollo, or her cousin Diego De Vil. Hell, Uma wouldn't even make her top ten. When Uma didn't see Harry's eyes light up with humor her stare turned colder than the artic sea.

"You must be joking." She said without any emotion. Harry only stared back at her with courage that few villains on the Isle could match. However, that's when Camilla had reached her limit. She'd speak for herself, defend herself, she didn't need Harry to do it for her.

"You need me." She said confidence now radiating from her, it made both pirates break off their staring contest and look at her, Harry with interest, Uma with loathing though Camilla understood why. How dare she, an outsider, come into Uma's house and talk to her like she was boss. But that didn't stop her from continuing.

"Everyone on the Isle watched Ben's coronation. They all saw me choose evil over good. I could have had all the luxury Auradon can offer at my fingertips but I chose this rock. That means something to every villain stuck here, and you know how far loyalty goes with villains, especially when there's a better offer on the table." Uma's look of disgust had turned into one of intrigue, she was, after all making a good point. "You might have spray painted your logo all across Mal's old turf but getting everyone who lives on that side to follow you, to accept your claim is the tricky part. With me on your side all the loyalty I've gained then suddenly applies to you and you get the Isle completely under your thumb."

Uma leaned against the counter and gave Camilla a long hard look, the whole time Camilla made sure she kept her smug confident posture, her best villainous glare, her most wicked smirk. It was like an audition and having one chink in her armor could cost her everything. Even if she couldn't get Uma's approval and found allies with the other Isle kids, none of them would ever stand up to Uma, only Mal had been that daring. If Camilla wanted to stay top dog she'd have to join the best. After a long moment Uma smiled and chuckled then she turned to Harry.

"She can stay." She said again without emotion, "But on your crew. You and I both know a pirate's crew is their family, and there's no way I'm calling her sister." She told him leaning over the counter before straightening up and smirking, "She couldn't handle it."

"Maybe you're the one who couldn't handle it." Camilla replied earning an amused scoff from Uma. Then the sea witch took her tray of picked at food and left, disappearing into the kitchen. Harry looked at Camilla in a way that made her heart soar with pride. They both knew Uma had been impressed and that in itself was a victory few had ever accomplished.

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