Why can't you love me?

By KapplePog

30.8K 767 631

America is depressed and always getting bullied in school. He wants to confess he's love to he's bully Russia... More

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🌹4🌹(Short Chapter)
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3.4K 91 66
By KapplePog

~America's POV ~
I slowly opened my heads and fuck did my head hurt. "when are I" I said to myself I sat up on the bed I was in then the door opened I looked up and seen.........RUSSIA

Oh shit no no no did he bring me here. "hey idiot" he said when he seen in was a wake. "..." "Hello are you deaf or something" "n-no" I responded stuttering as I was afraid of Russia yet I loved him. "I-I should go" I said getting up and running out the door."wait" I heard Russia shout from be hide me. I ran out he's house and back to my house.

~time skip~
Once I got home I was greeted by my father. "where were you" my father said. "I-I fell a-and" before I couldn't finish he smacked me. I held my face in pain with tears forming in my eyes. "you're so pathetic no one will ever love you" my father shouted. "your right" I mumbled to myself. "GO TO YOUR ROOM" he shouted. I ran up to my bedroom and locked the door. I went into my bathroom and took out a razor. The blood dripped into the sick. It fell so good and burning tears fell down my face. "I'm worthless I'm pathetic" I said to myself.

I rapped some bandages around my arms and when back into my bedroom. I curled up in a ball on my bed and cried until I fell asleep.

~in the morning~
I woke up and remembered it was a Saturday thank god. I looked at my phone and see that Japan texted me.

Ame~San are you awake

Yeah what is it

I'm having a sleepover tonight do you and Canada want to come

Yeah sure we'll be over in about an hour


I got a shower and put new bandages as well as a white and pink hoodie and black jeans with read sneakers. I then wallet into Canada's room and seen him at he's desk. "hey Canada" I said "hello America" "japan's having a sleepover tonight you want to come"I asked." sure I'll get ready now"

~when they arrived at japan's house~

"Ame~San, Nada~kun you're here" Japan said opening the door. "comedy in" she continued. We entered her house and seen Germany, Poland and South Korea. "where just waiting on two moreover people" Japan said as I sat down down. "oh who" I asked when suddenly a knock on the door came. "oh that's them" Japan said running to the door"
About 2 minutes later they came back. I look over and see Ukraine with Russia. Great know my day is ruined. We all sit down and I can feel Russia glaring at me.."Let's place truth or day" Japan says. Everyone agrees and we start the game. "Germany truth or dare" South asked. "dare" "I dare you to challenge Russia In a chugging competition" "Russia are you ok with doing it" Germany asked. "yeah whatever" Russia replied. After they got everything ready Japan counted to three and they started to chug. Everyone was shouting chug chug chug and watching. Russia placed he's bottle down first and won. "Russia truth or dare" Germany asked. "truth I don't trust you" Russia stated. "what are your options on America" he asked with a grin. I felt my face heat up a bit as I stared at Russia. "he's childish, annoying and idiotic" Russia said with no emotions. "I-I'm going to the bathroom" I said getting up.
"America wait—" before Canada could finish I left the room.
I entered the bathroom and fell to the floor sobbing. Russia's right with everything he said.

~Russia's POV~
"РОССИЯ ИДЕТ И ПРИЗРАЕТ" (RUSSIA GO APOLOGISE NOW) Ukraine shout at me. "Нет, почему я должен"(no why should I) I responsed. "Потому что я скажу ему, что он тебе нравится" (because I'll tell him you like him)Ukraine smirked. "Fine" I said going to the bathroom. I knocked on the door but got a no response. I slowly opened the door and seen America on the floor crying.
"go away Canada" he said but then looked up and seen me.

Another chapter yay
716 words

Goodbye peeps

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