
By becauseallwastaken

202K 5.8K 1.2K

Threats, attacks, mobs, cans, psychos is that really how it should be for us? Do we really have to suffer? Wh... More

Pt.1__Meet Y/N
Pt.2__This is BTS
Pt.3__Meet the boys
Pt.4__House rules
Pt.5__Moving in
Pt.6__Meet the Team
Pt.7__First week
Pt.8__Wanna ride?
Pt.9__A pervert for a smile
Pt.10__For their happiness
Pt.11__Silent tears
Pt.12__Hoe and hotteok
Pt.13__To be Normal
Pt.15__Cry, Touch and Runaway
Pt.16__First Meeting
Pt.17__The Day After
Pt.21__Waking up
Please read+a surprise
Thank you


4.5K 95 97
By becauseallwastaken

Hello everyone😊 happy holidays and I hope you all have an amazing new year.

This chapter is 6385 words long so please take a moment to read the end message💜

A loud bang rings throw the room before silence resets. Then again and again. The bangs are made at slow intervals. When they stop a clinking sound takes their place. It's quiet again as someone sighs.


Jimin lifts his head to meet Kyle who smiles at him with his arms crossed. He staps to him and takes the gun from his arm to refill it.

Kyle: Your aim is getting better.

Jimin nods as he takes a step back to rest for a bit. He lets his back hit the white wall and closes his eyes to think.

Why aren't you letting him refill it?

A female voice strikes throw his thoughts. He squints to see a shape rolling in on a wheelchair. It's Y/N he reasons and doesn't bother listening from thereon.

Kyle: He won't need to know how to do it. We are only showing him the basic handling for his safety not so he could become a full-fledged member of the group.

Y/N: Have you at least shown him the basic construction and walked him through the rules?

Kyle: Yeah I did don't worry too much. He won't be the one sniping Solmi down after all.

Now that catches his attention.

Jimin: Your planning to shoot her?

Y/N: Only if nothing else works or if she attacks you.

He nods. The last thing he wants is to help murder someone. Sure Solmi has done a lot of harm to him, his fans, company, and his family but she doesn't deserve to die. No one ever should.

Kyle: There Jimin, show Y/N what you got.

He hands Jimin back the gun and the boy takes a stance once again. He lifts his arm and aims. Then he presses the trigger and the interval of bangs and silence continues.

Meanwhile, the others are once again sitting in Hoseoks' room as they have been for the past week. Bang PD-nim is not there as he still has a company to run and maintain. Yoongi sits on the couch this time, attentively watching his sleeping friend. Next to him, Jungkook snores quietly while resting on Taehyungs shoulder. The older of the two is playing with his phone, one earphone in and the other tucked into his shirt.

Namjoon stands in his usual place, next to the window whit his head looking out onto the city. It's a quiet day, not many people are out on the streets. There are some cars passing by now and then. A typical gloomy Sunday in the suburban part of town. Not many buildings rich the agency's hight so Namjoon has a nice view of the pre-rainy  Seoul.

The chair next to Hoseoks' bed is occupied by Seokjin, who sits there with an expression that rivals the weather. His arms are hugging is waist while he stares at his friend's sleeping figure.

He hasn't said a thing since they came in two hours ago. The others have exchange words of encouragement. Tae and Jungkook had told their sleeping hyung why Jimin wasn't able to come and how brave he is for doing the job. Of course, Yoongi had to mention that Jimin was being stupid and unreasonable, which was quickly countered with Namjoons rent about self-sacrifice and bravery. Jin was listening but not really hearing them. He just stared at him and occasionally let out a bigger gush of air.

Jin: Ahh...

As it had happened so many times before when the oldest sighted, Yoongi lifted his head to see if Hoseok was awake, Tae hummed in response and Jungkook continued sleeping. Namjoon, however, did not just simply glance his way and then back. He walked to his side and placed his hand on Jin's shoulders. He squeezed them and waited for the older to look up at him.

RM: Walk?

Jin nodded and got up from the chair, following the younger man out the white room.

[Jimin pov]

Target practice ended and Kyle took the gun from me. This is way more exhausting than I thought it would be, how do agents do it?!

Y/N hands me a water bottle and tells me to walk outside to a rest-room. She stays behind with Kyle to clean up. When I sit down on the wooden benches I can finally breathe. Holding a gun for the first time was terrifying, and to be honest I never want to do it again.

I take a big gulp of water and sigh after, letting my head fall between my legs.

Jimin? You cool?

I look up with the speed of light when a familiar voice calls me. The brown-haired bodyguard is standing next to me. His dark brown eyes are, strangely, sympathetic.

JM: Yeah I'm fine. What are you doing here Jack?

Jack: Training.

He gestours to his gun case and gives a half-smile. I've never seen him look...worried?

JM: Are you okay?

He sighs and looks at the lights.

Jack: I hate that we have to involve you. If it were up to me everyone in BTS would be situated inside this building, drinking hot chocolate and watching movies while we chase down that witch.

JM: Don't feel bad. It was my decision to help. You don't need to feel responsible for it.

Jack: But I do. I, no we, Sang and I should have found a better way to handle this situation. Y/N and Andy came up with this plan, but we shouldn't have agreed.

Y/N: But you did and here we are, so stop mopping about it.

Jack: You know I don't like seeing you in danger. Are you still seriously thinking about being the snipper?

Y/N: Yes.

Jack: Fine, just don't call me when you won't be able to walk for mounts.

He walks off to the shooting range, keeping himself as far from Y/N as possible. His head fell and disappointment was visible on his shoulders.

Kyle: And then you say he doesn't care for you.

Y/N: He doesn't. Not in that way. We're friends and that's all.

Kyle: Yeah but if you could would you...

Y/N: Kyle. Why are you asking me this? Is there a point or...?

The older male moves from his on wall leaning position and steps closer to her. He bands to be at the same eye level and smiles at her.

Kyle: I've noticed you guys are getting closer and closer, even Sang says this mission had that effect on you, so I want to know, would you ever date him?

Wait what's he saying? Y/N date Jack? Has he seen them before!? They can't even talk to each other without fighting. They don't share even one interest. Sure they work in the same field but that doesn't mean anything. She finds him annoying. There is no way she'd ever like him. NO WAY.

Y/N: No I wouldn't. Jack is a great friend, I like him like that...

Yes, I knew it! Jack could never be someone she likes. He's way to scrappy. She needs a gentleman who can treat her like a princess, someone who could protect her and shower her with all the riches of the world. She needs a strong guy who can also be gentle and cuddle her when needed...

Y/N: ...but I did have a crush on him a long while back.

wait...WHAT?!? No no nononononooooo

Kyle: Really? And why don't you like him now?

He most have gotten uglier right?!

Y/N: I don't know. I just got to know him. I used to like him for his looks when I first met him but now I don't care much about that.

Ooooh, so a good looking guy won't cut it. She must like smart guys then...but Jack is smart that can't be the case...

Kyle stood up straight and took my water bottle to drink.  He then stepped behind Y/N and rolled her away from me to the back of the room where you could watch people shooting targets.

Nice try Kyle, trying to get her out of my hearing range. Well, it won't work.

I slowly stud up and quietly walked to the back of the wardrobe line. I got to my knees and sneaky shimmied my way close to them. Finally, I can hear them again.

Kyle: I heard you have a crush.

A CRUSH?!??!?? Could it be one of the members??? If it's Jungkook I'm whopping his ass. But he never really hung out with her. Is it Tae?!? They did disappear that day we had a picnic and he drew her! He never drew me before! What about Hoseok? They did spaned that day in the garden together until their phones died. And if it's Yoongi...No there's no way, get this out of your head Jimin!

Y/N: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Yes! I knew it! She would never betray me!

Kyle: know I asked Jack the same question.

Y/N: What question?

Kyle: If he likes you.


Y/N: Oh.

Kyle: I'm not telling you what he said, but he did mention you had a crush on someone and that it wasn't a nice story.

Y/Ns head falls down with that. She sighs and moves a hand up to her face. What the hell happened to make her that miserably by just the memory.

Y/N: Did he tell you who?

Kyle: No...he said it's not his place to say.

Y/N: Good.

She wants to roll away from him but his words are faster.

Kyle: What happened? I know it's not just your love life that's involved in the story. It's your injuries as well, right. And Sang has a role in it too, not to mention Solmi.

Y/N: Why are you looking so deep into it? It happened and I want to forget about it. Can't you respect that?

Kyle: I cannot.

By now she was facing him again.

Y/N: Why not?

Kyle: Because I know you're hurting. You're closing yourself away from others and you're not letting yourself get attached. I want to help you. And I need to make sure that it won't interfere with our mission if Solmi was involved then...

Y/N: Fine. If the story will make you shut up about this whole thing then fine. But just so you know I am not closing myself off and I'm not afraid to get attached.

Kyle: Whatever you say.

Y/N: Sang used to be my boyfriend. He got kidnapped during a mission three years ago. When we found him he forgot about everything we had, about everything three years before that. He developed a phobia of being called by his name, Nadia thinks it's because his memories are returning with nightmares and in them, my voice is calling for him.

As for Solmi. That bitch was there when they kidnapped him. She shot me in the abdomen and put me in the hospital for two months, so believe me if anything my history with her will only help us on this mission. I will gladly return the favor.

Do you understand now? Then please stop trying to approach this topic. Leave love out of your job and focus on protecting them.

She then rolled away.


Jin says as Namjoon hands him a cup of hot chocolate from a coffee machine. They've found it on one of the top flours a few days back when they were taking a walk to let off stress. The place where it was placed was equipped with black couches and live plants. One of its walls was made of glass and offered a nice view of the city. On the wall facing the coffee machine, a painting was displayed. It would for sure interest Taehyung.

RM: It's a bit hot, be careful.

Jin nodded at that and turned away from the taller to look outside.

Jin: I see why you like looking out the window. It's...calming.

Namjoon hums and takes a sip of his cocoa.

RM: Ahm hot...

Jin: be careful it's hot😉

The younger just nods at his remark and staps closer to the window.

RM: Yeah it's calming. It helps me think.

He loses himself in his thoughts and doesn't say more. Quiet sets onto the room and Seokjin hates it.

Jin: About what?

RM: Stuff.

More silence. Seokjin doesn't like it. They never had a problem speaking to each other so why is it hard now. Hoseok is in the hospital, Jungkook just got out of the bandage and Namjoon himself is starting therapy to get his arm working. Yeah, Jin can see why it's hard to talk.

Jin: What stuff?

RM: The normal things. Why are we here? Is Jungkooks' nose really okay? How tall is this building? Will my hand ever heal? Is there a purpose? Will Hobi wake up? What will happen to our lives if they don't catch Solmi? Am I to blame?

Jin: You're not.

RM: Really? I should have told the company way before it became serious. I should have asked for better security. I should have protected you all better.

Jin: But you do protect us! Ya stop doubting yourself! If it wasn't for you Taehyung would probably be badly hurt...and I would be an emotional wreck...

Namjoon hugs him without words. It's been hard for them all. In a bit more than a month they had to move four times, run from bullets, fake happiness for ARMY, endure injuries and see those closes to them suffer.

RM: How are you doing?

Jin sighs. Not good. Bad to be exact. He wasn't getting much sleep lately. Every small sound would wake him and even bearly seen movement outside his window would make him jump. Luckily his roommate was Yoongi, so he didn't have to worry about waking someone up. It's been getting a bit better lately, yesterday he was able to squeeze in a good three-hour sleep while the rest of the night was spent watching Barbie movies and boring Netflix shows in an attempt to bore himself to sleep.

Jin: Good.

RM: Jin you don't need to-

Jin: How are you doing Namjoon?

Sure Jin wasn't great but he didn't want that becoming a big problem. He knows Namjoon, if the boy thinks something is wrong he will worry himself to bits until the problem is fixed. Seokjin didn't want that, he didn't want others suffering because of his insomnia.

RM: Good, but I'd be doing better if you told me what's bothering you?

Jin: I'm just stressed.

RM: Hmm.

The hug was released as Namjoon stepped aways to take another sip of his cocoa, a move Jin gladly followed. He then walked to one of the couches and sat down, observing the younger.

He never before noticed how strange but beautiful he looked. In that oversized dark red hoody and brownish-yellow trainers, he looked like a bit of a fashion disaster, but somehow he made it work. It must have been the messed up hair and untied sneakers that broth out the finesse.

The older then focused on the unwashed light brown curls and wondered if they were still soft like they used to be back in their training years. Now he was comparing them, Namjoon from now with the Rap Monster of the past. The cute little boy who tried WAY to hard to be edgy with the cool and collected man who stood in front of him today. He really grew up well.

RM: I think I know a way to help you.

Jin: Huh?

RM: I...ahm...well...

Cute. He loved those moments when the collected and cool leader got all shy and started stuttering. He would give a small smile, look down and try to avoid eye contact, rubbed his temple and become a total cutie. And Jin couldn't help but chuckle.

Jin: What is it?

RM: Well...I wanted to invite you to the ruff top this evening. It's refreshing and it helps me relax so...

Jin: I'd love to come with you.

RM: Great! I'll pick you up from your room around ahm five? Is that okay?

Jin: Yeah that's fine haha, why are you so jumpy about this?

RM: Haha...

Another rub by the temple.

Jin: Should I wear something warm or..?

RM: Yeah that be good, it can get chilly.

Namjoon now walks to him and sits down next to him. They drank their beverages with occasional side glances and smiles when they thought the other wasn't looking.

When finished Namjoon escorted Jin back to Hoseoks' room and left to prepare.

RM: See you at five?

Jin: See you at five.

[Jimin pov]

I stud up from my hiding position and approached Kyle.

JM: What was that?

He looked startled but turned to me with a what do you mean expression that turned into a sigh when he saw my serious expression.

Kyle: I'm just looking out for her.

JM: By upsetting her?

Kyle: You might not like my methods Jimin but it's what's best for her.

JM: I might not like it because it's not needed. I'm sorry for not seeing the good side of resurfacing the memory of a failed love she is clearly not over yet and for which she is still blaming herself for.

That shut him up and I speed-walked past him, making sure my shoulder bumped into him. I raced for the door and then down the corridor trying to find Y/N. She shouldn't feel bad about what happened. I want to comfort her. But I can't find her.

When I give up on my search I walk back to the training room and lean on the wall outside it. I wait for Kyle to come and fetch me for my next class. I'm surprised when he walks outside with Jack and nods for me to follow.

Kyle: Jack agreed to teach you the ins and outs of communication by earpieces.

I nod and follow them to the elevator.

[Y/N pov]

Why am I still in this piece of crap, good for nothing, heavy stupid wheel fucking chair?!?

It's driving me nuts! Nadia knows that I can handle crutches, I don't get why she doesn't give them to me. I will seriously burst!

It's hard enough to roll around all the time, and to get into it every morning but come on this is just TOO MUCH! I've been waiting for a free elevator for TEN FUCKING MINUTES!!!


Oh, great who the fuck wants to talk to me now?!

I turn my head around completely pissed of, if you haven't noticed, and stare daggers to the people behind me.

Hey, you cool?

Who said that? Oh, there he is. My facial expression falls a bit and I relax when seeing him.

Y/N: Sang, hi.

Sang: You good?

Y/N: Yeah, just waiting for a free fucking elevator...

Sang: Haha, I think I can help with that.

When the bell finally rings and the elevator opens Sang signals the people inside to move out of the space and wheels me inside pressing the close door button as soon as we're inside.

Sang: Where to?

Y/N: You know, normally I would yell at you for using your power like that but frankly I am pissed and can not be bothered with niceness.

Sang: Since you seem to be free how about a talk in my office.

Y/N: Sure.

He presses the button and we start to move upwards. Silence settles into the small space and is slowly broken with Sang's humming. I look at him, a bit annoyed but he doesn't pay me much mind.

His hum changes a bit and becomes a melody I recognize instantly. Eden by The Script. Our song. My head falls remembering the times we spend talking in my rookie training room, whispering under the covers so the instructors wouldn't find us. We'd stay up whole nights just talking and laughing. About a month after I confessed he came to my room again and laid down like before. Without words, he gave me his earphones and made me listen. It was that song, it made me so happy and it was the moment we shared our first kiss.

Sang: You know I heard that melody somewhere but I can't remember where. Do you know it?

Thankfully the bell signaled our arrival and gave me a chance to escape that question. I rolled out of the small space before he could help me. I continued down the hallway to his office, knowing that he was following me.

Y/N: You wanted to speak to me?

I asked more than stated when he opened the heavy wooden door to let me in. We moved to the center of his spacious office and he fell into the comfortable couch.

Sang: is Jimin doing? Is he ready?

Jimin, the brave and foolish idol who wants to protect his bandmates. Brave because he was willing to overcome his fears and face the one person we could be certain would like to kill him. And foolish because he wanted to help in the first place.

Y/N: He seems to be doing okay. No break downs so far. His fighting and self protect skills have improved as well as his observations. I am planning to teach him some knife-wielding, Kyle has given him shooting lessons today and he has quite a good aim.

Sang: Will he be ready?

Y/N: Yes.

Sang: Good.

He stood up and walked to the drink island he kept. Poring himself a glass of red wine he asked me if I wanted something which I declined. He brought his glass back to the small table and sat back down while handing me a juice box.

Y/N: Seriously?

Sang: Now, how are you doing?

Y/N: I'm fine. My rehabilitation is going great and I can finally move my arm more efficiently, also I can walk again, but Nadia doesn't allow me to walk outside of rehabilitation yet.

I say while avoiding his eyes and taking the apple juice box from the table.

Sang: She's looking out for you. You should listen to her she knows what she's doing.

Y/N: Yeah but she should listen to me as well. I know I am ready and she should let me prove that. I have to get back to training to be ready for the mission. I promised Jimin and the others that I will protect them. I have to do that Sang, don't you get it? I need to guard his back, I need to stop Solmi from hurting him. I-

Sang: There's no I in team.

Y/N: Huh?

Sang: You seem to forget that quite often. You're not alone in this Y/N. You're not the only one who promised them safety, I was the first to do so when Bang Sihyuk asked for my help. Then I asked you and Jack to bear the burden and protect them, find the sasaeng and stop her from hurting them. You did an amazing job so far. You gave your all to protect them and find Min Solmi. Jack gave his expertise to track her down and now it's my turn to help you. I need to fulfill my promise to them as well don't you think? Y/N they are alive because of you. It's time you rest a bit and let us: the agency, Jack, Kyle, the other bodyguards and me take care of this. Please, let us help you. Let us protect them with you.

I nod. There is nothing else I can do. Sang is right. I've been fighting for them so hard that I forgot I'm not alone. I forgot to trust others and their judgment. Why am I so stupid?

Y/N: Sang?

Sang: Yes Y/N?

Y/N: Will you take my place? Will you protect Jimin by being his shadow for me?

Sang: I would be honored to do so.

I look up at him and see a reassuring smile. He nods at me when I thank him and we drink our beverages in a comfortable silence until my phone starts ringing.

Sang: Go ahead.

I nod and answer an unknown number. A raspy voice speaks a greeting to me and I can't help feeling I have head it before.

??: Hello agent girl. I've arrived in Seoul. We should meet don't you think. Come to the address I send you at sundown.

Y/N: Okay, I'll see you there.

I place the juice box back down and roll a bit back from the table to turn around to face the door.

Sang: Who was that?

Y/N: An acquaintance. I need to go.

Sang: Take someone with you.

I nod and roll to the door, he stands up to open it for me. He smiles when I pass him and role onto the hallway.

Y/N: Sang?

He holds the door open and listens to me with a smile.

Y/N: The songs' title is Eden by The Script, Jun used to like it a lot.

I smile at his shocked face and leave his office for good.

I enter the luckily empty elevator and get my phone out to place a call.

Y/N: Andy? Hey, I need you to meet me outside the building. Bring a jeep and my jacket...Yeah the black one, also my laptop...Good, if they don't give you the car call me...Okay, I'll see you in ten.

Solmi you may be talented and trained but not even you have seen this twist coming.

Brandon was flipped out of his chair outside Hoseoks' room by a very nervous Namjoon who made him help with his quest. It consisted of finding many warm blankets, pillows and fluffy pullovers, a hot chocolate cooker, fairy lights, chocolates, crisps and cookies and many more. Brandon had been forced to run around town to find all the food and lights while Namjoon raided every room in their living space to gather all the pillows and blankets. He then dragged them to his favorite place and arranged them.

Brandon came back just in time as five o'clock was nearing quickly. He helped Namjoon arrange everything and told him the names of all the major placed that could be seen from the spot.

Brandon: I think what you're doing is really sweet Namjoon hyung.

RM: Thanks, I hope he thinks the same way.

Brandon: I'm sure he'll love it.

Namjoon took a deep breath and turned on the fairy lights. The space lite up in white and gold and Namjoon could finally breathe a bit easier. Maybe this will work out.

He left the space with Brandon and asked him to look out and stop anyone from entering. He ran down the stairs and took the elevator to their living space. There he took a quick shower and tried finding a nice dress. It was a fit of nerves, sighs, and grunts that resulted in a nicely dressed and well presented young man who could swing any girl of her feet.

Jin was relaxed compared to the younger one. He took his time getting ready, even going as far as borrowing Yoongis long gray scarf which he combined with a black leather jacket and jeans. He combs his hair into a split style that displayed his forehead. Looking into the mirror it was obvious why many have named him worldwide handsome.

Knocks on his door broth him out of his small world. He opened it with a smile that only grew when he saw the younger standing there with a spark in his eye. Namjoon was beautiful. No longer sporting the hoody and trainer style but rather a beautiful combination of ripped jeans with an open bumper jacked which displayed a silver sweater underneath. He didn't have a scarf but his head was warmed by a beany. He smiled brightly at the older before offering his hand to him.

Namjoon: Ready?

Jin nodded and gave him his hand. They walked to the elevator and took it to the last flour. Then Namjoon guided him to a staircase that took them up a bit more to the entrance of the ruff top. There Brandon was waiting for them. He nodded at Namjoon and left.

Jin: Where is he going?

Namjoon: Who knows.

He smiled at Jin and open the doors for him. The older thanked him and walked into the cold air. He took only a few steps before stopping in his tracks.

Jin: Namjoon...this-this is beautiful

His eyes sparkled while looking at the cozy place Namjoon prepared for them. A nice little tent was waiting for them, the flour pillows and blankets gave a warm and welcoming vibe that invited Jin to sit on them. The fairy lights around it made him smile even more. But before he could advance into the tent Namjoon stopped him.

Namjoon: Hyung! Come here!

Jin stood back up and walk to the ruff edge that was bordered with a waist-high fence. He looked at Namjoons' face which was shining in the warm orange sunlight. He was so beautiful. Namjoon coth his stare and nodded to the horizon. There Jin could see a beautiful sunset, the colors mixed and turned from orange to red and purple. They stood there and watched the day set behind the Seoul horizon.

Namjoon slowly riched for Seokjins' hand, holding it in his. His cheeks turned red and he smiled in bliss. He wasn't watching the sunset because the real beauty was present on the face of the man he found himself to love.

After an hour of watching the sky, Jin turned to Namjoon only to find him already staring back.

Namjoon: I want to show you something.

Seokjin only nodded. He loved every second of this and couldn't wait for more. Namjoon has always known how to surprise him.

He was led back to the tent and watched as Namjoon got in and held the tent door open for him. He got in and looked at the cozy pillows. Namjoon slowly and with care touched his chin and diverted his gaze up. Their eyes meet for a few minutes and Jin was in aw.

Namjoon: Look up hyung.

Seokjin followed his words and looked up at the fairy lights. They were in a shape of stars that sparkle above him and there between them were small white and black squares. He sat up straiter and looked closer. The squares were polaroids, small pictures. He decided to take one of the fairy lights.

It was a picture of him a year ago when his hair was brown. It was taken when they were filming a music video. He and Namjoon shared a room in a hotel at that time. They ordered food late at night and watched movies. Sure they got scolded the other day for looking like tired high schoolers after a finals week. He didn't know Namjoon took a picture back then.

The next one he saw was a picture of them in their rookie years, just after debut. Cute. They were posing like some supermodels. He remembers thinking they looked so cool in those jackets.

There were other photos of them, him, or of Namjoon. Memories. Mostly good and funny memories. There are Namjoons broken glasses and the pictures of him cooking in the old apartment they all shared. There were pictures of him and Moni when they'd took strolls by the river to relax. There were pictures from their trainee and current celebrity lives. But they were all pictures of smiles.

Jin: The polaroids...

He went quiet. Speechless. Namjoon kept them all, all these years.

Namjoon: Moments were shared, tears we cried, hardships we endured, they are all here. Well, those that I could find...I don't have them all here, some got left in the Bangtan house and Brandon wouldn't let me check which is understandable, plus I forgot the password of my old computer disk so I couldn't print them...The point is...

He looked at Jin's eyes that were staring at him in aw, took a deep breath and continued.

Namjoon: These are our moments, no matter what no one can take them from us. I'll never let that happen. I'm so grateful I have them and that I have you in my life Seokjin hyung. Thank you for being there for me, for caring, for feeding, for looking out for me, for loving...for being you. I-I...

He took Jin's hand in his own and another deep breath followed, a shake of his head, and then his eyes were back on his hyungs, determinant.

Namjoon: I want to make more memories with you. Hopefully good but I won't mind if they're bad, as long as they're with you. So please don't leave me.

Jin: Namjoon, what are you saying, I would never-

Namjoon: Please let me finish.

Jin nodded back in understanding and smiled a bit. He moved closer to the younger and held both his hands.

Namjoon: I want to tell you something. I don't know how you'll react if you'll hate me for it or maybe if you'll understand, but please promise me that no matter what you feel you will not leave me. You can hate me all you want, but please just don't leave.

Jin: I don't know what you're going to say Joonie, but I could never hate you, never...and I couldn't dream of leaving you.

Namjoon: Good.

He let out a breath and straightened himself. His hands fall from Jins and he distanced himself from him. His back straight and attentive he opened his eyes and spoke.

Namjoon: Jin hyung I love you.

A gasp left Jin and his hand rushed to cover it. A bit of blush appeared on his cheeks as he listened to the now closed-eyed man before him.

Namjoon: I've loved you for a while now, I just didn't think it was love. The small things we used to do made me feel all warm and I slowly couldn't imagine a day without you. I always thought it was friendship but recently, when we were put into this situation I started realizing it's more. The way I care for you is different than the way I care for the other boys. I love them as friends, but with you, I think it's a different kind of love.

He opens his eyes to be greeted with his hyung crying. His face falls and heart shatters. He put his feelings out there, not knowing if it was the right thing to do and it resulted in the one he loved crying before him. He had to make it right.

He distanced himself from Jin a bit more and moved to the entrance of the tent. If he hurt Jin he should leave.

Namjoon: I'm sorry hyung, I shouldn't have said anything. I'll leave now. Please forget this ever happen.

Jin: NO!

A shaking hand grabbed onto Namjoon and stopped his advance. Sniffles filled the space between them as he waited for the older to speak.

Jin: Stay. I don't hate you, please, just stay, don't leave. Let me-let me speak now.

Namjoon let his head fall and sat back down, his head fall and he listened as he promised he would. He waited for the older ones tears to dry and his voice to return. Slowly Jin's hand let go of his wrist and the older spoke.

Jin: I'm sorry for crying, you took me by surprise. Thank you for telling me Joonie.

There it was again, the pain in Namjoon heart returned. A rejection was near and he had to prepare for it.

Jin: I-...I think I like you too.

Namjoon: Please hyung don't tell me that, don't try to sugar coat it. I don't want you to give me false hope and say you like me when you're not sure you do, it just hurts more...


Silence. Namjoons face fall in shock, his back tensed and eyes teared up.

Jin: I said I like you. I'm not saying it to comfort you or to protect your feelings. I'm saying it because I feel it. I-I felt it for a few weeks now. I started seeing you in a different light Joonie. I saw you weren't my little Joonie anymore, you grew up and became a very handsome man, Kim Namjoon. I started seeing you differently, the way you cared for me, hugged me, held me...I started falling Joonie, and I still am falling...

He held Namjoons' hand again, tried to turn him around and face him but the younger didn't alow it. With a sad smile, the older settled for a handhold.

Jin: ...but I don't think I can call it "love" yet.

Namjoon pulled his hand away from him and Jin let out a small gasp.

Jin: I want to try.

Namjoons head rose up.

Jin: I want to try falling in love with you. Could you wait for me, just a bit? Be here for me, love me and one day I'll say it back I promise.

Now the younger was facing him with shock written all over his face. He moved closer to hear better, leaving only a hand of space between their faces. Jin now whispered to him.

Jin: Will you wait for me some more Namjoon?

The younger placed his hand over the elders and laced their fingers. He nodded and looked back at those beautiful dark brown eyes.

Namjoon: I will. I'll wait for you hyung.

He let his forehead collide with Jins and a big smile revealed itself on his lips. He closed his eyes and sighed.

Namjoon: feels so good to have it in the open.

Jin: How long have you held back like this?

Namjoon: Long enough.

Jin smiled at that and backed his face away a bit. He admired Joonies' scrunched nose which showed confusion before quickly pecking his lips. Namjoons eyes shot open and a smile soon followed. His hands wrapped around the other and pulled him closer...

...the rest was told to the fairy lights.

??: Good, I like that plan agent. We will cooperate with you.

Y/N: Thank you.

??: We'll communicate throw Nayoung from here on.


??: Good, then I think it's time you write to my daughter.

Hey hey again:)

Hope you liked the extra-long chapter. I wanted to thank you all for your support this past year. Bodyguard has really surpassed all my expectations. Last week I was really surprised and super super happy to see this under my book.

It made me really proud of my work and extremely grateful to all of you that had put Bodyguard to the top of #btsot7. Thank you again for everything.

This book is coming to an end in a chapter, two maybe three, I'll see how the story progresses as I write on, so I want to have a Q&A for the characters of the fanfic. Please leave your questions here:






Tae Tae (happy birthday winter bear💜)


Y/N (if you want to question yourself)




Other bodyguards (I'm too lazy to write them all)

Please don't let this flop. Love you all and have an amazing 2020💕💕

PS: sorry for the horribly written Namjin confession

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