5SOS Preferences

By WhosLukeHemmings

1.1M 13.5K 830

A series of 5sos preferences. Request are open updating at least 3 times a week. Vote, comment, and follow PL... More

He teaches you how to kiss (T)
Sex on the beach (T)
Your Child gets Bullied (T)
He has to ask one of the Boys for a condom (T)
His Parents Make Fun Of You (T)
You Turn Him on at a BAD TIME (T)
You're Sick And He Doesn't Know What To Do (T)
Your parents don't like him but he impresses them (T)
Cute Moment With Your Kid (T)
Daddy (T)
You Catch Him Jerking Off (T)
After Sex Cuddling (T)
Nightmares (T)
Your Daughter Gets Her Period (T)
He Finds Out Your Being Bullied (T)
He Walks In On You Changing (T)
Tour Bus Sleeping (T)
Your Child Swears (T)
He wants to, but your on your period (T)
Making your ex jealous
You Breastfeed In Public & A Fan Makes A Rude Remark About It. (T)
Your childs friends think youre a milf (T)
Your kids see your lovebites (T)
You give him a massage (T)
His Girlfriend hates you and makes him choose (T)
His Girlfriend Hates You And Makes Him Choose part 2
You Give Birth At Home (T)
You Have To Use The Safe Word (T)
Swimming with your kid (T)
You Breastfeed your baby at an older age (T)
Your Child Throws A Tantrum (T)
He Hears You Talking to The Baby (T)
You Give Him A BJ and A family member walks in (T)
You Walk In On Your Kid (T)
Trying to stop Breastfeeding (T)
He has a child from another relationship (T)
Your child starts Kindergarden (T)
Your Baby is Teething (T)
Mothers Day (T)
He films you going down on him (T)
Baby spit up (T)
Attending Yoir Child Soccer Game (T)
Your Child Wets The Bed (T)
Your Child looses their first tooth (T)
Build-a-Bear (T)
Morning Wood (T)
You do his makeup (T)
Sneaking Around (T)
Moving In (T)
First Ultrasound (T)
Baby-Bump (T)
You Have A Child From Another Relationship (T)
Road Trips (T)
Thanksgiving (T)
Your kids are in the delivery room with you (T)
Say Yes To The Dress (T)
You Have A Lot Of Kids (T)
He Wants To Try For A Baby (T)
Your Baby Says Daddy For The First Time (T)
You're In Love With Him & You Walk In On Him And His Girlfriend (T)
You're In Love With Him & You Walk In On Him And His Girlfriend. (Part 2)
He Screams At Your Kid Part 1 (T)
He Screams At Your Kid Part 2 (T)
A Fan Catches You Buying Condoms (T)
Teenage Parents (T)
He Keeks Your Daughter Doing Something Cute (T)
He Won't Let Anyone Hold Your Newborn Daughter (T)
After A Fight (T)
He Sees You In A Swimsuit (T)
You Wear His Shirt (T)
He Sees You In A Snapback (T)
You're In A Keek (T)
Mistletoe (T)
The Morning After (T)
Bad Day (T)
He Crashes Your Slumber Party (T)
He wants to do your hair, makeup, nails, or pick your outfit (T)
Spending the night at his house (T)
The morning after he stays the night (T)
He gets in a fight protecting you (T)
He Calms You Down (T)
Thunderstorms (T)
He Talks To Your Unborn Baby (T)
Fans Ask About Your Pregnancy (T)
Easter (T)
He meets your divorced parents
Shopping For Baby Clothes (T)
Youre Insicure
You Reveal The Sex Of Your Baby To The Family (T)
Tummy Time With Daddy (T)
Your Baby Girls Gets Sick On Tour
You Arent Able to Get Preggo (T)
You Arent Able to Get Preggo P.2 (T)
You Arent Able to Get Preggo P.3 (T)
Say HI To The Camera C.H (Smut) (T)
Mommy's Little Miracle M.C (T)
Merry Christmas (T)
He Has A Mental Breakdown (T)
He Teases You On... (T)
he Forgets Your Anniversary//Malum (T)
His Child Calls You Mommy (T)
First "I Love You"
He Fingers You In Public//Smut (T)
Taking Care Of Them When Their Drunk (T)
He Has A Secret Tattoo (T)
Baby Bump Starts To Show (T)
Your Teenage Daughter Is Pregnant/ Son Got A Girl Pregnant (T)
5SOS Sentence
He Tells You He Loves You For The First Time (T)
Your Dad Catches You (T)
He Thinks You're Cheating |Part One| (T)
Mood Swings (T)
You're a Youtuber (T)
He Thinks You're Cheating |Part Two| (T)
Your Child Is Kidnapped (T)
He's Insecure(T)
He Plays With Your Hair (T)
You Catch Your Son or Daughter Smoking Or Drinking (T)
He confesses his feelings while drunk (T)
He asks your parents for permission to date you (T)
He Compliments You On Something You're Insecure About (T)
A 1D Boy Says Something Inappropriate About You And He Gets Mad (T)
Dirty Talk
He's Needy For Your Attention (T)
You're Pregnant And Horny (T)
You want to be the big spoon
You're Famous (T)
Play Fighting (T)
You Tell His/Your Parents You're Trying for a Baby (T)
He meets your parents for the first time (T)
Kidnapped P.2 (T)
Hes Whipped (T)
Spanking (T)
Baby Talk (T)
First Public Picture (T)
"I Hate You" (T)
Something Private Revealed (T)
Big Arguments (T)
Your teenager does something bad (T)
You have low self-esteem (T)
He Makes You Feel Insecure {Part 1} (T)
He Makes You Feel Insecure {Part 2} (T)
Big Arguments P.2 (T)
You Catch Him Alone With The Baby (T)
Fans ask you for a picture while you're out with friends (T)
He Accidentally Hurts You (T)
He Comes Home Drunk and You Get in a Fight (T)
He Comes Home Drunk and You Get in a Fight P.2 (T)
Commitment Issues
Commitment Issues 2
You File For Divorce
Cheater. (Part 2)
You File For Divorce. (part 2.)
He Asks You To Ride Him.
You Get The Same Injuries/Scars as Your Soulmate.
The First Fight.
The First Fight. (Part 2.)
Childhood Proposals/Marriage
Childhood Proposal/Marriage Part 2
Cock Blocker
You're Mentioned In An Interview
The Test
You're In Love With Him, But He Has A Girlfriend
You're In Love With Him, but He Has A Girlfriend. (Part 2.)
You're In Love With Him, But He Has A Girlfriend. (Part 3.)
Eating You Out
Phones and Sex
You're mad at each other but have to go out in public
Private Picture Leaked {Luke}
Private Picture Leaked {Michael}
Private Picture Leaked {Calum}
Private Picture Leaked {Ashton}
Drunk Boyfriends
Someone Does Something Perverted To You
Car Trouble
He Breaks Down On Stage After The Break Up During Amnesia
He breaks a body part on stage
You're best friends: He sees you naked and gets turned on
You're Sore the Day After
Turn On's
Hes A Virgin
Calum Imagine (dirty)
Luke Imagine (dirty)
Michael Imagine (Dirty)
Ashton Imagine (Dirty)
You Feel Insecure - Ashton Irwin Imagine
You Have Your First Fight
Your First Fight PART 2
You Find Out He's Not A Virgin
Skinny Dipping
He picks you up from school (Luke)
He picks you up from school (Ashton)
He picks you up from school (Calum)
He picks you up from school (Michael)
The End

Champ|| C.H (T)

3.4K 44 2
By WhosLukeHemmings

Calum peeled his eyes open, grunting as he shifted on the very uncomfortable couch. As he rubbed at his left eye, clenching his right shut, he then realized where he was. The hospital. He sat up quick, looking around the room as he saw the small bassinet next to you. He stood from his spot, grunting and stretching, his long, tan stomach stretching with him as he did so. A smile grew on Calum’s face as he remembered the events that took place almost a little over 6 hours ago. After being in the womb for 9 months and 2 weeks, your baby girl, Nebraska, was finally born.

Calum knew all the responsibilities he had now, but he wasn’t ready to own up to them as much as he wanted to. He was now a dad, a husband, and still very active in his band that formed back in his early teenage years. He hated that he had to be away from you for half of your pregnancy, but he didn’t want to risk you getting on the plane and something happening to his little princess before she even got the chance to see the world. He yawned once he got done stretching, walking over to your mountain of hospital bags.

Your mom packed you two very well, unbeknownst you’d only be there for a day, two tops. She packed two pairs of pants, two sweaters and loads of underwear for Calum. Although she went completely overboard for you. Packing several pairs of underwear, several sweatpants, t-shirts and tank tops and even your nursing bras and nursing pillow. He rummaged through the luggage, grabbing his favorite grey sweater as he pulled it on, yawning as he changed from his basketball shorts to his favorite pair of black skinny jeans.

Hearing a small grunt, Calum quickly turned his attention to the kicking bundle in the bassinet. He slowly walked to Nebraska, watching her as she struggled to open her eyes and look at her daddy. She was the fattest baby girl in the family so far, weighing in at almost 8 pounds. Calum picked her up gently, her blanket falling as he put her over his shoulder. “Are you hungry?” He asked, although the small child wasn’t able to answer him yet. He sat back down, sighing as he cradled her in his huge arms.

"You look just like your mummy." He cooed, slipping the pad of his pinky into the infants fist as she sucked harder on her pacifier, amazed at the man that was above her. Nebraska had Calum’s hair for sure, her head was full of brown curly curls, similar to Calum’s. "You took a lot of work to get here." He once again cooed to the small child as all she could do was blink, and grunt, spit bubbles forming underneath the nipple of her pacifier.

Calum didn’t want to even imagine what the pain must have been like for you. You went through a horrible 9 hours of labor, the pains incredibly horrible. Calum cried for you, he wanted to take the pain away, but it in his body instead of yours, but he knew he couldn’t and that hurt him. He knew your body would ache days after, so he knew he had to handle you carefully. Although he couldn’t help but be a little needy after not having you for 9 months, but he knew you had to be cleared by the doctor before any sex was put back into play.

And he also had to wait for your stitches to heal. Since this was your first baby, he read online about how much the vagina rips and spreads and he also gagged at some pretty gruesome videos he found on YouTube. He couldn’t help but be curious, after all, it was his wife. As his thoughts wondered back to last night, Nebraska squeezed his pinky and he smirked, looking down at his baby girl. “Okay, let’s wake mommy up.” He stood, stroking her head as they walked to the side you were facing.

Calum used his free hand to push some hair out of your face, revealing your sleeping figure. Your eyes had bags under them and he almost felt sorry for you, knowing both your sleeping in days would be long gone for a while. Your hands were tucked under your pillow as soft snores came out of your nose. He had to admit, looking at you like this, he couldn’t help but fall in love with you all over again. He hated to wake you up, but your baby girl was hungry and he couldn’t feed her out of his own nipples.

"Y/N?" He stroked your face, before using his thumb to boop your nose. "Wake up baby." Your snores slowly came to a halt as you peeled your eyes open. "Good morning, champ." You cringed at the nickname Calum gave to you. All night last night, he would scream out "Come on champ!" or "You can do it champ!" You sat up slowly, grunting at the pain in your lower region as you saw Nebraska beginning to get fussy in Calum’s arms. "Someone needs your service."

You slowly took your baby, smiling as you kissed her forehead. “God you’re so beautiful.” Calum smiled, the sight of his two baby girls together made his heart swell so much he was sure it would’ve popped out of his chest. “Blanket.” You said, pulling up your shirt as your baby girl began to get very fussy. Calum put the blanket over your shoulder as you pulled down your oversized v-neck, pulling down one cup of your bra as you grimaced.

Calum kissed your cheek as the feel of a newborn gumming you felt like jumping into a pool full of ice cold water. A growl in the pit of Calum’s stomach reminded him that him, nor you have eaten in well over 14 hours. “I’m going to go get breakfast, want anything?” You nodded and looked up at your husband as his eyes were twinkling. “Anything is fine.” He nodded, grabbing your chin as he kissed you passionately before going to fetch you two breakfast. As he walked down the hallways, he randomly started to smile.

He realized his lucky he was and god damn was he one happy guy. He had a beautiful wife, a beautiful family, a thriving career and now to add along to his happiness, he had his own baby girl he had to take care of. He reached the cafeteria in less than 5 minutes and the sight before him not only confused him, but excited him. The rest of his band was here, and of course, they were nomming on freshly made sausage biscuits by the cooks.

"Fancy seeing you guys here." He joked, Ashton standing as he brought Calum into an almost bone crushing hug. "Heard you’re a dad now, congratulations man." Of course all of the boys were jealous of Calum, for many reasons. One being he had a beautiful wife that all of them wanted the first time they laid eyes on you, but you only had eyes for one man. And two, Calum was now the father of a beautiful baby girl and the boys wanted one of their own. Of course the boys wanted to settle down, but the various hook-ups they had seemed to be stopping them from doing so.

Calum asked the woman for two sausage biscuits, grabbing jelly for you and an orange juice as he knew those were your favorites. He grabbed a grape juice for himself, smiling at the woman behind the register as she bagged his things for him, sliding his card as he signed the receipt, taking a bite of his biscuit. “Have a nice day, sir.” Calum nodded to the woman, as the guys gathered their trash, tossing it as Michael put his hand on Calum’s back. “We got here about an hour ago looking for you two, but we found the cafeteria instead.” Michael laughed, sucking his teeth as Calum took another bite of his biscuit.

"Be calm when you go in, Y/N is in a lot of pain." The boys nodded as the elevator took the boys up to the fourth floor. As they reached your room, Calum had already finished his biscuit, taking a gulp of his juice as he opened the door to the room. He was relieved to see you were done feeding, your treasure put away as your baby girl was lying in front of you, a smug grin on her face as she was slowly drifting back off into sleep.

"Hey love." Luke greeted you, as you reached for his hand, as he slowly pulled you up from the bed. Your belly was slowly starting to go down, but you could barely spread your legs without a throbbing pain. You took Luke into a hug as he stroked your hair. You had to admit, Luke was your best friend out of everyone, he understood you. Even though you were now two years older than him. "Can we see your owie?" Michael asked, chuckling as Calum shook his head at his best mate.

"You can see this owie." You said, pointing to the band-aid on your vein as he smiled. "How did you even make this?" Ashton said, slipping one his long digits in between her fist as her eyes were now closed, her eyelashes resting on her cheeks. "It’s called labor and delivery. Includes ripping and tearing of your lady parts." You said, chuckling as all the boys except Calum, made eerie faces. You proceeded to mother your biscuit as Calum slowly picked Nebraska up, gently lying her in Michael’s arms first.

"Meet Nebraska Hood." Calum said proudly, sitting on the bed as Michael rocked her back and forth. "Meet your uncles, Braska." You cooed, kissing her forehead as you sat back on the bed, turning on the tv as you were in desperate need of some form of entertainment. Michael handed the baby to Ashton as he gasped at how tiny she was compared to his monstrous size. "She’s a baby meatball." He laughed, you chuckling too as you decided on a random Disney movie that happened to be Aladdin. 

After Ashton fawning over her, she was handed to Luke. “Wow, she looks just like you, Y/N.” You nodded, taking a sip of your juice as Ashton rubbed your shoulder. “You two should make more.” Calum chuckled, kissing your temple as Luke handed Nebraska back to Calum. “Oh we will.” Calum said, cuddling his baby as he gently rubbed his cheek across her face. “I love you so much.” He whispered, kissing her face all over as you all smiled at Calum and you knew half of the attention that was given to you, was now going to be given to your baby girl.

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