Henny, Caffeine, Green & Nico...

By Miss_Hoodnificent

47.8K 1.9K 496

Why not tap into the early love - hate story of Arlie and Heather from my "Thug Love Series"? *вe ѕυre тo нa... More

I'm Very Lucky
And Then There Was Ivette Where Heather Wasn't
There Is Only One Reason Why I Love Showers...With Ivette
I Will Never Learn My Lesson Because Of Love. So Fuck Love.
Miss Me With It
I Hate That You're Right
Decisions I May Regret Later
This Is Now My- Our Life

That Snitch Game Too Much On Point

3.5K 186 53
By Miss_Hoodnificent

Henny, Caffeine, Green & Nicotine: That Snitch Game Too Much On Point

~Heather P.O.V.~

I fluttered my eyes open and found myself wrapped around my Arlie. I watched his chest inhale and exhale slowly. He looked so at peace while he slept and that put a small smile on my face.

I scooted a little more closer, pulling my blanket up over my body some more. His naked body was radiating with warmth, that's what I needed at this point.

He became a little restless and started to move around a little bit before opening his eyes. I gave him a slight squeeze and looked up at him with a warm smile. He returned the gesture and wrapped his arms around me, giving that sense of security I always loved about him.

"You look like you slept well." I said breaking our moment of peaceful silence. His hands gently caressing my back was all the more soothing. I missed him so much, laying here with him only brought out all the good memories we had together.

"I did sleep well actually. You made me really put in work." A smirk appearing on his face. "You sleep good?" I nodded. "Good, well I'm outta here, I got shit to do today and you're not on my agenda. Bye Heather." He kissed my forehead before getting out of my bed and putting on his clothes.

"What the hell-"

"We 'ont go together. You started a situation last night and I had to get rid of it. I did, we're both satisfied and now I gotta make it up to my girlfriend."

"Arlie, you're just gonna leave me like-"

"Like the irrelevant cold heart-ed bitch that you are, by all means yes. So with that, stay off my number and have a good day." He chucked up the deuces ans grabbed his hat before exiting my room.

Getting up and throwing on a t shirt and shorts, I followed him out of my room and stopped him midway down the stairs.

"You can't just leave!" I protested. He looked at my hands that held his arm and then up at me.

"Who the hell says I can't? I do whatever I want anyways, why does your say make any difference?"

"Because I love you-"

"If you loved me, you'd let me go so I can meet up with my niggas the shower, toothpaste, toothbrush, and deodorant." He said as he pulled his arm free.


"What is with all you females constantly yelling my name? God damn, making me want to drop that name and pick up a new one. I'm out, you do you and leave me alone." He proceeded down the small amount of stairs and walked out the front door, closing it behind him.

I carried myself back up to my room and grabbed my phone, dialing Tanya's number, I pressed the phone to my ear.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked with a yawn.

"Arlie is what's up."

"What happened now?"

"He came over last night after a few weeks of us not even talking, spent the night, and just up and left me like some one night stand."

"So then just talk to him and ask him out if you really like him and see him more than just some guy you hook up with."

"He's with that one whore Ivette." I rolled my eyes me mentally and nearly cringed at the thought of her. I don't know what he sees in her at all. If anything she's his complete opposite.

"Forget that idea. Well I guess you're out of luck unless you get them to break up or you convince him to go back to you." That just sparked an idea.

"Yeah you're right but I'm not going to be messy like that. I'll talk to you later, alright?"

"Sounds good, bye Heather." I hung up the phone and set it down next to me on my bed.

I know he misses me just as much as I miss him, whether he chooses to admit that to me or not, I already know. He just has Ivette to keep his mind off of me but if he didn't love me, he wouldn't have come over last night and slept with me like he did.


"Hey Joey." I said as I walked by him. I haven't talked to him in a long while either so it seemed almost new to strike up a conversation with him.

"Aye what's good?"

"Just taking a walk, what are you up to?"

"Just got out of juvy a few hours ago actually. It's been a while since we've hung out."

"Yeah I know. Have you seen Arlie or Ivette?"

"I saw Ivette just around the corner at the ice cream truck, why?"

"Thank you. Bye." I got what I needed and continued down the block and turned the corner to see Ivette sitting on the bench with her ice cream.

"Hi Ivette." I said sitting down next to her. She looked up at me puzzled but gave a weak smile.

"Hey Heather? What's up?" I would need a better word than shocked to describe the tone of her voice.

"Nothing much, just saw you and thought I'd say hi."

"I thought you hated me because I was with Arlie?" I do.

"Nope. Not in the slightest, but speaking of, how are you and him though?"

"Um, I guess you could say we're great." She was clearly uneasy but that wasn't a problem at all.

"He hasn't told you?" He eyebrows slightly raised. "I guess not, but he and I have been hooking up for a while. The most recent being last night." She dropped her ice cream cone and covered her mouth in horror-ed shock.

"I don't believe you."

"Ask him where he was last night? Look through his phone and you'll see he was texting me and then came over to my house." Was I wrong for this? Nope. Arlie is mine and I'm his. "I'm sorry... I'll let you be." Standing up, I fixed my skirt and continued on my way back home. Now it's only a matter of time before things go back to the way they were.

~Arlie P.O.V.~

Sitting on my porch with Lexis, I let out a yawn, followed with a crack of my knuckles to loosen them up.

"Tired?" He asked.

"Yeah, that deal was a pain in the ass. I knew I shouldn't have done it but the money was taunting me." We both shared a small laugh. "Where was you today anyways?"

"Honestly, I was everywhere today. I'm too wiped out to do anything else but sit here." And that's how we ended up here in the first place. "Aye, it's Ivette walking up the way." I snapped my head up and smiled at her but she looked like she had been crying.

"What's the matter with you?" I asked getting up and meeting her halfway at the driveway. "Ivette."

"Why Arlie? What did I do to you?" She asked so quietly.

"You ain't do a damn thing. Why are you-"

"Why did you cheat?" I had an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Where were you last night?" There was just no point in lying and I didn't have first intentions on doing that.

"Last night, and only last night I was with Heather. That was the only time, I swear and I was gonna tell you when we met up later on tonight but so much for that."

"Arlie-" I just pulled her in for a hug. Holding her as she started to cry.

"I'm so sorry Ivette. Heather means nothing to me and it was just a spring of the moment type thing. I care about you a lot. Can we please work through this?" Ivette was perfection, yet I let Heather get to me and now the regret came rolling in.

"I'll agree to work through it if you get rid of her number and leave her alone-"

"Done." I don't want to lose a good female like her. She's too good and I need to seriously get myself together and leave Heather alone for good. "Thank you, Ivette." I said into her neck.

"Please don't do that again. I really like you, if not border line love you and I don't want to be seen as just some side."

"I'm sorry. You're not a side. You're my main and that's all I need." She let go of me and flashed a cheeky smile. "I'm gonna finish up a few things with Lexis and then we can chill downtown, aight?" I asked supporting her chin with my index finger.

"Alright, hit me up when you're done. I'm going to Elia's house so we'll just meet up somewhere around there?"

"Sound good, bye Ivette. Love you." Giving her a final good bye kiss, I watched her turn around and walk down the driveway. I turned back around and walked back up to my chair, taking my seat and kicked my feet up on the porch banister.

"What was-"

"Heather's bullshit again. I hooked up with Heather last night and I know she went and told Ivette 'cause she a spiteful bitch."

"Just admit you can't keep away from Heather. We all know it." He shrugged with a laugh. "No point in denying it, be real."

"I was doing just fine without her before, I'll do even better once I cut her off. Only thing she got better than her good good is her snitch game. Trynna get at me and shit." I said shaking my head. I don't have time for this shit, I just want a simple life with IRG and a female to accompany me, that is all I want and need.

I watched Mom's car come rolling up the street and turn into the driveway. I heard her car door close and her boots walking up the pathway and onto the porch. She must have come home from work or a date, I couldn't quite tell.

"Hey you two." She said.

"Hey Aunt Missy." Lexis said reaching up to give her a hug.

"Hey Mom."

"What are you two doing?" She was on a date. I saw the receipt sticking out of her wallet like she always does whenever she comes back from a date. "Why that look Arlie?"

"You already know why, I'm not even gonna go into it because you and I both know it won't end well." I hate how she tries to date other people because it makes me feel like she's trying to replace Dad. Gabriel didn't get to meet Dad and I look out for Gabriel a lot, which is why I try to keep Mom from dating. I don't want some random irrelevant ass nigga coming into the house and influencing Gabriel in the wrong way or thinking bad about Dad.

"Whatever Arlie, have a bad attitude if you want, I'm not going to deal with it. Lexis, sweetie, are you going to stay for dinner?" Don't know why you're deciding to cook dinner when you already ate, but aight.

"If you don't mind-"

"Not at all." She continued her way inside, rolling her eyes at me first and I was about to get up but Lexis pushed me back down.

"Let it go." He said laughing.

"She just chooses to work up a nerve. Wanna just go inside and watch TV for a while? Varo said he was gonna drop by with Javier in a little while." Nodding his head, we both got up and walked inside to sit on the couch and search for something good to watch.

~4 Weeks Later~

"What the hell is she doing here?" I asked as I looked up for a split second away from the fight that was going on. "Aldo do not tell me that's Heather." I may have some strong ass vision but lord tell me my eyes are fucking me over right now.

"That would be Heather walking up the way." Aldo said laughing. "Don't you just look happy to see her." That sarcasm about to punched the fuck out of you in a minute, Aldo. "She seems to be coming right for you, I think I'ma just go and do something that prevents me from being here. Where the hell Marco at?" He said as he walked away and just left me for dead.


"No, go away. You are fuckin' terrible to me. Things are going so great in my life right now." It's like Satan constantly wants to test me.

"This is important." I highly doubt it. "Just come with me real quick."

"If you pull any kind of bullshit, I swear to God-"

"I'm not." Rolling my eyes in irritation, I followed her back down the street till we ended up walking all the way back to her house. It was an awkward ass walk because neither of us talked or even acknowledged the other person.

"Get on with it so I can go." She took a seat on her couch and pulled me down but I rejected that shit. "Nah, just tell me."

"You're gonna want to sit for this." She said as she pulled my arm again. This is just stupid but fine, I took the damn seat, as far away from her as possible and just glared at her. "Arlie, I think I might be pregnant."

"Why you tellin' me when Joey's just down the block?"

"I'm not kidding. I still haven't gotten my period and you were th last person I slept with." She was being serious as fuck but all my fucks went out the damn window.

"Well your female situations don't concern me and since you said you think I don't know why you're wasting your time telling me. When you know for sure then you can tell me-"

"Arlie I'm not going through any of this alone. You and I had sex and my period hasn't come, therefor you're entitiled to help me till proven otherwise." Who the hell you think you demandin' shit to? I sure as hell know it ain't my ass.

"Heather. I'm not wrapping my life around you because you think you're pregnant. That ain't happening. You don't know if you are and until then leave me alone." I just got up and made my way out the door, I was not gonna sit here and listen to her anymore. Till she tells me for sure, I ain't caring.

"I'm getting a pregnancy test and then I'll let you know." I chucked up the deuces and walked on out the door.


"So you're telling me that's what Heather talked to you about?" Aldo asked as we chilled in my room. I was smoking and sat next to my window so the smoke went out the window as I blew it out. Last thing I need is smoke building up in my room and Mom bitching at me for that.

"Yup. So now I gotta wait for her to tell me what's up."

"Ivette know-"

"Hell no. She doesn't need to know unless it turns out Heather actually is pregnant." My phone vibrated and Aldo gladly tossed it to me.

"Is it Heather?" I nodded. "Is she pregnant?"

"Nope. Thank God." I ain't ever been so happy to get a text from Heather.

10:11 p.m. Ivette: Why didn't you tell me you might have a child on the way with Heather?

"Oh for fucks sake. She fucking told Ivette, speak of the damn devil. Aldo what the fuck kind of shit is this?"

10:13 p.m. Me: There Is No Child With Heather. I Swear. Don't Ever Listen To Heather, She's Trying To Do Shit To Fuck Me Over.

10:14 p.m. Ivette: I really don't like hearing shit like this, just be upfront.

10:15 p.m. Me: I Am. If Heather Was Actually Pregnant I Would Have Told You. I Ain't Hiding Shit From You.

10:16 p.m. Ivette: I hope not. Night.

"I hate Heather, she went and told Ivette and now Ivette's upset cause she's gon' feel like I'm hiding shit." I put out my blunt and tossed it out the window before climbing into my bed.

"You may hate her but she sure loves you enough to fuck with your relationship like she does." He said with a small laugh. "Don't you just love females?"

"I love 'em until they pull dumb shit like this. She always does the most."

"Yeah but you love her which is why you give her the time of day." I shook my head. "Right now, say you don't love her."

"Shut up Aldo and go bother Gabriel." I turned over on my side and put my earbuds in.

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