Becoming the Blue Moon Luna (...


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Rae is fed up with meeting real guys in person. Her bestie talks her into playing an online dating game while... Еще

Chapter 2 The App
Chapter 3 Concerns

Chapter 1 The Cheater

502 17 3

Raeanne is a 29 year old plus size lady. She weighs 190lbs and wears a size 16. She works as a publishing agent and is always looking for the next great romance novel. While she's very good at her job, she's unlucky in her love life.

She's happy with her body. Most of the guys she's dated wanted her to diet. As soon as they'd mention it or try to change her, she'd end it with them. She fully believes the right guy will love her curves and all. Her friends call her Rae.

Allison who goes by Ally, is 27 and works in the Human Resources department at Rae's work. That's how they met five years ago. They've been best friends every since. They now share a two bedroom apartment. Ally is also a plus size lady. She tends to pick guys who can't be faithrul.

People often mistake them for sisters. While they do favor each other with similar features they are no kin.

Currently Rae is dating a guy named Jeremy. He works in the same building but for a law firm. He's 32 years old, and they've been dating for three months.

Ally is dating a guy named Scott. He works at the cafe across the street. He's the manager and is 30 years old. They've been dating for six months. Her longest relationship yet.

"Hey Babe, Scott is off today so I'm going to run by his house after work. I may stay the night. But I'll text you for sure so you don't worry." Ally texted Rae.

"Ok be safe." Rae replied.

After work Ally goes to Scott's house. There's a red sports car in his driveway. Ally had a bad feeling. She let's herself in his house.

"Hey honey, I brought dinner." Ally replied as she waled in the door.

She didn't get a response, but heard noises coming from the bedroom. Then it sounded like a huge thud, and then running. She walked to the bedroom and opened the door.

"Are you for freaking real?? You cheating piece of dog poop!!" Ally screamed.

"Baby, I can explain." Scott replied.

"Oh yeah? Well this should be good. So go ahead and explain why you are naked in your bedroom with a naked woman who isn't me?" Ally demanded.

"It's not like that." He replied.

"Really? From where I stand it looks exactly like that!" Ally retorted.

"It was just sex. She means nothing!" He replied.

"Yeah well that's even worse. Beccause you just ended our relationship over "just sex"!" Ally quoted.

"Baby don't be like that!" He pleaded.

"You lost the right to call me baby. Guys like you are what give men bad names! We are done! Don't call me, don't come by my apartment, in fact lose my freaking number!" Ally yelled.

She turned around and grabbed the food bags, her purse, and slammed the door. Then she hurried to her car as fast as she could. Her tires left rubber marks on his drive as she left.

Ally called Rae on her cell. "Rae hope you don't have dinner. Cause I'm coming home and I've already bought it."

"Oh no! Again?" Rae asked.

"Yep cheating prick. Get this, in his bedroom naked with another woman and it was "just sex". The nerve of him!" Ally explained.

"I'll be here. Drive safe." Rae demanded.

Ally arrived at their apartment. She told Rae the whole story. Then they ate the food Ally had bought.

"Six whole months I wasted on that jerk!" Ally replied.

"I know, I'm sorry. Men suck!" Rae responded.

"Yeah. Sorry, now we have to find another cafe." Ally replied.

They both laughed. Cafe's were a dime a dozen in their city. They spent the rest of the evening talking crap about Scott.

"He wasn't that great in bed anyway. I really just stayed with him because he paid me attention and seemed into me. At least I thought he was." Ally explained.

"You'll find your one great love one day. Just don't rush it. And don't settle!" Rae demanded.

"So what's going on with you and Jeremy?" Ally asked.

"Uggh, meeting the parents this weekend. Some big fancy hoity-toity party.

During the week Jeremey calls Rae. He told her to wear a black dress. However Rae didn't have one. Not to mention she didn't like being told what to wear. The week passes and Jeremy arrived to pick Rae up.

"Hey honey." He replied as she opened the door.

He's dressed in an expensive black suit, with white shirt and black tie. His eyes look her up and down and he's not happy at her attire. She's wearing a red dress that hits just above her knees.

"You look dashing." Rae replied.

"I thought I asked you to wear black?" He retorted.

"I didn't have a nice black dress to wear and I didn't have time to go shopping. Besides there's nothing wrong with this dress." Rae replied.

"Well it can't be helped now." He responded.

"Seriously?" Rae demanded.

"Sorry Honey, it's just tonight is very important and I'm a little nervous." He replied.

"Still that's no reason to be mean to me!" Rae retorted.

"I said I'm sorry. Are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Yes." She replied.

They walked to his car and he opened her door for her. It took them 35 minutes to get to his parents estate. There were lots of rich and snooty people there. Rae is very uncomfortable.

Jeremy walked over to two older people, she assumed was his parents. They looked stuck up. His mom looked down her nose at her.

"Mom and dad, this is Raeanne my girlfriend." Jeremy introduced.

"Nice to finally meet you." His mom replied. Obviously lying.

"Yes, I agree." His dad replied.

"Nice to meet you both." Rae lied. Might as well.

After about 30 minutes, Jeremy left her alone. No one even tries to be nice or talk to her. Another 30 minutes pass so she decided to go look for him. It took another 45 minutes for her to find him. He was in a room that was maybe a study or office. He was talking with his parents.

"Son, how could you be with her? She is not our people. I mean really she could stand to lose some weight. How people let themselves go like that is beyond me." His mom huffed.

"Mom, I care about her." Jeremy whined. Yes whined.

"You heard your mother, son." His dad warned.

"Look, I'll try to get her to slim down. Like get her one of those weight programs. It's just a delicate topic with her." Jeremy explained.

"I don't know why you can't date Jillain. She's from our world, she's single and slender. Plus she's intested in you." His mom explained.

"She's a stuck up snob. And superficial." Jeremy retorted.

"I'm sure you just need to get to know her better." His mom replied.

"Son we do not approve of this girl. She's an embarrament. It's bad enough she doesn't have any social standing. And don't get me started on the rest. Besides we have standards and you're not going to embarrass us." His dad retorted.

Rae had heard enough. She quietly left and went outside. Her hand shook as she booked an uber. Another so called boyfriend that wants to change her. Why can't they accept her as she is?

Finally she got home and told Ally everything. Her phone had been buzzing for the last hour. She'd turned the ringer off after about 10 minutes of the non stop ringing. Ignoring it seemed like the best solution to her.

She was still reeling over what those snobby jerks had said about her. An hour later there was a knocking at her door. Let's get this over with she thought. She opened the door and of course it was Jeremy.

"Honey, I've been trying to find you for hours!" Jeremy replied.

"Why?" Rae demanded.

"What do you mean why? You left my parents party and didn't even tell me. Then you wouldn't answer your phone. Did your battery die?" He asked.

"One hour and 45 minutes." Rae replied.

"I don't understand." He replied.

"That's how long you left me alone with those snobby people who ignored me. And how long it took me to find you and your parents discussing me." Rae retorted.

"I'm sorry." He replied.

"Do you even know what you're apologizing for? Was it for letting your parents talk trash and insult me? For leaving me alone for that amount of time? Or was it for suggesting you'd get me in a weight program?" Rae demanded.

"You were eavesdropping?" He asked.

"No. I was about to walk in to get you, when I heard what they said about me. But the worst part was your response!" Rae replied.

"I stood up for you." Jeremy replied.

"No you didn't! What's even worse is you agreed about my body size! I just don't understand why you're with me if you feel that way about me?" Rae demanded.

"I care about you. I just want yo to be your best." He replied.

"Let's not kid ourselves. You want me to be what you consider is my best." Rae explained.

"Would it be so bad to lose some weight?" He asked.

"That statement right there, that is why we are done. Please leave!" Rae responded.

"You don't mean that." He replied.

"Oh but I do mean it. If you really cared about me, it wouldn't be an issue. And you'd never have offered that weight program idea to your parents!" Rae retorted.

"You're upset. You need time. I can give that to you." Jeremy agreed.

"NO! We are done. Over. Finished! Have a happy lief with whatever stuck up snobby barbie doll you end up with. It just will never be me!" Rae explained.

She walked over to the door, and opened it. Then held it open for him to leave. He looked like he was going to refuse or argue, but finally he left. Rae closed and locked the door.

Ally came around the corner. "You ok?"

"I will be." Rae confirmed.

A few weeks passed. Scott and Jeremy both continue to call and text the girls. They both ended up blocking thier numbers. Rae makes sure to avoid running into Jeremy since they work in the same building.

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