You're Not Like the Others

By GACfan4life

30.8K 496 83

Kayla is a hard working mother with a daughter named Abby. One day she meets the Ghost Adventures Crew, will... More

You're Not Like the Others


1.1K 19 4
By GACfan4life

Zak took a sip of his beer and I tapped on my bottle nervously 

"You ok?" 

"Yeah" I sighed 

"Kayla, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to" he said while putting a hand on my knee 

"I know, but I'm tired of keeping it locked in" 

"I'm all ears Kayla" he said with a smile 

I smiled back 

"Well it was 5 years ago..." 


It was May 19, exactly a week before I graduated college. My soon to be husband Victor and I were so excited, not just because we were getting married but we were expecting a bundle of joy. I was 3 months along and we were planning our wedding before I had to go to my classes that day 

"Victor, what should our invintations say?" I asked staring at the blank notebook 

"Well Kay, they need the time, day, and place don't they?" 

"Yeah, your right" I said sighing 

"What's wrong honey bee?" he asked while he wrapped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my left shoulder 

I just smiled at that nickname, he was the only one that I would allow to give me a pet name like that 

"I've just got a lot of things to do right now" 

"I know, with college, the baby, the wedding...maybe we could hire a wedding planner to take some of that off our plate" he suggested 

"Yeah, but that's no fun having someone else plan you're wedding" 

"Well how about you think about it?" 

"Alright, I'll think about it, now let me go so I can go get ready" I said smacking his arms lightly and giggled 

He let go and stood up straight 

"Ma'am, you're not allowed to hit an officer, I'm going to have to take you downtown" 

"Well officer you were harrassing me, so it was self defense" 

"I wasn't harassing, I was restraining, now put your hands behind your back" 

"No" I said crossing my arms 

"Alright, I'm going to have to use force" he said 

he then grabbed my right arm and turned me around and put it behind my back and then grabbed my left arm and put it behind me 

"What are you doing?" I asked trying to not laugh 

"I'm putting you under arrest" 

"You wouldn't dare" 

I then felt something cold against my left wrist 

"Ok, I'm sorry officer" 

then I heard it click a few times 

"I'm sooo sorry, what can I do?" 


he thought for a few seconds 

"Well, I'll let you go if you do one thing" 

"Anything" I said 

"Give me a kiss so I can get to work" he said smiling 

I laughed and gave him a kiss. When we broke apart he uncuffed my wrist 

"I'll see you later honey bee" 

"Ok, I love you"  

we kissed again 

"Love you too, and don't forget Kayla you're the love of my life" 

he kissed me one last time before he went out the door to go to work. I then went to our room and got ready for my classes. 

Let's see books...check, notebooks...check, homework...check, voice recorder...check I thought while packing my bag. 

I then walked out the front door and locked it. I got in my car and started off to school. While on my way there I stopped in at Dunkin' Dounuts to get some chocolate covered dounuts with rainbow sprinkles, and a coffee. When I was at school I was greeted by Jessie 

"How ya doin?" 

"I'm hanging in there, it's not easy being 3 months pregnant" 

I handed her a dounut 

"Thanks girlie, I can't wait to see who the baby looks more like, you or Victor" 

"Probably me" I said batting my eyes 

we laughed and then we heard the warning bell 

"I better get going Jess, I'll see you later" 

"Alright, and thanks for the dounut" 

I smiled and waved at her and headed to my class. When I got there I sat two rows from the front of the class and pulled out my voice recorder to record the session, just incase I miss something important. People started coming in and soon it was time to begin the class, so I hit the record button.  

About 3 hours later class was over and I headed out and caught up with Jessie 

"How was it?" she asked 

"It was interesting, he talked about how storms develope and travel, how was your class?" 

"It was boring as usual" 

"Do you even pay attention?" 


I gave her a look 

"Ok, I half way paid attention" 

"How do you expect to graduate if you don't pay attention?" 

"Hey, there's a guy that likes me, he can help me pass" 

"Jess" I groaned 

"What? I'm only kidding, I paid attention, but I'm serious about the guy though" 

"Well go for it then" 

"Speak of the devil, he's right there" 

"Well go get em' cougar" 

we laughed 

"I'll see you later" she said 


I headed to my car and went to Wendy's to get some lunch. I went through the drive thru 

"Welcome to Wendy's, what can I get you?" 

"I would like a spicy chicken sandwich, with fries, and a coke please" 

"Will that be all?" 


"That will be $5.85" 

I then got the money out and went to the window. I handed the lady the money and she handed me the food 

"Have a nice day" 

"You too" 

I then drove off to go home while eating my food. When I pulled into the driveway I took the last bite of my spicy chicken sandwich. I got out of the car and went inside, I looked at the phone and there was a message so I clicked the play button 

"Hey Kayla, I'm going to be late coming home tonight, the LVPD is short staffed right now so they want me to work overtime...But I'll be home as soon as I get off the clock, love you" 

then the machine beeped 

Stupid police department! He needs to be with me and help get ready for the baby I thought angerily with tears welling up in my eyes 

I then went to the kitchen and washed the dishes. When I was done I felt tired, so I layed down on the couch and I soon fell asleep. 

I woke up to the phone ringing so I sat up and answered it 


I then looked at the clock and it read '9:45pm' 

"Is this Kayla Summers?" 

"This is she" 

"Ms. Summers, I'm officer Hamilton, and I need you to come to the police station" 

My heart stopped 

"What happend?" I asked worriedly 

"I'll tell you when you get down here Ms. Summers" 

"I'm on my way" 

I hung up and grabbed my keys and headed to the LVPD as fast as I could. When I got there I was greeted by and officer getting some water 

"Yes ma'am?" 

"I got a call from officer Hamilton about something" 

"Right this way"  

I followed him to the offices and he knocked on a door 

"It's open" 

I heard from the other side. And he opened the door 

"Officer Hamilton, you have a visitor" 

Hamilton looked at me 

"Are you Ms. Summers?" 

I nodded 

"Come on in" 

I went in and the other officer shut the door. I sat down in a chair that was infront of his desk 

"Ms. Summers do you know Victor Martins?" 

"Yes, we were suppose to be getting married after I graduated college and then get ready for the baby" 

"When are you graduating?" 

"Next week, now would you like to tel me what's wrong with Victor?" I said getting irritated 

"Well Ms. Summers, your fiance was shot..." 

I gasped and put my hands up to my mouth 

"Is he ok?" I asked through my hands 

Hamilton sighed and shifted in his chair uncomfortably. I then felt the tears coming 

No I thought 

"He didn't make it" 

I felt like I was going to pass out and throw up 

"I'm not really suppose to give details, but I have a feeling you'll screw me up if I don't tell you" he said trying to lighten the mood, which was not helping 

I just nodded, I didn't have a voice at that point 

"Well, he and some others were assigned to do a raid at a small motel...When they went to one of the rooms they bust the door open and found people in a drug ring and shots were fired from them and the officers, unfortantly he was killed on the first impact of a bullet...but the drug dealers were all caught, and they are all facing murder charges" 

I had tears running down my face and I was sobbing. Hamilton got up and came over to me 

"I'm sorry for your loss, you know Victor talked about you all the time when he was here...And if there's anything we can help you with, just let us know" 

I nodded and got up 

"Can I go home?" I asked 


I then left the station and went home. Once I went upstairs to our room and fell on Victors side of the bed and sobbed uncontrolably. 


I hadn't realized Zak got up from the stool and hugged me. I buried my head into his chest and cried 

"It's alright Kayla" he said while he ran his hand through my hair soothingly 

About 3 minutes later I lifted my head and Zak wiped the tears off of my cheeks and then we heard something 


we looked towards the kitchen doorway and saw a sleepy Abby 

"What is it baby girl?" I asked calming down 

"I'm still tired" 

I looked at the clock and it read '10:49pm' 

"Well, go get your things and we'll go home ok?" 

"Ok" she then left to get her things 

"You can stay the night if you two want" 

"But you have to get ready in the morning don't you?" 

"Yeah, but you can still stay the night, I've got an extra bedroom...I mean it's only fair you made me stay at your house" 

"I didn't make you stay, all I did state the fact that it was pouring down rain to where you couldn't see anything" 

"Well I'm going to state a fact both are tired and I don't want you falling asleep behind the wheel and crash" he said smirking while he mocked me 

I smiled and shook my head 

"You win" 

we then headed to the livingroom and we saw Abby laying on the couch. I picked her up and followed Zak to the guest bedroom. Zak and I entered the room and I put Abby on the bed and covered her up. Zak was looking through a drawer and then found what he was looking for. I kissed Abby's forehead and Zak plugged in a nightlight and turned it on 

"Are you sleeping in here too?" he asked softly 

Abby moved to the middle of the bed and fell asleep 

"I was, but now I can't if she's in the middle" 

"Well come on" he said 

I followed him out and I cracked the door alittle bit 

"You don't mind sleeping with me do you?" 

"I slept with you before...I think I can do it again" 

we then went to his room and I took off my shoes and put them at the foot of the bed 

"I know these won't fit you, but I'm sure you don't want to sleep in your dress" he said handing me a pair a sweatpant and a t-shirt 

"Thanks" I said and went to the bathroom to change 

when I was done I went back to his room and crawled into the bed and he crawled in and shut the light off. I then felt an arm go around my waist and I smiled and snuggled into the warmth. I heard jingling coming closer and then felt something jump on the bed and lay down at the foot of the bed and start scratching 

"Gracie" Zak hissed 

and she stopped and soon after I fell asleep.

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