Crumbling Cakes

By AnnalisNolan

597K 31K 5.8K

(Wattpad Picks - Up and Coming List - 06.07.2018) There are three things Dalia is sure of about her life. Sh... More

Author's Note
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X
Part XI
Part XII
Part XIV
Part XV
Part XVI
Part XIX (19)
Part XX (20)
Part XXI (21)
Part XXII (22) *POV Bonus*
Part XXIII (23) *POV Bonus*
Part XXIV (24) *POV Bonus*
Part XXV (25) *POV Bonus*
Part XXVI (26)
Part XXVII (27)
Part XXVIII (28)
Part XXIV (29)
Part XXX (30) *POV Bonus*
Part XXXI (31) *POV Bonus*
Part XXXII (32) *POV Bonus*
Part XXXIII (33)
Part XXXIV (34) *POV Bonus*
Part XXXV (35)
Part XXXVI (36) *POV Bonus*
Part XXXVII (37) *POV Bonus*
Part XXXVIII (38) *POV Bonus*
Part XXXIX (39)
Part XL (40)
Part XLI (41)
Part XLII (42)

Part XLIII (43)

11.2K 568 70
By AnnalisNolan

"I'll be back in a second!" I shouted over my shoulder. Lips still tingling.

"Damn it, Lia. I'm almost done." Sebastian grumbled as his cell rang. I turned in time to see his head popped out of his office. His fingers tightened on the frame and he knocked his forehead twice against the framey grains. "Damn. It." 

"Answer your phone, Ronaldo. This will take but a moment." I waved him away. Bouncing away on the balls of my feet like a pixied-up sugar fairy. My heart was soaring, my brain was singing, and my feet were dancing. "Back in a flash." I singsonged then pushed out the back door with gusto. 

I saw naught the icy patches in the cracked asphalt, nor the shine of the distant light posts, but my stupid grin was visible to anyone who dared to look at me. Which they wouldn't. Because not a sane soul was out in this freeze. 

My noggin was filled with gentle caresses, lingerie, and Ronaldo lips. The tidal wave of change that had come forth—and was still moving—put me in a fantastic mood. None of this was a secret, of course.

My Beets loved me. Strawberry Fields just kept proving that he couldn't care less where I came from or what my muddled past could mean for his future—even though he's had more than his fair share of warnings. He simply lurveeeedddd me. And I obviously thought he was the bee's knees. Because I do have two eyes that are currently functioning.

This warm feeling of belonging was superglue and I, its unsuspecting victim. It was all I could think of while I walked to get the car.

The approach was stealthy. Quiet. Undetected.

When the arm wrapped around me, pulling me up and back, it was too late for me to fight the hold.

Before I could feel too badly about the ambush, I spotted that a tinted town car sat half a block down. And in that moment, I knew why my senses hadn't given me a warning. She'd kept herself at a distance until I'd been grabbed. Secured and locked down.

Well, Fudgeruckers.

I caught the reflection of the man that was holding me in the blacked-out window on the building across the alley, his face held not a single feature I recognized. The relentless cow had found a loophole in our connection. Common sense kicked in and I started screaming. Kicking my legs, trying to gain some kind of distance. Any kind of wiggle room. I was disheartened when a well-placed kick to the shin didn't even manage a dent.

My chances of really breaking free we're slim. But if I could just delay his progress, luck might finally be on my side. I knew Sebastian was only inside that building. Yearning for the carefree laughs and kisses minutes earlier pressed on my chest like a dying dream.

"Let me GO!" I screamed. I was rewarded with a rough palm slapped over my mouth. And by slapped, I mean this douche canoe had combined smacking with covering. His grip was unrelenting around my jaw and I got the sense he was restraining himself from crushing the lower half of my face. Most likely only because Bathilda needed my face intact. This was not a warming thought.

What this man lacked in size, he made up for in brute strength—the combination reminding me of a certain other handsy douche and I vaguely wondered if they were brothers. This troubling discovery made me realize I may actually be up shits creek. It appeared the luck timer in Dalia's slot has officially run out.

"Shut your mouth or I'll make sure it stays shut permanently." He growled in my ear. Let it be known that this man's growl did nothing to my lady bits. Sebastian's unfurled a hive of horny hornets looking for a wondrous sting when he so much as opened his mouth. This man sounded like he would try to unfurl a knife to carve off said hornets wings. Therefore, I was colossally screwed and the looming "literally" was not far from my mind.

It was dark. Late. The chances of anyone even hearing me had been slim. Bathilda was about to accomplish the thing she's been salivating over for the last 13 years. And that was imprisoning me at The Yellow Canary. Bile started to rise up in my throat. I couldn't have that future.

I couldn't.

Panic was only starting to rev it's engine when I heard a glorious sound.

"Hey!" The shout was near. "Down she goes." I squinted before me and saw Sebastian waltzing up to us, cool as a cucumber. I sagged in relief but tried to communicate telepathically to hurry the F up. Grunts Malone turned his head in Ronaldo's direction. I based this knowledge off the fact that he clipped me in the head with his chin. Just inches from where it had danced with the concrete weeks ago.

The sharp pain that shot across my crown led me to believe this bastard was either Angel Dust or freaking Colossus. Didn't fucking matter which because currently the score was Grunts Malone: 3, Dalia's Head: 0.

"Fuck off, Prick. This doesn't concern you." Grunts turned us back around. Aiming for the car. The goal here was to never get in that car. I get behind that door, Sebastian could kiss me goodbye. Indefinitely; most likely only to forever remain in his memory. Grunts, however, underestimates the man he turned his back on. Ronaldo was stealthier than all of them. Or so I was about to find out.

"Sorry, can't do that." Sebastian must have grabbed Grunts by the shoulder and spun him around. Next thing I knew I was soaking in his handsome face. If this was the last time I was going to see it, then my eyes would feast. "See, that's my girl you're trying to haul off with."

Quick as Flash incarnate, he reared back a fist and centered it with Grunts face—no warning. A resounding crunch reverberated from the connection. Grunts now had another reason to speak in monosyllables while he nearly toppled, with me in tow. His hold had loosened and I squirmed; elbowing my way out as the world started to tip backward.

Sebastian wasted zero time wrapping a hand around my forearm and forcibly yanking me toward him—the grip painful but he wasn't going to hear any complaints from me; circumstances were rather dire.

Grunts being unable to multitask and trying to keep himself from crashing to the ground didn't stand a chance in keeping me held hostage. I collided with Ronnie's chest, a protective arm held me to him for a brief second before he moved me to stand behind his back.

His eyes never left Grunts' progress. Unfortunately, he'd regained his footing and was now charging at Sebastian. I took a hasty step back, knowing one's use in a situation such as this is very important. It was clear I would only be in the way, but that didn't stop the stab of worry I felt when I saw Grunts fist trying to return the party favor.

Sweets was faster, though. He dodged the jab aimed at his jaw, twisting to the left. His hand shot up to grab hold of Grunts' neck from the side closest to him and wrapped toward the back, his wrist angled in a twist—forearm braced against the upper torso. Grunts shoulder was facing Sebastian's chest. I recognize what this was. Sebastian had essentially locked Grunts movement. And when his fist connected with Grunts rib cage in a painful left hook, I understood why.

He didn't stop after the first blow. Three more hits landed on those ribs in quick succession. Sebastian was pissed. I vaguely heard a cracking noise, my eyes, however, had been drawn to the woman rapidly stepping out of the car.

"Sebastian!" I warned. He pushed Grunts against the car hard, landing a blow to his jaw. Grunts looked dazed and stunned. Bathilda was furious.

I don't think I've ever seen her move so quickly, but the knife in her hand had me moving forward to tackle her. I barely made it a foot when something pulled me back. It was another stranger who was hauling me in the wrong direction. My first thought was that we were outnumbered. The whispered ally gave me pause, craning my neck for a better look.

Wait a minute...

I recognized him. I've seen him somewhere before... He brought a finger to his lips to indicate silence and slunk into the darkness. Feeling oddly safe, my head turned in time to see Sebastian stepping back and pulling a gun from his adversaries holster and aiming it at his head.


The word was cold. I felt the frigidity of this one command deep in my chest. Bathilda froze. As did I. My entire body tensed. I was afraid he would do something stupid, yet equally afraid that she would find an opening and he'd lose his nerve. Conflicting emotions that had no place in this moment. 

"Drop the knife, Bathilda." He ordered. She glared at him with intense malice. I could see the moment she'd mentally vowed to make him pay for this. Looks like Mother did not approve of my new boyfriend. This would make holidays extremely awkward. I bit my lip to prevent the snort I so desperately wanted to let out. I was officially a basketcase. "Drop it or I put one right through the temple."

"You don't have it in you, boy." She hissed, tightening her grip on the knife. I had no doubt she knew how to use it. Sebastian pressed the gun to the man's head. Grunts for his part didn't even attempt to fight back. He was slouched, bracing himself against the car. His breathing was erratic and laced with pain. I suspected he was sporting several broken ribs.

Not to be deterred, Bathilda eyed Grunts disdainfully. "Get on with it then. I have no need for those who can't complete a simple TASK!" Her displeasure evident in every word. She took a precarious step in my direction.

"I warned you," Sebastian growled, flipping the safety off. I swallowed. No way would he do it. This wasn't the man I knew. Sebastian didn't beat a man to broken bones or hold guns to henchmen's heads. Yet from the little visibility I had in the dim light, I could see in every line on his face that he meant it. "I warned you to back off. To abandon this delusional dream of taking her."

Wait now... come again? Warned? What the pumpernickel?!?

"She is mine." God, I was so sick of that argument. Bathilda glared at him.

"No, she's not. She doesn't belong to anyone." The ire in his tone could not be mistaken. Bathilda ignored him and launched herself in my direction. Sebastian didn't hesitate, he transferred the direction of the gun to Bathilda, aiming at her chest. Stepping partially in her path.

Let's be honest. Grunts wasn't a particular threat anymore. In fact, he slumped to the ground and groaned in pain. Eyes not really focused on anything. His concentration was purely on figuring out how to expand his lungs without the searing pain of sharp bone stabbing him through the precious organ.

Sebastian, on the other hand, braced himself in his new position. He wanted her to see me, taunt her with the view but know she couldn't reach passed him. The act would psych her out, hopefully encouraging her to slip up. He was brilliant! I watched fury morph her beautiful face into something far beyond hideous.

"You want to ruin your future for that girl?" She spat. "She's garbage. Trash. Not worth throwing your freedom away."

His shoulders tensed, his bruised hand flexed. "If she's such trash, then why do you want her so badly?"

I love Sebastian's voice. I love his fierce loyalty. His protectiveness. His need to ensure I saw my own worth. His voice carried all of those in everything he said to me. But right now, it sent chills down my spine. And not the sexy times kind.

Had I not known him, I would have been afraid of the man standing before me. But my discomfort at this new side of him was short-lived when Batshit-ilda opened her mouth.

"She has her uses of course. And I only need her for the one." Her grin was nauseating. Logically, I understood that some people were wired wrong. That it didn't matter whether someone was kin or not. They only sought that which brought them great gain. That's how Bathilda viewed me. As a tool for her own greed.

I was simply the bi-product of her past profession. The price she had to pay, therefore—in her mind's eye—I came into this world owing her a great debt. So rationally, I understood that people like her could never be attached to anyone, let alone their own kids.

It was the compassionate part of me that couldn't fathom ever looking at my daughter and thinking what a great prostitute she would make. It hurt to think that I came into this world through a woman who never loved me. Who would never love me.

But I knew I was deserving of love. After all. The Zhou's love me. Caleb had loved me. And I know now that Ronaldo loves me.

Her eyes looked me over. "Tied up and incapacitated. Just picture what a pretty penny that would earn. I don't even need her compliance. The desire for a reluctant partner is extremely lucrative. Don't tell me you haven't thought of it yourself."

The bile that had threatened me earlier caught in my throat. I wanted to throw up. Not just that. I wanted to launch myself at her. Beat her to an inch of her life. Cut out her tongue and stab her eyes out for good measure. Suddenly torture chambers held a morbid allure.

"Vile." He bit out. "Vile. Repulsive. Sickening. Revolting. Monstrous. And that's still not enough to describe exactly what you are." From what was visible to me, I saw Sebastian's grip tighten on the gun. His finger twitched on the trigger. Something in his expression must have been a hell of a red flag because out of the dark came another man.

He approached from right behind Bathilda and placed his own gun to her temple. "It's over Ms. Romanov. I advise you to drop the knife."

The man that had pulled me back earlier sidled up to Sebastian's side and gently pulled the firearm from his hand, taking a moment to whisper in his ear. I inched forward to hear what he said, but my attention was drawn back to the unfortunate woman who brought me into this world.

Bathilda eyed me like a crazed animal. Her goal of over a decade so close and yet denied.

Fed up with the situation, secret agent man quickly disarmed her and pinned her arm behind her back.

"Get in your car and leave." He pushed her forcefully toward the town car. "And take that piece of shit with you." He nodded at Grunts.

"Michael," Sebastian called to the man I recognized. They stared at each other a beat before Michael nodded. It was my understanding from the simple gesture that they just agreed to something. I narrowed my eyes at them.

Michael wiped down the gun in his gloved hand before shoving it in Grunts holster. With an ungracious tug, he tossed him into the back seat. Grunts' protest of pain could be heard even from behind the barrier of the closed car door.

Sebastian didn't bother to watch. He walked toward me in purposeful strides. Eyes searching my face with every step that took him closer. His worry was replaced with relief with what he saw.

Without stopping, he wrapped his arms around my waist in a quick lift. Then kept walking. My arms instantly wrapped around his neck, my feet dangled loosely and kept tapping his shin. Although Sebastian didn't seem to mind, I brought them up bent at the knee to avoid further damage.

"I keep telling you this but I think I may need to carve it out in stone for you. I can walk," I mumbled into the space between my arm and his throat.

"No, you can't. I'm taking you home." His hold on me tightened. "Jesus."

He uttered the name silently. The sheer desperation in his voice squoze my erratically pounding heart. Gone was the person I witnessed standing between me and my mother. The one who looked like his only intent was to harm her in every way that she had harmed me. Retribution was the word that crossed my mind. That's what it was. He had been hell-bent on retribution.

To witness it had been staggering. It'd been the Devil facing his counterpart. I nuzzled my face further in, inhaling my soothing catnip.

Sebastian's cheek rested against my temple on our progress away from ground zero. He seemed to pick up the pace when we reached the parking garage, my guess was to put as much distance between us and danger as possible. His long strides got us to the second level in no time.

"Keys," Sebastian demanded.

"Back pocket."

He reached around me and pressed a finger on the handle to unlock the door. Tucking me gently into my seat, pulling my seatbelt across me to click into place. I slapped his hand away.

"I am able and can manage a seatbelt, Ronaldo."

"Humor me." He forced through clenched teeth. I huffed in annoyance when the door slammed shut but stowed my pitchfork as I watched Sebastian jog around the car to his side. He spent approximately .05 seconds to get the car moving out of the parking garage.

I felt the jab of the keys digging into my buttcheek. Shifting to one side I plucked them out and dropped them unceremoniously into the cup holder.

"So. You were kinda scary back there." I trod carefully. Eyeing his profile.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you." He glanced at me helplessly. Maybe it was the shock that prevented me from reacting appropriately to what transpired in the last 30 minutes. But my life isn't exactly appropriate so who's to say what's right? What I knew is that I hated the look on his face right now. He looked like he expected me to be repulsed by him.

"I'm not afraid of you. And I wasn't afraid of you back there either. I'm just impressed at how you handled her." I replied slowly. He seemed to relax in his seat and only nodded. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course." His swift maneuvering around the other cars came to stop when we hit unexpected traffic near the freeway ramp. It's surprising at this hour but the three-car accident was evidence enough to our delay. Didn't help that this street was under construction.

"Where'd you learn to fight like that?" I shifted in my seat to face him better. "Are you part of a fight club or something?"

I hoped the teasing would lighten his mood. I'm glad to see my attempt was successful when a smirk tugged on his beautiful lips.

"No, I'm not part of a fight club."

I waited for him to continue then rolled my eyes. "Well?" I poked him in the thigh.

He released a tired breath. "I'm a politician's nephew. And that alone might not make a lick of a difference but I'm very close to my Uncle. I've traveled with him, attended many events with him in the past. He's mentioned me on more than one occasion and all of this is documented in the media. Available for anyone who's looking for it."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Really? How come I didn't recognize you before?"

Blast him, he smirked some more in amusement. "I'm not talking about gossip rags, Lia. We're talking in the political media frenzy that plagues anyone in a congressional seat."

"I don't read gossip rags, you asshat. I'm better versed than that." I stuck my tongue out at him and he chuckled. Music to my ears...

"I know you are. God knows that you know more about what's going on in this place than anyone I've ever met." His mood darkened. "Look, to the world I don't matter beyond my bakery." He paused, his head thumped back against the headrest. His eyes focused on the bumper ahead of us. "But in the political world, my family's name is tied to his. Our lives, reflect on his. My presence by his side at so many events made it quite evident that I was important to him."

I nodded. Thinking.

"That means, I have an invisible target on my back for anyone who has a problem with my uncle." I looked up and found him looking at me intently. "Especially since Matteo is one of the loudest and most influential Senators. Uncorrupt and a true man of the people. A lot of folks don't much like that. I took the chance of learning how to properly defend myself on the sole basis that I couldn't take a chance at an obvious risk."

"That's, really depressing." I frowned.

"It's not all that bad. No one hates him that much, it's really all precautionary. I haven't had to really use my skill set before now. Believe it or not, I don't have a proverbial ax hanging over my head everywhere I go." He reached out to take my hand. Both now resting in my lap. "I'm afraid only you have the misfortune with that."

"Ah, right." What else could I say? It was project shitstorm back there. No sense in denying that I probably could have benefited from some self-defense classes more than Sebastian. "It's like I'm trapped in some James Bond film. Bodyguards, politicians, self-defense bakers, and of course the brothel queen. I guess I can't ever say my life isn't exciting." I mused quietly.

"Fuck. I never even asked..." Sebastian squeezed my hand, his eyes meeting mine. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you in any way?"

I shook my head vehemently. "No I'm fine, I swear. Except for when he clipped me with his chin. But I'm pretty sure that was an accident. Bathilda wanted me whole and in working order. I'd have been useless to her further injured."

Distaste flooded his features. The glare in his eyes was murderous. He turned his head back to face the front. "Would you have forgiven me if I'd done it?"

Sebastian's voice was hesitant yet lethal. His knuckles whitened on the hand gripping the steering wheel.

"Was it a possibility?" I had to know. I needed to see just how far he had been willing to go. He shot me a look and that was all the answer he gave. But I got what I asked for from that one look. I'm not sure that Bathilda had realized one word had separated her from breathing and that bullet.

"I was so close. You have no idea how close I was to pulling the trigger. The shit that was coming out of her mouth." He growled. "She doesn't deserve the space she takes up in this life. Her breathing the same air as you is an utter travesty."

I kept quiet. Silently studying him. My fear had always been what Bathilda would do to someone I came to love. Her viciousness had no leash. She had zero qualms about causing pain to others. Sebastian hadn't batted an eye at her threats. If anything, he had faced them head-on, creating a trap of his own.

"Had it been done and you turned me away because of it—" He whispered coldly. "Knowing that you would be safe moving forward...I could have lived with that."

Shit on a stick. Bathilda better hope he's never pointing a gun at her ever again. My money was on Ronaldo's lethal intent. After all, I knew just how persistent he could be. The answer I felt was right came to me easily.

"Yes." I swallowed. "I'd have forgiven you. I'd probably even thank you." Should I feel terrible about that?

I laced my fingers through his, covering both of our hands with my other.

"You heard her. You saw what she's truly like. I don't care if that categorizes me to be just as bad as her. Some people can't be reasoned with and they can't be redeemed. She's one of them. So, no I wouldn't have held you responsible and I most definitely wouldn't have turned you away."

He exhaled deeply, his nostrils flaring. Sebastian dropped his chin to his chest, almost like the weight of his thoughts and fears had become too cumbersome to hold anymore. His face glowed red from the tail lights of the car before us. Allowing me to catch some of his relief.

"I'm not proud that I'd be willing to take someone's life, Lia. But I am at peace knowing that I'm willing to do something unthinkable to protect someone I love from getting really hurt."

His confession broke me, I didn't like it when he tore himself apart over something convoluted as this. I officially had a sense of what he used to feel like when I was guilty of the same thing.

"I've seen some fucked up things in my life, Ronaldo. Forget the morality argument for a second. I don't condone killing for the sake of killing. But when it's necessary, whether it be in self-defense or in defense of another, I think it's justified. No offense to Matteo but the system sucks. It's broken; it fails people on a daily basis. It lets the dangerous walk free and leaves the innocent incarcerated to save face. For fuck's sake look at stalking laws? They pigeon hole the victim to shoot first and ask questions later lest they get murdered."

My tone became forceful with my building anger. I was getting off-topic and needed to take control of the helm by redirecting the bow of this impending shipwreck. I blew out my pent up frustration. "Look, what I'm trying to say is forget about self-reflection on your moral compass. You gave ample warning, you tried to get her to back off. She was unwilling to cooperate, proceeded with her threat, and would've had only herself to blame had you painted the alley with her blood. Simple as that. How about you tell me who Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson were back there? And why didn't they arrest my mother?"

Sebastian's lips tugged up in a reluctant smile. "You're something else, you know that?"

I waved him away. "Bruce and Dick, Ronaldo."

For the first time since the whole ordeal, Sebastian cut loose by throwing his head back and laughing. "Oh, they would have loved to hear that." He said between chuckles. "Michael is Matteo's personal bodyguard. Erik—the one who manhandled your mother—is on his team. He's actually his second in command of sorts. Michael is who I train with."

I nodded. Huh. "And why set her free?"

"They're from a private firm, Lia. They have the right to protect, carry, and use force when necessary but arresting is still left up to Secret Service and the Police. Unfortunately, Senators don't receive Secret Service protection unless it's under special circumstances."

"What was the look about; between you and Michael?"

He bore his gaze into mine. "You know what that was about."

It took me only a second to comprehend what he was referring to. I dropped my forehead to my palm. Using my fingers to rub my scalp. "Oh."

"I'm sorry. But she tried to kidnap you tonight and force you into her hell-house. Our deal is off the table." There was no inflection of a real apology in his voice. I couldn't really blame him.

Sighing heavily, I nodded. "Guess that makes sense."

"Michael and Erik will keep tailing us as they have been. Everything will be fine until the official arrest."

"Have been?" My eyes shot up to glare at him.

He pressed his lips together, eyes darting to the windshield. The cars had started to pull forward, a police officer was redirecting us to the other side. "Finally," Sebastian muttered.

"Excuse me, Sebastian Ronaldo McLoughlin, what do you mean I've had a tail on me?" He winced.

"It was for your own good. They've come after you over and over again. Matteo had them keeping an eye on Bathilda too. I needed you safe." He straightened in his seat. "I won't apologize for that."

"Of course not, you could have at least told me!" I hadn't meant to raise my voice. I accepted its necessity but all those times I felt like someone watching me, my fear had been it was always her. It'd have been nice to know I had a pair of ally eyeballs out there. That's why he looked familiar.

"You were leaving, Lia!" He shouted back. "It was only supposed to be until you left. You were supposed to be gone by now. I didn't want to fight about it. And when you stayed, I was going to tell you. There just hadn't been enough time." He calmed down. "For fuck's sake, do you have any idea what I felt when I heard you screaming all the way from my office?"

I sat back placated.

"Darlin', all I could think about as I hauled ass out the door was, am I too late? Were they hurting you?" His jaw ticked. "God, what if I hadn't heard you scream... I shouldn't have been able to hear you scream." He swallowed, his hand gripping mine to the point of pain. I didn't flinch. "I wouldn't have known you were gone."

"You looked so calm when you walked up..." I said quietly.

"I was anything but calm." He lifted my hand and pressed his lips to the back of it. "I was furious and scared shitless. One false move and it would have been over. There was no telling how many of them there were. My only goal was to get you out of his grip and behind me. I'd have done far worse to him had your mother stayed in the car." He growled.

And like the horny bird my lady bits were, they responded to that growl. See? It was just something about the rough vibration that got my engines revving. Well his rough vibrations, this we established. I'll look into the depraved depths of my mind later.

"You already broke his ribs." I smiled at him, exhausted.

"How do you know that?"

"Please, while you were blinded by rage, I could hear the crack. Also, he was gaunt, sweating, breathing with extreme effort, and at one point I'm pretty sure he was a step away from vomiting and passing out. I almost felt bad for him." I sighed. Eyes glued to our building as he approached.

"You're mother didn't seem to be concerned about him." He grunted.

"Bathilda only cares about Alojzy. That's her right-hand man. The person she trusts most." I snorted. "I'm also certain they're fucking."

"So you've mentioned." He glanced at me with a smirk, pulling the car into his spot.

"From what I was able to observe, you know from a hidden distance. And some hazy memories." Sebastian snorted. "I saw the way she looked at him. The way she reacted to him. I'd go as far as to say that she loved him." I frowned. "Well as much as Bathilda could love anything."

"Hmm." He hummed thoughtfully. "Do you believe he shares the same feelings?"

"Oh, he's ass over tits for her." I shook my head and reached for my handle. Stepping out into the cold air. Sebastian made his way around the back and took my hand. "They all were. He's just lucky she seems to return the feelings. Even if they are a weird mutated version of them."

"Then that'll work in our favor." Sebastian tilted my chin to look at him.

"Er, maybe."

Sebastian leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. I melted. Tasting him was a powerful reminder of how this night could have ended. To imagine I would have never felt him again. Never have his tongue brush my lip in pleading, and play with mine. To think that something this wonderful could have been tainted by strangers who took it by force.

I leaned into him. Gripping his sides for support and comfort. To feel him, to hold onto him, was essential to my healing. He anchored me to this moment, instead of what could have been. Sebastian's hands wandered down my sides and to my bottom. Cupping my cheeks before lifting me up.

"Eeep!" I broke the kiss, startled by finding myself off the ground. By pure instinct, my legs wrapped around him. He watched me with a lazy grin. All too soon that grin dropped though as he looked me over. His hold becoming tighter.

"Gonna put me down anytime soon?"

He shook his head, lips pressed. "Nope. No, I'm not."

I tried not to laugh, rolling through every name I had for him. "Ron, Ronnie, Ronald, Ronaldo, Beets. Sweets," I paused. "Strawberry Fields. Are you okay?

He clenched his jaw. "No. Shorts. I am not okay. I think now I've definitely hit my limit."

I nodded knowingly. "Was it the, um—"

"The watching you being carted off in the alley behind my bakery? Yea it was that."

"Right, right." I nodded again. "At least it wasn't a pipe to the head this time."

Sebastian laughed reluctantly, the sound nearly laced in hysteria. He tucked his face into my shoulder, squeezing me tightly. "You're absolutely right. At least it wasn't that. Otherwise, he'd have been sporting a brand new gunshot wound."

"Maybe let's stow the blazing guns for a little bit." Ronnie pulled his head back to look at me and I traced his cheek.

"Pint-size." He kissed me gently. It was more so a peck. "Little Lia, love of mine. I'm taking you home." Sebastian started toward the elevator. Resting my forehead to his, my arms wrapping around his neck, I grinned.

"I'd like that very much."

"I'll ply you with Ramen, Ice Cream, and our good friend Tom Hanks." He grinned back. "Followed by some spooning."

"Mmmm. That sounds ah-mazing." I nipped his bottom lip. "Will lovemaking have a place in this itinerary?"

We were leaning against the wall inside the elevator as it ascended. None of my surroundings mattered to me anymore.

"Honestly, I don't know." He looked at me meaningfully. "Baby, right now I just want to feel you next to me. To breathe you in. To hear you laugh and argue with me, that is what I'm craving. It may not be visible, but almost losing you tonight has fucked me up. I don't feel okay. I think we both need a moment to heal."


"You're not safe to the female population."

We stared at each other. Both taking the other in.

"There is nothing I would love more than to be intimate with you. Just not tonight. Not while her fucked-up ideas are bouncing around in my head. I can't have us be tainted by that."

I nodded in agreement. He was right, there was no place for Bathilda and her garbage in our bed. Her latest kidnapping attempt was too fresh for both of us. Tomorrow was going to be exhausting, especially with what the next steps will entail. Boy, are we starting the new year with a bang.

Sebastian walked us to our apartment, opening the door quickly and locking it behind us. Now safely ensconced in our home, he set me back down on my feet.

And that was when I heard a delicate voice like a ringing bell floating down the hallway toward me. Eilis came barreling down the hall like a charging bull. One minute I was next to Sebastian, the next I was pinned against the wall with his sister wrapped around me like saran wrap.

"Oh My God! I'm so glad you're okay!!" She screeched in my ear. I looked helplessly at Ronaldo. Patting her on the back because this was the second McLoughlin that has attempted to suffocate me with affection in one evening.

"Wow, news travels fast around here, huh." Sebastian looked away, masking guilt by staring at the wall. Examining it as if there was a need to check its structure.

"Of course! Mom was on the phone with Matteo when he got the call. I just so happen to be three-way calling them." She pulled back and grabbed my face. Rotating it to inspect its surface for any new injury.

I laughed. "I'm okay, really. Sebastian practically ninja kicked them down." She let me go but reached down to hold on to my hands. "Don't take this the wrong way, but what are you doing here, so soon?"

"Sebbie invited me to stay for New Years! Isn't that great? And now that you're shacking up in his room, I don't have to hang around the hotel lobby." She beamed.

"Oh, you don't say." I grinned again. She wasn't very subtle. As pleased as I was to see her, I needed a moment to process this. "I'm really glad you're here." And I meant that. Since Christmas, we've been texting. A lot. Given our progress, I almost hadn't recognized her as the same sister who grilled Sebastian in his office.

"Ronaldo," I turned to him. "May I speak to you for just a teeny tiny moment?"

He nodded and followed me down the hall. "We'll be right back, Puppet."

"Hey!" We heard a couple more voices from the living room. I waved and immediately stared at Ronaldo. He shrugged his shoulders.

Once inside our bedroom, the showdown began.

"So guests?" I asked, my tone strangely high. I have been a legitimate mistress of this house for about a week and already I needed to play hostess. The pressure was high. The anxiety was strong. "For New Years?"

"Yea, I forgot about that. Honest mistake, sort of an eventful night." He dipped his chin.

"And the friends?"

"Did not know she was bringing them. Also, she's going to stay the week. This was obviously before what just happened. I thought you'd want some time with her, to get close. And now I think you need the extra support."

I stared at him in awe. He knew how important it was to me to get along with his sister. So he invited her over to spend time with me...he got me a companion like some Regency-era gentleman. Nuts and crackers.

"Oh, Ronaldo." I practically gushed. He held up a finger.

"Hold that for one second. I also invited Blake." He grimaced. "This was before..."

"You did what?"

"I know we haven't exactly recovered from Christmas but I mean I guess tonight's a good time than ever to drink right?" He shrugged. He invited the one person who meant the world to him but he equally dreaded to partake in an activity he dreaded even more. I loved him. If that wasn't established earlier.

"You are a presumptuous, pushy–"

"Wonderful?" He added helpfully.

"No, you are not wonderful!" I snapped. "You're glorious, magnificent, and a word that doesn't even exist to describe how extraordinary you are!"

I launched myself at him. Slamming my lips to his in a punishing kiss. I wanted to devour him. Consume him. Fuse ourselves to each other so that he would never leave me. Granted him holding a gun to a man's head was the epitome of proof of what he would do for me—one I hoped we never had to repeat again—but no matter. This was a level of thoughtfulness and sacrifice I couldn't believe.

I need our souls to be stitched together. Nay, welded together. That was more fitting.

"Easy, Short Stack. Easy." He laughed. "We're still not getting naked tonight."

"Oh, balls. What about my ramen and ice cream?"

"We'll get you both of those. I'm sure the group won't impede on your sodium and sugar overdose. We'll even order in the good stuff." He smiled.

"And Tom Hanks and spooning?" I nibbled on my lip. Not going to lie, I had been stupid excited for that. I think I had a Hanks obsession...

He pulled me in and kissed my forehead. "We can fulfill both of those later on with my laptop and our bed."

"Mmmmmm." I hummed in glee.

Just as we were opening the door, a familiar voice came careening into the apartment.

"Ladies and gentlemen, never fear, the most important party is here," Blake announced to the room.

"Booooo." Eilis heckled.

"Simmer down, you wench. I brought Jack, Jim, and Jose."

Sebastian and I both groaned. This was going to be a long night.

"Now where are my two favorite assholes?" Blake asked in good humor. I snorted.

May the liquor gods have mercy on our souls.

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