Once Upon a Time

By A_swag_

12.6K 447 113

A story about a princess (Amanda-AkRCos) who has a recently deceased family. After the tragic accident she is... More

Chapter 2 // The Meeting
Chapter 3 // Contract
Chapter 4 // Pink Dust
Chapter 5 // "Normal"
Chapter 6 // Weird Things
Chapter 7 // Gay? X 2
Chapter 8 // In Love
Chapter 9 // The fight
Chapter 10 // Smack
Chapter 11 // Plan
Chapter 12 // Searching
Chapter 13 // Want
Chapter 14 // Need
Chapter // 15 // Savior
Chapter 16 // Apologies
Chapter 17 // Girlfriends
Chapter 18 // Proposal
Chapter 19 // Happily Ever After!

Chapter 1 // She.

1.4K 28 18
By A_swag_

Liz's POV

It's my first day working at the castle and I'm very nervous. This is my chance to prove to my family I'm not just another failed kid they had during their "young ages." I want them to finally notice me.... I want them to be proud of me. And this is the first way to prove it! I had already gotten a tour of the parts of the castle I was allowed in from a my friend Izzy. Without her I probably would have never gotten the opportunity to work here, so I owe her everything.

As I was learning from another girl how i should fold the clothes properly Izzy came in. "We must go!" Izzy said with a slight urgency in her voice. "What! Why?" I asked curiously. "The princess has called a meeting for everyone." "Why is that such a big deal? It's just another meeting." I responded. "Well the princess has not shown her face to anyone before, not even before her families death. They have always just said that she is to be hidden to protect her, or whatever that means." Izzy said. "Wow so like no one has every seen her face other than her family?" "Yes." She told me. "Well no need to dilly dally, we have to go. Remember all I taught you, DON'T embarrass me!" She said sternly. " Yes ma'am." I responded.

With that they all left to go to the ball room where the meeting would be held. "Don't wait for me I have to use the restroom quickly." I told the group. "Well hurry you must not be late on your first day." Izzy warned. I nodded in response and headed to the nearest bathroom. After about 7 minutes I started to panic. I couldn't find the bathroom none the less find my way the the ballroom. I looked around for anyone who could help me find my way back. No one. No one anywhere. As I rounded another corner I bumped into someone tall. 'Maybe its a guard who could take me to the ball room.' I thought. "Oh I'm terribly sorry I wasn-" As I looked at the person I was now laying on top of I couldn't believe who I saw. A beautiful women who was tall with long brown hair and mysterious brown-blue eyes. She had an expensive dress and a dark black necklace around her neck. I stared for a moment before I realized who she was. ' Oh my god! Is that the princess?' I asked myself.

'Oh wait I I just ran into the princess!" I thought. "Fuck!"  I said to myself.as I realized I just ran into the princess, even worse I was on top of her, and even even worse I just cussed in front of her on my first day. " Good going Liz." "Liz?" She repeated. 'Oh dang it I said that out load?!?' I could feel my face turn bright read. "I'm so so sorry." I said climbing off of her and onto my feet. I stuck my hand out to her to help her get out with my eyes closed embarrassed. "Why are you blushing with your eyes closed?" She asked as I pulled her up making me blush even more and opening my eyes.

I looked at her barely as I bowed to her repeating "I'm sorry!" About 50 thousand times. "I can't believe I did this on my first day, please forgive me." I said as silence grew between us. I looked up as I saw her staring at me confused. " It's fine really, I was justing heading to the ball room which is what your are trying to find I'm guessing. "She said in a angelic tone. "You would be correct - uhh miss I mean your majesty." I started to bow again but before I did she said, "Oh no please don't! Please my name is Amanda but if you want to refer to me formally call me miss." Yes ma'am!" I said standing back up. 

"So we should head to the ballroom, right?" She suggested. "Yes ma'am." "Accompany me?" She asked me. "Of course miss. Shall we." Yes we shall." She answered smiling angelically, it almost made my me melt when I saw it.

Liz - Bold
Amanda - Normal
As we started walking I was thinking of what just happened. 'Damn what just happened?' I thought. As I was processing I voice broke through. " So, you said it was your first day?" "Yes ma'am." "Interesting." 'I started to worry, why did she say that?' She saw me worry and tried to comfort me by saying, " I didn't mean that in a bad way I was just curious!" "Ok I say" actually feeling relaxed by her addition to her comment. We made some more small talk but nothing to really no anything about  each other. We shortly arrived and had it part ways. " Thank you for walking me here." "The pleasure was all mine." I said as I waved one more time before finding Izzy and sitting in a spot she saved for me.

"What took you so long!" Izzy said eager to hear my excuse. "Wel-" before I could finish I was cut off of the princess trying to get everyone's attention. (Which was very easy to do. Whenever someone looked at her they were speechless.) "Excuse me everyone." She said. I turned forgetting how beautiful she looked.

It seemed she noticed me because she stopped and smiled and I smiled back. "Let's get started with today's meeting:" she said gracefully. My eyes locked in her the whole time barely forgetting to take breathes. "First I would like to talk about -"

What is she going to address? Find out next chapter!

First chapter done!
Word count: 949

Hi Everyone! I would just like to say how excited I am to right this story! Second I'm sorry for any spelling mistake I didn't spell check it. Third after hearing about  sa1ntamv is going to stop writing soon, I decided I should try and join the inspectokros fan fiction writing community to help fill the gap that will be missed by them. I would like to say I'm am sad you are leaving but understand how you feel. Thank you for writing your ff they helped me through a lot! Much love 💙💙💙! And lastly if you are Amanda or Liz I'm sorry that you are reading this ff. But writing these have helped improve my own writing skills outside of  WattPad.

Anyways love you guys 😘see you gays next time! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

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