The 12 Elementals

By just-A_potato

205K 11.7K 2.7K

Yet again Darkness is hungry for a war to end it all, but Light will always have troops at the ready. One gir... More

The Elementals
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Bonus Chapter. First Encounter Part 1
Bonus Chapter. First Encounter Part 2
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Bonus Chapter. The Kiss
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Bonus Chapter. Jealousy's a Bitch
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
A Day in the Hogwarts Life
Don't Bark at Me
Yes, Vampires Do Suck

Chapter 17

3.3K 305 55
By just-A_potato

   To whomever has stuck with my story thus far.

   From now on my annoying presence will be leaving author's notes.




^^^And those too. At first I didn't because I know that "bothers" some people. But please, click the cute little star. And if you don't like the chapter, message me so I know what to fix.

   Lastly, bug me. I mean it. Bug the crap out of me!! Even if it's only one person.

   Enough of me....


   "Melody? Wake up. Mel? We're here. Let's see those gorgeous eyes." An unknown (and very annoying) person said.

  "Mel, please wake up. I need you." A child said and my eyes flew open.

   Jordan's face was worried and tense but loosened when he met my gaze.

   My car was parked and I could see that we were outside a fancy hotel. The car was empty, but Jordan was on my lap and the door was open that way Declan and Zane could peak through.

   "What's going on? Where's everybody?" I rack my brain for what could've happened.

   "The hotel. You're dad's gonna explain all this crazy shit." Declan answered.

   "Come on." Jordan got off my lap. He took my hand and tugged me out, holding onto me as if I might disappear if he let go.

   "I haven't given you a piggyback ride in a long time. You're older, but do you want one chorro?" I smiled kindly.

   Jordan's face brightened. "Why not." We paused and I bent down a little and he hopped on easily.

   Inside the hotel it was warm and bright.

   Kyle was there, he came to us and said, "They're in a room." He started for the elevator and we followed like dutiful ducklings.

   We got in and he pressed the button for the top floor. The doors opened and there was a long hallway but only one door. Kyle opened it and we went inside behind him.

   The room was huge and full of people I know.

   "Please sit down, this will take some time." Dad said.

   We sat with the others, who were either on the floor or couch. I took the floor and put Jordan on lap.

   "You all recognize some of the adults around me. I'll let them take over." Dad glanced to a woman who nodded.

   The woman is drop dead beautiful. Straw yellow hair and deep blue eyes. "Hi kids. I'm Traci Beneit, Esters mom." I've met her once, long ago, and she doesn't seem to have aged at all. "And I'm an angel, leader of them."

   A nerdy looking man with glasses spoke up next, "Like Traci, I'm an angel. James Price, Vivian's father."

   The next woman I knew (and loved) "I'm Brooke Starr, mermaid, Aliyahs mom."

   I frown. She didn't say she was Dmitri's mom.

   "I'm a werewolf, Dmitri's mom, and my name is Megan." This woman appeared to be Brooks's twin.

   "Whoa. Back up. My mom? Brooke, why is she saying that?" Dmitri asks, desperate, as Ester soothingly rubbed his back.

   Brooke sighed, "Dmitri, baby, you're not my son. You're Megan's."

   "So you tell me now? Then why do me and Aliyah look so much alike?" he questions.

   "Look at me and Megan, don't we look alike also? For some reason there's always one werewolf and one mermaid who seem to be twins. We told you guys you were siblings so you wouldn't question the similarities."

   "Oh." I couldn't image how Dmitri and Ali must be feeling.

   "That was awkward. Anyway I'm Declan's dad, Jackson, wolf." Declan is a spit image of his father.

   The man who spoke next had hair that's completely white, though he had smooth features. "I'm Jupiter, Jordan's father, and a werewolf, leader."

   The woman next was pure muscle, bringing a goofy grin to my face. "Andrea King. Mermaid. Kyle's mommy."

   "Matt, Zane's father, angel." I recognize him, banana colored hair and pea green eyes.

   Dad was last. "You all already know, Mel's father, Max, mermaid. Leader."

   I'd had enough of all this. I pushed Jordan off my lap and leapt to my feet. "Great, we all know each other. Ahora hablar!(Talk now!)" I yell.

   Suddenly they were all holding their heads, on the floor, moaning in immense pain.

   "Max, make her stop."

   "Control the girl!"

   "She's so strong."

   "I can't fight her off!"


   They all kept going on.

   Zayden, who's been abnormally quiet I forgot about his existence said, Little wave, control yourself.

   It was difficult at first, eventually I relaxed myself and they all got back on their feet.

   "How much power has she unlocked?" Brooke asked, wary.

   "Not sure, but that was pretty damn good!" Dad didn't mind what I did, why should the rest of them?

   "Melody, how much power do you have?" Jupiter grunts.

  "How am I supposed to fucking know? Mi puta vida acaba de ser al revés. Siento que me estoy volviendo loco. Sabes cuanto te quiero lastimar a todos ustedes?" I'm losing my marbles. (My fucking life just turned upside down. I feel like I'm going insane. How am I supposed to know how I hurt you?)

   "Mel calm down. I'll explain everything." Dad said.

   "Nunca le digas a una mujer que se calmera. Sobre todo si ella es puertorriqueña. Eso es como decirle a un toro que no le cobre porque eres vegetariano! Complement estupido." (Never tell a woman to calm down. Especially if she is in a rage. Thats like telling a bull not to charge you because you're a vegan. Completely stupid!) I waved my hands in the air a lot and rap my knuckles on my head on the last sentence. When I get worked up English doesn't seem to do it and my Puerto Rican heritage makes itself known.

   "I know this is all very shocking, but please hear us out." Matt pleaded. I turned and was about to go off on him when a wave of sudden calmness washed over me like a tidal wave. I tried to regain my anger but as Matt stared deeply into my eyes, it was impossible to remember what anger was.

   "Fine." I sank down and closed my mouth.

   "During the early 16th century, a scientist created hybrids. Half human, half element, half magical creature. This was a time when magical creatures and humans lived peacefully." Dad began.

   "But then everything changed when the fire nation attacked." I said jokingly. There were barks of surprised laughter.

   At least your humor is not gone. Zayden laughed.

   Dad smiled, "Not exactly. The magical creatures had no leader, no one they would follow, that's what the scientist was after. He wanted to make a strong leader that none could defy, but he also wanted to control them. Without telling his true sinister plan, he got help from other creatures such as witches, unicorns, trolls, dwarves, elves, half-demons and much more. He fooled them into helping him, said he thought the creatures deserved noble leaders.

   "In the end, he created a whole new race. Twelve of them divided into four groups with three members. The four groups were made to represent the four most well known elements; earth, air, water, and fire. The magical creature parts of them were made to balance with their element side. Mermaids for water, angels for air, shapeshifters who prefer the form of a werewolf for earth, and dragons for fire. Each element contains unique powers and each element is different. Most get it in their minds that fire is the more powerful element, but they forget how easy it is for water to diminish it. Water has the power here."

   "Suck that Fire Lord Ozai!" I shout. More bursts of surprised laughter, though most probably don't understand my nerd references.

"Naturally, he didn't intend on them being so... human. Having actual feelings and thoughts of their own. Containing a very real essence of what it is to be human. Zayden, the leader of the mermaids, and group in general, took the Elementals away and started the rein of the Elementals." As Dad finished, he stood a little taller and prouder.

   I gasped dramatically, YOU! I accused.

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