By kpoptrashsi

856 30 1.9K

Here is to my bbfs I LOVE YOU SM DONT EVER CHANGE AND SORRY FOR BEING LATE ILY โค๏ธ๐ŸฆŒ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿง๐Ÿ™†โ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ‘Œ More

๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ‘ŒTGT surprise๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ’–
Z land pt3...
Z land-pt.4
Z land pt.5
Valentine's special
Z land pt.6
Z land pt.7
Z land pt. 8
Z land pt.9
Z land pt.10
Z land pt.11
Z land pt.12

Z land pt2

43 1 64
By kpoptrashsi

Hyunjin: SEUNGMIN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?- He screamed but Seungmin stayed on the edge...counting?

Chan: SEUNGMIN GET OFF THERE NOW!- He screamed as he held the door closed.

He continued there for a few seconds until he got off.

Seungmin: Some of that thing's blood fell in my mouth, apparently it isn't that contagious.- He said as we wiped his face off.

Chan and Jeongin got a couple of heavy boxes to block the door so nothing could get in.

Felix: WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!- He screamed trying to keep calm.

Chan: I told you already, the disease I was talking about earlier has spread to Seul real quick.- He said trying to catch his breath after all the adrenaline we went trough.

Junkyu: B-but what are we supposed to do now?- He asked scared to dead.

Hyunsuk: Should we call the police?- He asked as he got his phone out.

Changbin: I think they know what's happening already don't worry.- He said as he looked to the edge of the school roof were we saw a bunch of cars crashed into each other, fires, authorities trying to defend themselves, people running for their lives but most importantly those things attacking people one by one, eating them alive.

Em: Are we even safe here?- She asked starting to walk backwards since it was too much to process.

Chan: Don't worry we blocked the only door here.- He said looking back at the door with boxes on it.

Woojin: But what are we supposed to do now?- He asked now that we all went a little out of shock.

Yedam: Should we call our companies?- He asked as he got his phone out surely calling YG.

Em: I'll call JYP.- She said dialing the number.

We waited but YG didn't pick expected, but surprisingly JYP did.

Em: Hello? PDnim? Were are you? What's happening here?- She asked as soon as he answered, putting him right on speaker.

JYP: A disease has spread to Seul where apparently people are turning into some kinds of zombies, no one is safe here, apparently Busan is the safest place till now, I know it's far away from Seul but you can get there if you get a car.- He started explaining, he sounded shaken up.

But that's when we realized....he is not coming back for us.

Changbin: W-Wait you are not coming back for us?- He asked trying to stay calm.

JYP: Look guys, even if I wanted too, I can't, all I can do for you is maybe give you a space in the safe zone in Busan, but you need to get there on your own.- He said.

Riss: You are an asshole.- She said failing to contain her anger.

JYP: I'm sorry guys that's all I can do.- He said as he hung up.

Em was about to throw her phone but Chan came from behind her and grabbed it from her.

Chan: Breaking your phone is not gonna fix things.- He said as he saved her phone on his back pocket.

Riss: Guess the only thing we can do is try to get to Busan as fast as we can.- She said running her hands through her hair.

Hyunsuk: Busan is at the other side of Korea... how the fuck are we gonna get there?- He asked trying to think.

Seungmin: We need a car, for all of us, cause we ain't running with all of those zombies down there.- He said as he pointed out the obvious.

Hyunjin: We also need food.- He said, now everyone was planning stuff.

Riss: And we need to find a way to get down form here.- She said looking around.

Mashiho: We need to find what attracts those...zombies.- He said analyzing the first problem we had.

Jeongin: You know that we need one of us to sacrifice themselves to actually see what triggers them.- He said and we all nodded.

Felix: No one here is willing to sacrifice themselves.- He said now that we were all looking at each other.

Hyunjin: We won't be able to know what triggers them until there's an empty place and everyone here is still freaking out...the best thing we could do it wait till tomorrow I guess..- He said and we all went silent.

We waited hours since it was 10:00 AM when all the catastrophe started, but somehow after trying to figure things out, searching a map of Seul and taking a picture before the WiFi and electricity was cut out, we still couldn't take the news in, TGT was seated separated from the guys making the map and from the other guys trying to calm each other down.

Riss: Okay so, we need to find a place to "rob" so we can get, weapons, food and maybe some clothes at least.- She said looking at another map the guys gave us.

Em: Mmm what about that new mall they just put up?- She asked.

Gigi: The one where there's barely any stores yet?- I asked trying to figure which mall she was talking about.

Em: Exactly that one, I heard it has little convenience stores and a few clothing ones, I don't know about the weapons tho.- She said planning out everything.

Riss: Well theres a Walmart (yeah a Walmart in Korea) next to that mall and you know Walmarts are packed with weapons sometimes so we should go take a look before going into the convenience stores.- She said making up a plan.

Gigi: And seen as it wasn't still opened for public there's not gonna be that many zombies I guess.- I said making up another good point.

We continued discussing with some of the guys until it was finally getting a little dark, everything was now silent in the school, a few steps were heard each now and then but not much, everyone was seated in different points of the roof and we just stared at the sky.

Until we heard a voice and a knock coming from the door.

P.O.V Em

Em: Umm What the fuck was that?- I asked confused since we are supposedly the only ones that got to the roof.

X: Please is somebody out there? Help us! Those creepy things have been trying to attack us all day, please open up!- A girl's voice desperately said from the other side.

Hyunsuk: Should we open the door?- He asked to the rest.

Yedam: Wait...Are any of you bitten?- He asked waiting for the answer.

X2: No, we've been running and hiding the whole day...- A man said.

Changbin: Let's open the door.- He said and Chan and Woojin took the boxes away to open the door, where 2 people came in almost pushing us.

A man and a woman, the man a little older, let's say 23 years old with black hair and the woman was about 18 with light brown hair.

Yedam: mind introducing yourselves?- He asked serious as Woojin and Chan blocked the entrance as well.

X: Im- Im Katherine but call me Karen.- She said trying to catch her breath.

X2: And Im Maximum but call me Max.- He said giving a little bow.

Seungmin: And you guys are?- He asked them to know if they were related in some way.

Karen: Cousins, we were just walking around the area to get to my aunt's house.- She said realizing there's no much left.

Gigi: How did you even get here?- She asked confused.

Max: Well we were walking around and we saw a trail of blood leading to this school, we were wondering if someone got injured so we got in and saw this student on the ground he started shifting and turning until it stood up and tried to attack us if it wasn't for a random teacher that saved us.- He explained everything...I still couldn't trust them to the fullest.

Karen: So anyways...what are your names?- She asked looking at the boys in an interested way.

We all presented each other and when in got to the point of TGT presenting I started up first by giving my hand to them.

Em: Hi my name is Emily but you can call me Em and I'm 17.- I said presenting to Karen who scanned me with her eyes and to Max who took my hand and kissed it?

Max: It's a pleasure.- He said still holding my hand, before I could even say anything Yedam stepped up and took my hand from away from him into his.

Yedam: Yeah I don't think she likes that kind of physical contact.- He said intertwining our hands together, I could feel my heart burst.

Max: Okay? What about you miss?- He said referring to Riss.

Mashiho: Yeah she's Larisa likes to be called Riss and she doesn't like rude people.- He said stepping up, Riss just laughed at how funny that looked.

Gigi: I'm Gigi.- She said shortly.

Yedam: Well now that we all know each other let's get to the real deal, what do you know about those zombie, creatures that were down there?- He asked still with his hand strongly gripping mine.

Karen: Well not much to be honest, we were to busy running and stuff.- She said looking somewhere.

Max: The only thing is that, perhaps the zombies are attracted to sound, I mean most people scream when they see them and that's when they full on charge at people.- He explained and now everyone has a new plan on mind.

Chan: Interesting...well for today we are gonna stay up here and try and get some rest until tomorrow, we will try and gain some supplies, food and mainly weapons, since the only thing we have to defend ourselves.- He said getting the plan together in his head.

Karen: What about food?- She asked looking around.

Seungmin: Yeah, we don't have any that's why we are gonna go down for supplies tomorrow.- He said repeating what Chan said.

Darn....she's kinda....blonde PFFFF.

Anyways, after a little more talk we all took some of the carton slabs that were laying in the roof and we made little kinds of mattresses laying around, I decided to lay down already and tried to sleep if it wasn't because I was so darn cold.

Woojin: Hey Em are you cold?- He asked as he sat right beside me.

Em: Well a little.- I said trying not to shiver.

Woojin: Here take my hoodie.- He said about to take off his hoodie.

Em: No, no, no, don't you dare.- I said stopping him.

Woojin: Well I ain't letting you die in the cold, look at Riss, Junkyu already have her his hoodie.- He said pointing them out as they two were talking and smiling.

Em: Yeah but you don't have another jacket aside from your hoodie.- I said pointing out the obvious.

Woojin: least I can give you body to body heat.- He said engulfing me into a bear hug, that instantly brought me warmth.

Em: Thanks Woojin.- I said closing my eyes and finally sleeping after the worst day of the universe.


Riss: EM WAKE UP CHILD!- She screamed making me jump and eventually wake up.

Em: You better have a good excuse for almost giving me a heart atta- I was saying until we heard knocks, more like hits in the door.

Seungmin: I think they heard us somehow...- He said and we all stood up into alert mode.

Changbin: I mean, all the doors are closed right?- He asked, and just as he said that we heard a door opening.

Seungmin: What the actual fuck?!- He asked since at the distance we saw another door being opened showing a zombie with blood all over.

Yedam: I swear that door was locked when we went to sleep.- He whispered but it was too late, the zombies apparently were really sensitive to sound since it started charging at Yedam.

Chan: FAST THE BAT!- He screamed and Felix who was near it immediately tossed it to Yedam.

Most of us were in shock, thankfully Yedam was not since he hit the zombie right in the head making its now lifeless body fall to the floor.

Hyunjin: Holy shit that was closed...- He whispered.

After staying quiet for a couple of seconds, we were taken back to reality by Chan's voice.

Chan: Let's find a way to get down, then let's go to the parking lot and find some way to transport ourselves.- He whispered loud enough for everyone to hear, since now everything was quiet and the door was opened.

Everyone started walking around silently until I found a bunch of ladders that led down the entire building.

I made a bunch of signs to the others and they all got together around the ladders/stairs.

Woojin: I'll go first just give me the bat.- He said as he stared to go down slowly trying to not make the ladder creek cause of the weight being put on.

After Woojin arrived to the very bottom, he looked around for a while before reassuring that we could go down as well.

Almost half of the people was done when Minho was next, he swallowed hard.

Max: COME ON HURRY UP!- He said in his normal voice almost screaming.

Em: Shut the fuck up and move asshole.- I said pushing him aside tired of his attitude.

Em: Look Minho don't look down ok? Just keep looking at me the entire time.- I said as we both went down slowly.

I heard he almost slipped and I had to try and calm him down again.

Em: Just listen to my voice and I don't know think of happy things, bundles, food, dancing.- I said distracting him since we were almost there.

Thankfully we both made it safely and Minho went to me.

Minho: Thank you for calming me down.- He said embarrassed.

Em: Don't worry I'm always here for you all.- I said as we now began to make our way to the parking lot.

We walked around all together trying to find a working car since most of them were crashed or really small.

Then after searching everywhere we found it...the school's bus.

Seungmin: Hallelujah!- He whispered/screamed.

Felix: This is perfect and all are we gonna get this to work?- He asked and we all went into thinking mode again.

Chan: The keys, they are usually at the office.- He said and so we began walking to the office of the school, problem was, there were about 5 zombies inside the offices dm the doors were broken into pieces, not completely tho.

Jisung: Only one of us should go in with the bat to protect themselves.- He said.

Riss: I will go.- She said our of nowhere.

Chan: No you are not going.- He said with authority in his voice as she grabbed her by the arm stopping her from moving.

Riss: Yes I am, the gap is small only for one of TGT to fit in, and besides I can run fast in case one of the Rotters decides to attack me.- She explained and she moved out of Chan's grip carefully.

Minho: Rotters? I like that name.- He said out of nowhere.

Chan took a moment to think about it before accepting.

Chan: Fine, but be careful.- He said before Riss carefully crossed the broken door to slowly make her way into the drawers of the office.

The zombies were static, they twitch every now and then, but as long as there was silence Riss was almost invisible to them.

Riss tried opening the drawer but it was stuck, and if she had to pull it out she would make even a little sound....making the Rotters charge at her.

Em: We need to do something.- I said thinking of a plan.

Em: I got it.- I said as I grabbed a piece of broken glass from the floor.

Riss looked at me terrified, I mouthed the words "Trust me" in her direction to which she nodded.

So as I was walking to get a part of my body inside the office Seungmin grabbed me.

Seungmin: What the fuck are you trying to do?- He asked whispering/screaming.

Em: Trust me.- I said as I was halfway inside the office just enough for me to move my arm and throw the piece of glass to the other side of the room making the Rotters full on charge at the sound.

Riss took the chance and she opened the drawer making as little sound as she could.

She found the keys and she carefully moved back, problem is....she stepped on a piece of glass.

The Rotters then their heads slowly as they started to growl....yeah we were screwed.

Hyunsuk: Guys we should run.- He whispered as the Rotters fully charged at us.

Minho: QUICK SOMEONE GRAB THE KEYS AND START THE BUS!!- He screamed so Riss quickly ran in as Chan and Junkyu pulled the bus's door open.

We all ran in after them, but the Rotters were right behind us.

Em: THROW ME THE BAT!- I screamed as the rest tried their best to start the bus.

I stood by the door as I swung the bat at them, killing one and making the other behind it fall down.

Em: START THE DAMN BUS!- I screamed as I hit another one but I lost my balance as I fell backwards.

Minho: WATCH OUT!- He said as I saw a rotter full on blast at me, if it wasn't for Minho who kicked it on the chest making him fall back as the doors from the bus finally closed and the bus itself started.

Woojin: WE GOT IT!- He said as he started to drive out of the school with a bunch of Rotters running behind us.

We barely made it out...

P.O.V Riss

I sat down in the floor trying to catch my breath, we barely made it out.

Chan: Riss are you ok?- He asked as he grabbed my face in his hands to check if I hurt.

Riss: I-I'm fine...I mean I'm a little tired but nothing much.- I said trying to calm him down since the worry shown in his face was a lot.

Chan: Don't you ever do something like that again, I promise I'll go next time.- He said as he hugged me, as if it was the end of the world....which kinda was OOP.

Gigi: I swear if you try something like that again and you don't make it out alive I'm gonna revive you myself just to punish you for trying other dangerous thing.- She said as she pushed Chan out of the way just to hug me.

The bus moved suddenly making many of us tumble down.

Woojin: Sorry, a Rotter was in the way, now all of you sit down and enjoy the trip I guess.- Hw said as he drove.

And to the mall we go...

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