They Call Him Asshole.

kimmyxad द्वारा

4.1K 242 46

Book Two. Liv And Orin's story. Before reading this book please read I CALL HER BLUEBERRY to gain a better u... अधिक

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Fourteen.

Chapter Thirteen

76 4 1
kimmyxad द्वारा

Olivia's point of view

The shelves were stocked with food in the chips aisle and all I really wanted was Hot Cheetos, I stood on my tippy toes as I tried to reach for the top shelve.

Are these people for real? Why would they put the best chips on the top shelf? How the hell am I suppose to reach,

I thought stretching myself as I almost tried to jump, just to get the bag down and then I saw a tattooed arm tower over me as he grabbed the bag and smirked while throwing it in our cart,

Orin was so tall and honestly, I appreciated him so much in moments like these.

"You get the Cheerios?" I asked as he pointed his eyes at the cereal box in our cart. I swear all this boy eats for breakfast, lunch and supper is Cheerios.

When we were just friends, and Pais and I would have sleepovers, Orin and I would always stay up together in early hours of the morning when we both couldn't sleep and we would watch cartoons and eat Cheerios,

Adventure time was our favorite but over the past few months anime was our go to,

Dragon Ball Z was our everything, Orin reminded me a lot of Vegta.

"I swear you fucked with my cart! You must have did some shit to it!" Vickrim yelled as he stood at the top of the aisle as his eyes inspected the wheels while Stephan laughed "bitch, you just slow!" He said out of breathe and then Vick yelled "re-race, all or nothing. 20k" he shoved Stephan and then Steph shrugged. "Let's go then man, I would love to take your money" He was cocky while Orin and I had watched the two of them line up at the starting point of the aisle as they were about to race their carts down the chips aisle excitedly.

"Yo! Y'all need to stop acting like fucking kids." Orin said seeming annoyed as I placed both my hands on the handle bar of our cart in attempted to move it out of the way, because these two idiots were about to race again.

"Liv, you need to get you a new man. That ones broken." Vickrim said playfully.

"Broken boyfriend in aisle 3, clean up on aisle 3. Broken boyfriend." Stephan said imitating an intercom voice as the two of them laughed while I smiled rolling my eyes saying "were not dating, he's not my boyfriend."

"Can y'all just take your bullshit to the next aisle so we can shop in peace." Orin's thick voice was stern and over powering and then Vickrim grabbed a bag of chips and threw it at Orin, causing Ori to catch it with one hand as he smiled thinly while the two of them shifted themselves to the next aisle,

And then I giggled as I watched Orin shove the random bag of chips onto the closes shelf nearby as I noticed the rage in his eyes.

"You really need to chill out." I said as I slightly tapped the tip of his nose with my index finger and then began to push our cart forward.

"We have important things to worry about and the two of them are acting like we're stress free and everything's all good, when at this moment shit ain't." He was clearly fed up as I stopped to reach for Taki's which was lowkey my favorite when I was pregnant,

I exhaled trying to push the thought from my mind and then I felt Orin's arms slide around my waist as he kind of cuddled me by holding me from behind, he bent low to have his head rest of my shoulder as I threw the bag in our cart and felt my one hand reaching up to hold his head, feeling his hair between the gaps of my fingers. I then slightly ruffled his strands as his lips was pressed against my neck, moving against my skin as he spoke "I'm just tired, I just want this shit to be over baby, I just want everyone to be safe and I just wanna go to bed with you at 3am and eat junk food and watch shit on TV and!" He groaned and then I felt his lips smiled "pretend that we weren't into each other when, we were kinda already in love." He laughed and then I turned around quickly in shock, smiling like a fool.

"I was not in love with you back then!" I protested as he smirked saying nothing and then I laughed "you so were!" He played "Remember when you were checking me out when I came out of the shower with a towel around my waist and I had walked into the kitchen with a toothbrush in my mouth as I poured myself water?"

"That was one time!" I said shrugging "but I wasn't in love with you back then! You were my best friends mean older brother, who was constantly mad at the world and would never smile!" I said "I was not in love with yo grumpy ass!" I spoke with a playfully sassy attitude and then he laughed,

"But you're sure in love with it now." He stepped closer to me, closing me in as his hands reached for the bar of our cart, his arms on either side of me as his cologne began to float all around me while I watched him leaned in, biting his lip.

"Kiss me." He said as I leaned back playing hard to get with him as he kept leaning forward. I leaned as far as I could and then I held my hand again his chest as I smiled "Orin!" my cheeks turned red as I got shy.

"Just a small one." His alluring voice almost whispered and then I grabbed his carved jawline with my hand and then slowly moved closer to him as I kept his face still, my lips was so close to his but I didn't allow it to touch as I teased him "Olivia..." he sang and then quickly pressed his lips against mine stealing a quick kiss making me laugh,

"You're the worst!" I said as I was still trapped between his arms and then he gave me a million tiny kisses all over my face as I tried to dodge it "tell me more!" He said jokingly as he continued to smother me in his kisses and then I grabbed his face again and this time I kissed him, pressing my lips forcefully against his as my fingers moved to the back of his head while my palm rested on on the side of his neck,

I could feel how connected we are, every time we kissed I could feel how we weren't just two people but how we were somehow one and I honestly couldn't imagine myself being this in love with someone as I was with him, and it's like he had read my mind as he pulled his lips from mine to tell me what he always did "Olivia I love-"

"What the fuck!? Liv are you fucking joking!" I heard a familiar voice as my heart had sunk into the center of the earth, beating as if the whole world could hear it bang while Orin rotated his neck to turn back as we both looked, following the voice,

"No! Go back!" Stephan! Take me to Liv!" Paisley yelled from the speaker of Stephan's phone as she was on FaceTime with him, he had casually walked past our aisle while he was on the phone with her and I guess she had seen Orin and I in the background,

Oh. My. G-

"Can you calm down Blueberry. I'll take you." Stephan said as he was walking towards us, we all heard her yell "Don't tell me to calm down, give the damn phone to Liv, and you and I will talk later because it's quite apparent that we keep secrets from each other now."

"Yo, I love you more than you could ever imagine, and I get that you're pissed right now but don't talk to me like that, I always speak to you respectfully so I demand the same, ayt?" He raised a brow and then said "we can talk later whatever." He seemed upset as he handed me the phone and mouthed that he was sorry to Orin and I, while my palms were sweaty as it felt his phone in my hand and then he shook his head to shake off the frustration as he walked away to calm himself down.

"Hey Pais." I said nervously,

this was fucking bad, shit, fuck, what do I-
Oh my god!

"Hey Pais? Really?" Her blue eyes stared me dead as my hazel ones were still wide in shock.

"Look can I explain, I just-" I was about to ramble nervously as she had cut me off.

"Okay so you're fucking my brother!?" She was astonished and honestly I had never in my life heard Paisley cuss this much in such a short space of time, this is the only moment where It would be easy to tell that Paisley and Orin were siblings, they shared the same rage when they deeply felt hurt,

She's hurt, and it's my fault.

"Hey!" Orin grabbed the phone from my hand as he noticed that I was saying nothing from the guilt that overpowered my heart and he knew he had to protect me and stand up for me because in this moment I didn't know how to "you better calm the fuck down, you're not going to attack her for this shit. I won't fucking let you." He scoffed.

"This isn't between you and I, you not telling me stuff isn't a surprise, but Liv I know you can hear me and I thought I was your best friend we've known each other since we were kids , we literally tell each other everything, does this friendship mean nothing to you? I can't believe you would keep something so big from me!" I heard a crack in her voice as if she wanted to cry "Everybody knows, don't they? They all do and you didn't say shit to me!? When were you going to tell me? Were you even going to tell me Liv!?" She sniffed and then I took the phone from Orin's hand as it broke my heart to have hurt her, but I was going to tell her as soon as the Ian drama was over,

I was going to, I just needed time to-

I shook off my own thoughts and breathed in before exhaling as I was literally shaking with dread,

I was always a tough bitch but I couldn't be when I knew that not telling my best friend...was wrong.

"I'm sorry, I need to start by saying that-"

I saw a manly hand come from behind me to grab Stephan's phone as his fingers ended my call with Pais while I turned around pissed at this idiot!

"Can we all check out now! Toby and Adam called, they found Ian. We need to get moving. Like fucking now!" Vickrim looked at us as if we were stupid while we were frozen staring at him and then he repeated himself, slowly saying "let's get moving. Moooovvving nooooww." while using his index finger and his middle finger to show us what our legs should be doing.

We watched Steph's phone vibrate as he answered "Paisley, dear...the Justice League can not be reached at this moment, we have important business to attend to. Good day!" He said and then hung up as he threw his hands up in the air.

As we were silently astonished before he freaked out saying,

"Can y'all fucking move! The fuck y'all looking at! Am I the only one taking this shit serious, all y'all fucking do is play. I'm sick of it! Let's go!"

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