Rocketshipping oneshots/stori...

By 1bunnylover

4.6K 129 53

(If you're not reading this on Wattpad, you're reading an illegal copyright version of it) Although this is m... More

Realized too late
Finally free part 1
Finally free part 2
Flabebe flower affect
A new addition

Never really fake

1K 28 5
By 1bunnylover

The team Rocket trio was in the middle going over another plan to catch Pokémon but were caught in an unexpected surprise. Literally. Although it wasn't a fun surprise.

The three were caught up in a net by none other James's parents. Jefferson and Abigail Morgan. (I made up their names because I got tired of typing James's mom/dad)

"I'm so glad we finally found you Jamison." Abigail chimed.

"Now you can finally come home and get married to Jessabelle." Jefferson added.

James eyes widened in shock. He couldn't get married to Jessabelle. Not now. Too much had changed. Plus she was absolutely crazy and he didn't want to be stuck with that.

"I can't do that!" James protested.

"And why not?" Abigail asked.

"Because..." James knew have had to think quickly. "Because I'm married to Jessie." He forced a smile a put his arm around her. "Just go along with this." He begged through his teeth.

"You two...are married? Since when? And why would you marry...her?" Abigail wrinkled her nose at Jessie.

"Because I love her." James beat Jessie to the punch. "She makes me happy. You do want be to be happy, don't you?"

Though it was odd to speak it, he had to be convincing.

"Then prove it. Take off your gloves and show us the rings." Jefferson demanded.

James's face paled in fright. How was he going to explain the absence of the wedding bands? It wouldn't make any sense. Thankfully, Jessie came to the rescue.

"We would love to but we don't have them. With our lack of funds, we can hardly afford food let alone two wedding bands." Jessie explained.

James's parents turned away to whisper amongst themselves. As they talked, Meowth tried to cut through the net but it was turner than he expected. Before the cat Pokémon could even break a single thread, they turned back around.

"Alright. We have a proposition for you." Abigail announced.

"We're listening." Jessie grumbled.

"You will show us respect." Jefferson snapped at her.

"Pardon me." Jessie snarled sarcastically. "But I'd be in a much better mood if I wasn't caught in a net."

"What is the proportion?" James asked to get back on track.

The two glared a Jessie one last time before returning their attention to the both of them.

"Being that we missed your wedding...and if you really love this girl...then we want to help." Jefferson began.

"But, we have some conditioning. You will quit this team rocket and move back home. In exchange, we will throw you two a proper wedding. Though, Jessie will have to pretend to be a long lost twin of Jessabelle." His mom finished. "So, do we have a deal?"

"Sure." James replied quickly.

James then looked to Jessie, silently begging her to give in. Even though he wasn't thrilled about how things were turning out, it was better than his parents hunting him down. This also meant he wouldn't have to deal with Jessabelle anymore. Which was another huge load off his back.

"It's a deal." Jessie finally agreed.

"Splendid." Abigail chirped.

With that the team was released from the net and forcefully escorted to a fancy limo. The ride was dead silent as the five sat in the limo. Even as they entered the house none of them said a word. Until their visitor of the hour sprang up out of nowhere.

"James! You're back! Now we can get married!" Jessabelle instantly clung into James.

"Jessabelle...can't...breath..." James gasped between breathes.

Then, without a word, Jessie pulled her double ganger off him.

"Excuse me but..." Jessabelle trailed off when she was face to face with Jessie.

The two had never been so close and it stunned Jessabelle how much Jessie really did look like her. Sure, she had heard it before, but never really believed it. Until now, when it felt like she was standing in front of a mirror.

"Stay away from my husband." Jessie growled, threatening.

She then walked past the rich girl and over to James, pulling him along to continue the walk further into the house. It took Jessabelle a moment to register what was just said to her.

"What! But she can't do that!" Jessabelle exclaimed to James parents.

"We have a lot to discuss." Abigail stated.

The trio finally made it to James old room. Though it didn't look old and looked to be made for a king. Jessie went and clasped on the end of the bed. It was only the afternoon and this small deal made with James parents nearly exhausted her.

"Well, that was sure something." Meowth commented.

It was silent a few more minutes before Jessie sat up and stared heavily at James.

"You. Have. Some. Explaining. To. Do." Jessie growled.

"I know, I know." James raised his hands in surrender. "But might I just say thank you for going along with this so willingly AND for the Jessabelle scene earlier."

"You're welcome." Jessie said quickly. "Now, answer my questions." James nodded and sat down in a chair. Jessie hesitated a bit and a light blush dusted her cheeks. "Did you mean it when you said you love me?"

"What? No...of course not...I just had to make it sound convincing." James smiled awkwardly.

Meowth rolled his eyes and tried to keep from making comment. Now was not the time for that. If he was going miss with them, he was have to tread carefully. Not only for his own wellbeing but for the sake of their little fib.

"Good. But this better be the best wedding ever." Jessie snapped.

"I'm sure it will be. My parents don't do anything unless it's big and flashy." James laughed a bit.

"Great." Jessie stated. "Just dandy."

"James! Come here a moment! We need to have a word with you." Abigail called.

"Coming!" James yelled back. "See you two later."

James then stood up and left the room. Once he was gone, Jessie flopped herself back against the bed with a heavy sigh. Meowth then cam and sat beside her on the bed.

He wondered about his teammates strange behavior. He never would have expected her to go along with this so willingly or making demands afterward. Something was definitely going on with her.

"Hey Jess?" Meowth broke the silence.

"What?" Jessie groaned.

"What's going on with you?" Meowth asked. Jessie didn't respond. "Cause I've never seen you so passive. Especially with your big romantic dreams of finding your Prince Charming."

Still not word, which left Meowth even more puzzled. By now, Jessie usually would have been ranting and raving about being forced to marry James. Yet, not she was silent? It didn't make sense. Unless...

"Wait? Are you...actually in love with James?" Meowth questioned in complete disbelief. Jessie rolled over to hid the blush that crept up her cheeks. "Oh my gosh! You do!"

"So what!" Jessie whipped around to face him. "It doesn't matter. I'm helping him get out of Jessabelle's grip that's what's important."

"Ok but you should tell him. Maybe this doesn't have to be fake." Meowth

"Are you crazy? You heard James. He doesn't love me. He only said that so his parents would believe him. So no, I will not tell him and don't you dare either." Jessie growled.

"Got it!" Meowth held his paws up in surrender.

"Jessie! We would like a word with you." Abigail suddenly called.

"Good. Now let's just get this over with." Jessie sighed.

Jessie stood and went to join James in the family meeting, which involved their wedding planning. Which was how most of their days were spent.

Though, as time went on it did get a lot easier to deal with. Jessie and James acted like a real couple when in the public eye but Jessie made sure to distance themselves when apart. It seemed to work for the most part. However, Jessie was having trouble keeping her feelings in check. Her real feelings that she wasn't supposed to have for her best friend.

"You doing ok Jess?" Meowth asked.

"I'm fine." Jessie grumbled.

Before Meowth could try to reason with her, James burst into their room in a panic.

"Jessie! We have a problem!" James yelped.

"What is it?" Jessie asked.

" know how I have been sleeping on the floor...which was fine, because this is really-"

"Yes. I've been here. Now out with it. What is the problem?" Jessie snapped.

"Jessabelle came in a busted us last night." James answered quickly. The room feel silent for a moment. "What are we supposed to do now?"

Jessie glanced at Meowth before returning to James.

"We obviously need to up our game. You...will stay in bed with me...and we'll have to be...more affectionate with each other." Jessie explained.

"What about my parents? They will know we lied, and that lie was the only reason they agreed to this." James pointed out.

"Then we will just explain to your parents that we had a fight last night. Which ended with you sleeping on the floor." Jessie replied.

James was finally able to relax. He came and sat with her on the bed.

"Thank you so much for doing this Jessie. I know this is all fake and you'd probably rather be marrying anyone else but I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else. I couldn't do this without you." James rested his hand on her shoulder.

"O-of course." Jessie stuttered a bit. "Anything for a teammate."

James gave a weak smile. Oh, how he wanted to tell her that it wasn't really fake for him. That he really, madly in love with her. But he couldn't bring himself to. Not after all this fuss.

"Oh Jessie!" Abigail chirped very loudly. "It's time for your dress fitting!"

"I should really get to that." Jessie muttered before leaving the room.

Once she was out of sight, Meowth saw his opportunity. In all the time the trio had been there, James was occupied by his parents. Which either left him with Jessie or alone to explore the house.

"When will you two finally come clean and make this thing real?" Meowth asked.

"What do you mean?" James titled his head in confusion.

"Are you in love with Jessie?" Meowth questioned. James bit his lip and turned his head away. "I'll take that as a yes then."

"It doesn't matter if I do, because she doesn't love me. And why would she?" James sighed.

"Oh the irony! I wish I had a recorder." Meowth remarked dramatically. James looked back to him in confusion. "Ok fine. Jessie is probably going to kill me for telling you but...she is in love with you. That's why she agreed to do this so willingly."

James blinked in shock. "Really?"

"Yeah! Why else do you think she would go along with this so willingly?" Meowth asked obviously.

"So...should tell her?" James tensed slightly.

"Well, I mean if you-of course you should! And do it before the wedding. Which is in two days." Meowth answered.

"Yeah! I'm going to go tell her now!" James jumped to his feet with a fiery determination.

"At a boy!" Meowth cheered.

So, James ran out to go look for Jessie and tell her everything. However, his wedding preparations kept him from doing that. They were both so busy for the rest of the day, that by the time they saw each other, they were exhausted.

They tiredly crawled into the huge bed for the night.

"Hey Jessie?" James mumbled.

"What?" Jessie groaned into a pillow.

"I...I just have to tell you something...before..." James dosed off.

But it didn't really matter, because Jessie did too.

The next morning, James woke up to find Jessie snuggled up against him and his arms wrapped comfortably around her. He smiled to her and closed his eyes once again, enjoying this wonderful little moment.

Not long after, Jessie woke up as well and a blush came up her face. She let out a sigh, thinking he was still asleep and moved her head up to his chest. She listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat as she lay there. She felt his arm wrap around her and pull her a bit closer but she still assumed he was asleep.

The fake couple smiled to themselves as they lay in the comfortable bed. They were just happy to have this moment, even if they thought the other was asleep.

However, like all good things, it had to come to an end. The door burst open with a loud bang, causing them sit up in shock.

"Rise and shine! It's time for the final touches and we need your approval. So get up and get changed. There is still a lot to do before you're wedding tomorrow." Jefferson announced.

Jessie and James quickly scurried out of bed. They began to get ready for the day and were soon yanked off to separate things. Which also meant that James did have the opportunity to tell her how he feels. However, that meant another day spent apart.

They got into separate beds that night and quickly fell asleep, awaiting their big wedding the next day.

Finally, it was time and everything looked perfect. James stood at the altar, dressed in his fancy suit with Meowth at his feet.

"Did you ever get to talk to Jessie?" Meowth whispered.

"No. But I have a plan." James smiled to himself.

"It better be a good one." Meowth muttered.

Before James could respond, the music began, telling everyone it was time for the brides big entrance. James's jaw nearly hit the freshly polished floor at the sight of his bride. Jessie was beyond gorgeous in her wedding dress. She strolled up to him with such grace and elegance.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to unite these two in holy matrimony." The Priest announced. "Do you, James Morgan take Jessie Murrow to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love, in good times and bad, as long as you both shall live."

"I do. I always have loved you and I always will." James told Jessie.

Her cheeks turned a bright pink but she smiled lovingly.

"And do you Jessie Murrow, take James Morgan to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love, in good times and bad, as long as you both shall live."

"I do and I will for the rest of my life." Jessie smiled.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

James and Jessie didn't waste another moment. They leaned forward and kissed each other passionately. They sealed their ever lasting love that had never been fake and they were happy.


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