็”ฑ -rosehearts

196K 5.8K 10.1K

โ ๐ˆ'๐Œ ๐Œ๐€๐Š๐ˆ๐๐† ๐ˆ๐“ ๐Œ๐˜ ๐Œ๐ˆ๐’๐’๐ˆ๐Ž๐ ๐“๐Ž ๐†๐„๐“ ๐‹/๐ ๐“๐Ž ๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„ ๐Œ๐„, ๐๐Ž ๐Œ๐€๐“๐“๐„๐‘ ๐–๐‡๏ฟฝ... ๆ›ดๅคš

[two-not destined]
[six - vagarious]
[seven - my first love]
[eight - lucid dreaming]
[nine - rin]
[eleven - genderbent]
[twelve - warmth]
[thirteen - the growth of jealousy]
[fourteen - vicissitude]
[fifteen - selcouth ]
[sixteen - witness]
[seventeen - latch]
[eighteen - wonderwall]
[nineteen - redamancy]
[twenty - yลซgen]

[ten - big brother]

6.4K 205 120
็”ฑ -rosehearts



it was a lovely sunny day. like a cliche movie beginning from the sky. people walking and chatting through the streets. anyways. two men had their days off, which was extremely rare. yet, they didn't want to keep a low profile by wearing casual clothing so they put on their work attires just in case they get called in last minute.

on one side of the street, dazai was found walking without disturbing anyone. which was also rare. he had a lot on his mind...

"why can't i get her off my mind? is it true love? pfft...no it can't be."

his own thoughts made a light chuckle escape his lips, almost sounding sarcastically stupid.

"i just can't believe a boring girl like her is all like oh no, instead of oh wow! i swear i will make y/n l/n fall for me no matter what it takes!"

dazai huffed with pride, idiotically smiling. on the other side, we have chuuya. also much of his mind after his little encounter with y/n a week ago.

"what's wrong with me? everytime i try to get closer to y/n it's like theirs an invisible force pulling us apart!"

chuuya looked antagonized. majorly feelings inferior to everybody who had the chance to talk to y/n. a.k.a the armed detective agency.
and so...the two men saw each other. looking at one another with displeasure.

"seriously? i bump into you on my day off?!" chuuya almost screamed, clenching his teeth. dazai seemed most annoyed as well.
"that's not a polite way to talk to your superior."

"superior? in your dreams, you suicidal bastard."

"anyways, i'm not happy to see you either but since we're in front of a tea shop. why not have a healthy drink, doggie?" dazai snickered, crossing his arms. "don't call me that again. and why not?. just don't ruin my day even further." chuuya walked in first, not bothering to hold the door neither.


the sounds of sips were heard from both men. despite secretly being closed with each other, this encounter seemed awkward. the air felt uncomfortable you could cut it with a knife.
"have you ever been to this place anyways?" chuuya broke the silence. dazai put down his cup of barley tea and shook his head slowly.
"nah. but i heard good things about it. the tea is wonderful just like kunikida said it is!"
dazai replied, eyes gleaming. "and look at that cute lady! i should ask her to do a double suicide with me!" dazai clasped his hands together.

chuuya deadpanned, eyes shadowing.
"dammit. i'm going to punch you if you start rambling about suicide now. anyways...i rarely have tea so i guess it doesn't taste bad."

dazai giggled before drinking more. just like that, the silence came back. not knowing what to talk about. but of course, there were plenty of topics to bring up that could lead to a nice conversation. it never crossed their minds though...not one. chuuya thought of something embarrassing to ask. he set down his cup of tea and averted his gaze to the delicious liquid, thinking of his question would make dazai laugh and make fun of him.

he could handle the tease, he wouldn't hesitate to kick him to shut him up but it felt weird to bring it up.

"hey uhm...dazai.....do you have a crush on anyone?"

immediately, dazai choked on his tea, spilling some on the table as his brown eyes widen.
"huh?! you do?" chuuya shockingly exclaimed. "no!no!no! i just wasn't expecting a private question come out of you chuuya!" dazai frantically answered. he cleaned his mouth with a napkin before setting back at mr. fancy hat.

"what about you? do you have a crush, chuuyaaa~?"

a small blush shaded chuuya's pale cheeks, looking away with a frown. "y-yeah..."
dazai's face lit up in the slightest face. he was almost glad that chuuya answered honestly. now he has a chance to blackmail chuuya if he was careful. "who is it?"

"you can't tell anyone!"

dazai leaned back on the sofa chair, playfully scoffing and gesturing a hand up. "come on, who do you think i am? of course i won't. is she from the port mafia?"

"actaully, no. she's someone you know and probably talk to freely..."

dazai blinked, lips quivering to keep his smile. he felt himself wanting to frown from the man's hint. "really? that's nice!" he laughed it off and drank his tea.

"it can't be l/n, right?"

"believe it or not, kouyo and higuchi gave me some advice on how to approach a girl you like. those two are quite a handful to ask advice for...especially higuchi." chuuya groaned, closing his eyes in distraction.
dazai gaped.

"hm. i should ask him what they told him. it could help me with l/n!"

"well, there is someone i like..."

chuuya perked up. "hah?! you?! who?!" he rhymed. dazai giggled, averting his eyes away to hide his growing embarrassment.  "she works at the armed detective agency with me. the last time i could really hang out with her was when me and the others smothered l/n with s-"

chuuya choked on his sweet tasting tea. spilling it in the process. "smothering l/n? pfft." chuuya sarcastically laughed to hide his slight jealousy.

"l/n...didn't expect that name to come out of his filthy mouth."

"what was that all about? was he reacting to hearing l/n?!"

chuuya and dazai both cleaned up their own spills noticing it left a visible mess of tea on the dark table. their faces holding suspicion to one another.

"could it be that chuuya's/ dazai's crush is...

little did the guys know that the woman of their dreams was sitting right near them.
y/n slouched on her seat, face annoyingly tired.

"what's wrong, l/n? you look sick." kunikida asked, looking up from his notebook. it was their small break so they decided to spent it together for some rare tea not even the ada's cafe had.

y/n's pov
the boys are this close to realizing they have a crush on me. i have to nip this quickly before feelings get close. if they realize their pure feelings they'll be in my life forever. scheming to win my affection.

a straw's wrapper was flown to our side of the booth's seats. chotto matte-

"oh hey kunikida!" dazai got up from his seat to face the other side, holding onto the fancy divider in between the booths. "what are the chances of seeing you...hereee...." dazai's tone trailed off from relief to realization as his eyes traveled to me. chuuya got up as well, eyes glancing toward where dazai was looking at. just my luck they both mentally panicking while blushing.

"oh no! did she hear us?"

chuuya bit his lip, embarrassedly taking a small glimpse at dazai who looked back at him boldly.

"chuuya's blushing....there's no doubt in my mind..."

"i knew it!"

"chuuya likes/dazai likes l/n!"

hey, don't jump to conclusions! well there's not much to save me here. unless.


"what is the matter with you two?" kunikida asked, narrowing his eyes at chuuya and dazai suspiciously. on the contrary, dazai was hiding his nervousness very well. "n-nothin! it's just really embarrassing that i'm seen with one of our enemies. why don't i walk you guys to the agency now?" dazai softly knocked on dazai's head, sticking his tongue out a bit.
kunikida glared at chuuya for a second before scoffing.

"no. we'd rather you leave us alone for the time being. l/n and i were discussing a mission she has with atsushi and kyouka. so we'll be on our way." kunikida placed the money on the bill that was dropped off before this occasion and left it on the table.

i stood up and slightly bowed to the men before walking off with kunikida. i still have to make sure dazai and chuuya don't end up killing each other over a woman. unfortunately, that woman obviously being myself. i could make it seem as if chuuya likes yosano or dazai to like yosano but that's would make it weird if you ask me. they're barely close with her. i could also make it seem like kunikida and i have some things going on but that would make things even worse than they are.

i merely have time for a solution before things get messy.


while walking home, my thoughts traveled to how hurt the boys can get if i reject their feelings. it's not the rejection part i'm sad as out, i can carelessly reject them if anything. but it's the results that slightly scare me. i may have a cold heart but that doesn't mean i'm not suitable for being a hero. why do you think i work at the armed detected agency?

i was so deep in thought i didn't sense a ball hit my head. to be more specific, my right antenna. "sorry! could you pass us the ball?" a man apologized and i looked over the baseball  club that were looking at me hesitantly.

i reached down to get it, noticing  a small f/c ball roll by as well. i got back up and softly threw back at it. well, it was my intention to hit him back at the head softly but instead, it flew right pass them forward to the sky.

my eyes widen and so did theirs. how did that happened?' i was using the same amount of strength i normally do. i turn around and saw the pink ball i noticed earlier. right, i need t get that back. i took one step but was pushed by the ground drum lung below me. without that ball i can't control my powers. accidentally and just my luck, the ball went flying when it came in contact with my foot.

i guess i'm gonna have to use restoration and the antenna back in time in order to fix it. i hold it out on my palm and activate my turning back in time by one day ability. a shimmering light spawned and surrounded it before sparkling off. there problem solved-
wait why is my antenna all dismembered...so

nevermind. since my powers are much stronger now, my time ability turns back objects to seven years back. which means my antenna is completely dismembered. i teleported to the living room, incidentally being between my parents which automatically got a reaction out of them.

"gah! y/n!" dad yelled out. "n/n! you teleported back home? why? huh?! you're hair pin is missing!" mom frantically panicked before i collapsed to the floor weirdly with drool falling down the corner of my mouth. "y/n?! what happened? are you okay?!" dad asked.

yeah. i'm fine. i'm just relaxing my body as if i don't do that, the room will get a little chaotic.

"oh. you're control device, what happened to it?"

it broke. but you like managing creativity things, so fix it. "but i need instructions and pictures." dad protested, nervously raising his voice. please i beg you!
"you don't look like someone begging...welp, guess i could try."

a few minutes later, [d/n] came back with my antenna that doesn't look like an antenna anymore. more like a toy car. i grimace and my mom lightly chuckled at the fail. "redo it!"

"i can't. we're gonna have to ask the person who originally made it to fix it." dad corrected. i was the one who originally made it. T.T
"you didn't do it by yourself though. jun helped you out with it." dad yet again corrected my stubbornness. "okie! then i'll give ju-kun a call."

how could you! i glare up at my mom as she sailed his number on her phone.


the  security screens were all turned off except one. that one showing the l/n residence in yokohama that jun secretly watched over them in london. he picked yo his phone and smiled devilishly.

"oh hey mom! it's been a while~! you're calling about the broken antenna.....sure i'll fix it! just come to london anytime. can't let my baby sister down." jun sweetly said, with a small tint of undoubted menace.


this is the worse. knowing my parents will make countless stops in london, buying souvenirs and taking pictures nonstop, my life just got even worse.


my predictions are always correct. just as we got to london, my parents took pictures in front of bridges, telephone stands, shops and parks. and i couldn't do anything but sit around in a wheelchair. finally, we reached his place and to say that i was annoyed how big his mansion is, was an understatement.

if there's one thing i know about my brother, is that he's a jerk and brags about his life to me whenever the chance we get to see each other. he believes mom and dad favorite him more than me but truth is, like any other parent, love their kids equally.

"hey! mom! hey dad!" jun beamed, giving mom a hug first before dad. me and him exchange dark looks when our parent's back were turned away from the hug. i really hate being around my brother. i never got the knowledge or interest in finding out why jun doesn't like me and i'll keep it that way.

"one of y/n's control device is completely broken." dad informed jun. "can you fix it?" mom asked eagerly. i stared at his clothing, nothing fancy but he wore an outfit which consisted one of my least favorite colors and it irritates me to say the least. it just looked so horrifying.

"hmm. even if i can fix it, that won't fix the underlying problem with him, perhaps i can...."

i never pay attention to jun's dialogue ans always zone out to other fun but realistic fantasies. like eating a whole year supplies of sweets. anyways, jun isn't worried about me one. i guess it's only natural that he resents me....

23 years ago, an ordinary couple welcomed a baby boy to the world. the reason why my parents weren't surprised to have me was because they already had jun. you see as weirds as it sounds, when he was one month old, he spoke his first word. by age two, he mastered simple calculations and could read and write. a test said he had an iq of 200, which basically qualifies him as a genius.
but by the age of three, that genius would hit a wall.

that wall was me. when i was just a baby, the struggles of my psychic powers never really bothered me as my brain was already and still developing. i knew how to use them and didn't let anything get in my way.

jun felt humiliated. as he projected his jealousy, inferiority complex and hatred to me, i started to dislike him too. then when he was 15,

"a younger sister does not surpass their older brother."

he said that dramatic phrase he made up and left to go study at the UK. it's been four years since i've last seen him and he hasn't changed one bit. just longer hair. the last time i saw him, was my second year of high school when he visited home for a couple of days.

jun let out a hearty laugh, mistakingly saying that he doesn't like me and intents to destroy my smart brain.

"hahaha! i'm just kidding! how can i hate my precious baby sister?! hahaha! you got the parts right? let me take a look at them."

i lower my eye lids. i'm wearing my telepathy blocking ring so i don't know if he means that. i found it a couple years ago on the street and it helped me so much. when i came across it, it looked brand new and it's the only thing that makes me believe in fate.

jun received the broken antenna and slid them out the small zip bag and onto his palm. assuming he was going to his special engineering office or whatever, i was thinking i could chill in a room and watch a series or something. but just my luck, jun was rapidly moving his hand and putting the prices together in fashionably order.

"all done!" jun chuckled. "fixed it already?!" our parents exclaimed in disbelief. "yeah. it was nothing complicated."

i took the antenna and placed it on. immediately, i stood up from my wheelchair which took my parents from surprised. i took off my ring and carefully slid it in my pocket. he fixed it without making a big fuss but a superficial gesture of good will won't work on me.

what shocked me, is when i made eye contact with jun but i couldn't reas his thoughts. my eyes widen. why can't i read his thoughts?

"what's wrong, little sister?"


even without reading jun's deceiving mind, i can always manage to win against him. to save time, we played a game with tag and he dare challenge me and bribe me to play with sweets on the line. too bad for him, i won and ended up having a buffet of cakes, coffee jelly and cupcakes. literally any sweet you can think of.

jun did give my parents a day of their lives by giving them a trip to one of london's greatest visiting place. that bought us time for the challenge at least. it lasted a whole hour and it would have lasted more than that if i haven't realized jun planted a tracking device on my antenna.

"so that's what happened." dad said, fairly interested on today. "ever since he was a kid, ju-kun has always been competitive." mom softly giggled. "he must be feeling a tad down after loosing."

i kept eating my cake while my parents chatted about today at the dining table.
and as for what dad said, it's unlikely that jun's feeling depressed and gloomy. this is a guy who hasn't given up after loosing 4255 times in a row in total and if anything, it's the other way around.


at jun's room, he looked out the window with an emotionless expression. admitting defeat wasn't hard for him and he gladly accepted it. nonchalantly, he smiled and a tiny coral color spread across his cheeks.

"i lost yet again. you really are the only one who can defeat me, y/n." 

the way jun happily said that creeped me out. at least now you see why i don't like him.


a day later, me and our parents were taking our leave back to japan. i'm not home sick but i want to go home so badly if it means staying away from my older brother. at the airport, he was kind enough, thank god, to give us a lift and take us there. they bid their goodbyes while i stood near them, waiting for them to quit their chatting.

"y/n! aren't you gonna give your onii-chan a goodbye hug? i'm sure we won't be seeing each other for awhile."

i give him a look of disgust. i don't understand him sometimes. he can be hard to predict when he switches to his bright loving side that surely is him playing pretend but still. i just can't be too positive that he's saying what he means. my parents laugh when i back away.

"haha. fine, be that way. hopefully, we'll see each other soon and spend some more time together." jun told my parents with a sweet smile. "we'll be looking forward to it!" mom happily said and dad nodded.

they wave goodbye as we gave in our tickets t the flight attendant and got onto the plane. today was one weird day, i'm glad i didn't spend it with none other than dazai. speaking of which, i wonder how the agency is doing. curiosity got the best of me which made me use clairvoyance.


  "dazai was caught floating in a river again so kunikida is practically giving him a beating in the other room." tanizaki said. kenji perked up and snickered. "he's always in some kind of trouble. i bet he would've done that if l/n was here. is she coming back from london tomorrow morning?"

"in fact, she is." tanizaki smiled before a door busted open and dazai bounced out. despite being held by the neck by kunikida, he seemed quite jubilant. "l/n's coming back tomorrow?! yoopee~!!" he kicked kunikida off him and made a run for it.


"going to get a gift as a welcome back!"


i looked out the window after using my clairvoyance. i lean my cheek on my knuckles, starring as the city of london shrinks and shrinks. i felt the corner of my lips curve to a meager but soft smile. i'm gonna go ahead and admit that i definitely don't miss dazai but he's just so eccentric sometimes. always trying his best to win a woman's heart. just like taichi....

"what a dork.."

"you said something?" mom tilted her head towards me, confusedly humming. i stiffen up, a small blush coating up my cheeks.

no, i didn't say anything, mom, just keep reading your fashion magazine.

"okay, n/n!"

that was weird. i was just caught smiling. that's all...that's all...please tell me that's all..


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