friends - r.v.d

By yeedothaw

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Lana and Ruel have been best friends for 12 years. This year is different and everything changes. What will r... More

Part 1: the one where they come home
Part 2: the one with the hoodie
Part 3: the one where they're mad
Part 4: the one at mcdonalds
Part 5: the one where it goes wrong
Part 6: the one where they cuddled
Part 7: the one with bella and caleb
Part 8: the one where they come over
Part 9: the one with truth or dare
Part 11: the one with the movie
Part 12: the one with the party
Part 13: the one where shit goes down
Part 14: the one they start falling
Part 15: the one where they make a run for it
Part 16: the one where they cry
Part 17: the one where they worry
Part 18: the one where they surprise her
Part 19: the one where they are scared
Part 20: the one where she doesnt know
Part 21: the one where it's been a while
Part 22: the one where they heat things up
Part 23: the one where she wants to know
Part 24: the one where she goes
Part 25: the one where she explains
Part 26: the one where she gets ready
Part 27: the one where they go
Part 28: the one where they party
Part 29: the one where it makes sense now

Part 10: the one with the sleepover

1.5K 30 48
By yeedothaw

We were now standing outside. Bella and Jaden were getting into Bella's car and Caleb was getting in his own. We waved them off and went back inside the house.

"You guys head upstairs, I'm just gonna talk to my mom," I tell them. They nod and head up to my room as I walk into the living room.

"Hi ma, just wanted to let you know Ruel and Tyler are staying over tonight," I said to inform her.

"Okay sweetie, thank you for letting me know," she said as she brushed her fingers through Zara's hair.

"Who is Tyler and why is he staying?" Dylan says sitting up from the couch he was laying on.

"Why are you still here and why do you care?" I say back.

"Because I can be and because you're my baby sister and if any boy comes near you it's my duty to interrogate them before they stay the night." He says sternly.

"First of all, I'm not your baby sister. I'm 16 and I can make my own choices. Second, you don't need to act like every guy I meet is a criminal. Now if you don't mind I will be going back to my FRIENDS." I say in defence.

"Good night ma," I say kissing my mom on the cheek.

"Night hunny," my mom replies.

"Night nugget," I crouch down and give Zara a hug.

"Night night Lama," she says pulling away from the hug and crawling onto my moms laps.

"Night Dyl, drive home safe." I say as I give him a fist bump.

"Yeah will do. Don't get too wild up there," he says smirking at me.

"I hate you," I say as I walk down the hall making Dylan laugh.

"Love you too sissy," he calls out making me smile as I open the door to my bedroom. I walk in and step inside, closing it behind me with my right foot. I look up to see Ruel looking through my wardrobe while Tyler was on my bed scrolling through Instagram on his phone.

"Ruel, what you doing in there?" I say making him turn around.

"I'm trying to find my hoodie I left here last time," he says turning around again.

"Which one? You left two," I say smirking.

"My orange one," he says giving up on looking through my wardrobe. I stay smirking at him.

"What?" he says confused. I point my finger towards my desk were the orange jumper had been the entire side. He turns around to face me with an innocent smile.

"oops," he says chuckling at himself. I heard Tyler laugh from my bed and I turned to face him.

"What's so funny?" Ruel asked.

"You knew the entire time, didn't you?" I ask him smiling a little. he just nodded his head.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ruel said agitated.

"It was funny watching you struggle to find something that was right in front of you," Tyler said trying not to laugh again. Ruel just rolled his eyes and huffed. He slipped the hoodie over his head and onto his body.

"so what do you guys wanna do?" I say placing my phone on my bedside table.

"I don't know, what is there to do?" Tyler asked.

"We should go to the skate park," Ruel suggests.

"Uh I can't skate," Tyler says awkwardly.

"That's fine you can just watch us," Ruel shrugs and looks towards me.

"Wont your mom be mad?" Tyler asks me.

"Nah she lets us do it all the time." I shrug and Tyler nods. I slip on my vans, Ruel and Tyler putting their own shows on as well and I grab my phone and keys. I open my bedroom door and walk down the hall, Ruel and Tyler following me.

"Ma, we are gonna go to the skate park. We will be back soon!" I call out to here as we make our way to the front door.

"Okay be safe kids!" she calls back.

"We will!" I say as I step out of the front door and let the boys step out before I close it behind us. I walk to Ruel's car and pop the trunk, throwing my skateboard inside. I close it and hop in the passenger seat whilst Tyler sits in the middle in the back and Ruel sits in the drivers seat. I plug in my phone to the aux and play Frank Ocean until we arrive at the skate park. We all get out of the car and Ruel and I head to the trunk to get our skateboards out since Ruel always had his in his car. We walked over to the skate ramps and Ruel started skating straight away. Tyler went and sat down on the grass looking across the empty skate park. I started off my just skating around the tops of the skate ramps before going across the whole skate park, including rails which I hadn't done in ages hence me falling on my ass 3 times.

"Aye Tyler, why don't you come learn?" I call out to his as I skate over toward where he sat. He looked up from his phone, placing it on the ground behind him.

"Um I don't know I have terrible balance," he said nervously once I reached him and stopped the board from moving.

"Oh come one, I had shitty balance when I started trust me. You will get used to it," I held out my hand to help him up and he sighed before taking it. He stood up and I faced the skateboard forwards.

"Okay first we are gonna get you balancing on the board and then we will move onto trying to skate on flat surfaces," I tell him. I show him how to stand on the board firmly without having to loose balance and showed him how to angle your feet when moving the skate board. After about half an hour Tyler could skate very very VERY slow but it was a good start. Once he started to get a hold of his balance and skated a bit faster I decided to look around for Ruel. I looked over to the benches where we usually sat and he sat there his head low scrolling through his phone. I frowned.

"I'll be right back, keep practicing," I say to Tyler as I start to head over Ruel's way. I heard Tyler say something but I didn't focus on what it was. I soon reached Ruel and stood in front of him. He looked up at me for a split second then looked back down to his phone.

"Ruel," I say softly. No response.

"Ruel, what are you doing?" I say again.

"It's it pretty obvious, I'm on my phone," he says rudely. Something was definitely up.

"You never turn away the chance to skate, why are you sitting here looking at your phone?" I say still trying to not sound harsh. He doesn't reply. I look at his phone and my heart breaks a little when I realise what he was looking at. It was tons and tons of photos. Photos of him and Nikki. Photos of Nikki and her family or Nikki and Ruels family. He put his phone down on the ground and placed his face in his hands.

"Ruel, I know you miss her, of course you do and as much as I hate to admit it you have every right to. I'm sorry that this ever happened, you don't deserve this shit. But its gonna work out. Everything happens for a reason and this is just a bump in the long ass road of life." I say crouching down so our eye level was at the same height.

"You know you should become an inspirational speaker or some shit," I can hear the light tone is his voice, the be heaviness of his heart will still prominent.

"We both know that's not gonna happen," I say rolling my eyes. I sit up and take a seat next to him.

"Come here," I say patting my lap. He bends his long legs to fit on the bench and places his head on my lap, allowing me to fiddle with his hair to keep him calm. We sit there in silence, watching Tyler in the near distance struggle to keep his balance on my skateboard.

"Hey love?" Ruel says quietly.

"Yeah," I say looking down at him.

"I know this is kind of a random question but um did, well did you and Luke ever ya know... do stuff?" he said quietly. We never really talked about this stuff but I didn't see why we shouldn't.

"I mean not really. Of course we kissed and there was touching but we never went all the way." I reply.

"Huh." He simply says.

"What about you and Nikki?" I ask.

"I mean she gave me a blowjob twice and always wanted to make out but other than that no." he said light-heartedly.

"Right," I say in return.

"love, I want you to know I really am sorry," he says turning to face me but still placing his head on my lap.

"Ruel its fine real-"

"No, don't try to tell me its fine when it's not. I know you better than I know myself sometimes, I don't know why I didn't let her go before all of this shit happened. Maybe if I had broken up with her she wouldn't have gone with Luke and you wouldn't be sad right now." He said calmly.

"Ruel, even if you did break up with her she still would've done this. It's the kind of person she is. She did it to get to me and it worked. I just want to move on now." I say looking down at him.

"I just want you to be happy," I says quietly, almost too quiet to even hear. I didn't know what to say so I just looked up into the distance to where Tyler was still struggling to skate. Another five or so minutes pass and I hear a noise from my lap. I look down to see Ruel peacefully sleeping, light snores escaping his mouth. I reach into my back pocket and put out my phone, careful not to wake Ruel up. I open up snapchat and take a quick photo of him before saving it and locking my phone again. I decide to check the time. It was 11 pm meaning we had been out for about an hour.

"Ruel," I whisper into his ear, attempting to wake him up. Nothing.

"Ruel," I say a little louder, shaking him with my legs. Still nothing.

"God damn it, Ruel!" I say loudly not wanting to take ages to wake him up. He shot up in an instant and his arm went to either side of him, steadying himself.

"We are going home." I say standing up.

"Yo Tyler!" I call out loudly causing Tyler to pause skating and look towards me.

"Lets get outta here!" I say in his direction once again, earning a nod in response. I turn back to Ruel and hold my hand out to him, seeing as he wasn't gonna get up himself. He rolled his eyes before taking my hand and pulling himself up. Unfortunately, he pulled a bit too hard that he stood up suddenly and our body ended up hit each other. I lost a balance but before I could fall back, Ruel's other arm swung behind my back stopping me from falling. We stood there, not moving. Our hands were still intertwined between us and Ruels hand still hadn't let my back. I coughed loudly and we realease our hands and Ruel removed his other hand from my back. I started to head toward the direction of the carpark, Ruel shortly following behind me as he needed to grab his things on the bench. By the time we reached the car Tyler was already standing there waiting for us.

"Took you long enough," he said rolling his eyes, causing me to do the same. Ruel unlocked the car and both him and Tyler threw the skateboards in the trunk. I slipped into the passenger seat and Ruel back into the driver's seat whilst Tyler sat behind me in the back seat and we continued back to my house.


"You're seriously gonna sit here and tell me that you do toothpaste, water, brush? What kind of monster are you?!" I say in a whisper yell to Tyler. It was currently 12am and we were in the bathroom since I had to brush my teeth and wash my face and Tyler needed to pee whilst Ruel was getting changed in my room.

"Yes, there is no other way." He said is the same tone. I spat out my remaining toothpaste and rinsed my mouth with water and removing the excess toothpaste from the brush.

"No fuckin' way, water, toothpaste, water, brush. THAT'S the only way Tyler." I say sassily. Tyler washed his hands and we walked back into my room.

"Ruel, how do u brush ur teeth?" Tyler askes ruel.

"Uh, with a toothbrush?" he replied sounding confused making me smile at how dumb he was.

"No dumbass, he means like do u put toothpaste on before of after water?" I explain.

"Oh!" he said sitting up.

"I do water, toothpaste, brush" he replies making both Tyler and I look at eachother.

"Okay what the fuck?" I say.

"We need to stop before we have an actual argument about this." Tyler says laughing.

"You guys wanna watch a movie before going to sleep?" I asked them. They both nod in response.

"Okay let me get changed in the bathroom and you guys can get changed in here. I'll find a movie when I get back" I say as I pick up the clothes I would be sleeping in and leaving the room, closing the door behind me. I walk over to the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I slip off my shoes and change into yet another one of Ruel's jumpers that he didn't realise I still had and chucked on the pyjama shorts. I decided to leave my socks on until I got into bed. I slipped the scrunchie I had on my wrist off and into my hair, tying it into a low pony tail. I opened the bathroom door turning the lights off behind me and made my way back to my bedroom. I knocked on the door before I walked in, in case the boys were still changing.

"Come in" They said in sync through the door making me giggle. Ruel was putting his clothes into the draw of my wardrobe that was reserved for him whilst Tyler was stuffing his clothes in his back pack.

"Okay ladies, do we want snacks?" I ask them.

"Yeah I'll go get them." Ruel offers and I nod since he usually got the snacks. He jogs out of the room and down the hall to get the food. I place my clothes in the correct draws before grabbing my laptop off the floor and unplugging my phone so I was able to check it whilst Ruel was still gone. I hoped into the centre of the bed and Tyler sat to my left. There was just enough space for the three of us since it was a king size bed. Whilst we waited for Ruel to get back, we each went on our phones. A few minutes later Ruel was back with popcorn, sea salt chips and three bottles of water.

"Okay what should we watch?" I ask opening my laptop and clicking the Netflix icon.

"Horror?" Tyler suggests.

"I would love that but Lana shits herself with any sort of scary movie so that's off the list" Ruel explains making me sheepishly smile.

"How about a rom-com?" I suggest, making both boys groan.

"Oh come on its not that bad!" I say loudly.

"I have an idea" Ruel says smirking making me confused.

"What?" I ask cautiously.

"How about 50 Shades of Grey?" he says smirking even more making me role my eyes.

"I'm down," Tyler says next to me.

"Of course you are down." I say groaning making Ruel laugh.

"Oh come on its not that bad!" Ruel says, mocking what I said previously about rom-coms.

"Fine." I huff and type in the title. I find themovie and click play, slowing sinking down under the covers. Ruel reaches overand grabs the chips, quickly opening them before the movies starts.

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