Hired (Chanbaek)

By cclay2020

109K 6.6K 3.2K

*Complete* Chanyeol being quiet and not fully over his ex leaving him at the altar, he now needs a date for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Quick Question
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15(edited)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
New Story
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Ohhhh 😘
Special Chapter

Chapter 24

3.1K 159 40
By cclay2020

After sitting in an all night cafe with Sehun showing eachother comfort as our men lay in hospital beds after been so badly hurt I can't help but think why didn't they get out of a job like this sooner.

"It's visiting time again, I need to go see Kai. See if he has woken up" Sehun looks at me looking so tired just like I am after he opened up his heart to me about the love he has for Kai. Upon hearing his stories it made me realise I feel the same for baekhyun. "Let's go see our men" I smile getting up from the chair that I am sure now has the imprint of my ass in it since I haven't moved from it after I first sat down well only to use the bathroom but that was all. I pay for our meals and drinks knowing Sehun is far to worried about Kai right now.

"Thank you Chanyeol for listening to me and for this I will pay you back" Sehun looks away looking so sad as I guide him out the door towards the hospital. I feel the same as him but his partner hasn't woken up mine has so I can worry less I guess.

Arriving at the hospital he takes me by surprise hugging me before he runs off in the direction of Kai's room as I go find baekhyun.

Reaching his room I try fix myself before I head inside knowing sitting in a cafe all night won't make me look anyway decent. Pushing the door open I see him asleep making me tiptoe in closing the door gently behind me as not to wake him. Walking slowly towards him seeing his cuts, bruises and bandage over his eye I can't help but get upset again. Standing beside his bed I gently touch his hand as I lean over and kiss his forehead gently receiving a little soft smile before he wakes up.

"You came back" he smiles trying to sit up but wincing in pain. Quickly I wrap an arm around him helping him sit up as he fixes his blanket. "Of course I did I promised you I would" I pull the chair that is beside his bed and move it closer so I can still hold his hand. "You look tired Chanyeol" he rubs his free hand over our linked one making me let out a tear. "I stayed in a cafe around the corner with Sehun, kais boyfriend because he was in a bad way lastnight and wouldn't leave so I suggested we stay and come back when we where allowed". I look up into his eye as he let's out a tear too. "Thank you for staying you have such a huge heart" he sniffs making me see a weaker side of him as I get up from the chair and move to hug him without hurting him.

"How is Kai do you know?" he sniffs as I hand him some tissues from the bedside table. "He hasn't woken up yet that's all I know so far. I can go find out for you if you like?" I watch as he grabs my hand again. "No please stay we can find out in a minute. I just don't feel like being alone anymore" he grabs my hand tighter making me think this has affected him alot more then just the cuts and bruises. "I'm not going anywhere just let me text work ok and then I'm all yours" I take my hand back as I sent a quick message to my boss telling him I won't be able to make it today as something has come up. Pressing send I put the phone in my pocket and look back at baek who is smiling. "Why you smiling?" I smile back as I move closer to him. "I guess I am happy your here and I haven't lost you. I missed you so much this week Chanyeol". He begins to cry as i feel bad for telling him to go the other night when all he wanted to do was see me but I had to follow my heart and wait till all his meetings where done and over with.

"I've missed you too so much baekhyun I'm sorry I stayed away I just couldn't in my heart watch you going on those meetings". He reaches his hand up and cups my cheek. "Hey its all over now and I'm official free from that work now, so if its OK with you can I kiss you now and be with you" he smiles but quickly stops after hurting his busted lip. "I want to kiss you but your lip looks so sore". "Chaneyol please it's been a whole week I need to feel your lips please" he grabs my top pulling me in closer making us both laugh as I ever so gently kiss his top lip trying not to hurt his bottom busted one. "See your kissing it better already" he pulls away smiling before touching his hurt lip.

" Goodmorning Mr Byun how are you feeling this morning?" a nurse enters the room holding a chart." Still in pain but I guess I will survive" he tries to be his charming self but I know it will probably take awhile before he feels like that again. "Well baekhyun turns out your able to go home today, just keep taking the pain killers, a nice sleep in your own bed will help heal, trust me. I have some new dressings here in a little bag for you for your eye and some butterflies stitches for your eyebrow. Change these when needed and keep the area clean as best you can. "What is wrong with my eye nurse please tell me?" Baekhyun holds my hand tighter as if afraid of her reply. "It is rather swollen you wouldn't have seen out of it for a few days. Since you where hit a few times in the eye we have it covered to help with the healing process. You where bleeding from it so to stop infection keep it covered and clean once a day. Everything you need is in the bag to help you. So if you want to start getting ready we can have you out of here in a hour. I will say one thing to you, someone should stay with you for a few days " Baekhyun shakes her hand thanking her before she leaves.

" That's good news you can go home" I look at him as he has his head lowered. "Baekhyun are you ok?" I sit on the chair so I can see him better. Turning his head to face me I see him cry. "I'm so lucky going home with a few cuts and bruises and poor Kai hasn't woken up yet. Will you stay with me for a few days?" he looks at me with that one puppy dog eye thats making me melt. "Of course I will" I reach closer rubbing the back of his neck trying to show comfort making him just smile back.

We are signed out and ready to leave as I help him walk. He was kicked so hard his ribs where bruised so since he didn't want the wheelchair to help him out to a taxi he just held onto me as we made our way to see how Kai was doing.

Knocking on the room door we hear a voice telling us to come in. "Baek, Chanyeol" Sehun calls out rushing over to us hugging him gently. "He woke he woke up for me" Sehun says as he sits back down beside his lover. "Kai I'm so sorry" Baekhyun starts to cry as he walks around the bed slowly as Kai holds out his hand. "Baek your eye are you ok?" Kai begins to cry making me feel rather emotional that these two friends have been through so much together. "Don't worry about me how are you, you took your time waking up worrying poor Sehun here" Baekhyun smiles as Kai grabs Sehuns hand in his. "I know I heard you guys stayed all night thank you Chanyeol" Kai says making me smile. "Your welcome"

"They where both kicked out by the nurses lastnight" baek looks towards me smiling while holding out his hand towards me making me move closer and hold it. "How are you really feeling?" baek asks Kai as he tries to sit on the chair. "I feel like I was hit by a glass wall." Kai says playfully making us all laugh a little. "I have a broken nose and a fractured cheekbone from hitting the glass so hard. They have me on antibiotics and are keeping me in one more night just to make sure I'm ok as I hit my face pretty hard".

"I'm so sorry Kai this is all my fault" baek begins to sob as I get on my hunkers beside him to comfort him. "It wasn't your fault, we knew he was a bastard we just didn't think he would be capable of doing what he did. Please don't blame yourself. I'm just so glad I was there or you could have ended up worse" Kai says now beginning to cry as baek stands up slowly again trying to hug his friend as best he can.

"Baek please go home now and rest I will see you in a few days. Chanyeol nice to finally meet you" he smiles holding out his hand as I shake it. "Sorry its under these circumstances" I reply back. "OK I think I will, you rest too and I will see you soon. Nice to meet you too Sehun. Maybe when we are feeling a bit better we can all meet for dinner" Baek says looking at us all as we all agree. "I'm sorry I jumped on you hugging you before I told you who I was I'm just so happy he is awake" Sehun lowers his head feeling rather embarrassed. "Don't worry about it its fine" baek smiles before we both leave and head off home.

Arriving at Baekhyun's building after paying the taxi I look up seeing how high it is and swallow the lump in my throat at just how beautiful it is and how happy I am. Helping him into the lift we press the button for his floor as the lift comes to life. "You don't mind us staying in my place do you?" he looks up at me as I'm helping him stand. "Of course not you need your own bed and surrounding to heal better" I smile as the lift arrives to the floor opening as we step out. Reaching into his pocket he pulls out his keys and opens the door stepping inside to turn off the alarm.

"Welcome to my home" he smiles making me step inside and look in awe around the room. "I really need to shower I smell of him and hospital" he lowers his head looking rather sad. I know he needs me now like I needed him when I was at home so I smile and playfully pick him up bridal style in my arms. "Where is your bathroom?" I smile as he giggles at me wrapping his arm around my neck. Down the hall and first door on the right  is my bedroom. I have a ensuite bathroom in there" he continues to smile at me as I carry him down the hallway to his bedroom setting him slowly onto the bed not wanting to hurt him. "Thank you Chanyeol" he says as I see a tear fall from his eye. "Hey don't cry your at home now all safe" I move his hair from his good eye as he leans forward. "Kiss me please" he whispers making me smile and kiss his lips ever so softly as not to make them hurt him more.

"Can you turn on the taps for the bath for me please it's through that door" he points the way making me get up from my hunkers and walk towards the bathroom. Stepping inside I can't help but look around in shock at how big his place is, his bathroom alone is bigger then my kitchen. Turning on the taps I see a small bottle of bubble bath and decide to pour it in sending beautiful scents into the air. Taking a deep breath of them I close my eyes as they smell of him. "Are you ok there?" I open my eyes with a fright seeing him stand in the doorway smiling at me. "It just smells so you" I smile at him before I mix the hot and cold water together getting it to the right temperature for a human to get in and not burn or freeze themselves.

"I'm sorry to say this but I'm gonna need your help taking my clothes off" he says making me swallow hard as he smirks at me making me blush like hell and steam up my glasses. " Are you blushing Park?" he moves closer teasing me as I take my glasses off to wipe them. "Eh no it's the steam from the water" I try not to laugh as I turn off the taps. Standing in front of me as I sit on the edge of the bath he un buttons his shirt and removes it showing the bruises on his body from being hit. Trying to hold back my anger and not show baekhyun that it bothers me I smile as I help him out of his trousers. Standing naked in front of me I stare at his one good eye that isn't covered as he let's out a tear before wiping it away. "Let's get you in and relaxed" I stand up holding out my hand as he takes it and steps into the water before sitting down. "How does that feel" I look at he closes his eye and lays back in the water. "Just want I needed" he smiles before looking at me. "Thank you Chanyeol"

"Enjoy your bath and I will see what I can make you to eat" I kiss the top of his head before I leave to let him enjoy the bath in private . Reaching the massive kitchen I head straight to the fridge seeing there isn't much food. I look around the kitchen and see a leaflet for the local Chinese. Taking out my phone I dial the number and make the order.

After about 20 minutes I decide to head to the bathroom and see how he is getting on. "Are you not all wrinkly yet" I smile at him as he is sitting up in the water looking like he is deep in thought. "Can you help me out now" he holds up his hands making me smile at how cute he is. Reaching my arms under his I lift him up and out of the bath handing him a large towel as he wraps it around himself. "I noticed you don't have alot of food so I ordered us a Chinese" he looks up at me and smiles "perfect just what I needed" he heads into his bedroom making me follow him as he sits on the bed holding his side in pain.

"Can you pick me out some clothes please" he looks at me with that puppy dog look as I open the wardrobe doors looking for something that won't hurt him and make him comfortable. Looking through everything I decide on a pair of  pj bottoms that will hang loose and looking for a top I find one of mine.
Taking it out I turn to face him holding it up. "your a bit too small for this one don't you think" I smirk at him as he giggles "sorry I took it by mistake" he smiles as I help him put it on. "It looks perfect on you" I lean closer and just about to kiss him when the buzzer for the door goes.

"Perfect timing" he smiles as I get up and head towards the door. "You need to go down the lift as they can't reach this floor" I nod before I head off out and down to get our food. Once I have it i head back up and see him just enter the sitting room. "Oooooh that smells so good" he smiles as he slowly sits on the chair not to hurt himself as I open the boxes and we both tuck in.

"I meant to tell you this earlier but I couldn't find the right time" he looks at me with a big mouthful of food making me smile at how cute and like a little squirrel he looks with his cheeks full of food. "Your hair, the colour really suits you" he covers his mouth saying thank you before finshing what's in his mouth. "I wanted it to be the end of something and the beginning of something new with you". He puts his chop sticks down and cover his face with both hands as I hear him sniff. Putting down my food I rush over to him getting on my knees in front of him as I pulls his hands away. "What is it baekhyun tell me please" I look at him so weak and upset that it breaks my heart. He was the one that was so strong and had a answer for any problem now it looks like our roles are reversed.

"I was so scared Chanyeol" is all he can say before bursting out crying as I reach up and hug him into me. "He was arrested and your safe now I promise you" I kiss the top of his head as he moves away. "Can you sit beside me please" he pats the cushion beside him making me get up from the floor and sit down beside him. He moves and sits me back as he snuggles into me leaning his head on my chest. "Thank you Chanyeol for everything and being here with me". Kissing the top of his head I whisper "Your welcome" as we both snuggle in silence before I hear little sounds making me realise he has fallen asleep on me. Reaching my free arm behind me I pull the blanket  from the back of the chair and place it over us both as I close my eyes hugging the man I have finally realised I have fallen in love with.

To be continued


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