I just need someone to Save me

By HollyBowden4

2K 20 16

What if when Jody's anger gets too much she runs off and finds herself stood outside Dance-works dance studio... More

Take a deep breath and listen to the music
We leave for tour next month
I'm going to miss you so much Tyler
My mum was ashamed of me but you guys all believe in me
Jody's Been Kidnapped
Their so happy Together I can't tell her about my feeling's for her
We'll always be friends Pel
Actually I just wanted to talk to you Jody
You know some people they hold on
The Sign of Three

Do you think I'd make a good mum Pel

151 2 3
By HollyBowden4

Jody's POV:

Today wasn't just my 20th birthday it was the day I was leaving Ashdene ridge and moving in with Perri, I was up early to finish packing I was sat looking through the photo album that Lily had sent me when there was a knock at my bedroom door I looked up and said 'Come in'. The door opened and Tyler walked in he sat down on the bed he smiled and said 'I can't believe your leaving today, I'm really going to miss you Jody'. 

I hugged Tyler and said 'Don't cry Tyler, we're always going to be friends I promise', Tyler handed me a box and said 'I wanted to give this to you before we're surrounded by the others' I took the lid off the box and inside was a beautiful silver necklace with a silver circle charm and engraved in the middle was the letter J. 

I looked at the necklace and hugged Tyler tightly before saying 'I'm going to miss you so much Tyler but no matter where I am I will always be there for you, because you are my best friend'. A couple of hours later we were all in the lounge for my birthday/farewell party, all of Diversity had come as-well which was nice and after opening loads of presents it was time for me to make a short speech. 

I stood up and said 'You guys have been like a family to me, and I'm going to miss all of you. I never imagined that I'd be given the opportunity to dance with Diversity and I'm really grateful to Danielle and Ashley for giving me this opportunity. Just because I'm leaving care doesn't mean I'm leaving your lives you'll always be my friends but I have to start the next chapter of my life. I'll always remember every single last one of you, and just remember good things can happen to all of you if you Dream, Believe and Achieve'. 

Eventually the time came and I said goodbye to everyone and climbed into Perri's car and we headed back to his apartment, once we arrived Perri helped me bring all my boxes and suitcases in and I started to un-pack Perri walked over and said 'I've cleared some space in one of my wardrobes for you', I smiled and kissed Perri on the lips and said 'Thank you, I'm sorry I've got so much stuff'. Perri wrapped his arms around my waist and said 'Don't be sorry, this is your home as-well now'. 

Perri's POV:

After a nice chilled out afternoon of helping Jody un-pack all her stuff, I cooked us both some dinner and then as the night closed in Jody had a nice relaxing bath and I got into bed and watched some boring evening TV. After a while Jody came out of the bathroom and climbed into bed beside me, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest, Jody looked up at me and said 'Can I ask you something' I nodded and said 'Yeah course you can'. 

Jody sat up slightly and said 'Do you think I'd make a good mum Pel' my eyes widened as I looked at Jody and said 'Your not pregnant are you Jody', Jody shook her head and said 'No Pel I'm just curious to hear what you think'. I linked my fingers with Jody's and smiled at her before saying 'I think you'd be an incredible mum to our baby, if and when we have one', Jody still didn't look sure I kissed her on the forehead and said 'What are you thinking my love'. 

Jody's POV:

I rested my head on Perri's chest and said 'All I can think about is how my mum treated me, she was sick of babies by the time she had me. She said I wouldn't shut up and that I never stopped crying', Perri hugged me tighter and said 'That wasn't your fault'. I took a deep breath and felt tears in my eyes as I said 'I can't remember one bed-time story, or play date or even a trip to the park. How can I raise a child when I've got nothing to base it on'. 

Perri kissed me on the forehead and said 'Jody you can't think like that, I know you'll be an amazing mum', I grabbed my baby album and said 'My mum didn't look after me properly, she thought putting her cigarettes out on my arm and locking me in my room was normal'. Perri rubbed my back soothingly and said 'And you know what that feels like, being scared and lonely. That's what you'd never do that to our child, when we decide to have one'. 

The next morning I woke up early and slid out of bed so that I didn't wake Perri up, I tip toed into the kitchen and fed Barry, Hermione and Ron before making myself and Perri some breakfast. I placed it all on a tray and carried it through to the bedroom, as I walked in Perri woke up he put his glasses on and said 'Morning beautiful, what's this delicious breakfast in honour of'. I got into bed and kissed Perri on the lips before saying 'It's to say thank you for listening to me moan last night', Perri pulled me into a hug and said 'There's no need to thank me, I love you more than the moon and stars combined and I always will love you', after having a nice long lie in I got up and got in the shower and washed my hair once I was out of the shower I put on my Cocoa butter body lotion and then got dressed into my grey gym-shark vest top and matching leggings. 

I packed all my things into my dance bag and once Perri was ready we left the apartment and made our way to the studio for our first day of rehearsals for our new Ignite tour.

Ashley's POV:

Once everyone had arrived at the studio I sat down on the sofa and said 'Ok so now that we're all well rested after the Genesis tour, it's time to kick start the rehearsals for our new Ignite tour', we started by warming up and then we started coming up with some choreography. After spending all morning coming up with Choreography we all stopped for lunch, I walked over to where Pel and Jody were sat having their lunch I smiled and said 'Can I have a chat with you both about the show' Perri nodded and said 'Yeah of-course'. 

Ashley sat down on the bench and said 'So what I wanted to ask is whether you'd both do a duet, and Jody if you'd do a solo and also Pel if you'd be co Choreographer alongside Nathan', Perri smiled and said 'Yeah of-course and we'd love to do a duet together wouldn't we Jody'. Jody nodded quickly and said 'Absolutely yes I'd love to do a duet with Pel again, and yes I would love to do a solo as-well', I hugged Perri and Jody and said 'Ok so what we're going to do this afternoon is have a run through of what we've come up with already. And then if you two want you can use the smaller studio to come up with some Choreography for your duet, and then tomorrow Jody we'll start working on your solo'. 

Perri's POV:

After having lunch and running through what we've come up with so far, myself and Jody went into the smaller studio to start working on some choreography for our duet and after hours of solid effort we came up with something utterly incredible. After a busy day at the studio myself and Jody headed home once we got home Jody told me to go and have a nice hot bath or shower whilst she started to cook dinner, after I'd had a nice hot shower I got changed into some comfy clothes and walked out into my living room. 

As I walked in I saw Jody in the kitchen cleaning up after preparing the dinner I walked into the kitchen and wrapped my arms around Jody's waist and said 'Something smell's good' Jody smiled and kissed me on the lips before replying 'So I'm cooking Italian style meatballs in a rich tomato sauce, with Spaghetti and Garlic bread on the side'. I kissed Jody passionately on the lips and one kiss lead to another and soon it turned into a full on make-out session on the sofa, when we parted I looked deep into Jody's eyes and said 'That felt incredible, did you like that', Jody quickly nodded and said 'I loved it Pel, I've never had a kiss like that and it felt incredible'. 

Jody's POV:

Days turned into weeks and rehearsals for our Ignite tour got longer, but also me and Pel got closer and closer intimately our duet was incredible and I couldn't wait for everyone who had tickets for our Ignite tour to see it,  After a busy day rehearsing at the studio, me and Pel went back to our apartment, had take-away and watched two harry potter films. 

We were watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire and it came to the yule ball scene, Perri stood up and bowed before extending his right hand out to me and said 'Would you care to dance', I smiled and said 'I would love to dance Perri'. Whilst me and Pel were dancing I heard my phone ringing I grabbed it from the coffee table and saw that it was Luke ringing me, I looked at Perri and said 'Can you pause it Perri, I like this next bit' Perri paused the film as I sat down on the sofa and answered the phone.

(J = Jody and L = Luke)

J: Luke what's wrong are you alright?

L: I'm fine Jody, it's Mum she's in hospital she was attacked at home

J: Is she ok?

L: It's serious Jody, she's on life support. I'm up at the hospital now

J: Do you want me to come up?

L: It's entirely up to you Jody, I know how badly mum treated you

J: It's ok I'll come up, I'll see you in about 10-15 mins. Is she in Intensive Care

L: Yep it's on the 2nd floor

J: Ok, do you mind if I bring Perri with me?

L: No of-course I don't mind Jody, I'll see you soon.

I placed my phone down on the sofa and immediately broke down in tears, Perri sat down beside me and said 'Jody what's wrong what's happened' I buried my head into his chest and said 'My mum she's in hospital she was attacked at home, my brother Luke is at the hospital with her now'. Perri kissed me on the forehead and held me close as he said 'I'll take you up to the hospital, so you can see her' I looked up and kissed Perri on the lips before saying 'Thank you Pel'. 

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