A Different Way (Nate x Reade...

By Someoneinteresting66

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an Au where all the youtubers are also ice skaters (Don't mind the cover, I'm working on a new one) More

Its spooky day!


11 0 0
By Someoneinteresting66

Dan's p.o.v  *one week later* 

I sit up and look at the clock. 3:10. Really? why am I awake now? I move my legs to get up to pee when I felt something wet on the bed. Did I really pee myself? I stand up and turn on the light on the bedside table to see that I was soaked from the crotch down. My eyes widen. This wasn't pee, that was the famous water break. I shake Phil awake. "Phil! Phil! It's time! we have to go!" Phil startled awake. He rubbed his eyes "Bear? are you contracting yet?" I shake my head and hand Phil his glasses. "No, but shouldn't we leave soon?" Phil shakes his head, putting on his glasses. "The doctor told me to wait until your contractions are 10 minutes apart" I sigh and sit down, quickly standing back up and going to shower.

After my shower, I sigh and wince as a pain wraps my abdomen in its painful hug. It slowly builds until it reaches its peak, making me yelp. That was horrible and that was just the first one! Phil looks up from his computer, mumbling to me "4:27" I groan. "That was 45 seconds, that was awful.." Phil moves so I can starfish on the bed. I couldn't tell the minutes apart, only count how long the contractions lasted. I sit up and tap Phil's arm, he nods at me and starts the stopwatch. I nod and lower my head in a long exhale. Supposedly, breathing is supposed to help. I'm always breathing, I don't know how it'll help in this situation. Haley calls me, I grunt a little and answer the phone feeling the pain melt away. "What the hell do you want, bitch?" I am not usually that bitchy but hey, I'm not exactly feeling myself right now. There was a chuckle from her. "Just letting you know we're headed to the hospital, Y/n thinks she's in labor." I laugh nervously. "heh, Phil and I will be there soon for the same sort."

I heard a gasp. "Dan! You should have told us! Meet you there, Ok?" I sigh and motion to Phil to get ready. "yes, I'll meet you guys there. Don't let her freak out, yeah?" There was another laugh. "Yeah, I'll try to keep them calm." Them? oh, she must have everyone there. I quickly hang up and let out another long breath as another contraction grabs ahold of me. I take a glance out of the window, its snowing lightly, great. Phil comes back into the room with my coat. He must've loaded everything up in the car. Phil can't drive! Well, he can but I'll have to correct him. I tense up slightly as my next contraction starts up. Phil recognizes my painful expression and helps me to the car, stopping when I needed to. 

When we finally got to the car, I leaned on the roof of the car. "Phil, Phil wait... wait wait wait.. oh she's like right there." I breathe out, feeling an extreme need to get to the hospital. I get in quickly and Phil hurries us to the hospital. I groan and grit my teeth. Do twins usually come this fast? Did Phil grab the diaper bag? Shit! Contraction ow ow ow. I notice that we had gotten stuck in traffic. FUCK. Phil grabs my hand and rubs his thumb over my knuckles. "almost there, bear. We'll meet our girls in a bit." I find the will to smile a little before slapping my hand down on the car door. My contractions were building quickly and hurt awfully. 

Y/n's p.o.v

I bite my lip repeatedly. I was indeed in labor and, yes I was contracting but Dan and Phil were supposed to be here over a half an hour ago. Nate told me to choose an epidural so I could rest some before Noah gets here but I can't rest when I don't know how Dan's doing. Nate looks over at me and sighs. "Y/n dear, they're stuck in traffic. Hon, it's five thirty, early morning rush started a while ago." I sigh and nod. "Ok.." Nate gets up to sit in the bed with me. "C'mon, I'll wake you up if I get an update ok?" I yawn and nod, snuggling into him.  I feel my eyelids get heavy and I let them fall so sleep could claim me.

I'm not sure how long I slept for or even if it was very long. I woke up to Nate tapping my shoulder annoyingly. "What?!" I ask, annoyed that he woke me up while I was in the middle of a contraction that was strong. Nate smiles. I wanna slap him but I sigh. "Tell me-" He jumped out of the bed and squeaked a little. "Dan and Phil just got here, Their babies are so close to being born!" My head snaps up from its previous position. "WHAT?" I sit up to the best of my ability.

Dan's p.o.v (I'm sorry there's a lot of this.)

Phil and I were lucky to get to the hospital. A team quickly rushed us back, I'm a nervous wreck. I feel like I'm going to pass out. "Phil.. Phil.. I'm gonna pass out." I saying, scaring the Intern we were assigned to. He quickly gave me an oxygen mask. "Does that feel better, Mr. Howell?" He asks, I nod. It did help, I could breath easier now. The doctor and her team returned to help me. Phil held my hand, I gripped his tightly. The intern looked slightly scared as a Nurse encouraged me to push. The intern started talking "C'mon Ma'am- I mean SIR" he was pissing me off. I muttered a "Fuck off" Under my breath. I didn't even know I had done it until I head a loud infants cry.

They handed her to me and I started crying, she was gorgeous, her light ginger curls and bright brown eyes. but she was quickly taken from me and handed to Phil. I let out a huff of frustration before the intern reminds me that I have her sister left. I sigh, ignoring the intern exists which annoys him and I snap at him once or twice more before hearing another infants cry. I sigh happily and lay back on the bed. She was handed to me, I teared up once more. Clara, that was her sisters name. This little lady, with her gorgeous blue eyes and brown waves is Leona. Both were perfect. 

One of the nurses shared a slight concerned look with the doctor who mumbled something. "what's wrong? Is everything alright?" I ask, slightly panicking. The intern said something with a slight shocked face. "there's a third baby, Mr. Howell. I need you to give it all you've got." I start to shake uncontrollably. The doctor was a dick because he wanted to get home. I didn't care about the Intern or the nurses as they were equally tired, well some weren't but the few who were weren't bitching at me the whole time. I give one final heave of a push and hear the best thing you can in my situation, a loud, blaring cry of an infant. I sigh and lay back, hearing the doctor make a snarky remark that doesn't even bug me.

The intern smiles and walks over to me with a bundle of blankets, except this one has a blue hat. "It's a boy, Mr. Howell. He's very healthy, but we would like to keep a keen eye on him in the NICU." He stated as he set the little boy in my arms. Leona and Clara were taken to their cots. My heart dropped as I felt my anger rush up my throat. "no, he's staying with me. I won't let you take him out of my sight." I say with my jaw tight. No way. No way no hell are they taking my baby boy out of my sights. The intern doesn't fight with me, instead he goes and gets another doctor. 

I sigh happily. After hours of labor, I was finally allowed to take my medications and eat. I have never missed food so bad in my life. I ate pizza happily while Phil read boy names to me off a list. "Jamie? Carmen? Zayne?" I swallow. "Jamie's too violent sounding. Carmen's too professional. Zayne.. Zayne's perfect." I finish, looking over at my son. It suited him, the name Zayne. He had bright green eyes and curly blonde ish hair. He also has light freckles. He must've gotten most or all of the recessive genes. Phil nods. "I agree. Looks like I'll need to get a third carseat." I chuckle and nod. I could feel my eyelids get heavy and I give in to sleep, I need it.

Nate's p.o.v (warning: breastfeeding is mentioned. if you need to skip I will add a note.)

Y/n's finally been told she can push. Well, that was a while ago and we're so close to meeting our little boy. The doctor gave her a quick pep talk as I dabbed her forehead with a cool cloth. This birth is taking  a real toll on her body. Not surprising as she is bringing another human into the world. Y/n brings her chest in another grueling push. This time she grunted before letting out a breath. The doctor smiles. "Very good, Y/n! his heads out. The hard part is over." She nods, Getting ready to push again. The doc gives her the Ok and she pushes harshly. She lays back and I smile at her, pushing her h/c hair behind her ears. The sound of Noah's cries were heard as he was cleaned off and handed to y/n. 

Noah was perfect. He had y/n's e/c eyes. My charcoal black hair and we were right. He was 10 lbs. Like, damn he was huge for how early he was. He sucked greedily from y/n's breast. I wouldn't blame either for being exhausted and hungry. Giving birth and being born is exhausting. I yawn and quickly text a picture I had taken earlier of Noah to Dan. (mention is finished.) I was sent a quick response of three babies wrapped in blankets. Looks like these four share a birthday. "Y/n, Noah has birthday triplets.." I chuckle. Y/n looks confused. "What? Dan was only supposed to have twins?" I nod and show her the picture. She smiles. "Aw, I'm happy for them. Now, my dearest. You need to put a ring on this ring finger here, pretty please?" I smile and nod. "I promise, sometime soon. Ok my love?" She nods and kisses me. 

How 'bout that. Birthday Quads. Not by blood but family by heart. 

(A/n aight yall, the babies are here! I know some of you are thinking "Where's Haley's reveal?" I will get to that next chapter I promise! I had to finish this one and I decided to save the rest of the groups' reactions till the next one. I'll see you in 12!)

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