Here comes trouble

By rubystar21

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Clara is the biggest trouble maker the worst school in the country. She does little things to get on the teac... More

The trouble maker in School
Geography 1
Why did you do it? Because I wanted to.
Emergency phones at the ready
Gay Friend
Would now be a good time...
Flash Mob MASH-UP
This is the plan...
Because I'm a vampire
Becca Williams
Super glue to the rescue!
Lets get to woek
Am I a bad-ass or what?
That would be counter productive.
Counter productive (part two)
Who are we beating up?
Who are we beating up? (part 2)
Non illegitimis carborundum 1
RaNdOm SoNgS
Econmical times
Super NINJA style
Authors note
Authors note (different from the other one)
One shot at St. Marcus's (1)


128 3 0
By rubystar21

Chapter 10:

I nudged Billy to wake him up. He looked really happy then he realised where we were. I looked at him and he looked at me. Slowly last night was starting to come back to me. I didn’t remember it clearly but together, me and Billy were able to work out why we were in Jail.

“So let me get this straight. Your neighbour called the police because the three of us were being loud. Then your Brother came home and had a fit because we were all pissed. We refused to stop drinking and then your brother got his police mate in to try to get us to cooperate. Then what happened?” I was still a bit confused. I think I might still have had a bit of alcohol in my system.

“Well, I think Jerome, my brother mate, grabbed you from behind to try to get you to calm down. You got a bit annoyed and hit him then my brother floored you. I hit Jerome because it was his fault, then, as far as I know, we got arrested. I don’t think either of them will press charges. I think Jerome was all up for letting us off with a caution but my brother insisted on bringing us in and getting us a criminal record. I can’t believe it! As if MY BROTHER just got me a criminal record! I a little pissed off right now.” Billy must have been a bit more sober than me because he remembered more. I can’t believe his brother did that to him!

“Hey wait a minuet, what happened to Shane?” after being awake for about ten minuets I finally remembered him.

“He was hiding under the bed cos’ him and Jerome … don’t see eye to eye. Last time your brother got into a big fight because he was pissed, Jerome was the one that broke it up. He said that if he ever saw your brother pissed again he would arrest him for some reason or another. I told him to hide but to be honest, he might have passed out. He was even more smashed then you were.” He must have drunk one hell of a lot. I seemed to remember doing 10 shots in a minuet or something ridicules. We just sat next to each other not really talking. I had a f**king sore head. It was absolutely killing me. Ten minuets later Derik came back and let us out. I wasn’t really paying attention but I heard something about a criminal record. And us. Having one of them.

“So, what do you wanna do now?” Billy asked.

“Why don’t we try and get hold of Shane and see if he’ll come and meet us at the park or something. You try and get hold of him, I’ll get hold of every one else. I don’t fancy getting pissed right now.” I thought that was a good plan. I hadn’t realised that the others were in a cell as well. They were released about twenty minuets after us. First it was the girls. Gemma and Lucy still looked pretty plastered but Rosie looked almost sober.

“We went to the park and some cops came over to us. They moaned about us being drunk on public property. That was at three o’clock this morning and those two had no sleep. I can’t really remember what happened but one of the Cops looked a hell of a lot like Billy and the other one’s nose was really bleeding. Then they got out of the car and I don’t really remember what happened after that, well not until I woke up and realised I was in a Jail Cell.” Rosie sounded a bit annoyed that the idiots had ruined her night.

“MY HEAD HURTS.” whined Gemma.

“Can we go and get a coffee?” Lucy was regaining normality.

“No.” Snapped Rosie, as if they had had this argument before, “We have to wait for the Boys.”

I raised an eyebrow at her to show I wanted her to elaborate.

“They were even more trashed than we were. We all got criminal records but I think George wants to press charges against one of the police officers for flooring him. I don’t know how he remembers so much! I could hear him shouting when we were getting let out. He could be about an hour or so. James is trying to talk him out of it but George is pretty upset…” Rosie could seriously talk for England.

“George is fine. He decided not to press charges against the barstards after all.” George was talking in the third person.



We went and got a coffee but we didn’t really talk, well me and Rosie did.

“At least we know none of us has dipsophobia.” I knew a lot of random Phobias ok!

“What the f**k does that mean Clara?”

“Dipsophobia is a fear of drinking.”

“STOP IT! You know I don’t like it when you use big words that I don’t understand.” The others were slowly becoming themselves again and Shane met us in the coffee shop.

“What the f**k happened last night Bill?” Shane wasn’t a morning person on an average day but today he had a hangover so would be even worst.

“Don’t worry mate.” Billy obviously didn’t want to tell my Brother that his brother was the reason I had gotten a criminal record.

“WHAT HAPPENED?” Shane was in a very bad mood.

“I got arrested for punching a police officer. Happy now?” I wasn’t going to put up with this crap right now. He wasn’t the only one with one hell of a hangover.


“Oh calm down you dick.”

I carried on the conversation I had been having with Rosie.

“You so have to have a Phobia of something!” I wasn’t going to back down. SHE DID HAVE A PHOBIA OF SOMETHING!

“No I don’t!”

I thought for a while. “YES YOU DO! I KNOW WHAT IT IS!”

“OH YEAH? WHAT IS IT THEN?” I was fully aware that we were shouting at the tops of our voices in the middle of a coffee shop but I didn’t care.



“It’s a fear of long words OK!”

“I don’t even want to know how you know that!”

We dropped the conversation there and we started talking about what we was going to do for the major school prank.

Then Brian walked in.

“HEY GUYS!” Brian’s voice was almost higher than mine

“Hey Brian, why ain’t you at school?” I thought I knew the reason why.

“Well, what happen was. A load of kids walked out of class in protest at you being suspended. It was like, an hour and a half before everyone was back in their lesson. A load of people were going into the wrong classes just to annoy the teachers. So that happened twice. They knew someone must have planned it. Some little dick head decided to turn in the ring leader of the scheme.” He pointed to himself, then he carried on speaking, “I had to spend like an hour in the stupid head’s office while he moaned at me. Then he decided to put me on H-M and I didn’t want to be mucked about like that so I told him he was a Dick head and he gave me a weeks worth of detention. Then I punched him, hard on the nose. After he got himself together he decided that I was as bad as you guy’s and suspended me for as long as you guys.”


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