Chillin Like A Villain-A Desc...

By randomreader000000

159K 3.5K 323

There's so many ways to be wicked. Here's mine. ____________________________________ Camilla De Vil was alway... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Not an Update - A Memorial
Possible Preview 😏

Part 3

5K 95 1
By randomreader000000

Chapter 3

Camilla was sitting in the boys dorm when Mal and Evie walked in. While Mal lectured Jay about setting aside his stealing until they took over the world she watched Carlos playing a video game he'd found, he was good, he'd already reached level three. If only he fought that well in real life, she thought, then maybe he wouldn't have gotten into so much trouble on the Isle. And she didn't mean the good kind of trouble, she meant the trouble that came after you got caught stealing or when your prank went seriously wrong.

Then, being the excellent big sister she was, she'd waltz in and save him.  mostly she'd use her reputation to intimidate people – it was so hard to still look good after a fight. Following in her mother's footsteps she'd created a rumor that since the Isle lacked animals to turn into clothing Camilla decided to skin people who did her wrong. It wasn't true of course, but it did come in handy when someone bigger decided to pick on Carlos and all Camilla had to do was say how nice she thought their hair was and they'd go running with their tail between their legs like a scared puppy.

"Guys!" Mal called getting their attention, "Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?"

"Fairy Godmother." Jay replied from where he stood, now playing the video game, "Blah, blah, blah. Magic wand. . . blah, blah, blah."

"This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents." She said and they all stopped and looked at her as her serious tone fell over the room, "To prove that we are evil and vicious and ruthless and cruel. Yeah?"

"Yeah. . "

"Yeah." They all agreed.

"Absolutely." Camilla said nodding.

"Evie mirror me." She said sitting down next to Camilla. Evie sat on her right and took out the mirror.

"Mirror, mirror on the. . . in my hand. Where is Fairy Godmother's wand. . . stand?" Camilla watched over Evie's shoulder as blue mist filled the mirror until it revealed the wand.

"There it is!"

"Great." Camilla said, "Now where is that?"

"Zoom out." Carlos said.

"Magic mirror not so close." Evie whispered as Carlos typed on the laptop that rested on the table. "It's in a museum."

"Do we know where that is?" Mal asked.

"2.3 miles from here." Carlos said turning to screen of the computer to face them.

"History Island. They're not creative with naming things here are they?" Camilla scoffed.

They quickly grabbed their things and snuck out of the room, they weren't even out of the hall when Camilla noticed Carlos wasn't with them. She ran quietly back to the room and poked her head in the door and saw him back at the video game.

"Carlos!" she whisper-shouted, "You imbecile, what are you doing?"

"Sorry! Coming!" he said hastily putting on his jacket and following her as they chased after the others.


It took a while on foot but they eventually reached the Museum of Cultural History. It was a large stone building with banners hanging down its grand walls advertising an 'Evil Remembrance' gallery showing.

"This way." Evie said looking into her mirror as they headed for the main doors. The hallway walls were covered in the crests of all the royal families of Auradon. They ignored the elaborate displays showcasing the stories of all the famous princes, princesses, kings and queens and headed for the main security room. They peaked through the windows of the doors, luckily there was only one guard. Being filled with the most pure hearted people Auradon probably didn't have a high crime rate to worry about – yet.

Camilla looked around at all the screens in the room, there was the trident, the enchanted rose, the genie's lamp even Cinderella's glass slipper. In the center stood Maleficent's spinning wheel and Camilla could imagine the joy she'd have if she saw Audrey prick her finger on it this time.

"That's your mother's spinning wheel?" Jay asked holding back chuckles.

"Yeah, it's kind of dorky." Carlos added, laughing quietly.

"It's magic. It doesn't have to look scary." Mal defended herself before she pulled out her spell book. "Magic spindle do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger." All the guard did was look at the wheel with boredom in his eyes.

"Impressive." Jay said weakly.

"I got chills." Carlos added again this time getting a slap in the back of the head from his sister.

"Okay you know what?" Mal threatened flipping the pages of her book, "Prick the finger, prick it deep. Send my enemy off to sleep." She whispered and this time the guard actually stood and approached the spindle. One tap of his finger and he yawned and laid down to sleep.

"Not so dorky now, huh." Mal said before trying the door – which was locked.

"Stand back." Jay said as he got a running start. Mal beat him to it though, "Make it easy, make it quick. Open up without a kick."

The doors opened by themselves as Jay jumped into the air only to go sailing through and land on his butt with a groan. The girls all laughed at him and walked by, Carlos offered his help but Jay shoved him away. Using Evie's mirror they crept through the halls as quickly as they could going up several staircases in the process. Eventually they made it to the 'Gallery of Villains'. They all froze in their tracks as they looked at the exact replicas of their parents each in a terrifying position. Jafar had his staff, Maleficent her scepter, EQ had a poison apple while Cruella was chasing puppies.

"Mommy?" Evie said stunned.

"Killer." Jay whispered.

"Mother." Camilla said with great sadness in her voice.

"Oh, I'm never forgetting mother's day again." Carlos said fearfully beside her.

Camilla however, had never been angrier. This was not only how Auradon saw their parents it's how they saw them. They didn't want to give them a second chance, or a fresh start, they wanted to see them fail. They all wanted to watch them do horrible villainous things so they could boot them back to the Isle and carry on with their happy ever afters. But they'd show them, they'd show them all! They'd grab that wand and Maleficent would crack the barrier open like a rotten egg. Villains would flood Auradon and loot, steal and terrorize them all. They thought they had problems with the villains before? Well, wait until they saw what twenty years of banishment did.

"Well, wand's not here." Jay said breaking the tension, "Let's bounce." And they all left to continue searching for the wand. They ended up finding it in a circular room with two levels. In the center was a bright blue light where the wand levitated, they all looked down over the rail at it, the tool that would bring them victory. They rushed down the stairs and around the rail that protected it. Jay bent to go under it when Mal cried, "Jay, don't!"

But he only smiled and kept going, stealing was his specialty after all. "Wait! No, no! Don't!" Mal warned as he reached for the wand. Just as his fingers were about to touch it magic pushed him back and an alarm blared.

"A force field and a siren?" Carlos asked holding his ears.

"That's just a little excessive." Jay said struggling to get up from the impact.

"Let's go!" Mal shouted and they all ran back the way they'd come, the siren making their ears ring. They ran down the stairs, through the halls until they reached the security room, they were just nearing the exit when Camilla realized  -once again – her baby brother was nowhere to be seen.

"Carlos!" she shouted for him as he walked out of the security room.

"You're welcome."

"Come on!" she said grabbing his hand and pulling him outside.

"Way to go Jay. Now we have to go to school tomorrow!" Mal scolded as they fled the scene of the almost crime.

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