
By charlie13love

156 5 0

Aggie Duke, an exceptionally power witch for her age. Born to Adelia Duke and older twin sister of Alexander... More

Cast 0.1
Good or Evil?

House From Hell

34 1 0
By charlie13love

~ Year 2028 ~

"I didn't order 3,000 cases of wine. Who orders that much wine?" Piper questioned into the phone.

"You did ma'am." The lady on the phone said.

"Well you have to take it back. I paid for three cases of white wine, four Pinot and five red wine." She stated.

"Not according to our records." The lady said

"I have my receipt right here and it said that I not order 3,000 cases. I paid for twelve cases. What happens to the other 2,988 cases?"

"We can put them on your tab and you can pay for them at your earliest convenience." The lady said

"Okay, thank you." Piper said hanging up the phone. She sighed and rested her head on the counter.

"Something wrong, Piper?" Aggie asked as she walked up to the bar and leaned against it.

Piper sighed as she turned to face Aggie, "What isn't wrong? Three of my servers called in sick, 3,000 cases of wine were sent here when I only ordered 12, and don't even get me started on the problem with the plumbing!" Piper rambled angerly

"Okay, Piper breathe," Aggie said looking at Piper. "I can get my brother and sister to fill in and as well as talk Chris and Wyatt into being your servers."

"Well, that doesn't solve my other two problems." Piper sighed

"Again breathe. You could ask Leo to fix the plumbing or maybe call a plumber. And as for your alcohol problem, have you thought of maybe doing a deal or something?" Aggie suggested

Piper gave Aggie a stern look, "In the nineteen years that I have known you, I've forgotten how much of a smart ass you are."

"Okay, I'm going to ignore that little comment because I know that it's the anger talking." Aggie stated with a small smile. Aggie turned around, "Oh look, it's Phoebe and Paige. Yell at them." she said once more before walking over to Phoebe and Paige. "Careful, she's in a mood." she told them before walking out of the restaurant.


Aggie sighed as she walked into her apartment, the apartment that she shared with Chris and Wyatt. "I forgot how crazy Piper can be and how scary that vein on her forehead is." Aggie sighed as she plopped down onto the couch.

"Well, she is going to be a little crazy until this food critic that is coming to the restaurant and tells her whether or not she good at cooking." Chris said as he walked from the book of shadows.

Aggie sighed as she looked at Chris, "Please tell me we aren't demon hunting?" she asked as she sat up.

"No, just looking at the book." Chris said looking at Aggie

"Well that's good to hear cause I kind of told Piper that I would talk you and Wyatt into filing in as servers for the ones that called in tonight." Aggie said quickly

"What? Why? What if a demon does attack?" Chris questioned

"Shut up and calm down before you have an aneurysm." Aggie said looking up at Chris. "And you if you saw the look in Piper's eyes then you would say anything to make her happy. And I'm also going to ask Alec as well so..."

"Are you sure you're not the crazy one?" he asked looking at her crossing his arms over his chest.

"Ha ha. And maybe" she smiled softly. She sighed.

A few moments went by before the door opened and Aurora walked in, panting. "Oh, good. You're here." she smiled lightly as she panted.

"Rory? What are you doing here?" Aggie asked as she got up off the couch and walked over to her sister.

"Well, I'm not really here here. I'm just here to tell you that Rory is trapped and sent me to let you know she's in this place called the House of Hell or something." the clone said

"She's where?" Aggie asked

"I just said she's at the Hell House or House of Hell or or or......" the clone said as she started to fritz out.

Aggie was about to say something to the clone but it disappeared before she could. "Great. If Rory isn't dead now, she's going to be." she sighed as she walked away from Chris and to her room to get her book of shadows. "The house that the clone mention has to be in here. I saw it once before."

"We know that she is alive and still strong enough to send a clone." Chris said as he watched her flipped through her book of shadows.

"Making a clone takes a lot out of her and the more she does it, the more she does it, well I'm worried about her being weak especially if she is trapped in a supernatural house." Aggie sighed as she looked at Chris and then back at the book.

"Rory can take care of herself and she was smart enough to send..." Chris started

"Found it or at least I think I did." Aggie said as she looked at the entry in her book of shadows.

Moving over to her, Chris looked at the entry, "The Hell House or House from Hell is a house built by both good and evil to trap any force of good or evil magic inside for all eternity. Once inside, souls will be driven to insanity. The house can send out a beacon that only those attuned to hear." he read

"Great! She's trapped in probably the worse place possible." Aggie said as she grabbed a few potions before walking over to the door.

"Aggie, wait. You can't just go waltzing in the house half-cocked." Chris said as he rushed over to her.

"I can and I will." she said looking at him. "And unlike the everyone else, Rory doesn't have an active power and if she is in that house then she is in more danger because who knows what kind of things are in that house."

"I'm going with you in case we need to get out of there right away." Chris said before holding out his hand.

Aggie rolled her eyes and sighed, "Fine. Let's go."

Chris nodded slightly before grabbing Aggie's hand and orbing to the Hell House. Once inside, they looked around.

The house was covered in dust and cobwebs, there were holes in the floors and walls. When Aggie took a step, a pendulum swung which caused her to fall back. "Whoa." Aggie gasped. "Ah, you can let go of me now." she said looking up at Chris, who's hands where on her waist.

"Sorry." Chris said as he moved his hands away from her waist.

"I don't care about that. I care about how I almost got cut in half." Aggie said before bending down to pick up a piece of rumble and tossed it forward to see if the pendulum would appear again. Nothing. "Coast is clear." she said before she started walking.

"It doesn't look like Rory is here." Chris said as he trailed behind her.

"She has to be. I mean why else would she send a clone to the apartment?" she asked as she continued to walk.

"Why don't we just orb back home and scry for her and then we can come back here with more firepower." Chris stated.

Aggie sighed as she turned to face him, "You can leave but I'm going to stay here and find my sister and get her out of this place." she said.

When she turned back around to start walking again, the floor gave out from beneath them sending them to the floor below. They crashed down onto a table, breaking it.

"Ow." Aggie groaned as she looked up at Chris, who had fallen on top of her. "Get off me." she said as she pushed him slightly.

Chris got up, then helped her up. "You okay?" he asked wanting to make sure she didn't get hurt during the fall.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I know why it's called 'House from Hell'. Let's just keep going." she said as she started to walk before getting tackled.

Aggie fought with the person that tackled her before the two were pulled apart by Chris. "Aggie? Chris?" the voice questioned causing them to look at the girl.

Aggie looked at the girl that Chris was holding back, "Rory? What the hell?" she asked as she pulled her baby sister into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think you were a real." Aurora said as she held onto her sister.

"What do you mean you didn't know if I was real?" Aggie asked as she pulled away and looked at her.

"This house plays tricks on you. Makes you see things, think and do things that you think were even possible." Aurora said. "This place has already made me kill you. Many times."

"Well, it is called the 'House of Hell' for a reason, Rory." Aggie said sarcastically.

"We got Rory, so we can go now." Chris said looking at the two girls.

"He's right. Come on." Aggie said grabbing Aurora's arm and pulling her over to Chris before grabbing his arm. "Ready when you are."

"No wait!" Aurora yelled but she was too late because the moment they tried to orbed out, they got thrown back.

Aurora and Chris landed a few feet from where they originally started while Aggie landed in a different part of the house.

Chris stood up and helped Aurora up, "What happened?" Chris asked looking up then back down at Aurora.

"I tried to warn you. I think there is some kind of charm around the house that keeps us from leaving. I think once you're in, there's no way out." Aurora explained.

"Okay, then we have to find a way out of here then." Chris said looking at Aurora before looking around. "First we have to find Aggie."

"Yeah but it's better if we stick together." Aurora said before walking past him. "And while we are looking for Aggie, we better think of a spell to get us out of here or something."

"That's not a bad idea." Chris said


Aggie groaned when she woke up after being knocked unconscious, sitting up slowly, she looked around to see where she was at and to see if Chris and Aurora were next to her. Sighing as she stood up, dusting herself off. "Chris? Rory?" she called out as she walked out of the room.

Aggie felt as if she was going in a circle, "I'm really starting to hate this house." she sighed as she walked further hoping to find a way out.

"Whoa." Aurora said when she felt a weird presence around her, causing her step back almost falling off the step.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked catching her to keep her falling.

"Yeah. I just got this weird feeling." Aurora said looking around. "We have to find Aggie."

"I agree." Chris said as he followed her up the stairs.

As soon as Aurora and Chris made it upstairs, they were knocked back. Chris stood up and looked at the thing that knocked them back. "Aggie?" Chris asked looking at his friend.

"I don't think that's Aggie, Chris." Aurora said as she stood up.

"What do you mean it's not Aggie? It looks like her and has her powers." Chris stated.

"I mean, I think the house has done something to her." Aurora said.

"How can a house make her attack us?" Chris asked looking at Aurora.

Right as Chris was about to say something, an anthame flew pass him and Aurora. They looked at Aggie as she stepped towards them. Aggie used her telekinesis on Aurora, sending her flying into a room, locking inside. Then turned towards Chris, lifting her hand to fling him backward only to be thrown back herself.

"Aggie, snap out of it. I don't want to hurt you." Chris told her.

Aggie looked at Chris before getting up and rushing over to Chris, swinging at him. Chris blocked all of her swings. "Sure you don't." she said before swinging at him again.


"Are you sure Chris and the girls are here?" Phoebe asked Piper after they orbed inside the house.

"I'm pretty sure. I mean scrying has never really let us down before." Phoebe stated as she followed Piper.

"What are they even doing here anyway?" Paige asked as she looked around.

"All Wyatt said is that Aggie left a note saying that she and Chris were coming here to retrieve Rory." Piper explained

"Okay so where are they?" Paige asked before looking up when she heard a crashing sound.

Piper, Paige, and Phoebe raced up the stairs and stopped when they saw Aggie on top of Chris, trying to stab him. "Looks like we found them." Piper said

"Okay, what now?" Phoebe asked looking at her sisters

"Knife." Paige said calling for the knife that was in Aggie's hand which didn't stop her from wrapping her hands around Chris' throat.

"Any other bright ideas?" Phoebe asked looking at her sister.

"How about this..." Piper said before blasting the floorboard next to Aggie and Chris. The blast flung Aggie back, knocking her out

"Piper!" Phoebe exclaimed.

"What? It worked didn't it?" Piper stated as she walked over to Chris helping him up. "You okay?"

Chris nodded, "Yeah. What are you guys doing here?" he asked looking at his mother and aunts.

"Wyatt called when he saw the note that Aggie left. And when he and Paige couldn't sense you guys, we decided to scry for you and well, here we are." Piper explained to him

"Well, now you're stuck in here too. We tried to orb out when we found Rory but it didn't work." Chris told them.

"Speaking of Rory, where is she?" Paige asked.

"There." Chris said pointing to the room that Rory was locked in.

"Stand back." Piper said as she walked over to the door and blasted the doorknob. Rory coughed when she walked out of the room.

"A little warning next time." Rory said.

"Sorry." Piper said.

"So any ideas on how we are suppose to get out of this place?" Paige asked looking at everyone.

"Yeah. I came up with a spell while I was here and figured that you three could say it. You know the power of three and everything." Rory said.

"Fine, what is it?" Piper asked

"Here." Rory said as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a crumpled up piece of paper.

Piper grabbed the crumpled up paper, opened it and looked at the spell. Phoebe and Paige moved closer to read the spell."House of Hell, you've had your fun, A force of good and a force of evil. Hear our plea, souls released and magic undone, from this devils trap we are free."

"Did it work?" Phoebe asked looking around.

All of a sudden, everyone inside the house was blasted out of the house, everyone watched as the house blew up.

"So what do you say we get out of here before people start to notice?" Chris said as he walked over to Aggie and picked her up.

They all orbed back to the manor, Chris set Aggie down on the couch. "How long do you think she'll be out for?" he asked looking at his mother and aunts.

"Hard to say. Since she was under the influence of the house and a possible concussion from when Piper blew up the floor..." Phoebe started

"Hey! I said I was sorry." Piper chimed in as she sat down in a chair.

"She might be out for a while. We'll each keep an eye on her." Paige said to Chris.

"But in the meantime, Rory can tell us how she got trapped inside that house." Piper said looking up at Aurora.

"It's a long story." Rory said.

"Well, we got time." Phoebe smiled as she sat down in a chair.


Aurora went on to explain how she up in the Hell House. "It started when I got a premonition of a woman asking for help." She stated

"Premonitions? You don't have that power." Chris said

"I know. At first I thought my empath powers picked up so much emotion that it caused me to have a premonition." Aurora stated

"Maybe you replicated the power. According to your book of shadows, the house was created to hold exceptional powerful beings." Phoebe said

Opening her mouth to say something, Aurora was interrupted by a loud crash from above. "What was that?" She asked before following the others out of the kitchen and into the parlor where they left Aggie. "Where'd she go?"

"Attic." Paige said as she rushed up the stairs, the others following close behind her.


Chris and the girls rushed into the attic, finding the book on the floor and Aggie not far behind it. An athame appeared in Aggie's hand, she threw it at them only for Piper to freeze it and her.

The five of them were surprised at the sight in front of them. "Why did she freeze?" Aurora asked

"Maybe it's not Aggie?" Paige said.

Piper sighed as she grabbed the athame and walked over to the book, picking it up. She walked to place the book back on the podium before looking up. "If there's information about the Hellhouse in your Book of Shadows, there might be something in there about what the hell is going on with Aggie.

Aggie appeared next to her frozen self, "Whoa, that's new." She said when she noticed that she was frozen. First time she's ever astral projected herself somewhere while she was frozen. "Astral self. I can't fight it much longer. Work fast." She said before disappearing again.

"Fight what?" Chris asked  looking back at the girls.

"Here..." Aurora said pointing to the page. "When a witch of great power or potential enters the house, they will be tested for good or evil. If good, the witch is released. If evil, the witch spends the all of eternity in the house drained of magic."

"I guess I can keep freezing her until she passes." Piper said.

"Or we can use the crystals." Chris said

"Fine. We'll do it your way." Piper said as she moved to get the crystals. "She's your friend. You make the circle." She said handing the box of crystals to Chris.

Chris grabbed the box and started to make a circle around Aggie. Once he was was done, he set the box to the side. "Does it say anything else in there?"

"Just that we have to wait for the spell to run its course." Aurora said.

"How long will that take?" Chris asked

"A few hours." Aurora sighed. "I suggest that we take turns watching her until the whole thing passes."

"Great idea. I have things to take care of at the restaurant so call me if you need me." Piper said as she rushed out of the attic.

"I have a lunch date with Henry." Paige said before orbing out.

"I have to get back to work." Phoebe smiled before walking out.

Chris sighed as he watched his mother and his aunts bail before looking at Aurora knowing that she doesn't want to take the first shift. "She's your sister." He said pointing at her.

"I know but you're older and her best friend and roommate. Plus I'm a little tapped out from earlier so...bye." Aurora said as she rushed out of the attic.

"Rory!" Chris yelled. He looked at Aggie and sighed, "You better not be taking your time." He said as he started to pace around the room.


This chapter is long, 3,278 words. I hope you all like this. More to come soon.

Read, like and comment. 😊

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