No More Sympathy (Abused Male...

By Ibanez303x

223K 3K 1.8K

(Y/N) (L/N) was the adopted son of Taiyang Xiao Long and Summer Rose. He was loved, cherished, and well train... More

Profile Card
Chapter 1: Enter The Dragon
Chapter 2: Lights, Camera, Action!
Chapter 3: Reunion
Chapter 4: Way of the Dragon
Chapter 5: Way of the Dragon pt. 2
Chapter 6: More Than a Burden
Chapter 7: The Knight Versus the Dragon
Chapter 8: Forever Falling
Chapter 9: Gray Area
Chapter 10: Off With a Bang
Chapter 11: Bonded by Blood
Chapter 12: Sharing is Caring
Chapter 13: Dance Dance No Solution
Chapter 14: The Mission
Chapter 15: Breach in Security
Chapter 16: Game of Death
Chapter 17: Date Night (Filler)
Chapter 19: What Would We Do with a Drunken Sailor
A/N: Changes
Chapter 20: 2v1
Chapter 21: 1v1
Chapter 22: End of the Line
Chapter 23: Missing in Action
Chapter 24: A Few Step Ahead
Chapter 25: Tyrian
Author's Note: Under editing

Chapter 18: 4v1

1.8K 32 12
By Ibanez303x

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to the Vytal Festival Tournament!" Professor Port says over the loud speaker.
     "To kick off today, we have a very special fight! We have Team VILT, a 3rd year team out of Shade Academy versus (Y/N) (L/N), a solo fighter out of Beacon. (Y/N) will fight solo through the 4v4, 2v2, all the way up to the singles round." Professor Ooblek remarks.
"So without further adieu, let the fight begin!" Port announces.
You stand on your side of the arena, analyzing your opponents. Victoria Bulitaña, the teams leader seemed to be an excellent marksman with her bow/bo-staff weapon. Ivy Agra was the most unique of the bunch, sporting what looked to be an electric guitar for a weapon. Luca Espinara wields a sword similar to Yatsuhashi's only hers seems like it's more than just a sword. And last but not least Talia Liddell seemed like she would be the biggest challenge to get close to with her razor whip.
"Looks like easy pickings girls, lets not mess this up." Victoria says grabbing an arrow from her hip quiver.
"Let's not jump that far ahead just yet Victoria, there's a reason he's facing us alone." Talia says.
The arena suddenly begins to shift into different biomes, your half being a dense forest with theirs being a frozen tundra. Without further notice the queue to start sounds and the action begins.
You find yourself slowly advancing, using the trees as cover since Victoria is laying down a barrage of arrows your way. As you near the middle of the arena, Talia and Luca flank your sides, both swinging at you. You jump up right before either can hit you, landing on top of Luca's massive blade. Before Luca could react you quickly flip off, firing a barrage of rounds at both her and Talia before landing and bringing your tonfa into their melee mode. You strike fast, hitting Talia in the gut with the blunt end of your tonfa before sending her into a tree with a side kick to the chest. Luca then swings at you with all of her might forcing you to block the strike with both tonfa. Luca's impressive frame began to tower over you as you're brought down to your knees. You then roll backwards, forcing Luca to stumble from the sudden weight shift. Just as you were about to strike Luca, you sense something coming your way and barely catch an arrow Victoria fires at you.
"What quick reflexes (Y/N) has!" Professor Port exclaims.
"I expect nothing less from the student of Bruce Lee, what a marvelous battle we are watching." Ooblek adds.
Back in the battle, you quickly are forced back on the defensive as the arrow barrage begins again. After what seems like a long pause in arrows, you slowly advance towards the ice before a bolt of electricity sends you flying back.
"Nice hit Ivy, let's make sure he doesn't get up." Victoria says transforming her bow into a bo staff.
You struggle to get up, still feeling numb from the electricity flowing through your body. You can see Victoria and Ivy approach you from the front and sense who you assume is Talia and Luca in the back. Victoria proceeds to then swing her staff at you, just barely missing as you were able to roll out of the way. Talia attempts to lash at you with her whip, only for you to kick the flat end of the blade knocking it down. Victoria quickly falls back as Ivy takes her place, getting ready to strum and knock you back again. You flip away from the oncoming wave of electricity, allowing the blast to hit Talia and Luca. Once those two go flying back, you pull your tonfa out, ready to cut the strings of Ivy's guitar until she flips the instrument around, turning it into an ax and blocking your strike. The two of you duel it out, Ivy swinging heavy overhead chops while you attempted to make quick jabs between blocks, all the while Victoria was shooting arrows your way. As your duel with Ivy went on, you could tell she was getting worn out. Her swings were taking longer to land and you could feel less strength behind every hit. Eventually Talia and Luca recovered, running in to assist their teammate. You took note, waiting for the perfect time to dodge. Once everyone was where you wanted you jumped out of the way, allowing Ivy to slash at her teammates and for Talia to hit Ivy with a lash of her whip.
"And it looks like Ivy Agra, Talia Liddell, and Luca Espinara's aura has dropped down the red. Leaving only (Y/N) and Victoria in the fight." Professor sport says over the PA system.
"What an excellent use of not only strategy, but analyzing your opponent and using their strength against them." Oobleck chimes in.
You make your way into the frozen tundra part of the map. Luckily, Victoria's green blouse will stick out like a sore thumb within the terrain. You undo the cloak you have around your body like a sash and properly put it on, helping you blend in with the piles of snow in the arena. Unfortunately for you, Victoria could see right though your camouflage, shooting an arrow just shy of your left ear. You throw off the cloak to distract Victoria as you quickly close the distance, preventing her from firing off any shots. You were about to deliver a powerful ax kick but Victoria was able to block with her bo staff just in time. The leader of Team VILT swung furiously at you, making it hard to dodge her strikes. Victoria then goes for a heavy blow, swinging her staff overhead. However you block the strike, pulling her staff away from her and landing a head kick to your opponent. Stunned but not out, Victoria gets into her own fighting stance ready to throw down with you. You strike first, attempting to hit her in the jaw but she blocks your strike, grabbing your arm and pulling you to the ground. Victoria then wraps her slim figure around your body, putting you in an arm bar in an attempt to sit and drain your aura. You struggle for a bit, eventually able to slip out of her arm bar and ax kick her in the gut, knocking both the wind and whatever aura she had left out of her.
     "And with a brutal ax kick to the stomach, (Y/N) has defeated Team VILT!" Port exclaims as Amity Arena bursts into cheer.
"You all fought well, thank you for the opportunity." You say bowing to your opponents as they all stand.
"Yeah, well let's try to get a rematch in place. I guarantee you won't be so lucky next time." Violet says smirking.


     "So why'd you drag me out here?" You ask, following Weiss and Ruby to Beacon's courtyard.
     "Well since you somehow missed our fight I thought you could make it up to me by meeting my sister." Weiss responded.
     "Look, I didn't know you guys were the fight right after me. I could've sworn you were a couple fights after."
     "You're not getting out of this mister."
     You groan as you make your way to an Atlesian airship landing. Once the ship lands and it's hatch opens, multiple Atlesian Knights make their way out followed by what looks to be an older Weiss. Her hair neatly kept in a bun and donning proper military attire. On her hip was what looked to be a naval officers sword, most likely her primary weapon.
"Winter!" Weiss calls, gaining the attention of the only person by the Atlas airship.
The three of you run up to the elder Schnee, Weiss fanatic for once, almost like Ruby, in the presence of her sister.
"It's so good to see you, I-" Weiss quick to correct herself gained composure before curtsying.
"Your presence honors us." The younger Schnee says.
Winter, almost completely ignoring her sister observes her surroundings, looking at the campus ahead.
"Beacon, it's been so long. The air feels... different." The elder Schnee says cryptically.
"Well it is fall. So, it's a bit colder ya know." Ruby says right before Weiss clocks her signaling her to shut up.
"So, what are you doing here?" Weiss asks.
"Classified." Winter responds coldly, still not even looking in Weiss' direction.
"So you're the Winter Schnee Weiss has been telling me about. Quite the role model from what I've heard." You say a bit agitated.
"That is correct, and you are?" Winter asks, looking at you.
"Uhm, this is-" Weiss begins before you cut her off.
"(Y/N) (L/N)."
"This is the boyfriend you wrote so boldly of? I expect a bit... more." Winter said examining you, pissing you off a bit more.
"Yes, (Y/N) truly is something I assure you!" Weiss says causing you to smile.
"Yeah, there was this one time we were facing some Grimm and he was all like 'hya!' And 'watahh!' And completely destroyed them all. It was awesome." Ruby said backing up Weiss' statement in dramatic fashion.
You could tell Winter wore a look of disgust towards your younger sister which while was understandable, you didn't care for it.
"Anyway, your gonna love it here! Beacon is so much different than Atlas. The government and the school are two separated entities can you believe it?" Weiss says.
"I'm familiar with how this kingdom runs its, bureaucracy. That is not the reason I am here. Nor am I here to watch my sister fail so miserably in battle yet here I am." Winter replies.
After this you snap, walking past Weiss and fronting Winter, almost startling the Atlesian Specialist.
"Look, I don't know the inner-workings of your relationship with Weiss. Nor do I know exactly how their first round in the tournament went. But I know for a fact Weiss is an exemplary fighter and someone not to take so lightly." You say, glaring daggers into the elder Schnee's eyes.
After a moment of tension Winter simply pushes past you, putting her attention towards Weiss.
"So how have you been?" Winter asks.
"Oh, splendid! Thank you for asking. I'm actually in the top ranking of our sparring class. Studies are going well as usual and-" Weiss went on before getting smacked in the head by Winter. Causing your blood to boil.
"Silence you boob! I don't recall asking your ranking. I asked how you've been. Have you been eating properly, have you picked up any new hobbies, have you made any new friends?"
"Well there's Ruby, and (Y/N)'s already introduced himself."
Winter nods, observing Ruby snicker about the choice of words she earlier chose and you cross-armed in the background giving her the evil eye.
"So this is your 'fearless leader'? How appropriately underwhelming. As for your boyfriend, I remember you noting his calm composure." Winter states.
"My apologies, he usually is a bit more collected," Weiss starts, glaring your way giving you a look that screams 'cool it'.
"As for Ruby, she can't be helped."
"Well hello Ruby Rose. Thank you for taking interest in my sister," Winter starts as she then turns towards you.
"And (Y/N) (L/N), you've yet to imply unto me the slightest implication you are the prodigy of the great Bruce Lee."
"Yeah? All you've shown me is your about as soulless as the trash cans that follow you." You snap back, getting a reaction out of everyone.
"You would be wise to watch your tongue. It isn't respectful to mouth off against your superiors."
"I know all about superiority. Some use it for good, and others use it to beat down on others. I wonder where you fall?"
Winter simply gives you a cold, unforgiving glare before letting out a sentence you'd never expect to hear.
"Maybe all the talk of being Bruce Lee's pupil was just that. Talk."
You launched at her with a flying side kick, catching the elder Schnee off guard and knocking her all the way back into Beacon's courtyard. As she recovers, she draws her sword and gets into a fighting stance. You get into a stance of your own as a crowd draws in around the two of you.
"I won't allow you to walk over the legacy of Bruce Lee." You say.
"It seems all I've done is provoke an ill-tempered child. But please, show me what you are capable of." Winter says.
Weiss and Ruby push their way through the crowd, Weiss confused on who to root for. Ruby on the other hand starts a chant in your name, hyping the crowd up. You simply stare dead ahead at your opponent, reading her to see what she'd do. You knew she was most likely one of the strongest opponents you would face. You noticed she was getting ready to strike, twisting her foot to get more leverage to strike. You stood strong, ready for her attack. However her attack never came. Instead her attention shifted away from you, to an all too familiar man.

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