The Land of Stories: Bree and...

By Peacheslove88

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I've been wanting to make a one shot for these two for forever! Ever since I finished a Grimm Warning! So l... More

Driving is a Challenge
The Ski Lodge
The Ball
Broke and Babysitting
Wedding Day
Number 1
Christmas Baby
Day 1 of a New Chapter
A Trip Home (After a Grimm Warning)
Unexpected Friendship Part 2
Carries Discovery
Missing the Dream

Unexpected Friendship

814 15 45
By Peacheslove88

(This is a chapter about how Alex and Bree became friends.  So this chapter begins on the first day of school after the war in New York).

The war between the Otherworld and the Fairytale was over and it was time for everything to go back to normal and it was time for long-awaited peace. Twins, Alex and Conner were especially looking forward to this.

It was the start of summer, and Alex, Conner, and their friends were still busy rebuilding the Fairytale World, but it was almost done. The group of friends minus Conner, were in the Center Kingdom helping and overlooking the rebuilding of the library.

"I think the library is the last thing, and your kingdom will be finished Red," Alex said as she magically put shelves on the walls and placed books on them.

"I'm not happy that the war happened, but I am glad that we can rebuild this boring and bland library," Red said as overlooked everyone's work. "NO!! The romance section is upstairs not down here!"

Red rushed over to the other side of the library and Froggy walked over to Alex.

"The library is looking great Alex." He said. "Thank you so much for your help."

"No problem, it's my job," Alex said. "A little magic definitely can go a long way. So where are Goldilocks and Jack?"

"I think they are fixing up Jack's old house. I talked to Jack yesterday and he said that he's trying to convince Goldilocks to move back into that house, for Hero's safety, but she's hesitant."

"Knowing Goldilocks she'll never go for it, but now she has a baby now. We'll just have to wait and see." Alex said.

"Wait I haven't seen Conner this morning. Where is he?"

"I think he's talking to our mom, he should be here soon. He's planning on moving back to the Otherworld soon."

"MY LIFE JUST KEEPS GETTING WORSE!" A voice shouted. Froggy and Alex turned their heads and saw Conner bursting into the library.

"What's going on?" Alex asked as she and Froggy walked over to him.

"I was just talking to mom. Apparently she could fake my transfer, but she couldn't fake my school records. So since my school can't find them, I have to go to...summer school!!"

"Conner the way your talking makes it seem like it's the worst thing in the world," Alex said and rolled her eyes.

"Instead of going to school, I was searching for our long lost evil uncle, traveling through various books and short stories, and fought in a war! Why should I have to attend summer school?!!" Conner said and groaned.

"It won't be that bad," Alex said.

"You do realize this means I can't come and help you rebuild," Conner said.

"Oh yeah. You can still come after school and after you've finished your homework."

"Ugh!!! Just thinking about doing summer homework is making me stressed!" Conner said and rubbed his eyes.

"When does summer school start?" Froggy asked.

"Tomorrow," Conner said. "I have to leave today though to get my books. I'm sorry Alex. I don't want to leave because we've just started rebuilding, but I have to."

"No I want you to go. It'll be fine, we only have the Corner Kingdom and the Northern Kingdom left."

"Alex is right. We'll be fine don't worry." Froggy said.

"Ok, but I'm coming back every night."

"After you've finished your homework."

"Ugh, fine. After I've finished my homework." Conner said. "I've got to go, see you tonight."

"See you tonight," Froggy said.

Conner traveled back to the Otherworld and he and his mom were driving to Willow Crest High School to get Conner officially signed up for summer school.

"Mom are you sure you couldn't fake my school records?" Conner asked.

"Conner I wasn't going to do that. If I did you would have gone into your sophomore year completely lost and behind." Charlotte said and she turned into the high school parking lot and parked the car. "I'm sorry to have to do this after such a stressful time in your life, but you're going, and that's the end of that story."

Conner sighed and rolled his eyes and they both got out of the car. Next to them, was a white BMW, and a tall blonde woman, with a pair of glasses on, was leaning against it on her phone, she then noticed Charlotte.

"Oh hello Mrs. Gordon." The woman said still on her phone.

"Hi Arianna," Charlotte said. "Conner this is Arianna Campbell, we used to work together at the hospital."

"Hi nice to meet you," Conner said and reached out to shake her hand, but she didn't. "Wait, Campbell, you wouldn't happen to be,"

"Bree's mother?" She said and took off her glasses to reveal her big brown eyes. "Yes, I am. Please don't try to plead your case to me. On how it's all your fault or not your fault and try to blame my daughter for what happened. I've heard enough, we are trying to move past this. Right now she is signing up for the teacher's assistant position for the summer semester. It looks good on a college application. What are you doing here?"

"We are signing up for summer school," Charlotte said.

"Charlotte please don't make me take my girls out of this school district," Arianna said.

Charlotte was starting to get pissed. "Conner, go inside, and start getting your books."

Conner nodded and waved goodbye to Arianna but she didn't reciprocate, she just shot him a dirty look.

"How dare you," Charlotte said and got in Arianna's face. "My son is not a terrible person."

"Charlotte I'm not saying that. We all make mistakes, including me. I made the mistake of being friends with you all those years ago." Arianna said. "All I'm saying is that your son better not make trouble with my daughters."

"He won't because he's not a troublemaker."

"What are you saying? That my Bree is a troublemaker?"

"I'm not saying that either, I'm just saying you should pay more attention to them and their whereabouts."

"How dare you insult my parenting skills. I'm trying to give my girls the best lives possible and every opportunity to succeed. I would never take my children out in the middle of the school year and transfer them to another school and then to transfer them back to the previous one." Arianna scolded. "From the looks of it, that plan backfired, because you're signing your son up for summer school. If I were you, I would rethink those parenting skills."

Arianna put her glasses back on and then opened her car door, started her car and drove off, leaving Charlotte furious.

Inside the school Conner was standing in the longest line, just to sign up for summer school. Something he desperately wanted to get out of. He then spotted someone that was going to make this treacherous experience, a whole lot better. He saw Bree Campbell coming out of a classroom, and she then saw him.

"Hey!" She said and smiled and walked over to him. "What are you doing here?"

"Signing up for summer school," Conner said. "They couldn't find any school records, so I have to catch up in order to go to school in the fall."

"Well, you got to do what you got to do," Bree said. "So, hows everything, you know, in Vermont?"

"We're almost done rebuilding, at least until this happened," Conner said. "Now I can't help Alex and everyone."

"It's only for a month, then you can go back," Bree said.

"Oh yeah I met your mom in the parking lot."

"Oh God! What did she say?" Bree asked.

"Nothing, but I can tell she hates me and my mom. I think they're having a fight in the parking lot."

"Oh my God! That's typical." Bree said. "I'm sorry."

"So your mom said that you're a teacher's assistant."

"Yeah, Mrs. Albright's."

"At least I get to see you this summer," Conner said and smiled, while also turning red.

"Yeah," Bree said and smiled back. "Well until my mom takes me out of school."

Charlotte then stormed into the school and walked over to Conner and Bree.

"Hi Charlotte. Listen I'm so sorry about my mom."

"No it's not your fault. It's just, I wish she knew the truth, but that will never happen. I just have to let it go."

"I'm sorry again," Bree said. "I'll try to fix it."

"It's fine," Charlotte said.

"Well I've got to go, I'll see you tomorrow," Bree said.

"See you tomorrow." Conner and Charlotte said and Bree left.

"Conner, I love Bree. I don't think she's a bad influence on you or anything. Even though her mother isn't my favorite person in the world, but think you should get her parent's blessings. I don't want you sneaking around."

"I understand mom and I feel the same way. I feel like we won't be together for a while because of it."

Bree stormed into the parking lot and found her mother's new parking space and opened the passenger door, sat down, and slammed it.

"Hi baby. So you got the job?" Arianna said and sipped her Starbucks drink.

"Yeah I did. Mom I've told you a million times, to not start fights with Charlotte. Please!"

"I'm sorry Bree, but I can't help it. I don't like them."

"Well, I'm sorry, but I do," Bree said. "They are sweetest people I've met, I like them. Please stop it."

"I feel differently," Arianna said. "You are not allowed around her or her son."

"Fine. We'll discuss this again after my grounding." Bree said.

"Well that will be a long time from now," Arianna said. "I've texted Stephanie and Allyson and they are meeting us at the house."

"Did you just schedule a play date for me?" Bree asked and gave her mom a weird look.

"No, a hang. I want you to hang out with people I don't hate." Arianna said. "Plus I've noticed you haven't talked to your friends in a long time. This grounding is different than the last, I want you to socialize. It will be good for you."

"Fine I'll hang out with them," Bree said and sighed. Even though she liked Stephanie and Allyson, she was a different person from the last time she saw them. She felt like a whole new person and really didn't want to see them, but she would just to make her mom happy. She figured that if she did everything her mom said and made her happy, then she would give her her blessing to hang out and possibly date Conner in the future.

Arianna pulled out of the school parking lot and drove back to the house.  At the house, Stephanie and Allyson were standing on the porch waiting.

"Hey guys,"  Bree said getting out of the car.

"Hi Girls,"  Arianna said smiling and getting out of the car.

"Hi Bree, hi Arianna!"  Stephanie said.  Stephanie had long curly black hair and brown eyes, and wore a crop top, a leather jacket and ripped jeans. 

"Bree we haven't heard from you in a long time,"  Allyson said.  Allyson has light brown hair and blue eyes.  She wore an army green blouse with a jean jacket and a pair of tight blue jeans.

"Yeah sorry guys.  I've been really busy."  Bree said walking up the porch.

"Why don't you girls go upstairs and I'll make some lunch,"  Arianna said and opened the door.  The girls went upstairs to Bree's room.  Stephanie sat on the bed while Allyson sat on the desk chair.

"Listen I'm sorry guys.  I'm sorry I haven't texted you."

"It's ok.  We get it."  Stephanie said.  "So we haven't asked you, what really happened in Germany?"

"I told you we just went to different food festivals and concerts,"  Bree said.

"Bree, we are your oldest and best friends,"  Allyson said.  "You can tell us the truth."

"I am.  I don't know what you want to hear."  Bree said.

"Whatever,"  Allyson said and rolled her eyes knowing that Bree wasn't going to tell the truth.  Her eyes then fell on Brees notebook.  "I see your writing again."

"The King and the Fairy?"  Stephanie read.  "Is this your sisters?  This isn't your genre."

"No it's mine.  Just trying something new." 

"Really?  We used to laugh at stuff like this."  Allyson said.

"Well that trip really made an impact on me,"  Bree said.  "Thought I would change it up a little bit."

"Listen, the Willow Crest Concert Series starts tomorrow and I know a guy that can get us in all this month for free,"  Stephanie said.  "I'll pick you up at 8 a clock tomorrow.  The concert starts at 8:30."

"No,"  Bree said.

"No?"  Allyson and Stephanie said in unison.

"What do you mean no?" Stephanie asked and put her hands on her hips.

"I'm not going to do that,"  Bree said.  "I really want to go to the concert, but I can't get caught again.  I don't want to be grounded for eternity."

"Oh my God.  Who are you and what have you don't to Bree Campbell?" Allyson said and stood up.

"No it's me, it's just that I've changed.  I'm not going to do that, plus I have my teacher's assistant job."  Bree said.  "I want to be free to go do these things and if I follow what my mom says and do the work, then I will."

"Number 1, your TA job is during the day!"  Stephanie said.  "Secondly, who cares what your mom says.  I remember when you used to not care about groundings."

"Wow, your sister was right.  You have changed, but I don't think I like this new you."

"Well, too bad,"  Bree said and shrugged her shoulders.  "I don't really care."

"Fine then.  Go write your kiddy stories and obey rules.  We're out of here."  Stephanie said and walked towards the door and Allyson followed.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out,"  Bree said.  The girls walked right past her without another word and left the Campbell house.  Bree then sat at her desk.  She was glad to be rid of them.  As much as Bree loved music, and getting into places for free, she knew that she had changed.  It didn't give her a thrill like it used to.  Going to the Fairytale World, meeting those people, and being with Conner.  That gave her a thrill.

Back at the Gordon-Bailey household, Charlotte was making lunch, while Conner sat at the kitchen table going over his summer schedule.

"Ugh!  I have to do biology again, algebra 2, English, which I don't mind, and world history."  Conner said.  "This sucks!"

"It'll be over before you know it,"  Charlotte said and gave her son a sandwich.  A bright light then appeared and Alex appeared in the living room.

"So did you get your school schedule yet?"  She asked and walked over to them.

"Yes and can you please knock and come through the door like a normal person?"  Conner asked

There was then a knock on the door.

"Like that?"  He said a gestured to the door.  Alex rolled her eyes and quickly changed her blue dress and heels, to a T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers.  She then answered the door and it was Bree.

"Hey Alex."  She said.

"Hi Bree, are you here to see Conner?"

"No actually.  I'm not allowed to be around or talk to your mother or him.  So, I'm here to talk to you."  Bree said.  "Do you want to hang out?"

"Sorry I'm asking this, but why do you want to hang out with me?"

"Because I want good friends for once."

"Come in,"  Alex said and Bree walked inside and Alex closed the door behind her.

"Hey guys,"  Bree said.

"Bree you know you can't be here,"  Charlotte said.  "If your mother found out,"

"I know.  I'm here to see Alex."  Bree said.  "My mom said nothing about Alex, so do you want to hang out?"

"Um,"  Alex said not knowing what else to say.  She had never been asked by another person her age to hang out.  "Sure, but I have work.  I have to head to the Northern Kingdom to build some fences for farmers."

"Cool, I can help.  Beats being here and being miserable."

"Um, ok,"  Alex said.  "That will work, now that Conner has summer school."

"Perfect,"  Bree said.  "Lead the way."

"Ok,"  Alex said and snapped her fingers and they both were transported back to the Fairytale World.

"What just happened?"  Charlotte asked.

"Alex just stole my future girlfriend!"  Conner said.

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