pillow talk | kiribaku

By -softiplier

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in which one late night leads to endless conversations ~this story was inspired by my love for kiribaku lol~... More



252 10 7
By -softiplier

how many times
must i keep it inside
i need to let go
and i swear that i've tried

but opening up
means trusting others
and that's just too much
i don't want to bother

AWOKEN by the sound of his alarm chiming off and the small rays of sunshine pouring in through the drapes over his balcony door, kirishima blinks open drowsy eyes, grudgingly reaching out to his alarm to shut it off. he's met with the sight of his boring, white ceiling. he should really put some sort of poster up there at one point. it really looked depressing. slowly pushing himself up from his mattress, he lets out a tired yawn, stretching his arms out in front of him then letting them fall to his sides. one of his hands raises back up again to rub at his eyes to get them to fully adjust. just from sitting up in his bed, however, his eyes widened after the memories from last night stirred in his mind.

kirishima looks to the left side of his bed, but wasn't greeted with the sight of his ash-blonde friend, "bakugou?" he frantically looks around his room now, beginning to realize that bakugou wasn't even in his room at all. he felt a small amount of disappointment within him after seeing that he was alone and no longer accompanied. maybe bakugou had left after kirishima passed out or something. kirishima couldn't really remember anything that happened after he started talking to bakugou about his day or about the late night study session or even the first thought that came to mind. he would've noticed his bakugou left the room though. after all, he wasn't the most quiet person in the world. kirishima heard him muttering to himself out of his door before even opening it for him. or... maybe he hadn't? maybe everything he thought had happened actually didn't and it was just some sort of weird dream?

kirishima shakes his head lightly to his last thought. there was no way that what happened the previous night was just a dream. it was too real for it to be. with that, kirishima tosses the already disoriented sheets off of him and throws his legs over the side of his bed, standing up. he glanced over to the right to where his peculiar wall clock, which the clock hands read 11:24am. most of his classmates were probably up by now. bakugou usually got up earlier than most their classmates, so maybe he had woken up early and left to go do his usual morning routines.

once getting dressed and doing his own morning room routine, kirishima headed out of his room downstairs to the common area. he threw a few waves and showed off his famous sharp-toothed smile to his classmates he had passed along the way including sato, asui, jiro, and koda, even giving ojiro a solid high five as the two passed along side one another. the rest of his classmates that were in the common room were gathered around or sitting on the couches. however, kirishima makes his way straight towards the kitchen instead of greeting them. making delicious, healthy smoothies before heading to the gym has always been apart of his usual morning routines. he was sure that his classmates had known that too from the small amount of days they've already been living together and all the times kirishima would always be seen making his usual smoothies as soon as he woke up.

his famous sharp-toothed grin was gone now, replaced with a more calm, content expression as kirishima walked over to the cabinets, pulling open the small door. one of the things students of class 1-a had done was bring in their own mugs and cups from home, which developed an unspoken agreement that you were only acquiesced to take your designated cup. taking someone else's cup would lead to never hearing the end of it. kirishima reaches up to grab his mason mug, which was the mug he usually used when he drank his smoothies.

placing it down onto the counter, he moves over to the refrigerator to fetch some fruits for his drink. grabbing the handle of the refrigerator, kirishima pulls it open, eyes immediately scanning the shelves. while grabbing the ingredients he needed, he heard two people walk into the kitchen. his eyes slightly peer to the side to get a glimpse of who had entered the room, and once recognizing the familiar faces his sharp-toothed grin returns.

"hey, kirishima." kaminari spoke first, smiling over at his friend.

"what's up, bro?" sero spoke next.

"hey." kirishima responded back, still keeping his gaze towards the fridge.

sero walks passed the two over to where the small table was, then turning 180 so that he was facing his friends, leaning against the table with the palm of his hands resting on the edge of the surface, "you making your morning smoothie?"

"of course, bro." by now kirishima had gathered all he needed. he moves away from the fridge, arms cradling various fruits and ingredients as he uses his foot to lightly shut the door of the refrigerator. he moves back over to the counter where his mason mug was, along with blender that was already plugged in.

kaminari hoists himself up onto the counter beside kirishima as he started setting up his ingredients, going over to the sink briefly to wash the peaches and strawberries and grabbing a spoon to use to scoop out some yogurt from the container, "don't you get sick of having smoothies every morning?" kaminari let his legs dangle off the side of the counter, heels of his clothed feet lightly coming into contact with the firm surface beneath him every time his feet swung forward.

"not really." kirishima said, turning off the sink and bringing the cleaned fruits back to the counter, "it's almost like my coffee. people have that everyday and don't get sick of it, right?"

"that's a trick question since you don't like coffee." kaminari said, raising a brow and pointing his index finger at him.

the red head glanced over to the honey blond haired boy, "what? i never said that i didn't like it." kirishima said, then looked away, "i've just never had it before."

"you should try it."

"i think coffee is the last thing kirishima needs, dude." sero spoke up by the table, "he's always so hyped up as it is. i don't know how much we can handle with him having caffeine running through his veins." he joked.

"hey! i'm not that bad with caffeine." kirishima complained, "i've had caffeine before, too. coffee isn't the only thing that has caffeine in it, you know."

"so then you should try coffee!" kaminari said.

"don't. it's basically just bean juice. it's gross." sero said, a small smirk on his face, knowing that his comment would anger the honey blond sitting on the counter.

kaminari snaps his head in the direction towards sero, glaring in his direction, "excuse you. coffee is not gross and it tastes, in fact, delicious." he shuts his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest, "besides, it's better than drinking leaf water. at least coffee actually has flavor." he smirked lightly.

the smirk hadn't left sero's face, "yeah, ass flavor."

kaminari's smirk drops as his eyes fly open into saucers, glaring back over towards sero. kirishima shuts his eyes for a brief moment, shaking his head lightly and chuckling softly at his two friend's bickering that went on while he continued to make his smoothie. it only took the red head a few minutes to put everything into the blender, which consisted of the peaches and strawberries from before, pineapple — he didn't really need to get a knife to cut it open when he did have his hardening quirk — yogurt, and coconut water. after mixing all the ingredients into the blender, he takes off the lid and slides his mason mug closer to the jar, pouring his smoothie into the mug. once he places the lid onto the mason mug and stuck the red straw through the top, kirishima turns around, drink in hand as he takes a long sip, listening again to the conversation kaminari and sero were still having.

"will you stop with dikfeast already?!"

"no, i won't!"

"i don't know what breakfast and dinner would be called together, so stop asking me, dude!" sero exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air temporarily before letting them fall. he looks to kirishima, "bro, can you tell him to shut up about this already?"


kirishima, still sipping from his smoothie, only shrugs towards his friend. it wasn't like it was the first time kaminari had a completely random thought that didn't make sense or was just plain old stupid. mina and sero were always the ones that would bicker with him about it being wrong or just dumb. bakugou never even gave kaminari the chance or care enough to even hear him out — not without threatening to blast him in the face of course — so really it was just kirishima who would let kaminari rant to him about the random things that always popped into his mind. not that he'd understand or agree to everything the honey blond told him, but "not being there for a friend during desperate times isn't manly!" as kirishima would put it.

putting down his drink, kirishima picks of the now empty jar of the blender and carries it over towards the sink, turning the faucet on and letting the blender jar fill with water and dish soap, "whatever. i don't have the energy to argue about this today." sero sighed, pushing himself away from the table and beginning to leave the kitchen.

kaminari watches his friend walk towards the exit of the kitchen, still sitting on the counter where he had hoisted himself up awhile ago. he looks over to kirishima once again as the red head shuts off the faucet, "why's he always gotta be against everything i say?!"

"you sound like an old married couple." kirishima laughed.

"i'd rather short circuit myself for a whole week than marry that guy." kaminari said, pointing towards the direction of where sero walked away with his thumb.

"you don't mean that."

kaminari pauses, "...no, i don't." he sighed, "but i still don't wanna marry him." kaminari presses his palms down against the counter, pushing himself up to jump off of it. he lets out a small grunt when landing on his feet before looking back up at kirishima, "i'm gonna find me a nice woman to marry one day. one that'll actually listen to everything i have to say." he pauses, "besides you. you do actually listen to me, but you're not a woman."

kirishima laughed softly as he went to grab his mason mug again, then walked up to kaminari, "good luck with that, than." he said, taking a quick sip from his drink.

the two walk out of the kitchen after, noting that sero had been waiting for them outside in the common area, "i heard that little conversation back there" sero started, "kaminari, i didn't know that you've thought about marrying me." sero smirked lightly, before he grabbed kaminari into a headlock and aggressively gave him a noogie.

"gah—!! q-quit it! that hurts, sero!" sero laughed aloud to kaminari's suffering before letting kaminari push him away, the three starting to walk over towards the couches.

"hey, uraraka, you know what i heard from shoji earlier?" the sound of hagakure's voice caught kirishima's attention as the three boys were a moments notice with passing her and uraraka, who were walking side by side with one another in the opposite direction as them.

"no, what?"

"well, it was earlier in the morning, but when he went to head out to go do his morning workout—" her body moves closer to uraraka and her sleeve raises up. since being invisible, it was hard to tell what her expression or moment could be half the time, but based on the position her clothes were in, she looked like she was whispering to her friend, "—he said he saw someone leaving kirishima's room." she whispered, but not quiet enough for kirishima to not hear.

upon hearing the sudden statement, kirishima stopped in his tracks. well, at least he knew now that what happened last night wasn't a dream. he goes to take in a sharp breath, forgetting that he had already been taking another sip from his smoothie before it was too late. he swiftly pulls the drink away from his lips and begins to cough profusely aloud, grabbing everyone's attention around the common room. he goes to cover his mouth while he began his fit of coughing, and he tries to put down the mason mug with his smoothie in order not to spill, but he only ends up ungracefully dropping it to the floor, just barely getting away with not spilling any of his drink with the lid on the mug.

"whoa, dude, are you okay?!"
"kirishima, you good?!"

kaminari and sero chorused and, who already had been walking beside him, quickly came to kirishima's aid. some of his classmates who were sitting in the common room area glance over at the scene, either pulling their gazes away from the television or pausing their conversations to see what the buzz was all about. uraraka and hagakure rushes over to kirishima as well to make sure he was already, "kirishima, are you alright?" she asked, while kaminari lightly patted kirishima's back.

kirishima lets out another cough before trying his best to respond back, "y— yeah, i'm-"

"KIRISHIMA, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" iida abruptly bolts over to the scene, his quick speed causing some of the students to falter in their steps from the sudden gush of wind passing them, "EVERYONE, STAND BACK AND GIVE US SOME ROOM! I KNOW HOW TO DO THE HEIMLICH MANEUVER!" the navy blue haired boy began to roll up his sleeves to the crease of his elbows.

just before iida could do anything, however, kirishima raises his arms up to put his hands out in front of iida, shaking his head and waving his hands, "i'm—" he coughs a couple of more times before taking in a deep breath, "that... isn't necessary! i'm okay, really! my smoothie just went down the wrong pipe is all." he pants lightly to try and catch his breath from all his coughing, still holding his hands out in front the peers in front of him.

the five in front of him blink, then exchange looks with one another, "uhm... okay." sero was the first to speak, still sounding confused, "what the hell happened anyways?"

it was kirishima's turn to blink at them with a blank expression before dropping his hands back to his sides. he knew exactly why he had choked on his smoothie on the first place, and he was only a small bit convinced that uraraka and hagakure might now the reason based on their conversation. but seeing how concerned they seemed to be about him then being smug, maybe they didn't. and there was no way he was telling the reason why, to neither of them. so, as much as he hated doing it, lying it was.

one of kirishima's hands rose back up once again, this time rubbing at the nape his neck with a nervous smile and chuckle, "uh... you know me. always being careless. i must've distracted myself with something else which maybe caused my smoothie to go down the wrong pipe."

"so what you're saying is... you forgot you were drinking your smoothie?" hagakure asked.

"...yes." the exchanged looks between his friends were now more concerned than confused.

before any of them could question further, kirishima quickly reaches down to pick up his smoothie, then spins on his heel and begins to walk down the long hallway towards the elevators. he brushes passed midoriya and mina, who were walking along together engaged in a small banter down the hallway towards the common room. mina looked as if she had just finished doing a workout with her high waisted purple yoga pants and a hot pink tank crop top. midoriya was wearing his usual white graphic t-shirt, shorts, and his classic red shoes. judging by the white towel draped over his neck, along with his usual mop of fluff now being more flat and water droplets falling from some strands of his pine green hair, he seemed to have just gotten out of the shower.

the two classmates stop walking, pausing their conversation and turn around to watch like the rest of their classmates as kirishima quickly walked down the hallway. once the red head pressed the elevator button and disappears out of sight, mina and midoriya look at one another with confused expressions, then look to the other five, "what's up with him?" mina asked, pointing towards the direction of kirishima.

"honestly... not even sure myself." kaminari said, still looking off in the direction kirishima hurriedly left.

"well, if kirishima is fine now," iida began, "i must attend back to my previous business with yaoyorozu about the school council." the navy blue haired teen begins to walk off swiftly from the small group that had formed near the common room hallway, all six pairs of eyes watching.

"you... have fun with that, bro." sero said after his classmate with a monotone.

"speaking of important business," kaminari began, clasping his hands together and placing them at the back his head, "i've got a very serious propaganda to share to everyone." a small, lopsided smirk forms on his face as he begins to walk away from his classmates over towards the common area couches, "yo, todoroki! you know how breakfast and lunch together is brunch, right? so if you were to combine breakfast and dinner together-"

"oh my god," mina said with an irritated tone, then looked to sero, "he's still going on about dikfeast?"

sero shuts his eyes and sighs, shaking his head, "he won't let it go." the raven haired teen opens his eyes again to look towards the direction where kaminari walked off to, then looked back towards his classmates, "i should probably go make sure he doesn't do something stupid. i'll see you guys later." he raises one of his hands to wave goodbye slightly to them, before heading towards kaminari in a light jog, "kaminari, don't harass todoroki about dikfeast! he won't understand—!"

the three girls and pine green haired boy face one another again. hagakure lightly nudges uraraka with her elbow, causing the short brown haired girl to swiftly look in her direction, "you think kirishima heard us about what we said when we walked passed him?" she said in a hushed tone.

"what did you say before?" midoriya asked.

uraraka glances back to midoriya and mina, briefly shooting a glance towards hagakure again — and assuming she had also glanced between her two classmates and uraraka as well — before giving them a nervous smile, raising a hand to rub at her neck, "oh, it was just something silly that hagakure heard earlier, no biggie—"

"shoji told me he saw someone leaving kirishima's room earlier this morning." hagakure interrupted, clearly sounding too excited to keep the information to herself.

both midoriya's and mina's eyes widened, a large grin forming on mina's face and a confused expression forming on midoriya's, "what? what do you mean by that?" he asked.

"whattda ya think she means, dori?"

midoriya looks over towards mina, eyebrows furrowed and his bottom lip sticking out into a small pout as his cheeks flared a dark crimson color, "please just call me deku. you know i don't like that nickname..." he mumbled.

mina brief glances towards midoriya, flashing him a cheeky smile, "that's the point." she looks back to hagakure and uraraka, "did shoji see who it was?!"

"he said he had just woken up so it was hard to tell who, and they had left so quickly that he couldn't even get the chance to figure it out." hagakure said.

"you think it was someone outside of our class?" mina asked.

midoriya shook his head no, "after what happened recently with the league of villains, we've been under more supervision under the school, especially now that we moved into the dorms. there's no way someone was able to sneak in and out without getting caught... or at least not without being noticed." he said.

"so that would have to mean that... it was someone in our class..?" uraraka questioned.

almost in sync the four's heads looked over towards the common room area where most of the classmates were. iida and yaoyorozu were at on one side of the couches, talking immensely about something that seemed to be important while what looked like them working on some assignments or such. todoroki, tokoyami and aoyama were in a conversation until kaminari bombarded in the middle of it with his "propaganda". sero was trying to get him to lay off and apologize for him while some of the other nearby students were listening in on the the fours conversation. mineta had a petrified expression over his face at the mention of the name kaminari came up with for the combination of breakfast and dinner, which was a pretty priceless sight to witness.

"if it was someone from our class... who do you think it could be?" hagakure said.

mina snickered, placing her hands onto her hips, "whoever it was must have had a busy night. look for someone that looks more tired than usual." she smirked.

midoriya chokes on his own salvia to mina's words, face flushing a bright red as he swiftly glances back in her direction, "ju- just because someone was in his room last night doesn't mean they did that!" he exclaimed, flailing his arms around.

mina glances over to midoriya with a patronizing look, "why else would someone be in another person's room in the depths of the night? kirishima didn't go to bed last night until almost one in the morning 'cause he was here during your studying session, right? so that means someone was probably waiting for him to get to his room." midoriya opened his mouth as if to say something, but then shuts it immediately after. mina looks back over towards her classmates, "so that would also have to mean that one of our early birds is the culprit."

"you think?" uraraka asked.

"wait! you can't just assume it was one of them!" midoriya said.

"he's right... it could've been someone after the late night session too!" hagakure said.

"t-that's not what i meant eith—!"

"hmm, that's true. dori and i—" midoriya physically cringes to the nickname mina once again gave him. the nickname suddenly began being used last night after mina's great discovery of how much midoriya disliked the name, so it was her goal to only call him that for as long as she could, "—were the last ones in the common room last night." she faces midoriya with a smile, then raises one of her hands up, "only three hours of sleep gang!" midoriya gives her a blank expression at first before he finally returns the high-five, rolling his eyes playfully at the pink haired girl. she looks back to her two classmates, "but i'm pretty sure that everyone last night seemed super exhausted after the study session to want to do anything like fool around."

the dark blush returns to midoriya's cheeks again after mina's last sentence, "i still don't think the only option was that..." he mumbled.

"we could try investigating?" hagakure suggested, "and worst-case scenario you and uraraka could keep an eye out since you're both on the fourth floor. it might happen again, you know."

"you know what... that actually isn't a bad idea." mina nodded.

"wh- why do we even have to figure out who it was anyways?!" midoriya asked, "this isn't any of our business!"

"any romance that happens in our class is my business." mina said, "not only am i a love expert, but i'm also a great match-maker!" she smiled, "and who knows, maybe we'd actually be helping kirishima and this certain someone get together." she shrugged, looking back to midoriya to wiggle her eyebrows at him.

midoriya raises his hand to pinch at his temple, letting out a sigh as he shook his head lightly, "okay... but what if we're just jumping to conclusions? plus, not only will we be suspicious when asking everyone about last night but kirishima and the other person will know we're onto them."

"i'm guessing you've never heard of 'subtle hints', midoriya." hagakure giggled, "we wouldn't just flat out ask if they were with kirishima, but we'd maneuver around the actual question."

midoriya looks over to uraraka, "i can't be the only one who thinks this isn't a good idea, right?"

uraraka perches her lips slightly, brows furrowing, "well, it could be risky..."


"...but it sounds like it could be fun!" a smile returns to her face. midoriya lowers his head in defeat, knowing fully well that he was clearly beaten with a three out of one ratio.

"alright!" mina cheered, fist bumping the air, "what are we waiting for then? operation find out kirishima's paramour—" she puts her hand out in the middle of the small group, waiting for the others to put all hands on deck as well. uraraka and hagakure place their hands in on top of one another without hesitation, then all three of them look over to the pine green haired boy, who hadn't put in his hand yet.

midoriya blinks at them with a perplexed look at first, before the realization settled in that they were waiting for him to join them, "wait, i-i have to be apart of this?!" he panicked.

"duh, of course. you're one of the only people who know about kirishima's late night affair like us, so come on! put your hand in!" mina pauses, "don't overthink this. we'll be fine, dude. the worst that'll happen is that kirishima scolds us, and that's not even half as bad as iida's or momo's."

midoriya hesitates once more, but with an uneasy expression and a nervous sigh, he places a hand on top of uraraka to join the pile of hands, "fine..."

"operation find out kirishima's paramour— "mina repeats again, "—is a go!" the three girls cheer as they bounce their hands together only for a moment then throw them into the air briefly, midoriya only joining along since his hand was stuck in the cluster.

off to the side, the four hear someone sneeze loudly before all their gazes quickly switch over to the culprit. bakugou was walking passed the common room couches, the strap of his duffel bag thrown over his shoulder while one of his hand clutched tightly to his squeeze water bottle. his opposite hand aggressively wiped at his philtrum right below his nose, "bless you!" kaminari called out to the the ash-blond from the couch, smiling after. he wasn't expecting a thank you back, knowing how bakugou was.

"seems like someone's talking about you." sero snickered, which bakugou replies with a "tch" as he continued to walk passed his classmates towards the hallway leading to the elevator.

"alrighty guys," mina began, causing them all to look back one another again, "let's go start investigating!" she said, before beginning to march off.

hagakure happily follows along with uraraka, but the brown haired girl stops shortly when she noticed that midoriya still stood in the same spot. he looked as if he still didn't want to go along with what they were planning,  but he was too tired to fight back. he and mina did only get three hours of sleep that night after all. uraraka smiles softly towards the pine green haired boy, "you coming?"

"huh?" midoriya seemed to be broken out of the small tired trance he was in, "yeah, i guess. it seems like i don't really have a say in the matter anyways..." he mumbled. uraraka chuckles softly before turning back around and chasing after mina and hagakure. he stood there for a brief moment watching them walk ahead of him, before sliding the white towel that was still draped over his shoulder off of him. he covers his hair with it — that was still sopping wet — and aggressively wipes his the soft fabricate against his scalp to try to dry his hair more. once he sliding the towel off his head and letting his tousled up hair free, he throws the white fabricate over his shoulder before looking back to his three classmates.

grudgingly, midoriya starts after the three lively girls, "awh man..." he sighed quietly aloud along with sighed, letting his head fall forward as he walked a steady pace towards them. he never understood how he always got himself into these situations.

⁎ ˚ 𓄼 ﹒
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a/n: dumbasses let kirishima's "secret lover" walk right passed them lol

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