Toothless x female hiccup

Oleh FrontierBrony

110K 1.4K 671

So hiccup is a female in this story, and this will start before the beginning of the first movie. Hicca is an... Lebih Banyak

Im doing my best Chapter 1
Chapter 2, what happened?
Chapter 3 the movie starts
The savior is revealed
The next meeting
Friends, for now
The nice nadder
The hate u feel is real
It never happend
Please dont leave
Learning to fly
Test two
Week three
Week 5
Will you be my mate
Mates for life (lemon)
The next night
The Next night. Part 2?
Convicing a hoferson
The quick flight
The escape
The battle
Epologe part 1
Epiloge part 2, lemon and ending.

The begininng of the end.

2.7K 40 67
Oleh FrontierBrony

Previously on Female hiccup x Toothless.

I feel my self lose all body functions and start falling.

Although I don't feel myself hit the ground.

Toothless POV
I was sitting the nest waiting for Hicca to come back from releasing all the dragons from Berk, and to be honest. I am really nervous right now, I could feel her presence through our connection go higher into the sky then suddenly plummet. I was about to go and fly to her but she started flying high again. Thank goodness

I still feel the need to fly to her but I can still feel her getting closer to my location. She was high in the sky but is slowly coming lower to the ground as she's getting closer, and her flying has gotten better. Somehow. It's almost like she got better in less then a few seconds. I wonder. I scratched my self and a few scales fell off. Why must I be itchy today. 

But enough of the worrying, she's done her job. I can here the commotion of the village from where I am, It's quite annoying. I am proud of her, she can finally rest knowing that she freed those other dragons. She can finally rest and settle down. Sure there are going to be more problems from time to time but it's a good feeling knowing we can do it together. Yeah, everything is oooook.....

"NIGHTFURY, help your mates in trouble" my head shots up as I looked to the sky. A nightmare, Gronkle, Zippleback, Nadder, and a Terror were flying down to me. The nightmare had something in its arms. I looked closer and my eyes became dinner plates.

Hicca was in the arms of the Nightmare, and as I looked closer I noticed she was bleeding badly. I quickly sprang to my feet and rushed over. Before the Nightmare could even land I already had Hicca in my arms. What happened, HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN. She was bleeding really badly from the stomach that was made by the axe still in it. It was a Viking axe, oh wow really, it had very good craftsmanship put into it. I'd say it was made out of very dense iron. It also had words put into it, and if my reading is right it says.

"Property of Chief Stoick The Vast" I wonder who that is. Never mind it doesn't matter. What does matter is

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED, TELL ME NOW." I slowly started nuzzling her while looking at the wound, it wasn't deep but it was deep enough to cause heavy bleeding. How did I let this happen, I could have stopped this, I know it. Please Hicca stay with me.

"We we're flying back here when she got hit with an axe, she wasn't paying attention and it hit her square in the chest. I tried to warn her but she couldn't move fast enough. I'm so sorry"

My physical being couldn't move an inch. I couldn't think straight, I couldn't even breath correctly. Hicca got hurt on my watch and I let it happen. I can't believe it, I'm a failure. I can't even protect the one I love the most. I'm such an idiot, I shouldn't have even asked her, we would still be friends and none of this would even have happened.

"Please, don't blame yourself. We can help her. If we each use a common healing technique then it should heal her. In theory anyway" I looked at the Gronkle and back to Hicca. She's right, I can deal with my self loathing later. Now I need to help her.

"There's no need, I can use a more advanced spell that will heal her, but it will hurt me. And tire me, plus I know a common spell will tire you all more then the advanced one will me. I will need your help if the Humans come to find her. They can probably track her with the blood she dropped. I should only be out for a few minutes. I just need the strength to be able to carry her to another island that's defendable. Like the........queens island" they all gave each other a long look before turning back to me and giving me a nod. I nodded in return and stared at Hicca, my beautiful sweet Hicca. Don't worry , you'll be ok. You'll have to meet the queen but you'll be ok. I'm so sorry Hicca.

I took a position to start the magic healing spell when I herd distant shouting. It was coming closer and I gave a loud growl to the others. The shouting got louder and i gave one in return. The magic started to swirl around me and Hicca and it hurt like hell. Mostly on my head but it's worth it. This spell isn't as powerful as the one for my tail but it's close.

(Turn on unsung war piano, it fits to me at least)

"Before we fight in a blaze of glory, I'd like to know the names of you. You know, before we kick there asses." I got a few chuckles and laughed but they quickly got quiet as the Vikings came through the tree line.




"Dave, John, or Deacon for both"

"James" The nightmare said while looking at me with a gentle smile, I smiled back and went back to what I was doing. I could hear them getting closer and closer but I could here them fighting the drago.. no, my friends. My friends will hold them back as long as I need and I hope that long enough.

"исцелить плоть, разорвать узы"

I could feel Hicca wound start to heal as the battle continued. The flesh mending together like string and wire. The flesh was literally burning together like metal. I felt horrible that I have to do this to her but it's needed if she's not gonna die. I need to do this to help her, and I don't intend to let her down. Not yet, not ever. I love you Hicca.

"Исцели то, что было сломано, исправь то, что было повреждено"

The magic started to fizzle out as the spell was almost completed. My body started to go darker as well. I could feel the spell almost done, come on it's almost over, just a little more.

"Спаси их, как они моя любовь, моя дорогая, мой свет, моя темнота, мой друг"

And done.

The magic fizzled out completely as I let out a heavy sigh. That was difficult but it was so worth it. I opened my eyes and looked at Hicca, her breathing was normal and her heartbeat was better. I laughed a little at how crazy this whole situation was. But it's not over yet.

"AHHHHHHHHH, DIE YOU MONS.." a Viking came rushing at me, I tackled him and threw him away into the lake. I looked back at Hicca to make sure she was ok. She was.

I looked around the battlefield to see how the others were doing. They were doing actually really well, because the Vikings couldn't bring there artillery they couldn't take them down, sure they could try Bolas but they have to actually hit. They were actually a really good team. Deacon would have gas come out on a group of villagers and Kate would light it. Linda would role and hit another group. James would just confuse all of them with short attacks and melee.

All the Vikings were distracted so I saw this as the best time to get out of here. I let out a roar so loud everyone stopped fighting and turned to me. The Vikings put up there shields in a blocking technique.

"LETS GET OUT OF HERE, NOW. James grab Hicca, everyone else, Follow me. NOW" everyone shot up into the sky while I covered them with Plasma blasts. James quickly flew over and grabbed Hicca. He started flying up high while I also covered him. After he was out of the Cove and I was out of shots I to quickly flew out of there and up to the Group. They all smiled at me as I joined them in the sky.

"So where to now" Kate asked, clearly forgetting the original plan. I have her a quick look and she lowered her head in realization.

"Oh, never mind" I nodded and looked forward. We have but one place to go, and I don't really want to go there, at all. Sadly we have no where else to go. I just hope the queen will Except a formal Apology.


Stoick was livid, he couldn't even describe how angry he was. His daughter, his own blood, had just betrayed him and now she's missing. Not even and hour ago he was proud of her and he was hoping she's have an amazing future. Killing dragons, protecting the village, and being chief one day. But now all that was out the window.

How could she do this to him, how could she betray her village. She looked good in the ring, so what went wrong, what was going through her head, what made her say that. "I'm not one of them" that damn phrase WHY!?

Stoick was pacing in his room, he didn't know what to do about his daughter, he'll deal with that later. What he needed to focus on is where those dragons went. There were 5 in total, A Nightmare, Zippleback, Gronkle, Nadder, And a Nightfury, he was it was female. He managed to hit it with his axe. It was flying really low for some reason, though it did look young which means it was inexperienced, which cost it it's life.  It doesn't matter, he hit it and it should be dead by now. He sent half the village to recover it and bring it to his home. There was the nightmare also so he just wanted to be careful.

Speaking of them, why aren't they back yet. It shouldn't of been that long a walk. Sure the Nightmare caught the Devil Nightfury but it was just been in a fight so it couldn't have flown far. It's just weird, they should be back by now. Maybe he should..

Suddenly his friend Gobber bursted into his home panting like a dog in heat.

Stoick pov.

"Chief........we Found.....the dra...dragons.......but there was...was....more then....two."

"Calm down Gobber, take a deep breath and explain what happed"

Gobber took a deep breath and sat down on one of the chairs that I grabbed for us .

"Better?" Gobber nodded. "Good, now what happened"

"We followed the sounds of flapping of wings and roars. We found this cove that we didn't even know existed, it was beautiful, the light of the sun shined perfectly off the lake, the walls were barely touched and looked like so clean, and the.."

"Get to the point Gobber" I reminded Gobber.

"Oh, sorry Stoick. So when we found the cove all the dragons that escaped were there, and the nightfury you hit, but there was another" I was confused, another what. Gobber saw my confused look and explained.

"Another Nightfury Stoick, and it was glowing. We didn't know what was going on but we decided to charge in anyway to take down the beasts. We attacked but we were over run by their tactics"

"Gobber, dragons don't have tactics. They attack and kill, it's why we kill them Easily"

"But these ones did Stoick, they had Tactics and they worked as a team. Buts that's not the worst part, the worst part was that they new exactly what we were gonna do. They knew OUR tactics. It's almost like they have a conscience"

"Please Gobber, they are animals, they have no conscience, they can't think, and they can't UNDERSTAND TACTICS, your going crazy Gobber." Gobber raised a hand and belted out.

"I'm not going crazy, they knew what we were gonna do before we did, but we're off track. While we were fighting the Nightfury Glowed Brighter and brighter until he stopped, and guess what, The other nightfury WAS HEALED. They can use Magic Stoick, I'm serious" I've had
enough of this.

"Ok that's it. Your going to see a doctor, you're going crazy Gobber" I picked him up and dragged him to the door.

"No I'm Not" he released himself from my grip,
"And also, They flew away after the dragon was healed, I think we should follow them, I believe there going to the nest. We need to leave now if we're to catch up" I froze, they could be flying to the nest. It's possible but I don't want to risk anymore ships. But we could never get this chance again.

"Ok Gobber, I believe you. Ready the ships, we're going to get those dragons" he nodded and ran out of my house at a quickened pace. I turned around and looked at my fireplace. The head of a dragon was above the fire, the stone underneath read.

"Nightfury, Killed by Stoick The Vast"

I looked upon that stone with a hateful glare, my hands balling into fists.

"I will kill you Nightfury, you have my word."


Nest Toothless pov
1 hour later

We arrived at the nest with no problem and were let in with the same decency. We were given caves to sleep in and given food but we were supposed to meet with the queen soon. We were all directed to stay in my designated cave and wait. Hicca was taken to a healer, although I was really reluctant but I caved in because I truly didn't know if the spell was done correctly. I had to go quickly and that could cause some serious problems in the future so they wanted to check on her.

As I was saying, we have been in my cave for about 30 minutes and we were all just sitting silently not really talking to each other, it was quite uncomfortable and awkward. So I decided to speak up.

"I know this isn't the best idea, but it is the safest until we can find a safer place to go. We won't be here long, I hope." Everyone nodded and Kate was the first to speak.

"I hope so, this place gives me memories I don't wish to keep." She shivered lightly and James put a song over her to calm her down. She stopped shivering and she thanked him.

"I think we should leave once Hicca is healed, it would be best because those Vikings could be on our tails" Linda spoke which got a few mummers of approval.

"Me to this place isn't the best for dragons a small as me" Henry commented which got a few chuckles.

"I'm all seriousness, once she heals then we'll scadadle out of here. First we need to meet with the que..."

"The queen requires your presence Nightwing, and your friends to, I wouldn't be late, she's in a good mood today" we all turned our heads to a Typhoomerang sitting at the entrance, his body big and his wings bigger. We all nodded and quickly started heading to the queens chamber. I stopped for a second and started scratching my scales and a few fell off. Damn itchy scales.


Stoick Pov

The ships were ready to leave and we were ready to board. But before we boarded we were trying to find a way to track the dragons. We don't have dogs and there smell is probably to far for them anyway. We were all certain that they were at the nest, where else would they go with an injured dragons. A place with more dragons obviously. I gripped my axe hard hard and listened to all the stupid suggestions people were throwing around.

"What about a machine that could track things miles away with heat"

"That's stupid, we don't even know where to start"

"How about we just sail around till we find them"

"We tried that, and that didn't work"

"Maybe we could.."
I had enough of this, I slammed my axe into the cement and shut everyone up.

"THIS IS NOT HELPING, all your ideas either make no sense or are completely impossible, can someone come up with something reasonable that could ACTUALLY work" no one spoke for a solid minute until Fishelgs raised his hand.

"Yes, Fishlegs" he stood up and cleared his throat.

"How about we track the dragons, with dragons. At the cove when we searched I found a few scales that belong to a nightfury, all black, male, roughly 200 to 300 pounds and eats a diet of fish an.."

"Fishlegs" he stopped rambling and corrected himself.

"Sorry, so yeah, we could have a dragon and sniff the cakes and the dragon will want to follow the sent because it leads to the queen"

Silence, that's all that could be heard, everyone was trying to think of something that didn't work about this plan but nothing, they thought of nothing. Stoick himself was silent, it was a good plan and one that could work, there were wild dragons on the island that they could use for this.

"All in favor" all hands raise
"All not" none

"Ok, let's get to work, we leave in an hour"


Nest, Toothless pov.


"I said I agree with your terms, once your mate is healed your aloud to leave the island, I agree with you. And why should I not, you were always my favorite person for recon and you packed quite the punch, but mating season is coming up and you need to take care of your mate, and children."

I was shook, I expected her to refuse and we get into a full argument that would last a years but no, she agreed and understands my situation. How, why, what?

"Nightwing, I agree with your situation because our were like a son to me. I loved you like one, I do for all my subjects, and everyone knows that those rumors of me eating my subjects is wrong. But that's not the point. I know what it's like to love someone, and I want you to enjoy that experience to" she smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Thank you, you have no idea how happy I am to here this. Thank you" i couldn't believe it. She was ok with it, I can't believe it. Its going to be ok, everyone I know will be ok it will all be ok. I have to go see Hicca now. I want to see her, I need to tell her that our life Is going to be perf...



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