Life With Magcon (H.G)

By HighWithHazza

27.4K 573 334

This is a sequel to 'Touring With Magcon' so if you haven't read that- go do so now!💜 How is life for Ariana... More

1. Oh yeah i'm blonde now
2. Yes. Yes we did.
3. Vibin'
4. No tears left to cry
5. Happiana
6. Heart Strings
7. Fake Smile
8. What Do You Mean?
9. Just a little bit of your heart
10. All Your Charm
11. WDYM
12. Tour day One
13. Tour day two
14. Vogue
16. I quit
17. Black Eye
18. Dwelling
19. Tour day three
20. Tour Day Four
21. Oh shit
22. My Bitches
23. Sad Bitch
24. Shade
25. Nominations.
26. 7 Rings
27. Rehearsals
28. Billboard Awards (1/4)
29. Billboard Awards (2/4)
30. Billboard awards (3/4)
31. Billboard awards (4/4)
32. Ambulance
33. Surgery
34. Awoken
Please Read :)
35. Cancelled
Important READ
Important Read 2
36. We need to talk
37. Dont cry
38. One last time
39. Strawberries
40. Rest Please
41. Pancakes
42. Sushi
43. So, what happened?
44. Will you stay ?
45. Get Well Soon
46. Moving On
47. Everytime
48. Her
49. Hair down
50. The hoodie
51. H/Jariana
52. Dangerous Woman
53. Mascara stains
54. Hariana
55. Magcon.
56. Wedding
55. Sweetener World Tour
56. Luna
Thank You🖤
57. The End.

15. Matthew

464 13 3
By HighWithHazza

(Ariana's POV)

I was so excited as the vogue magazine was out today! It was 5am.
I was also nervous as today was the day I was meeting Matt. But Justin was so supportive of it.

Secrets Out🖤 @Vogue

*im aware it says grande don't attack me*
Liked by Vogue, MaddisonBeer and 305,638,939 others.
@MaddisonBeer: you're unreal..
@Vogue: 🌷🖤
@Arianator90: Omg is it too late to save the blonde?
@AriMendes: @Arianator90: sadly! I'm brunette now but she will make a return!
@JustinBieber: fuckkkkk🤤

I smile at all the responses. I was beyond excited for all the feedback and to see everyone's reaction . But today my focus was on Matt! I was so nervous to meet him but also excited. I loved the fact Justin was so supportive too.

*a couple hours later*

I get up and get dressed and do my makeup.

I grab my bag and put my necklace on that Justin got me.

"Call me if you need me okay?" Justin smiles

"I will!" I kiss him on the cheek.

"You'll have a car following you everywhere if you need to make an escape and 2 guards will be with you" he smiles.

"I'm sure it will all be fine" I smile.

He kisses me and hands me the Tiffany's reservation card.

I feel my phone buzzing and see matts name.

*phone conversation between her and matt*


Hey Ari! Just wanted to check, the address you've given me is for Tiffany's is that right?

Yeah! We're going for breakfast!

Oh wow! Well Uh I'll be there soon!

See ya!

When I hang up I pull on my knee high boots and say goodbye to Justin again. I go down to the lobby and get in the car.

I was so nervous. I could feel my heart beating.

When we arrive at Tiffany's I saw Matt standing outside. There was no paparazzi as I left so early but they would definitely be there for when we leave.

I get out the car and he smiles widely at me. I walk over to him with the two guards behind me and pull him into a huge hug.

I thought it was going to be awkward but for some reason it felt so right. He hugged me back tightly.

(Matts POV)

Wow.. when she got out the car it was amazing to see her. The only difference is she was dripping in expensive clothes and brands but I knew it would be the same her.

She walks up to me and instantly we both hug each other tightly. I missed her a lot.

She pulls away and a man standing at the door takes her reservation card and we go inside and sit down.

(Ariana's POV)

"I literally don't know what to say" I giggle.

"I've missed you.." Matt admits.

"I'm gonna be completely honest. I didn't think I'd miss any of you at all. But seeing you has given me the biggest smile" I say

"None of the boys know I'm here." He says.

"That's fine that's how I wanted it to be honest.." I shrug.

"Can I just say. Fake smile!? Ariana it's been on repeat. You're all over the charts?? Like I'm so proud of you.." Matt smiles.

I half smile and feel myself tearing up.

"I felt so guilty for walking away but it really did hit me that I did it for the right reasons." I smile.

"Can I also just say how sorry I am for how I left it. And for the fact it's taken me this long to reach out?" He frowns.

"It works both ways. No need to apologise." I smile

"And I'm guessing I'm the first person seeing you brunette again" he smiles.

"Well apart from Justin! Yes!" I laugh.

"How are you and Justin? As I know your together now" Matt smiles.

"Matt he's my world. He honestly helped me through everything. I cried on his shoulder over Hayes, I cried on his shoulder writing the songs about Hayes, I cried on his shoulder about Maggie! He honestly took it all like a trooper and we'll look at us now. Everything I wanted was right in front of me and I just didn't realise" I admit

"I'm honestly so glad to see you this happy." He smiles

"I am so happy. But health wise has been a struggle lately!" I frown.

"Why ? What's wrong!?" He asks

"I've been diagnosed with sarcoidosis. I got it from my mum and with all the singing I do it's made it activate " I frown

"Ariana... I'm so sorry. How do you deal with it?@ he asks concerned.

"It's not at a point where it's life threatening or awful! But I have to take tablets every day or I get a bit wheezy and out of breathe" I sigh

"Well you know I'm here for you" Matt smiles

"Thank you....How is everyone?" I ask.

"We're all okay! Hayes has been in a downwards spiral lately with you coming back into the world! Shawn was fucking pissed about you taking his record.. and well everyone is just so spiteful about everything still. The only person I've heard not slag you off to anyone is mahogany and Cameron. Everyone's just so jealous of you" Matt says.

"But i wanted to be a part of everyone's life still. Everyone pushed me away." I frown. "And with Shawn's record, that was on purpose. He told me to see where we were in 6 months so yeah here I am" I laugh

"I know.. it's a regret that no one wants to admit!" Matt sighs. "But I was secretly happy for you when you decided to release it" he smiles

"I'm so glad I met you." I smile.

"I'm glad you let me.. you have no idea how much of a huge celebrity you are. Like I must be no one to you!" Matt smiles

"Matt.. don't be ridiculous! You were my best friend from the second I joined magcon. And I'm sure we could get there again" I say.

"I want you back on magcon.." he frowns.

"Not gonna happen" I frown.

"I know! You just have no idea how shit it is without you!" He admits.

"I was devastated for you when I heard you cancelled the European leg. I know how excited you were" I say

"Yeah but I got over it. Our ticket sales just dropped!" He admits

"I did miss touring so bad. But I guess I'm lucky as I'm able to do it again!" I smile

"Can I ask a personal question." He smiles

"Go for it!"

"Why did you release moonlight?" He asks.

"Because it's a song that meant a lot to me. I always say I'd always be 100% with my fans and that was a huge part of my life at the time. They all wanted to hear it! I love singing it and at the end of the day, it only got me more publicity! But I wasn't expecting it to be no.1!" I smile

"That's fair enough!" Matt smiles.

After a few hours we decide to leave.

"Well thank you so much for meeting me" Matt smiles.

"Anytime.. let's stay in touch!" I say and hug him.

We approach the exit and already there was loads of paparazzi.

"I'll give you a ride. Cover your face!" I smile.

Matt walks out first so it doesn't look as suspicious and gets into the car. Then I go out with my two guards and get into the car ignoring questions.

@AriMendes is seen with @MatthewEspinosa leaving Tiffany's diner! #magconreunite ?

Liked by Arianator83, Magconfan73 and 90,727,929 others.
@MagconFam: WAIT.. Matthew?!? Wtf is going on!!!!!!
@Hariana10: magcon is reuniting!

"Fuck sake!" I sigh checking my phone as we were approaching matts hotel.

"I know..." Matt sighs.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't realise they'd see you" I frown.

"At the end of the day the boys haven't seen my face in any of the photos" he shrugs.

"True! They'll never know!" I giggle.

We pull up outside of matts hotel. He opens the door and FUCK.

Cameron, Shawn, Hayes and Maggie were stood there.

// thanks for reading part 15!
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3+ comments for next part!💜

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