Frat House // harry styles

By plainlystyles

351K 6.6K 7.8K

[DISCONTINUED] (for now) After giving up on finding a place to stay after being accepted into WSU, Ariana res... More

✧ chapter one ✧
✧ chapter two ✧
✧ chapter three ✧
✧ chapter four ✧
✧ chapter five ✧
✧ chapter six ✧
✧ chapter seven ✧
✧ chapter eight ✧
✧ chapter nine ✧
✧ chapter ten ✧
✧ chapter eleven ✧
✧ chapter twelve ✧
✧ chapter thirteen ✧
✧ chapter fourteen ✧
✧ chapter fifteen ✧
✧ chapter sixteen ✧
✧ chapter eighteen ✧
✧ chapter nineteen ✧
✧ chapter twenty ✧
✧ chapter twenty-one ✧
✧ chapter twenty-two ✧
✧ chapter twenty-three ✧
✧ chapter twenty-four ✧
✧ chapter twenty-five ✧
✧ chapter twenty-six ✧
✧ chapter twenty-seven ✧
✧ chapter twenty-eight ✧
✧ chapter twenty-nine ✧
✧ chapter thirty ✧
✧ chapter thirty-one ✧
✧ chapter thirty-two ✧
✧ chapter thirty-three ✧
thirty four

✧ chapter seventeen ✧

9.4K 174 180
By plainlystyles

(Ariana's school outfit)

Recovery Week

The last week felt like months. With the torment of what had happened lingering in my thoughts, I felt myself daydreaming about what happened. Too much.

His lips, soft yet at loss of any purity. I could've gotten some disease, who knows where that mouth has been and better yet how long ago that mouth was there.

Gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Going into detail about my depressing week wouldn't be fair of me, just time lapses of laying in my room and surviving off snickers in my fridge is boring as it is, even sped up.

It wasn't until Thursday that a small glimpse of interest came into my life. My car finally got sent over so I finally had something to drive. So in spite of that I went for a joyride with Chris and almost died about 5 times due to my disorientation of driving on the other side of the road.

I also got an interview for a job at a little cafe on campus, although the interview wasn't until Wednesday I felt confident as I of course was an entrepreneur of coffee making... Sike. I was terrified.

I laid in bed most of the night. School was tomorrow- well today now as it was 1:41am. There was no way I was getting any sleep until I found a cuddle buddy. I could go to Ha- don't be ridiculous Ariana, all this avoiding all week won't be led to worthlessness if I give in now. Annoyingly, avoiding him has been hard because all I wanted to do was ask so many fucking questions. But then again he seemed as unfazed by my lack of communication as I made out to be, although mine was a facade.

I decide to venture out of my room and knock on Noah's door. I doubted he'd be awake but it was kinda funny imitating what my 5 year old self would do to my parents at this time of the night when I had a bad dream, and whispering Noah's name until he woke up.

Much to my luck the door opened to a disheveled looking Noah. "Ariana what is it?" His croaky voice asked.

"Did I wake you?" I asked. He shakes his head and rubs his eyes. "No I was awake anyway, needed to pee. What's up?"

"I can't sleep and need a cuddle buddy..." I pause as I look down at the ground. "Please?" I look back up at him and give him a gleaming smile. He merely steps to the side and lets me in. I run in and jump on his bed, snuggling into his pillows.

Noah shakes his head at me and walks over to me. "You're definitely not related to me." He laughs and jumps into bed next to me. He lies sideways on the pillow smiling ate as I mirror him. "Ah but you seem to be mistaken, because that I am... big brother."

"You clearly have a different father." He laughs as I gasp at him. "You clearly have no sense of humour." I fire back at him.

"And thus proving my point!" He says back. "And-" I begin to say but cut myself off. Once I realise he was right I flipped over and folded my arms, earning a chuckle out of Noah's mouth.

"Oh c-mere." He grabs me and cradled me. I sigh in relief from the warmth of my brothers arms. Although we are older now it's still comforting to be cuddle by my brother. With him being the only family I have here it's a relief to feel the love from a family member when that kind of love can't be given to me by anyone else.

"Go to sleep now Ariana." He coos, I close my eyes and attempt to doze off. Even tho it felt like hours I eventually fell asleep and was awaken at 7:30 by Noah's movements.

"Come on get up." I groan and obey his words, because he was right of course. I dawdle back into my room after Noah telling me I had to be ready to go at 8:30. I chose out my outfit when I got back I to my room, consisting of grey leggings, a white shirt and white Nikes. I quickly straightened my hair and put on natural glam makeup. Usually I don't really care about my looks but seeing as though it was the first day of school I had to make a good impression.

Once happy with my appearance I ran downstairs with my packed bag and into the kitchen. It was 8:15 so I only had time for a quick breakfast. I made myself some toast with peanut butter and jelly and observed my outfit in the full length mirror as I ate.

As I was looking in the mirror, Harry's reflection in the mirror came downstairs and looked towards me. After a few moments the boy looked away and walked towards the door with his bag.


Noah came downstairs not long later and at 8:30 on the dot we walked out to his car as I didn't really understand where to park on campus and drove to school. Noah explained to me that I'll have to do compulsory subjects at school such as English and math, but my electives of art and design are separate times of learning. I nodded along to what he was saying but most of it went in one ear and out the other.

We finally arrived at school and I looked at it's big walls. Little stalls for clubs littered the front campus and I found myself bewitched by the hundreds of people. "Now Ariana, you'll have to head over to the hall for orientation at the start of the day. I'll walk you there. Will you be okay?" Noah asks me.

"Of course shithead." I smack his arm as he finds a parking spot. We get out the car and he offers me his arm for me to link arms with him as he takes me to the hall. Once we get there I get a couple of stares. Rolling my eyes and ignoring them, I cuddle my brother goodbye.

"You'll be great." He whispers in my ear before giving me one last squeeze and waving me goodbye. I wave back and walk inside the hall full of people.

I sit down at the stadium next to a girl with balayage bleached hair and slightly tanned skin. "Hi!" She smiles widely at me as she noticed me looking at her. Embarrassed, a blush formed on my cheeks ever so slightly as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Hey. Sorry it's pretty hectic in here isn't it? What's your name." I muster up the courage to converse with her.

"I'm Nova, I love your accent by the way. Australian isn't it?" She questions as I nod.

"Yeah, it doesn't feel like I have an accent in all honesty though. I'm Ariana, it's nice to meet you." We offer each other a handshake and chuckle at the formality of it.

"So Ariana, I saw you walking in with that senior. Care to explain?" She giggles as I widen my eyes.

"Oh lordy. No that's my brother, Noah." I laugh back as she thinks to herself. "That's the one that's friends with Harry isn't it?" She adds.

"You know Harry?" I tilt my head to the side, watching her expression change to one of confusion.

"Everyone and their dog knows Harry here. Big gossip, almost as big as the gossip with Luna." She widens her eyes with raised eyebrows and a tut.

"Luna? As in blonde Luna? She's sweet, I've met her a couple of times and she's quite nice." I scrunch my eyebrows and sigh confusingly.

Nova chuckles lowly to herself and shakes her head. "Ari, Luna is the embodiment of Regina George. She's either only being nice to you because you have something she wants or there's something about you that's important for her to manipulate you. Proceed with caution." She folds her arms as we look over at Luna talking to a pair of girls in the corner.

"You knew Luna right?" I ask the obvious question.

"Since I was 5, and I can assure you my life would've been so much better if I hadn't met her." She rolls her eyes and looks away. "On a better note, at least you weren't dragged into that trio."

"Yea... apparently..." I say, unconvinced.

What I assume to be the principal, headmaster, whatever you call them, came to the middle of the hall on a podium and began to address us the rules and our time here at the school. A quite pleasant welcoming. Turns out we both were doing the same degree and had the same English literature elective.

We are dismissed shortly and Nova and I begin to walk together to our first class. In that moment I just knew that whatever happens this year will be a wild ride, and I'm yet to discover whether that's a good or bad one.

So here's another update! I was on holiday so I couldn't actually write so hopefully this is satisfactory enough given the time it took to write it.

I hope you are enjoying your day! I for sure am because I got my final exam marks back and I did a really good job!

Enjoy the chapter!

Tash xx

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