Lover Boy | mrfreshasian x Re...

By ActuallyReady

28.8K 739 341

"I saw him." Being crowded with young fans screaming. I couldn't help but laugh. And then we turned to me, ey... More

The Start of it all
The Hotel
Important Info about Story
The Meeting
Just me and you (and maybe some friends)
I want to get to know you sweetheart, even the dark
Let me In, I wont let you go
Its Time to get Serious
Another day with You
"Its been awhile since ive looked like this."
Its time to boost your career
The people that nearly tore us apart
Ill see you some other time
Shoot Your Shot
Why Harley Why?
"You are now associated with us."
"Theres another hottie in town."
"Harley Campbell, your a selfish man."
"i might just steal your bitch."
Im coming for you, Harley
"Hit me with your best shot." (RATED R)
"Long time no see, Campbell."
"Ardendale, your going to Sydney."
We are both Hopeless Romantics
Your obsessed with Harley, but not with me
Dancing with someone else (RATED R)
"Only Time Shall Come."
When the 2 Lover Boys Join Sides
You can break my heart a million times, but it was always yours to break.
The Bullet Fired (EMOTIONAL ๐Ÿ˜ข)
Death is near, closer then you think (EMOTIONAL ๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ‘‹)
On My Knees, With a Ring (๐Ÿฅฐ)
The Two Positive Lines
The Mini Versions of Us
One v Oneing with Daddy
The Campbell Family Wholesomeness
The Boy & Girl in Bed Talk (RATED R but ๐Ÿคฃ)
๐ŸŽ„Christmas Special with the Family ๐ŸŽ„
The End of it All (emotional๐Ÿ˜ญ)
Information Regarding Future Stories

"Forever and always, my love." (DEEP CONVOS ๐Ÿง)

414 16 4
By ActuallyReady

Harley's POV

I'm still freaking out, I don't know what to do. I can't even do anything about it, but I feel like this my fault. Even when I can't control what happens to her.

I'm calling Kaplin Management for information about her whereabouts.

"Hello? Kaplin Management. How may I help you?" A lady answers.

"Hi, I'm wondering if I could get any information of Y/N."

"I'm sorry but that information isn't public unless you are on her emergency contacts." The lady addresses. I bet I am on her emergency contacts though.

"I think I am, Harley Campbell." I tell her.

"Here, give me a second sir." I hear her typing on her computer. "Looks like you arent sir, but you were. It looks like you were removed a few hours ago by Y/N personally."

My heart nearly shatters right there. She removed me.. almost an hour after I dumped her. She must be heartbroken as well...

"Thank you Ma'am for your time. Have a good night."

"You too sir." She hangs up. My phone falls out of hands onto the ground. I'm looking for answers that I could of have if I didn't mess up. She cut me off on everything besides her social media's. I called Frankies management and they told me the same thing as Kaplin. I can't even call Chase since he got hit as well.

Desperate for anything, I turn to my local news channel..

"A shooting at Frankie Orkuro's concert at the GIANTS stadium left 80 people dead with hundreds injured. Out of the 80 people dead, two dancers, Y/N L/N and Chase Ardendale were one of the first few people to be shot. Graphic videos on social media see both stars bleeding out on the stage. None of my crew has addressed the situation yet. Frankie Orkuro was not injured as well as his other dancers. Chase's and Y/N's condition will remain private unless otherwise..."

No specific answers from the news even. I'm helpless in this situation. I didn't know if she was pronounced dead yet or in surgery.


I wake up to a mask attached to me with In fluids with the small cart. Wires and tubes inserted into me made me feel lonely and scared. My eyes are adjusting to the environment, im in the hospital..

I look down to see my hospital gown with a bandage thingy. I don't move since I don't want to cause any more pain. Everything flew by so quick. I don't remember too much but most of it I do. As traumatizing as it was, I'm still going to keep going.

As I'm thinking about my current situation, a nurse rolls in a cart.

"Good morning Miss. Y/N." She rolls it over to me with a bunch of little supplies.

"Good morning," I glance at her name tag. "Gemma. What's all that for?" I take a look at the supplies.

"That's for checkup. How've you been, sweetheart?" She asks, but my face goes blank. Sweetheart. That's what Harley used to call me.

"Um, great!" I lie.

"Glad your feeling better. It's rare to see a patient so ecstatic even after being shot."

"Oh really? Also I have some questions." She gives me a nod, signaling me to ask her. "What's my current situation and when do I get my phone?"

"Well, the bullet wound wasn't TOO bad. But we did surgery on you to fix up the tissue. You will have scars of it but it should fade eventually. Dance practices should go normal in about 3 months. But until then, no extreme activity. You will be on medication and regular checkups your management will take care of." She reassures me. I'm relieved that no PERMANENT damages were made. But 3 whole months with no dance??

"How close was I to bleeding out?"

"Very, paramedics were so close. Once at the hospital, you were rushed into surgery. But luckily we made it. Even if you didn't die exactly from the bullet. You would've suffered from bleeding out." My eyes go wide at her response. I was nearly dead.

"I'm so incredibly thankful for all of you." I smile at her. "Also, when do I get my phone back?"

"Tomorrow, you should rest. But before you rest, I'll do a routine checkup." She tells me, sifting through the supplies.

"Ok," i sigh, finally taking a breath. But wait, what about Chase? "Sorry if I'm asking too many questions but is Chase Ardendale ok?"

"He's.. not well. He got hit hard, right in the spine and on his chest." She bites her lip, worrying I'm going to start crying. But I don't, I'm beyond shocked. What does this mean for him?

"Tell him I really miss him. I'm still bewildered by this. Did the police find the shooters?"

"Suspects. Allegedly 3 of them. They killed so many people, 80 right now. The number should be growing as people report." She sighs, bowing her head as a sign of respect.

"I wish I could address the situation right now." I sigh. "Has anyone addressed the situation?"

"Unfortunately not, Frankie hasn't. He's still grieving. His friend was one of those killed.."

I almost start crying again. So many innocent people lost. "Do you think you could record me talking about this. I think people need to know."

"I think I could. I'll go get your phone." She walks out of the room. In a minute or two she walks back with my phone in her hand. I tell her my password and i tell her to open up Instagram. Mostly because it's my biggest platform at the moment. "3..2..1"

"Hey everyone.. as you can see, I'm not in the best condition right now. All I want to say is that I am ok. But Chase is in critical condition. I was shot in the abdomen, I was told I was very lucky to found alive since I was slowly bleeding out. But I won't be participating in the next shows in the tour as I'm injured. Along with Chase he won't be either. There are many details I wish I could say but I can't. All I want you all to know is I'm ok. I also wish that we all pray and pay our respects for the one who passed away from this terrible shooting. I'll provide details soon. I love you all."

Harley's POV

I've been restless. I was completely thrown off my regular routine now, back to my old ways. But I check her Instagram profile just to look at her. But I see she posted a story..

I watch it and I'm crying tears of joy. She's safe. She's alive. Tired but alive. Still more beautiful then anything on earth.. but also the strongest woman I know on earth.

Today I'm deciding whether to stream or not. I don't know how to explain to everyone we broke up. Will she call me? Will she do anything with me? What does she think of me now?

I'm so lost in my own thoughts but that's how it usually goes. I take a few minutes sitting on the balcony drinking my coffee. I'm scrolling through videos and photos on my phone. From that elegant red dress to sweatpants and a loose tshirt. Many of the videos and photos are goofy with her even tackling my in one. I'm all of a sudden crying and laughing as all those memories we built.

I realize I've been sitting on the balcony for half an hour just looking at her. I have to see her.

The Next Day (Y/N's POV)

"Is there a schedule for guests?" I ask Gemma.

"Yes, Gigi and Lucas should be here in a few minutes."

"I'll finally be able to see my friends." I laugh a little, trying not to throw off my heartbeat.

"Well you can now!" Gigi and Lucas come running into the room. They walk over to my side, sitting down in the chairs provided. "How've you been?"

"Doing better, I'm just still shaken."

"That's great that your doing well, but so are we." Lucas comments. "Me and Gigi were lucky we are closer to the exit. I feel so incredibly bad for Chase."

"How bad is it?" I have small pools forming in my eyes.

They look at one another before looking back at me. "He's struggling, hes on life support. We can't talk to him but we spent a few minutes siting by him. He's.... weak... physically but he will never be weak mentally." Gigi adds giving me a sad smile.

"I'm worried for him then me. He's like an older brother to me.." I'm trying not to have my heartbeat racing again since it can be dangerous.

"We all are family. It's scary but we believe." Gigi always says.

"Gigi is right, we will always be here for you. Let me and Gigi be the parents that ARE here for you." Lucas and Gigi gently hold my hand together. I'm slowly letting tears out at the amazing family I've built.

"You and Chase are like our kids, our stupid but lovely kids." Gigi starts letting out tears now, her mascara running a little. Lucas helps her wipe a bit off before giving her the sweetest smile.

"I don't even know how to respond anymore, I love you all."

"We love you too, to infinity and beyond." They each give me a air hug.

Later in the day (Harley's POV)

I ended stream early today since I really wanted to see Y/N. I'm not even sure if she wants to see me..

I'm driving over to the hospital right now, hopeful I can persuade someone to let me to go see her.

Once I get there, I rush inside to the front desk.

"Hello Ma'am." I wave my hand a little to get her attention.

"Hello sir, how may I help you?"

"I'm looking to visit Y/N L/N." I look at her dead in the eyes giving her a warm smile. But deep in those warm eyes, she knows I take whatever I want.

"Oh, sir, visits are requested." She counters.

"This is important," I set my eyes on her, more desperate then ever. "I'm going to propose to her." I lie.

"Your Harley Campbell?" She looks at me, her eyes wide.

"Yes, I lean it ever so slightly. "Listen lady, we aren't getting married but she's my girlfriend and she's slowly dying. Let me the hell in. You don't tell anyone about this. Got it?" I hiss.

She gives me a frightened nod before telling me where her room was. I give her a friendly smile before running off to her room. Once I get to it, I peer through the window to check. I see her laying there, probably sleeping.

Im reaching for the door handle but a lady approaches me.

"Hello? May I help you?" She asks me, looking up and down at me.

"I'm here to see Y/N." I glance at the window.

"You must be the boyfriend she talked about."

"Oh.. yea," she still talks about me?

"Well come on in, she's sleeping but I'll give you guys alone time. It must've been so hard for you. She's been stressed about everything right now."

"It was, I'm just glad she's alive." I reach for the handle again, opening it slowly. I tiptoe inside with the lady closing the door softly. I walk over to take a closer look at her. The monitors monitoring her heartbeat, the IV fluids flowing into her, little breathing tubes inserted into her.

I take seat next to her, just looking at her. Now that I look closer, dark circles mark her face. Little cuts on her face that have scarred. Even her skin doesn't even look the same. Pale. She really must've used all her energy to make that video, she looked so happy. Reality really fools us.

I reach out, gently taking her hand into mine. Her hands rough from trying to drag herself across the stage. Nails beat up, some dried blood under them still. Her lip is a bit swelled up as well... but while I'm holding her hand, she slowly is starting to wake up.

"Harley?" Her heart rate is going up.

"Y/N, please, your heartbeat is skyrocketing." I stand up, backing up from her to give her space.

She takes a few breathes through the tube before she faces me once more.

"Harley... what are you doing here?" She questions me, giving me the sad eyes she gave me that night.

"I'm here for you, I've been worried sick about you." I slowly walk back to her, taking my seat again.

"Why would you be? You told me I was nothing." Her confident and angelic voice turning hoarse and weak.

"Sweetheart, I didn't mean it like that?.."

"Then what did you mean then. You stated it pretty damn clearly." She shot back.

"I was so upset, i should've kept my big mouth shut. I never gave you a chance to talk."

"Your right, you didn't." She doesn't look at me. "What happened was I got really drunk the night before that. Some guy tried to take me, but Chase scared him off. Chase brought me back to the hotel while I was still drunk, I was being a horny teenager ok? I basically wouldn't stop crying unless he slept with me. But just sleeping, turns out I must've unbuttoned his pants in the middle of the night."

"Oh...." I shouldn't have been upset at him. He didn't fuck her. Not even close. He was refusing, being loyal to Alice. Instead of being a dick about it, I should've thanked him. Without him, who knows if Y/N would be sold on the black market right now or be held against her will. "I'm sorry to you and Chase, you both don't deserve the pain. Especially since you both are amazing people."

"Harley, we don't deserve the pain. But everyone goes through it. I went through a viral clip of me on Twitter, to having a breakup, and now I got shot. It's life, and I'm here to live it to the fullest extent." She looks back at me, giving me the weakest smile she could muster.

"I'm still so incredibly sorry about the breakup. I was so pissed off. What I'm just worried is that you wouldn't like me anymore since this is long distance..."

"Why are you worried?" I look back into her eyes. "I would never have an affair with anyone. If I didn't like you anymore, I would've broken up with you. Not fuck with someone else in private."

"I'm worried that you will find someone that's more attractive ok? There are a bunch of guys that would bow at your feet."

"Just because princes bow, will the princess marry them though? I don't pick the most attractive with the most power. It's the ones that come from nothing but have built there own personality through themselves and experiences." She explains to me. Her words are wide, they hit too hard close to what I used to call home. "I worry about you too. Some girls think your cute. Not the model faker on Instagram, but the dorky shy guy in the back. You have the most darling personality out of us. That's why I'm so worried as well."

"We both are lost." I admit.

"We are, but hey.. we come from parallel universes.. that just have been intertwined perfectly. But nothing in this world is perfect, which is why we come undone. But here's nothing a little string can't fix." She uses some of her energy to give my hand a squeeze.

"Your totally right. I don't wanna rush anything on you, but would you take me back even after the shit I've done?"

"Forever and always, love." She gives me a weak, but warmly strong smile.

Authors note- VSUGSVJSVSPKQPJQJSGSSHU, I literally have no idea what I'm doing next chapter. Yea I'm not that creative ah hah hah. But comment starters and I'll see if I can jump off from there. Bye cuties

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