When the 2 Lover Boys Join Sides

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Harley' s POV (The next day)

Today was actually great, Y/N said she didn't want to go to her classes today which was reasonable. Chase messed up. I'm still caught off guard by his gesture, was he actually serious? We texted last night about the nitty gritty details about today. Speaking of, 2 hours till we have to meet up.

Y/N has been a lot calmer now. I actually tried Yoga with her this morning and now my head hurts slightly from falling a million times. But if it makes her happy that her boyfriend will do the same activities with her, then I'll do it.

Right now I'm doing a quick stream with Y/N. She's playing on the playstation someone gave me while I'm on my setup. I told her that we have to end at around 4:30. She didn't question me though.

4:30 PM

We are driving to the location which was a bakery. Pretty fluffy and kawaii for mine and Chase's taste. She thinks we are going to try pastries but little does she know. We finally get their and I hold her hand just a little tighter then normal.

"This is so cu- Chase?"

Chase's POV

"This is so cu- Chase?" She stares at him then back at me.

"Hey. Harley." I addresses me. He gives me a simple nod before leading her over to my table. She sits across from me, expecting Harley to sit next to her, but instead Harley takes a seat next to me. "We have to talk."


"You, Me, and Harley." I point out to all of us.

"What about you guys?" She's absolutely clueless.

"Listen, I've had the longest crush on you." I flat out cough out.

"Wait, that's it?"

"It isn't, sadly. I've probably caused a lot lately. I knew about the couple dance thing. I told Erin not to call and change you for a backup." I sheepishly say.

"So that was your fault?!" She's getting a little heated, but still remaining her cool.

"Yes and I'm really sorry. There's also something else.." She raises an eyebrow at me, telling me to fess up. "Me and Harley have been calling."

"And how is that a problem?"

"I basically told him I was going to Uh- how do I put this in a non weird way?" I glance at Harley. He gives me a shrug before turning back to his original state. "I told him that you weren't his. Basically said I was going to sweep you up if that makes sense."

"Oh? And how'd that work out genius?!" She huffs. "Harley, that's what you were keeping from me?!"

"Yep.. I didn't want to hurt your career. Please understand." He pleads.

"I would never tear you away because of Chase. I'd never." She reassures him before turning back to me. "And?"

"We argued over the phone, almost cussing each other out. But then when we met up for the first time.. I spilled water on you to talk to Harley. We'll note like argue but still. Then on the day of the class, we met up talking about you again."

"I legit wanted to fight you again." Harley brushes his fingers through his hair.

"Speaking of fighting.. can you both explain the past that drives you both insane?"

Me and Harley look at one another before Harley fesses up.

"Like I said, I wasn't a good kid. But when Chase came alone, we didn't necessarily get along. Chase was the hottie that everyone wanted to sleep with. But I didn't like him, he seemed stuck up and obnoxious." Harley explained.

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