Star Wars The Order [Disconti...

By Dakkirito

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In 19 BBY , the chancellor order the destruction of the jedi,all around the galaxy jedi general dies killed b... More

Bio (Before)
Bio (After)
Fleet (Before)
Fleet (After timeskip/a new one will be out in some time)
Fleet (After/New)
Commander/General (Before)
Commander/General (After)
Apprentice Part 1
Apprentice Part 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

518 9 1
By Dakkirito

"_" Character speech

'_' Thought

*_* Me Talking

#_# Place

Kira Shark:

Lira Shark:

Isisama Mingoo:


#Rakata Prime/Star Forge#

*3rd Pov*

Jacob was looking at the image of Illum,it now had an giant trench all around the planet,the Empire had search for all the Kyber Crystal available on it,Jyn also sent me a troubling message about where her father was detained along with two super weapon's about to be ready:one was an giant space weapon's capable of destroying planets and the second was a giant Ion Cannon capable of destroying planets;there was also new Tie called Tie Phantom they could become invisible thank to Stygium Crystal,there was the development of three new Super Star Destroyer:two of them are called the Eclipse and the Eclipse II the last is called the Sovereign,it could become difficult to fight the empire with those three ship running around along with the super weapon's,so he decide to call his best infiltrator and hijacker for the missions.Those were Isisama Mingoo,Sam,Alex,Clover,Kim,Shego,Alita,Kira Shark,Lira Shark and Jyn Erso.

He had them reunited in the briefing room,they were standing at attention as he speak:

"I reunite all of you because you are the best in the field of Infiltration,Thieving and hijacking;i will divide you in group along with a group of Shadow trooper,There are multiple target for you to attack and take control/destroyed for you to complete your objective;the first is a super weapon called the Death Star:Kim Shego you two will have to take control of it Iven Versio and her fleet will help in this situation,"He paused as the two nod"the second one is another super weapon but this one MUST be destroyed and it will be Isisama that will have access to Victory fleet with Vil as an assistant"She nod as he paused"the third target will be the installation of the new Tie Phantom:Sam,Alex,Clover you all will have all the equipment necessary to accomplish this mission,"they nod"The last three target will have to be captured,the first one is the newest development of the Eclipse I along with the Eclipse II and the Sovereign:Alita you will capture the Eclipse I,Kira you will take the Eclipse II,Lira you will take the Sovereign;Jyn as you know you father is detained on Scarif where the Death Star is,you mission will be of rescuing the scientific and to erase all the research on the superlaser and all the most dangerous projects from the entire Imperial Networks.Any question ? no ? Alright you are dismissed."When he finished that as they left to prepare all they will need.

We skipped to the hangar bay where each were taking their ship to their flagship or to the flagship of their assigned fleet and allies.

#Scarif/Death Star#

*Pov Kim*

I was inside an stealth X-Wing and Shego followed me when we enter the shield by the gate when it open to let pass a cargo,we directly go to the hangar on a hidden side of the death star to hide our ship.After we landed,we moved to the sas for the death star.When we finally entered the super weapon,we infiltrate the command center and eliminate everyone before sending all the troops on the deck of the command center to other place before sealing everything and we deactivate the planetary shield around the planet.Letting Iven fleet free rain to attack the planet.

*Pov Jyn*

I had landed on the main facility where my father was and i had two squad of shadow trooper

"Listen,i the scientific captured and the rest killed."They nod before we moved inside the facility while gunning down storm trooper.

We arrived face to face with Krennic and his death trooper.

"Well,well the little child of our main scientific here,i wonder if it will make him work harder if he knew that we had you ."He said before he had to duck under the bolt of my weapon,he tried to return fire but he was met with a plasma grenade on his face killing him and two death trooper.

While the shadow were slaughtering the 'elite forces' of the empire,i was moving to the lab where my father was.I suddenly stopped and felt something trying to reach for my neck before i wiped around and fire with a M6 magnum before i was pushed to the end of the corridor.I looked and saw a female inquisitor and she looked good enough for my master.I stood up and said:

"You were a jedi ? and don't try to use the force on me like the force choke or other thing like this because most of them don't work on me,i was trained by someone more powerful than you emperor who was an master in those art."I finished she didn't respond and instead charge at me before i activate my armor who formed around me,i pushed my gauntlet in cortosis into her lightsaber causing it to deactivate before i punch her multiple times with art martial created to be used against jedi and sith.With her finished and unconscious i called for a little helped:

"Shadow one,if you have finish with the death trooper come to my position,i need someone to take a prisoner."I said before i had a respond.

"Roger that ma'm."He reply before we cut the connection,I waited for one minutes before they arrived.

"Be careful,she is a force user,use the anti-force cuff on her to be safe."I said before jogging to the door of the lab upon entering,i saw my father and the other scientific that were looking at the battle outside where the empire was loosing and multiple ship of the mandalorian empire were docking on the death star as it ascend toward the outer atmosphere of the planet.

"Orson,did you came here to take us because we won't....."He didn't finished when he saw me along with the shadow trooper who were transporting the second sister.

I took his hand and  took it to my cheek.

"Dad,its been a while,we will go aboard the death star and return to the capital of the mandalorian empire."i said before he rushed to a terminal where he took a datapad with all the schematics of the empire.We left towards a transport to the weapon.


*Pov Iven*

I moved along the corridor and stopped to a corner where was waiting multiple storm trooper,i took out a plasma grenade and launch it toward them sticking it to the middle trooper who screamed and grabbed upon his teammates before they exploded.

I continue to moved the corridor continuing to clean the weapon of imperial forces,before i encounter Jyn and her squads along with the scientific and a girl,an inquisitor if i am correct.

"Jyn you here its good,mhm why is this inquisitor is here ?"I ask curious about her

"I took her for our master,she could be his maid or other things,if he don't want we can always return her to our side."I nod before we separate in different direction,her to the cells and me to the command center.

When i arrived i saw Kim and Shego directing shadow trooper to post normally used by the crew member except that hey are a little dead or aren't aboard.

"Hey ! i hope everything is ok on your side,i just came to tell you that we can retreat after you deactivate the tracker on the station."I said before they looked at me

"Yeah ,it will take a little time but we have 90% of the station under our control,along with a million of droids on the gunner seats gunning down all the star destroyer and other ships."Kim reply with a smirk along with Shego.

#Rotana/The Tarkin#

*Pov Isisama*

I was looking a the blue light of the hyperspace with Vil at my side.

"Is the fleet ready for the combat ahead of us ?"I ask him before he turn his head and said

"They are more than ready to combat this threat to the mandalorian empire Ma'am."He reply before turning again to the lights before we exit hyper space with the 60 Scarab super star destroyer in front launching thousand of droid starfighter each so it would be around 60,000 droid starfighter launching by only those ships.But what impressed me was the Immortal to Aging Koros-Strohna Worldship from the Yuuzan wong.I finally saw the weapon and saw that it's main weapon was yet to be placed so i used the intercom of the ship and said:

"At all troops,attack the weapon and let the droid fighter/bomber the fleets,i don't want this weapon operational before we can destroy it."I said before going to the strategic map and i began to direct the droid fighter to important key target to destroy the ships.It took us some hours before the entire fleet of the empire and the weapon were destroyed,we had lost around 30 battleship,1 scarab,5 Dreadnought, and 100 lucrehulk.

I used my personal fighter to return to the capital while Vil was to join up with Zero to his personal colony to replace his ships.

#Secret Facility of the Empire#

*Pov 3rd*

The three spy were looking at the base with binocular while they were on a cliff inside the forest.

"Sam,Clover look to the right side of the facility,there is less guards and has a link of ventilation toward the inside."Said Alex before Sam point out

"Look there are already three Tie Phantom ready,we could use during the panic to escape."She said pointing to a landing pad where was the tie phantom.

they nods to each other and jump off the cliff to the ground before they walk stealthy to the right side of the facility where they saw two guard in the tower overlooking the outside,they used grappling hook to propel themselves to it before they took out knife in beskar and pierce their neck with it.

they continue like this until they arrived to the ventilation and jump into it before closing the trap door.They each took a different direction to place their explosive,Sam arrived inside the command center that were about to contact the team on  the right side of the base.

"Team Right,is there something to signal."He was met with statics before he ask again 

"Billy did you ask the team to go outside with so that you can take a pee again ? if yes you will have a large punishment."He again met with static but before he could sent another squad to their localisation,he was pierce in the neck by Sam;she took out DC19 stealth mode.before she fire upon the terminal and against the other crew members.she finished,she placed enough explosive to destroy the entire part of the facility.

Alex arrived to the design room where was only one designer trying to create new Tie with new special crystal found hidden inside the planet.They were trying to extract the power on the reality's of the Phantom Ruby.

There was also the Ark of the cosmos that could control gravity.

And finally the Chaos Emerald that can given almost an infinite amount of energy.

Alex eliminate the designer before she used a slipspace tech of the forerunner to store the artefact,she moved toward the main terminal and hack to see where they had found the artefacts.

She shocked to see that the empire had used the Tarkin on a planet and had found the artefact but from what she read it seem like the power contained inside them damaged the Tarkin making the Empire change the cannon.The inhabitant of the planet had allied themselves with a woman called Ina Eggman an villain on the planet to evacuate the planet before the Tarkin can destroy it but even with all the help they only save 2/5 of the population with only female and children.From the Data,they seem to be moving with a imperial fleet keeping them from going to a planet of the empire,it seem they want to take them to Kamino to clones multiple of the most powerful of them and merge their DNA in new storm trooper.They were about one week times from Kamino because of the slow ships and lose of the artefact alimenting the ships to travel in hyperspace and because of the distance of where the planet was:inside the wild space on the edge of the galaxy.She took all the document on the terminal before erasing everything and destroying them before placing explosive all around the room.

Clover had arrived inside the construction line and had found out that all the people working here were droid so it make take out her brute plasma repeater:

and shot every droid before placing all around the line high grade explosive capable of destroying a small freighter of 40 meters and the construction line was around 200 meters in length and 40 meters in width.

The three rejoined to the landing pad where they saw three pilots trying to contact the commander center but without success.

"Did any of you hear anything from command or even Billy ?"The first pilot ask before him and the second turn to the Tie phantom while the third was behind them.

"No,maybe he left the base to pee,he do it everyday so it shouldn't be different today,what do you think ? Dirt ?"the second ask before he ask again when he didn't hear the reply of his camarade."Hey where Dirt ?"He ask the first who had also disappear when he turned around before he saw them the three girl with grappling hook wrapped around the necks of his teammates before he saw the last take out a magnum.

"Uh son of ...."It was all he could before he was shot in the hearts,the three took the helmet of the three and enter the Tie Phantom setting the alarm before all the facility explode.

#Kuat Drive Yard#

*Pov Alita*

Me,Kira and Lira were aboard an stolen imperial shuttle,when we finally exit hyperspace,we saw the three giant of the Empire.

An variant  to the Eclipse II

An variant of the Eclipse I

and the Sovereign

Along with something not expected from the data they could hack,it was an Xyston Class Star destroyer equipped with axial Super Laser and was 2,4 Km in length so larger than the standard ISD I.

"There is a change in the plan,we need to take control of this one it could be devastating for our fleet if it was to be mass produced."I said to the other two while they nods but even with the shadow trooper we couldn't possibly take one more ship because we needed those to pilot the three other.

But suddenly we heard the com go off,when we respond it we saw Feic with a squad of former Storm trooper.

'Feic was a friend of mine and the girls,who was placed as an imperial inside shipyard of the outer rim.'I though 

"What are you doing here last i heard of you,you were in the shipyard of Fondor."I ask 

"I used my rank to be moved here and post my mens in command of the new Xyston class;the Mandalore contacted me when he heard about the new star destroyer, i already erase the schematics of the four ships before coming aboard the Xyston so you just need to take control of the ships."She reply while we smiled at her.

"Thank it will help a lot."I said before i cut the connection

We landed and moved toward the dock bay to climb in the three.

I moved along the corridor of the new eclipse and shot the storm trooper aboard.When we arrived to the bridge,we enter to see droid working on the terminal surely to move the ship seeing as the clamp for all the ship were off.One saw us and said:

"You are not authorized to be here."

"We are authorizes to be here,we are here to relive you."i said

"On whose order ?"It ask

"On our."I reply before i shoot him and we blast the other while being careful with the terminal

We sealed the door and open all the sas aboard the ship along with all the other door,I am sure i saw toilet with a storm trooper on it.We engaged the hyper drive and return after we deactivate the tracker and launch it on a droid ship to a deserted planet where was an old base of the republic.

I saw the com activate to see Kira,Feic and Lira with smile on their face,when they saw that we all succeed our mission.

"Do you think the Mandalore will reward us greatly for our success ?"Kira ask while all the shadow trooper were all female clones of Jango blushed.

"I don't know but it would be good to have a reward."Said Lira

"Don't worry he will reward all of us."Said Feic while licking her lips making a lot of us blush

'Yeah maybe a reward would be good.'I though.


*I hope you all like it since i didn't really advance it and some other and please tell me what i need to change in my writing style to improve myself*

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