Forgive Me - NamJin ✔️

By loveiscurlpearlgrey

15.8K 929 352

"He may be my everything, but for him, I am nothing." - Seokjin "You can't fix yourself by breaking someone... More

Candies and Cocktails
Cereals and Cards
Curses and Confess
Cuts and Cares
Crumpets and Cinnamon
Confront and Cries
Concerns and Ceases
Cinderblock and Cookies
Come and Comeback
Coffee and Caramel
Confession and Compassion
Cupcakes and Caress
Confused and Cracked
Calm and Cured [End]
Epilogue: Cotton Candy

Clouds and Cold

407 21 12
By loveiscurlpearlgrey

"It is a wise father who knows his own child." – William Shakespeare


My ship went down in a sea of sound

When I woke up alone I had everything:

A handful of moments I wished I could change

And a tongue like a nightmare that cut like a blade.




Mr Kim carefully read the papers. He was reading a report file about Seokjin's condition that bothered him so bad, because the information he read could drag Namjoon to the worst place and he won't let it happen. He made some plans the moment Jaehyun came to him to tell about what happened in the old mansion. He sent people to go to the old mansion, and as well told his people to prevent any possibility of news leak. No. He won't let media found out about what Namjoon did. He had someone secretly monitoring Seokjin since the poor one arrived in the Shim Hospital and made sure the information didn't spread. Though he got the copy because he needed the data to decide what kind of move he should take to protect his son and the whole dynasty, KIM & Co.

"Keep this information safe." He sighed as he rubbed his temple. The headache greeted him. "Don't let Namjoon find out or he would cause another problem. We had enough already." He told Kangin, one of KIM assistant. "Prepare our best lawyer team. I will make time to meet Kim Seokjin's parents to apologize and clear this mess."

"Everything is under control, sir." Kangin took the file back to keep and left the KIM's living room. There were two younger assistants more like bodyguard named Siwon and Chanyeol that stayed.


It was around the evening before dinner time, when earlier in the morning Kim's people went to the old mansion to take Namjoon back home. Bomi was in the room, along with Jaehyun and Bomin. They were quietly listened as Mr Kim talked to his people. The young lady insisted to stay because she knew she would be the one could help Namjoon to feel accompanied when the man wake up from the sedative injection she gave. But she asked Yoongi to better go home and rest not long after they laid Namjoon on the bed, because she believed she could handle any situation. And Jimin also having a day off from field so Yoongi should stay with the younger one.

"Uncle Kim, I will take care of Namjoon.... Please let me help him..." Bomi tried to persuade. "Namjoon needs someone who understand his situation, and tell him that everything is gonna be alright... Please, Namjoon needs help..."

"Don't you think you need to go back home?" Mr Kim ignored the concern. "I'm avoiding any trouble with your parents esp my sister."

"No, I'm ok—"

"Thing is not alright, Bomi ah!" Mr Kim snapped as he had enough excuse. "What Namjoon did worth the jail. But I won't let KIM & Co falling apart!" Mr. Kim was so angry when Jaehyun came and insisted to see him at the dawn and told him that his son committed a crime in the old mansion. And when Bomi and Yoongi came with unconscious Namjoon, all he wanted to do was to beat down the ungrateful son.

"I understand that he was so at fault. But, if uncle still want Namjoon to continue the KIM & Co, we need to send him for therapy and medication." Bomi won't give up. Because she promised her aunty, Namjoon's mother, to always be there for the man.

She believed that her cousin did this for reason. They grew up together. They shared the laughs, cries, and teases that she knew were all genuine. Though she failed to notice one thing or two about the man's circumstance that led to such horrible acts, she believed that Namjoon deserves the chance, and happiness.

She got Bomin told her the stories. And that for the last three weeks in the old mansion, Namjoon was actually turned quite nice, and soft. The young lad told her, that he and Seokjin happily and willingly cooked for Namjoon's party the day before. Everything were all good and the situation way better than usual. But then Namjoon left to the city and when he came back, the beast in him turned became more cruel.

Bomi knew about Namjoon having a hard situation, more over after his mother passed away. Later she found out that Namjoon did selfharm, and was so sure that Namjoon's stressor was his father.



My lungs gave out as I faced the crowd

I think that keeping this up could be dangerous.

I'm flesh and bone, I'm a rolling stone

And the experts say I'm delirious.


Mr Kim was talking about responsibility as a heir to Bomi, Jaehyun, and Bomin -with Siwon and Chanyeol still in the room- that those audience has nothing to do at all with the heir thingy when the door swung open.

Revealed Namjoon in his grey silk pajamas that Bomi put on him when the man was still under the sedative.

"You guys are having a conference, huh?" Namjoon shakily dragged his legs. Not to mention that he was drunk, got an imaginary hard punches plus slaps from profiler Min Yoongi when he was hangover, and received a sedative injection from his cousin Bomi. "Yah Bong Jaehyun. Gimme my car key." He said to Jaehyun before turned his attention into his father. "And you, old man Kim..."

Bomi automatically came closer and reached Namjoon's arm to restrain any possibility of unnecessary conflict. "Namjoon... Don't..."

But nothing could stop—

"I don't give a fuck anymore about your KIM & Co shit." Namjoon said as he pointed his index finger in front of his father's face.

And sure. A hard slap greeted Namjoon's face. Made his corner lips bleeding.

"I didn't raise you to become a criminal!!" Mr Kim shouted, and one of his assistant, Siwon, was more than ready to handle the situation as it commanded by the old man, including to handle Namjoon if it is needed. "I won't act like just because you didn't kill him, you didn't somehow end his life!" He added. "You may haven't realized of what you did, but so many lives have been ruined here, Kim Namjoon!!"

Namjoon wiped the blood in the corner of his lips as he threw his dark gaze into his father. How come this old man talked about one's life been ruined when the old man himself ruined the son's soul. But he didn't gave a damn the old man. "BongJae, my car key. I will take Seokjin back, and no one is arguing with me." He coldly said. He won't believe anyone.

Who ruined who? For some reason the only thing he wanted to embrace and believe was Seokjin told him about feelings, that the pretty guy wanted him. He even burried deep the words Seokjin threw on him that night. Burried deep the crying face and sad pleading, because the only thing he wanted to cherish was Seokjin's smiling face, as the pretty one asked him to be friends.

"B-but, hyung..." Jaehyun was always one of Namjoon's assistant, since the day the man found out about what the young lad did to KIM & Co. But still, Mr Kim's assistant way more superior and won't let him hand the key mentioned.

"You two can go home." Mr Kim told Jaehyun and Bomin. "Namjoon is not going anywhere until I manage to talk to Seokjin's family and clear the mess he did."

Namjoon clenched his teeth. He was somehow became idiot Kim and refused to listen what's better for him. Because for him, the old Kim would always do what's good for KIM & Co. Not him. And the only thing he desperately needed is Seokjin. "Jaehyun, bring me the key."


Wait. What? Seokjin's father was the architect of one of their precious property and bussiness? Namjoon did'nt know about this.

And Mr Kim caught him shocked. "You didn't know, right?"

Namjoon as usual wanted to deny the truth and grabbed his father's collar. "You were make up a story and telling lies..." He growled. "You were bullshitting for your own sake!!"

"Bullshit isn't my thing, son." Mr Kim pried Namjoon's hands away. "I will do anything necessary for this family, and for the dynasty my elder built since they gave me the responsibility as a heir. And you should do the same when the time comes." He fixed his shirt around the collar. "You are going to the States. Don't come back until I said so."


"You heard me. It was your dream to stay in States. So, stay there while we are working to handle this shameful situation." Mr Kim sternly said. "Now I'm done talking to you. Back to your room, or Siwon will make you."

"No." Namjoon fisted his palm. "I will be the one to face Seokjin's parents and clear this problem. I'm leaving."

Mr Kim won't let the condition that already awful to getting worse. And he was all well prepared for this kind of situation. He knew Namjoon won't listen. And he would not be sorry to do anything for the sake of his precious family, and dynasty.

Namjoon got no chance to leave. Siwon shuted him off with a hard blew on his epigastrium and knocked him down on the floor.

"Namjoon!" Bomi ran to see the man's condition. "Uncle Kim, this is too much. I can give him sedative like what I did before."

But Mr Kim already made a decision. "Prepare for what he needs and take him to the States with my Jet tomorrow." He said to Siwon, as Chanyeol helped Bomi to take care the unconsciuos one. "Lock him in his room as for now."


Arrogant boy,

Love yourself so no one has to.

They're better off without you.

They'll fall asleep without you.

You're lucky if your memory remains.



Shim Hospital. Early in the morning when the sun just beautifully rised from the horizon, telling all creature in the universe that they still had hopes to move on. That they could starting all over again. To fight, in a positive way. To get everything they wished, and embrace it with love and desire.

But not for this certain young man that his future was to take an important role in Shim Hospital. For Hyosang, the sun didn't smile for him. Because around and above him were all the dark clouds. Chilling cold. The sun didn't promising him daylight, but a heavy rain.

"P-please don't touch me I beg you..."

Hyosang couldn't get rid this certain scene off from his head. The scene of Seokjin cried hysterically. The way Seokjin begged and cried avoiding any touch. Refused his presence nor affection. Seokjin even cried and begged within his sleep. Must be traumatic for having the one you loved, treated you like you are nothing but a breathing flesh.

Hyosang couldn't sleep at the night after he finally could take Seokjin to the safe place. He couldn't forget about how Seokjin begged and cried, refused any skinship.

Just to found the pretty one there in the cockloft room without wearing clothes but a piece of blanket wrapped around, it was somehow already told him that the poor pretty one suffered sexual assault. Sexual abuse, rape, to be presiced. He was more than sure that Namjoon raped his precious Seokjinie even without any proper medical examination. And that thoughts bothered him. Seokjin wasn't in a good condition when they found him in the KIM's old mansion. But it's not about the wounds nor bruises scars that caught in the eyes.

Hyosang took medical major, a doctor, and he had this gut feelings that things wasn't right the moment he took Seokjin on his arms in the rescue. The moment they arrived in the hospital, he took some examination. He won't be surprised about the sticky cum he found on Seokjin's belly and under thighs. He even knew he would find some signs of violence. There were some bruises. Scar of burnt skin that he predicted came from ignite cigarette, under the left collarbone. Bite marks, that one of those, in the shoulder, has bleed. That was terrible. Hyosang could only clenched his teeth.

But it's not about the wounds nor bruises scars that could be found easily just by looking on it with the eyes.

Hyosang harshly rubbed his face as he looked inside the map of medical report about Seokjin's condition. The report was ready to deliver to the pretty one, but he wasn't sure that he was ready to tell the truth.



Seokjin kept staring on the white paper in front of him. After the rescue, he didn't woke up until the next day around midday. He was disoriented for a while when he gained his consciousness, as he found himself in another strange place. He couldn't even recognize Hyosang who stood up beside the mattress. He panicked, and the first thing he did by reflex was to grab and hugged the fluffy pink teddy that laid near the pillow he wished could protect him as his guardian angel.

He cried with heavy breathing as Hyosang tried to calm and tell him that he was no longer kidnapped. The man wanted to hug but the pretty one refused any skinship and eye contacts. Fainted "I'm sorry" was the only words he could deliver -because he felt dejected and guilty for loving the wrong person, Namjoon, instead to love Hyosang back- as he slowly believed that he was saved, and assured that it was Hyosang his beloved childhood friend been there to comfort him.


The pretty one didn't talk much. Mostly spaced out and cried silently.

But Hyosang needed to know the whole stories. Any horrible things Namjoon did based on those bruises and wounds. He needed those informations so he could demand Namjoon to pay the crime he did. The man wanted to get the testimony without forcing Seokjin to speak up. So, he gave Seokjin a pack of drawing papers and crayons as the substitute of media communication. He wanted Seokjin to calm by drawing and looking the beautiful colours. Then he could start a conversation with the pretty one by drawing in the same paper as well.


Seokjin just sat quietly in the mattress. Did nothing but kept staring the white paper on his lap. Hyosang told him to draw anything, anytime when he wanted to. But he didn't know what he really wanted to draw. Not to mention that he was an architect, with a prestigious post graduate scholarship in the UK. He couldn't even tell what he felt with colours. He didn't know. He turned his gaze into the window as he saw the sun sets. And a moment later, everything seemed all black...

He threw his gaze back into the paper for some moments before his fingers took the pink colour crayon. A moment later, his fingers danced above the white paper. Unconsciously drew the pink carnations flower.


Give me therapy

I'm a walking travesty

But I'm smiling at everything


Hyosang took a deep breath before he knocked and opened the door. A folder contained Seokjin's medical report was in his left hand. His heart wasn't ready to face any possibility of Seokjin probably gonna freaked out, but he needed to tell. He wasn't really sure that Seokjin already knew. But if Seokjin didn't know yet, he better got the information from him, not anyone else.

"Seokjinnie. Hi..." Hyosang greeted.

And Seokjin quietly replied. "Hi..." Without bothered to face the man.

Hyosang took a chair and sat facing the pretty one. He won't deny that his heart sank by the cloudy pale looking of his beloved one that was so different compared with the bright cheerful one before he left to Sweden.

Seokjin was never this quiet towards him.

Hyosang cleared his throat and peeked into the drawing paper on Seokjin's lap. Tried to build a conversation. "Ohh." He smiled. "This flower looks beautiful. Is that carnation?" He guessed as he saw a carnation flower in the vase on the cupboard table beside the mattress.

Seokjin didn't give any response.

"Ahh have I tell you that your mom and dad is on the way here to see you?"

Still no response.

"Don't you miss them? They said they miss you so bad..."

Seokjin took another crayon, a grey one. And drew a clouds above the flowers.


"I'm fine." Seokjin finally gave a small reaction. "When will I allowed to go home?"

"Soon." Hyosang answered. "When your condition is way better and fully recovered. But, before talking about going home..."

Seokjin kept drawing.

"May I draw something on your paper?"


Hyosang took a brown crayon and started to draw something. Seokjin got his full attention into the man's drawing. The man's drew something that looks like children and a playground park. "Remember when you helped me as volunteer for children's special event in this hospital, last Christmas?" Hyosang drew flowers around the playground with red crayon, and then drew some trees with green crayon. "You were so happy. You said, you wanted to start a family after you finished your post graduate, and having three children..." Hyosang peeked as he waited for a reaction. "Do you remember?"

Seokjin nodded, with eyes and attention glued on the paper. Still avoiding eye contact.

For some moment the two just stayed in silence. As Hyosang felt conflicted and drew another object. Because wanted or not, he needed to tell. Because Seokjin needed to know.

Again, Hyosang cleared his throat. "Seokjinie... Do you... Somehow feeling something weird about your body and your mood lately?"

Seokjin didn't understand why Hyosang suddenly asked him such question. But yes, he felt drowsy even without doing anything. And a disturbing mood swing. But why?

Hyosang finished drawing an object. It was a stork. And then he drew another object.

"Seokjinnie..." Hyosang looked up to see the pretty one more clearly. Though the one's beads still glued on the paper.

Seokjin wasn't stupid. After the weird question and weird talking and those drawings, he knew what Hyosang tried to say as the man drew a stork carrying...

"... You are having a baby." Hyosang finally delivered the news, that came from Seokjin's medical report.



You were never a friend of me

And you can choke on your misery



All Time Low "Therapy"


Surprised? Nah? I gave the hints about the pregnancy since "Cutter" if you guys noticed.

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