Warriors (Marvel/One Chicago...

By WritersBlock039

51.9K 1K 1.1K

"Here we are, don't turn away now. We are the warriors that built this town from dust." In which a paramedic... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Four

2.6K 54 55
By WritersBlock039

OK, so I lied. We still have a bit of Chicago Fire storyline to wrap up before moving on to the next Chicago show. The good news is - we get to see more of another sibling relationship other than Sylvie and Will! Huzzah!

Sylvie makes a decision that she takes to her fellow officers at 51, and she has a warning to give that foreshadows the next finale event. Oh, and there's a scene that I've really wanted to happen.




He looked up from his computer to see Maggie walk over. "Yeah?" he asked, mentally going through all of his patients. "Did I miss a round?"

"No," Maggie shook her head. "I just wanted to ask . . . is Brett OK? It's just that ever since she was admitted yesterday, you're the only one who's been in her room."

"She's . . . " Will fidgeted, trying to think of what to say. "Doctor-patient confidentiality," he finally said.

"Oh," Maggie nodded.

"Look, physically, Brett is fine except for the arm fracture," Will promised. "I can't tell you what she's in for other than that, but she specifically asked for me to help her. She said she'd let me know when she's ready for others to drop by."

Maggie nodded in understanding. "I understand, Will. The patients come first, not my curiosity."

Will couldn't help but chuckle. "Thanks, Maggie." He checked his watch, then picked up his stethoscope. "I need to check on her anyway. She should be ready for discharge soon."

"That's great to hear," Maggie smiled. "Tell her if there's anything she needs, I'll get it for her."

"I'll do that," Will nodded, walking towards Sylvie's room.

He stopped in her doorway, seeing Sylvie staring at something on her phone. He carefully knocked, stepping inside. "Hearts?" he asked.

Sylvie looked up, and her smile, while still strained, looked much better. "My shields are getting better," she said, putting her phone in her lap.

"Really?" Will smiled, walking closer to her. "That's great!" He paused, pointing over his shoulder. "Nothing here's overwhelming?" he asked. "I mean, my shields are practically up 24/7 because of everything people think. I can't imagine how it would be feeling how they . . . well, feel."

"That's why I'm eager to get out of Med," Sylvie smirked. "Not that I don't love you, but it's too emotional for me."

Will snorted loudly. "Too emotional," he repeated, checking the cast on her arm.

It was silent for a few seconds, then Sylvie quietly said, "It's going to be hard getting out of Med, too."

"So you're eager to get out, but you also don't want to get out?" Will raised an eyebrow.

Sylvie lowered her head. "I live with Joe," she reminded him. "I'm around my fellow firefighters often, even when I'm off shift. Everyone's going to be grieving Otis. Just being around so many people with the same emotion . . . "

"You don't think that's what you need," Will deduced.

"But I don't want to make everyone feel like I'm bailing on them when we lost someone!" Sylvie buried her face in her free hand.

"Sylvie, your own personal health is important, too," Will put a hand on her shoulder. "You won't be able to work with a broken arm anyway. While you're on medical leave, think about not just your arm, but your shields, too. Emotions like that hammering on them constantly won't do you any good."

Sylvie chewed on her lip, looking down at her phone. "I hate my heart sometimes," she whispered, voice trembling.

"Your heart is the best part about you, Sylvie," Will gave her a careful hug, feeling her shake. "That's why you're the Queen of Hearts. You look out for others', but you need to take care of yours, too."

He felt Sylvie nod against his shoulder. "Thanks, Spades," she projected.

Will smiled; it always made him happy whenever one of his brothers or his sister projected their thoughts at him. "You're welcome, Hearts."


Herrmann had closed Molly's for a few days so he could plan about what to do without Otis, and Matt couldn't help but be grateful when he heard. All of them needed time to themselves after losing one of their own in the factory fire, and Matt personally didn't think he was ready to face the rest of the firehouse while he was still reeling from Otis's death.

That was why he was surprised when, as Kelly entered the apartment with a six-pack, his cell phone rang, the Caller ID displaying Boden's number. "Hey, Chief," Matt said when he answered, making Kelly stop and turn.

"Casey," Boden greeted in turn. "I'm hoping I'm not interrupting you or Severide, but would the two of you be able to drop by tonight?"

"Sure," Matt checked his watch. "When?"

"Eight, if that works."

"Yeah, Chief, we'll be there."

"Thanks, Casey. It's important."

Matt raised an eyebrow. "We'll definitely be there, then."

"Everything OK?" Kelly asked as Matt hung up.

"Boden want us at his at eight," Matt answered, pointing at the six-pack. "Guess we'll have to crack those open later."

"Well, aside from Boden's, I don't think either of us are going anywhere any time soon, and neither are these," Kelly shrugged. "What do you think he needs to talk to us about?"

"My guess?" Matt sighed. "The fire."


Sylvie fidgeted from foot to foot that night, checking her phone occasionally, checking the texts she had, then the door opened. "Sylvie," Boden gave her a welcoming smile, stepping back. "Come on in."

"Thanks, Chief," Sylvie nodded, walking inside.

"You didn't drive yourself, did you?" Boden asked, closing the door behind her.

"No, I took a taxi," Sylvie shook her head. "I may catch a ride back."

"Or one of these two could take you," Boden led her into the house.

Matt and Kelly were sitting in chairs by the fireplace, both looking up when their footsteps came closer. "Brett!" Kelly blinked in surprise, standing up.

"We didn't know you were out of the hospital," Matt hastily did the same.

"Will discharged me a few hours ago," Sylvie said, smiling and walking over to them. "I didn't want to make that big of a deal about it."

Matt hugged her, taking care not to hit her arm. "How are you feeling?" he asked in concern.

"Better," Sylvie answered, closing her eyes and leaning into Matt. "Especially now that I'm out of Med."

"Was it the psychic thing?" Kelly asked, eyeing her worriedly.

"Yeah," Sylvie nodded, letting go of Matt to give him a quick hug as well. "Let me tell you, I would never be able to be a doctor in an environment like Med. I told Will it was 'too emotional.'"

Matt snorted loudly, unable to hold back a grin. "Too emotional?" he repeated.

"Funny," Sylvie smacked him in the arm. "Will said the same thing."

"Well, it's good to see you out," Boden told her with a warm smile, gesturing for her to sit. "You wanted this meeting, Sylvie. What is it you need to tell us?"

Both Matt and Kelly looked at Sylvie with wide eyes, not having expected that. "Nothing's seriously wrong, right?" Matt asked, obviously remembering how Sylvie had felt the morning of the factory fire.

"Seriously wrong? No," Sylvie shook her head. "Wrong . . . " She took a deep breath. "I can't go to work any time soon because of this," she gestured to the cast on her arm. "But my shields . . . I'm working on building them up again, but I've still got a ways to go before they're anywhere near as strong as they were before the factory fire." She swallowed hard, looking at Boden. "I'm sorry, Chief, but with the grief the firehouse is feeling over Otis's death, I don't think I can build them while I'm around emotions as strong as that."

"I understand, Sylvie," Boden nodded.

"I wish I could stay, I really do," Sylvie quickly inserted, seeing Matt and Kelly's stupefied faces. "I want to be here for Joe, for Truck, for everyone – "

"Sylvie," Boden interjected quietly, making her mouth shut and her head duck. "I want what is best for all of my men, whether that's physically, mentally, or emotionally. I would never ask you to sacrifice your wellbeing for someone else's. Whatever you feel you need to do to take care of yourself, tell me."

Sylvie lifted her head, licking her lips. "I booked a flight to New York for tomorrow morning," she admitted, and she felt the ripples of shock from Matt and Kelly. "I need to get out of Chicago, and I need to be somewhere with enough emotional stability where I can work on my shields, but also with enough emotions that I can work on making them stronger. As soon as they're strong enough, I'm coming back to Chicago, and I will help 51 in any way I can. I just want to make sure I'm strong enough to give my all."

Boden nodded solemnly. "Your medical leave can cover that," he told her. "How long do you reckon you may be gone?"

Sylvie mulled it over in her head. "I don't want to be gone longer than a week," she finally said.

"If it takes longer than that, let me know," Boden told her. "I don't want you to come back until you're comfortable."

Sylvie smiled weakly. "Thank you, Chief."

"Is there anything we can do?" Matt finally asked.

Sylvie bit her lip, looking at him. "Tell everyone I'll be back, and I'll tell them everything when I come home."

"Does Cruz know?" Kelly asked, frowning.

"He knows," Sylvie nodded, feeling his concern for one of his firefighters. "I told him when I got home. He's . . . God, I wish I could help him," she put her face in her hand. "He was panicking because he thought he was the reason I had to leave and wasn't comfortable. I assured him it wasn't, but . . . please, Kelly, will you – ?"

"Whatever it takes to help him, I will," Kelly promised.

"We all will," Matt told her. "You just worry about yourself for now."

"I still feel selfish for this," Sylvie pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Sylvie," Boden shook his head. "There is nothing selfish about wanting to make sure you're as healthy as you can be so you can help your friends when you return."

"Chief's right," Matt nodded, looking at her. "I saw you once when your shields were down for a moment. The factory fire was a completely different story. Get better, all right?"

Sylvie nodded reluctantly. "I will."

"What time do you leave tomorrow?" Boden asked.

"Flight's scheduled to leave at 6:15," Sylvie answered, checking her phone. "Joe's insistent on dropping me off at the airport, so we'll be heading out about 4:30." The three men grimaced, and Sylvie smiled sheepishly. "It was the only flight tomorrow I could get that wasn't entirely booked."

"Well, I hope you have a safe flight there and a safe flight back home, whenever that may be," Boden stood up, holding out his hand. "And I promise when your arm heals, your job will be waiting for you at 51."

"Thank you, Chief," Sylvie smiled, standing and shaking his hand. "That means a lot to me."

"And if you need anything, don't hesitate to call," Kelly added. "Stella would kick my ass otherwise."

Sylvie giggled. "Let's avoid the wrath of Stella Kidd, huh?"

"Yes, please," Kelly snickered.

"Don't let your girlfriend hear that," Matt smirked.

"I never heard a word," Boden chuckled.

"Hey, why don't we give you a ride back?" Kelly looked at Sylvie. "I want to check in with Cruz anyway."

"Yeah, definitely," Matt looked at her hopefully.

"I was kind of hoping someone would give me a ride," Sylvie smiled bashfully, gesturing to her arm in a cast. "The less I have to do involving this, the better."

"Well, let's go, then," Kelly checked his watch. "The sooner you're home, the sooner you can get to bed and get rest for that flight at a God awful time tomorrow."

Sylvie laughed, following after Kelly as he headed for the door. "You're impossible, Severide!"

"Thanks, Chief," Matt waved at Boden as he followed both of them.

Boden smiled and waved back as they headed out the door.


Kelly immediately pulled Cruz over to the kitchen area, engaging his firefighter in conversation as Sylvie slipped past towards her room, Matt hesitantly trailing behind her before hurrying when she gestured for him to follow. He looked around her room, noticing Sylvie kept it simple with white walls and red accents, then turned to see her packing a suitcase that was open on her bed. "I made the decision to go to New York just after I was discharged from Med," she told him quietly, and Matt leaned against the doorframe, understanding she needed to talk. "I just keep thinking about how much control I had over my shields, considering the situation we were in, and when I was distracted for one second, they came falling down. I want them to be as strong as they can be so I can help everyone the best I can – "

"But you can't do that yet," Matt said quietly. "Not right now. Not while all of us are bombarding you with the same emotion, some of us a hell of a lot stronger than others."

Sylvie stopped her packing, looking up at Matt. "That isn't exactly how I would put it, but yes," she nodded, walking up to him.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked abruptly, and Sylvie blinked before nodding. "That distraction you keep mentioning," he said, watching her face drain of color. "What was it?"

Sylvie averted her eyes, taking a deep breath. She owed this to Matt. "You," she admitted, and his eyes widened in shock. "I felt your panic when the boiler was about to blow."

"Oh, God," Matt shook his head, turning around and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Matt, your emotions aren't your fault," Sylvie began to say.

"But you were in danger even if you weren't an empath, Sylvie," Matt argued, turning to look at her. "That was a call I made to bring you into the building. Vics needed to be evacuated, but help wasn't there yet, and I asked Boden to send you and Foster in. Even if you weren't an empath, that floor collapse hurt you anyway."

"And maybe that surprise would have broken my shields instead," Sylvie countered. "It was two feet of concrete, Matt. Did you know an explosion was gonna happen below us?"

"No, but," Matt began.

"No buts," Sylvie pointed at him. "You made a call in the heat of the moment, and it was a good one. We managed to get people out of that building, otherwise there could have been more casualties. If the price I had to pay for that is a broken arm and broken shields, fine. And Matt? You may have made the call asking for us to come in, but we would have followed anyone's order to help people who need us. So when Boden ordered us into the building, we went without hesitation." She stepped closer, reaching up with her uninjured arm and placing her hand on Matt's cheek, making him close his eyes at her touch. "This was not your fault, Matt."

"You were distracted because of me," Matt shook his head. "That is my fault."

"No, it's my fault for being distracted in the first place," Sylvie retorted. "That's on me. That is nowhere near on you." She bit her lip. "I was still distracted from what happened before I even got to the firehouse that morning."

Matt blinked. "Did something happen with Joe and Otis?"

"No," Sylvie shook her head, shifting from foot to foot. "Kyle actually dropped by."

"Oh," Matt nodded, a casual tone in his voice.

Sylvie coughed uncomfortably. "And he proposed to me."

"Oh," Matt did a double take.

"Yeah," Sylvie nodded, laughing nervously. "That's one way to take it." She looked at her left hand, then raised an eyebrow at Matt. "I said no, obviously."

"I imagine that would be quite a distracting thing to think about," Matt nodded.

"Just a little," Sylvie snorted, reluctantly backing up and heading over to her suitcase to continue packing. She rummaged through her toiletries, making sure she had everything she needed. "You know, judging by the shock that came from Joe and Otis, they thought I would say yes."

"I would've thought the same, honestly, after I saw the two of you talking at Molly's the night before," Matt admitted.

"I didn't need time to think," Sylvie shook her head, looking down at her suitcase, refusing to look up. Will had told her she needed to take care of her heart; if she didn't get this out before she left for New York, who knew when she would be able to again. "Why say yes to a man when I love someone else more?" She felt Matt's surprise and shock before it morphed into something warmer. Sylvie bit her lip to stop herself from grinning widely as she let herself look up and meet Matt's eyes. "If you're going to blame yourself for that, too, I will hit you," she threatened, holding up her uninjured hand.

Matt slowly shook his head. "I think I'm learning it's impossible to fight with you on this."

"It better be," Sylvie snorted. "Because I'd keep fighting with you until you stopped arguing."

Matt chuckled, walking closer to her. "I guess I'd better stop, then."

"Please do," she smiled up at him.

Matt raised his hand, looking at her carefully, eyes asking a silent question. Sylvie nodded in response, and Matt cupped her cheek, and Sylvie closed her eyes, leaning into his touch. "I didn't know if it was right to start having feelings for my ex-wife's best friend," he admitted.

Sylvie giggled. "I didn't think it was right to love my best friend's ex-husband."

Matt shook his head, grinning. "So we're both idiots."

Unable to hold back longer, Sylvie stepped closer, and Matt lowered his head, kissing her softly. She relaxed with an exhale, lowering her shields to allow herself to feel Matt's love for her completely. His other arm wrapped around her waist, avoiding her broken arm, and Sylvie broke the kiss to lean against him, tucking her head into the crook of his neck. "I don't want to go," she whispered, voice cracking.

"I don't want you to, either," Matt kissed the top of her head, closing his eyes. "But you need to do what's best for you, and I don't think I can help you by myself." Sylvie silently shook her head. "Go to New York and get your shields up. Come back when you're ready."

Sylvie nodded, then looked up at him. "Don't find a different plus-one to that dinner with Chief Boden yet, though. I want to see if I can make it back by then."

Matt smiled and nodded. "And if not, I'll just ask Severide."

Sylvie snickered. "Poor Chief and Donna if that happens."

Matt laughed loudly, then there was a knock on the door. "Matt?" Kelly asked, and Matt and Sylvie looked up as he poked his head into the room. "About ready to go?"

Matt looked at Sylvie, who nodded at him. "I need to finish packing," she pointed over her shoulder at her suitcase. "Early morning tomorrow."

Matt nodded reluctantly. "Just be safe," he told her.

"I will," Sylvie smiled. "I promise." Matt hesitated, then gave her another kiss, which Sylvie happily responded to. She struggled not to smile when she felt the surprise from Kelly, then hugged Matt as tightly as she could with one arm. "I'll let you know when I'm in New York."

"Thanks," he hugged her back.

"You're welcome."

Matt finally released her, and he followed Kelly out of Sylvie's room, already able to tell based on Kelly's struggle to smother a grin that he was going to get teased on the drive home. "Let us know if you need anything, Joe," he told Cruz, who was by the door to lock it behind them.

"Copy that, Captain," Cruz nodded. "Thanks for dropping her back off."

"Any time," Matt nodded.

"No kidding," Kelly mumbled under his breath. Matt shot his friend a glare, but he smiled pleasantly at Cruz as he stepped out the door. As soon as it was shut behind them, Kelly finally grinned widely. "So when did that happen?" he asked.

"Literally a minute before you showed up," Matt deadpanned as they headed down the stairs, rolling his eyes when Kelly laughed. "Shut up."


"Just keep me updated on when you're coming back," Cruz told Sylvie the next morning, pulling her suitcase out of his trunk at the airport. "I'll come pick you up as long as I'm not on shift."

"Thanks, Joe," Sylvie nodded, looking up at him. "And if you need anything at all, I promise I'll always have my phone on me. I may not be here physically, but I will always listen to what you have to say."

Cruz smiled sadly. "Thank you, Sylvie."

Sylvie gave him a hug, closing her eyes. "You're welcome."

"Enjoy New York," he rubbed her back. "We'll want to hear all about it when you come back."

"And I definitely will," Sylvie nodded, grabbing her suitcase. "See you soon."

Cruz waved to her as Sylvie headed towards the doors of the airport. She moved quickly through checking her bag and TSA, and after checking her phone, she found she still had time to spare before getting on her flight. As she was heading for her boarding gate, though, she felt a familiar mind nearby, and she paused before smiling, slipping her phone back into her pocket and hurrying on.

Sure enough, she found the one person she'd wanted to visit but hadn't been able to in front of one of the charging stations. "How did you get this far into the building?" she asked, unable to keep a grin off her face.

"It's called having a badge," Jay smirked, holding out his arms. "C'mere."

Sylvie let go of her bag and hugged Jay as hard as she could. "I didn't know you would come!"

"Are you kidding?" Jay snorted. "The only time I saw you was when you were in your hospital room, and due to my brother's orders, I couldn't even get in there."

"You're here now," Sylvie closed her eyes. "That's what matters."

"Will wanted to be here, but his shift starts soon," Jay kissed the top of her head. "I made the trip for him. He says be careful."

"Like usual," Sylvie sighed, but looked up at Jay. "That goes for you, too."

"More careful than usual, it seems," Jay said, eyes darkening. "At this rate, Kelton's guaranteed to win the election."

"And break up Intelligence?" Sylvie guessed. When Jay nodded, Sylvie sighed. "Jay, you do what you need to do to protect this city and your unit. We both know how deep Kelton's corruption goes."

"I'll do what needs to be done if it comes to that," Jay looked at her.

"Good," Sylvie nodded, looking at her watch. "Tell Will to look after himself, too, OK?"

"Definitely," Jay nodded.

"No," Sylvie looked up, "something felt wrong at Med. I didn't want to mention it to him in case he knew it, too. But if he didn't . . . someone felt . . . wrong."

Jay's eyes sharped when he saw how uncomfortable Sylvie looked. "How wrong are we talking about here?"

Sylvie licked her lips. "Obsession," she answered. "Determination." She took a deep breath. "Not good intentions."

Jay nodded curtly. "As soon as I leave, I'll give him a call."

"Thank you," Sylvie sighed. "I need to go. They'll be boarding in a few minutes."

"Take care, Hearts," Jay gave her another hug.

"Thanks, Diamonds," Sylvie kissed his cheek. "Give Kelton hell for me."

Jay chuckled, grasping her shoulder. "Bet on it."

Sylvie did the same to him, then they crossed forearms with each other, ending with bumping each other's fists. "Love you."

"Love you, too," Jay smiled.

Sylvie grabbed her suitcase's handle, rolling it towards her plane's gate. Jay watched her leave, and when she was almost out of sight, she turned and gave him one last smile. Jay gave her a lazy salute, which Sylvie nodded to, then she disappeared to board her flight. When she was out of sight, Jay pulled out his phone, pulling up the number he was looking for and sending a quick text: Look out for each other, Clubs.

He wasn't at all surprised when he got a quick response back. We always do, Diamonds.


We may or may not see Sylvie next chapter. I have to decide if I want to focus on just one show or not.

But we are definitely shifting the focus from Chicago Fire to Chicago Med, and this is going to be quite the doozy. I admit I didn't like who Sylvie is describing, so I was happy this character got their just desserts, but it was surprising the way it ended. But as you can tell, someone who left is still in the main cast, so you'll see how one character can make an impact.

See you next time with Chicago Med!

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