The Haddock Twins: Defenders...

By Skylight369

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The Dragon Riders need to transition from riders to defenders as they deal with threats from the Outcasts and... More

Live and Let Fly
Gronckle Iron
The Night and the Fury
Tunnel Vision
Race To Fireworm Island
Fright of Passage
Appetite for Destruction
Zippleback Down
A View to Skrill
A View To Skrill (Part 2)
The Flight Stuff
Free Scauldy
Tale of Two Dragons
The Eel Effect
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
Bing, Bam, Boom!
Cast Out (Part I)
Cast Out (Part II)

Worst in Show

60 1 0
By Skylight369

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from How to train your dragon

Under the grounds of Berk, Alvin, Savage and Mildew were walking through the tunnels created by the Whispering Deaths and the Screaming Death. Alvin stopped when he stepped on an egg shell. "Huh." He picked up the broken egg shell. "Anyone care to tell me what this looks like?" He asked rhetorically, holding up the broken egg shell.

"A waste of perfectly good Whispering Death eggs?" Savage answered.

The Outcast chief then dropped the egg shell and drew out his sword. "This was your plan, Mildew. 'Oh, plant the eggs under Berk,' you said." He said, backing Mildew into a boulder. "'They'll hatch and destroy the village, will be no one left to get in your way, Alvin.'"

"Well, I don't remember saying all that." Mildew said meekly.

"Eh, doesn't really matter now, does it?" With that, Alvin raised his sword, getting ready to finish off Mildew.

"Now, now, wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" The old man pleaded.

"Why should I?" Alvin demanded.

Mildew whimpered as he tried to come up with a good answer. "Look at the positive, Alvin."

"That's not really my strong suit now, is it?" Alvin asked, sword still up.

"Think about , when life gives you fish heads, what do you do?"

"I take it out on people like you." Alvin replied.

"Well, yes. That too." Mildew admitted. Alvin then prepared the sword again. "But... but... but... but... you can also make a delicious chowder."

Alvin suddenly brought down the sword, but he only hit Mildew on his shoulder blade. "I like chowder."

"Well, these tunnels are your chowder." Mildew said, trying to move away from Alvin and the sword. "They'll lead you right to the Berk dragon training academy."

"Eh, and what would I do when I get there?" Alvin asked.

"Well, the better question is, what wouldn't you do?" Mildew replied, happy to have found a way to save himself. "What couldn't you do?Spying? Kidnapping?Dragon killing?"

"Or all of the above..." Alvin said with a evil grin on his face. He then retracted his sword. "I like it! You're in luck, Mildew!I'm not gonna kill you right now."

Mildew watched as the Outcast leader walked away. "I hate it when he says that."

"Trust me, it's better than when he doesn't say it." Savage commented, knowing from experience.

Above grounds, the teens decided to work on their rescue skills. First up were Snotlout and Hookfang. As soon as they got the signal from Fishlegs, they took off and made a beeline or a stuffed dummy sitting on a lone boat in the sea. Snotlout successfully grabbed the dummy as they flew by and held on to it as they flew up. "Yes, Hookfang!Victory loop!"

The other dragon riders and dragons were watching from the top of one of the sea stacks. "You know, I hate to admit it, but Snotlout actually looks like he's worked on his rescue training." Hiccup commented.

He soon took that back when Hookfang decided to take a plunge into the sea, without Snotlouts' consent. The Monstrous Nightmare swam through the sea, ignoring Snotlouts' attempt to protest.

"Uh, let's not get ahead of ourselves." Astrid said.

"Good thing we didn't have an actual person pretending to be the victim." Hicca commented.

Hookfang then flew up against the sea stack, causing Snotlout to drag the dummy along the rocky walls of the sea stack. They finally made it to the top. "Another victim saved." The dummy's head fell off along with a leg and an arm, causing Snotlout to throw the dummy onto the ground

"Yeah, you got the victim part right." Fishlegs commented.

"Shut up, Fishlegs." Snotlout said defensively. "Big deal. So his head fell 's not like he's not on fire or anything."

At the word 'fire' Hookfang suddenly fired at the dummy, then stomped on it to extinguish the fire. Snotlout dared a look at the others, whose expressions were mix with concern and unimpressed.

Fishlegs was about to say something when Snotlout cut him off. "Shut up, Fishlegs."

Next were Astrid and Stormfly. The blonde shield maiden started from the bottom of the sea stack. She had her Nadder shoot a few spikes above her, allowing Astrid to use the spikes to climb up. With each step, the blue Nadder added more spikes above, allowing her rider to climb higher and finally made it back to the top without any problems. "Great work, Astrid."

"'Great work"? Pfft, try lame work." Snotlout sneered. "Hello? Flying dragon?Might be a little quicker to get to the top of the sea stack."

"What if your victim is trapped on the side of the cliff and your dragon can't get you close enough?" Astrid countered. "You ever think of that?"

Clearly Snotlout didn't. "Yes. up, Astrid."

Next up were Raeda and Sparkfire. Before the exercise, Raeda went to the forge to make a new adjustment to her saddle. Now their aim was to rescue a dummy trapped between two sea stacks. The opening of the sea stacks were too narrow for Sparkfire to fly through, but that didn't worry Raeda. The raven haired girl had her dragon fly in the direction above the sea stack and once they were close enough, she dived down for the victim. Thanks to a long rope connecting her belt to the saddle, Raeda was able to rescue the victim without falling into the ocean. They were brought back to the sea stack.

"Great idea, Rae." Hicca commented.

"This could really come in handy." Hiccup said, looking at the device Raeda built on her saddle. He then turned to Fishlegs. "Okay, so, Fishlegs. Looks like you're up."

Fishlegs and Meatlug then flew above the others. "I call this the stop, drop..." He gave a handle signal to Meatlug, causing the Gronckle to stop flying and plummet to the sea stack. Hookfang noticed that he was directly below the Gronckle and immediately flew off without warning his rider, leading to him to fall off the saddle and below Meatlug.

"Oh, no." Snotlout muttered as Meatlug continued to fall.

Meatlug suddenly started hovering again when she was right above Snotlout. "...and hover." Fishlegs finished.

"I like it, Fishlegs." Hiccup said.

"Oh, come on!That's not rescuing. That's falling." Snotlout complained.

"Actually, this is falling." Fishlegs said. He gave a signal to Meatlug to completely drop onto Snotlout.

"That can also work." Hicca said amused.

Snotlout stretched his free hand from under Meatlug. "Hookfang, rescue." The Monstrous Nightmare replied by flying away. Sensing that his dragon was gone, the Jorgenson boy dropped his hand. "Thank you."

Hiccup then turned to the Thorston twins. "Okay, guys. You want to show us your rescue skill now?"

"Sure." Tuffnut said, he and his sister then got ready, but all they did was stare ahead. Everyone watched in silence, waiting for something to happen, but nothing did.

"So... let's see it." Hiccup said.

"Uh, you are seeing it." Tuffnut said.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Ruffnut asked.

"Our rescue skill is not falling off this sea way, no actual rescue is necessary." Tuffnut explained.

"Ta-da!" Ruffnut raised her arms up, but in doing so, she accidently shoved her brother off her dragon and off the sea stack and into the ocean.

"They didn't even get that right." Raeda muttered.

"We're still working out the kinks." Ruffnut said.

"I'll go get Tuffnut." Hicca said, getting on Midnight. As soon as they brought Tuffnut back to the sea stack, they went with Hiccup and Toothless to perform their own rescue skill. They flew towards six targets that were set up in the distance.

"Wait for it, guys." Hicca said to the other three.

As soon as they were in a good distance, they executed their skill. "Barrel-roll multiple blast!" The Haddock twins said.

Toothless and Midnight did so, each Night Fury accurately hitting three of the six targets.

They made it back to the sea stack where the other teens 'oohed' at their skill in awe.

Well, all except for Snotlout. "Stop ooh-ing. That's not even a rescue skill."

"Of course it is. You always need cover fire during a knows that." Fishlegs argued. "Very impressive, guys."

"Hey, Fishlegs." Snotlout started to say. "You need some help getting your nose out of Hiccup and Hicca's..."

"Snotlout!" The auburn twins exclaimed, interrupting their cousin.

Fishlegs wasn't bothered by that. "It's okay, 's just mad because he was dead last in the rescue competition. But what else is new?"

"Uh, guys, this isn't a competition." Hiccup said.

"Uh, yes, it is." Tuffnut said.

"You know, they say competition is the very essence of life itself." Ruffnut stated.

Her comment earned stares from the others. "It's true. Weird that she said it like that, but it's true. It's always a competition." Astrid said.

"You can't be serious about that." Hicca said in disbelief.

"We're vikings, it's in our nature. Competition is our main motivator." Raeda stated.

"We are a team. Everyone has a one person is better or more important than another." Hiccup said.

"He's right, there's no keeping scores or seeing who's the best at what." Hicca agreed

Their comments just caused the others to laugh.

"You two don't really buy that, do you?"

"We do, actually. Yes." Hiccup answered. He then realized something. "Wait, do you all feel the way Snotlout does?"

"Uh, Hiccup? Hicca? You ride Toothless and Midnight, two Night the Night Fury is at the top of the charts for intelligence, speed, accuracy, and, well... everything." Meatlug growled at that, not liking that information. Fishlegs patted her in reassurance. "No offense, girl."

"You want to know what I think?" Snotlout asked.

"No!" The others answered immediately.

But Snotlout continued. "I think we'll never know who the best dragon trainer is because we don't have a level playing field."

Fishlegs then got an idea. "Hang on a if we did have a level playing field?What if we could prove once and for all, who's got the skills and who doesn't?"

"Trust me, Fishlegs. You don't want that." Snotlout warned.

"Oh, I think I do." Fishlegs said, accepting the challenged.

He led everyone back into the Academy and then walked out. He came back carrying a crate. He placed the crate down and opened the lid, revealing to contain eight Terrible Terrors.

"Terrible Terrors? This is your level playing field?" Snotlout asked in disbelief.

"As a matter of fact, 'll all choose a Terrible Terror and have a day to train then we'll find out who's best." Fishlegs explained.

Snotlout started laughing at that. "Oh, man. I can't keep a straight face."

But Fishlegs wasn't offended. "I fail to see the humor, Snotlout."

"This will be a good exercise for us." Hicca said quickly. "We all get the same type of dragon with same amount of time to test our abilities to train new dragons."

"Hicca's right." Hiccup agreed. "And also-"

But Snotlout ignored his cousins and addressed Fishlegs. "You don't have a chance to win this, fish-face, and you want to know why?Because there are readers, and there are while you've got your nose buried in the book of dragons,I'm out there kicking names and taking butts!"

"I think you meant that the other way around." Astrid corrected.

Snotlout thought about it and realized she was right. "I mean... Shut up, Astrid."

"Uh, guys, come on." Hiccup tried.

"I'll tell you what, Snotlout." Fishlegs said. "You're so confident in your dragon training superiority... why don't we make this interesting?"

"All ears." Snotlout said.

"Losers clean the winner's stall... for a month." Fishlegs wagered.

"Done!" Snotlout accepted.

"In." Astrid said. Ruffnut and Tuffnut, who were standing on either side of her, decided to clang their helmets together. Luckily, Astrid anticipated this and ducked just in time.

"Count me in as well." Raeda said.

"Come 're not really going to do this, are we?" Hiccup asked.

"You better strap on your helmets 'cause this guy right here... he's bringing the pain." Snotlout said, pointing to one of the Terrible Terror. He reached out to pick up that dragon when another Terror bit his arm. "Ow! Guess I'll take this one." Snotlout groaned. His voice was strained. "Bringing the pain!"

He took the purple Terrible Terror that was still biting his arm. Fishlegs chose an orange-red Terror, Astrid a turquoise Terror, Ruffnut and Tuffnut two yellow Terrors, Raedalight blue Terror, Hicca a dark red Terror and Hiccup a green-brown colored Terror.

The others went to pick their dragons. "Remember, not a competition!" Hiccup reminded them.

"Yeah, bro. They're not going to listen." Hicca said.

Hiccup sighed, knowing his sister was right. "This is really gonna go bad in a hurry."

Underground, the three trespassers continued to look through the tunnels of Berk, but all they could find were yak farms.

"Well? What do you see?" Alvin demanded to Savage.

His right hand man was standing on Mildews' shoulders, looking through another tunnel. "It's quite something keeps swinging into my face." Savage reported, trying to see clearer. But the darkness was revealed to be two yaks when they started moving away from the Outcast. "Oh, well, that explains it. Another yak farm."

"What is it with you people and your yaks?" Alvin demanded to Mildew, annoyed at finding yet another yak farm.

"Don't look at me. I'm a sheep person." Mildew answered meekly.

"Hang on. I see something." Savage suddenly said. "I think it's the academy."

"How can you be sure?" Alvin asked.

"Well, it's got a sign with a picture of a dragon on it." Savage answered as he got off Mildews' shoulders, to the old man's relief. "Oh, and there are kids in there training dragons. So..."

"That's it! That's the academy." Mildew gasped, though his energy was mostly from the relief knowing that he will be spared from Alvin's wrath.

"Let's hold off on the victory dance, Mildew." Alvin said. "I don't celebrate until I make my first kill."

At the Ingerman Household, Fishlegs wasted no time in starting his training. "Well, trainee, I have quite a rigorous schedule planned for one, we need to name you." He pulled out a parchment with a few names written on it and looked through it. The Terrible Terror sniffed the parchment in curiosity. While Fishlegs was going through the names, Meatlug came into the house carrying a sheep in her mouth (the sheep was surprisingly calm). She came close to her rider and nudged him, tossing the sheep onto the table. Fishlegs just gave her a look. "Sorry, girl, we can't play "toss the sheep" right now." He said, putting the sheep on the ground.

The Gronckle then scooped the sheep back in her mouth and went behind Fishlegs. She tossed the sheep to one end of the room, waddled there, picked up the sheep and repeated that process. "Okay, I've got it narrowed down to Lars or Van." Fishlegs said to the Terrible Terror, ignoring Meatlug. "Maybe Karsten or about Death Wing?Ooh, that's good. Intimidating." He finally notice Meatlug behind him when the sheep continued to bleat every time it got tossed. "No, Meatlug. I can't right 's gotta work on humiliating Snotlout." Dejected, Meatlug slumped to the side of the room near the fire and was joined by the sheep (who surprisingly didn't run away at the first chance. "I'm gonna crush him in the dragon training competition."

Hiccup, Hicca, Midnight and Toothless came in time to hear that last sentence. "It's not a competition, Fishlegs." Hiccup said. "Listen, Hicca and I of all people know how Snotlout has a way of getting under your skin. We just want to make sure you're not losing perspective in all this." His sister nodded in agreement.

"Death Wing and I?No, we don't plan on losing anything." Fishlegs said, still looking at his Terrible Terror.

"Uh, D-Death Wing?" Hiccup repeated.

"You're choosing that name for a Terrible Terror." Hicca asked.

"Or Iggy. We're not sure do you like?" Fishlegs asked.

"Definitely Iggy." Hicca answered.

Hiccup then noticed Meatlug looking dejected. "Uh, is Meatlug okay?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't she be?" Fishlegs answered, not bothering to look at Meatlug.

Midnight and Toothless walked to Meatlug, trying to see what's made her upset.

Hicca nudged her brother and tilted her head to the door. Hiccup got the message and nodded. "Okay. Well, good talk." Hiccup said as he and his sister began to leave. "Let's go, guys." He said to the two Night Furies. After giving comforting warbles to Meatlug, the Night Furies joined their humans.

"Okay, Iggy. Time to get serious. Let's do this." Fishlegs said, picking up Iggy. Meatlug watched her rider walk away without her.

The next day came and it was time for the teens to show what they trained their Terrible Terrors. Meatlug waddled into the Academy with the same sheep in her mouth (seriously, how is the sheep not bothered by this). She made a beeline to her human who was giving Iggy a pep-talk. "Oh, Iggy, you can do this, you're the best, most... most well-trained dragon ever." Fishlegs got another nudge from Meatlug and gave her an annoyed look. "No, Meatlug. I can't right now."

Feeling sad, Meatlug went to slumped to the side of the wall again with the sheep in tow.

"Okay, time to show off what we've trained our Terrible Terrors to do." Fishlegs said to the others, oblivious to his Gronckles' sadness. "Why don't you go first, Snotlout?"

"Why don't you go first?" Snotlout retorted.

"Fine. I'll go first." Fishlegs said.

But the Jorgenson boy wasn't happy about that. "Oh, no, you don't! I'll go first!"

"First, second, third... doesn't matter.'Cause in the end, you're gonna come in last."

"Whoa, what got into Fishlegs?" Astrid asked, surprised to see this new side of Fishlegs.

"Looks like he finally grew some..." Tuffnut started to say before Hiccup interrupted him.

"Whoa, how about I go first?" He offered "Especially since along with Hicca, I don't care whether I win or not because this isn't about winning or losing."

"Yeah, you keep selling that." Snotlout said before saying in a sing-song voice. "Loser."

"Ready, Toothless?" Hiccup asked, with his Terror, Sharpshot perched on his arm. Toothless, who was holding three duck carvings on his wing, gave a nod. "Now!" At that, the male Night Fury tossed the carvings up in the air."Sharpshot, fire!" The Terror flew up and fired at the carvings, successfully hitting all three of them before they hit the ground.

"Not bad. You're starting off the competition with a bang, Hiccup." Astrid said.

"It is not a competition!" Hiccup said in exasperation

"Not yet it isn't." Fishlegs said, glaring at Snotlout who glared back.

"Okay, my turn." Hicca said. She brought out a rope. "Astrid, check this rope. Make sure it's not a weak rope that can snap at any time." Astrid did so and nodded to Hicca. "Good, now use it to tie my arms together." She instructed, holding her arms up in front of her.

"Are you sure?" Astrid asked.

"Yep." Hicca answered.

Astrid complied and tied Hicca's arms as best as she could. "Make sure it's tight so I won't be able to slip out of it." Hicca said. As soon as Astrid finished, the auburn girl turned to Fishlegs. "Check the rope and make sure it's not easy to break out of."

Fishlegs did so. "It's fine."

"Good." Hicca said. She then turned to her dragon Scarlet and held her arms in front of her face. "Scarlett cut!" The Terror flew up and using her razor sharp claws, she cut through the ropes freeing Hicca.

"Ta-da!" Hicca said, holding her arms up.

"That is brilliant, sis." Hiccup praised.

"We have to keep this Terror close for our next mission." Fishlegs said.

"Now I'm up." Astrid said. She turned to the others and waved her arms up. "Well, what do you think?"

The others were confused when they saw nothing. "What do we think of what?" Snotlout asked.

"My dragon's stealth skills." Astrid said.

Snotlout snorted. "Right. His skill's so stupid, he didn't even show up."

"Or did he?" Astrid asked.

Snotlout looked up and saw, to his and the others' surprise, Astrids' Terror, Sneaky, has managed to creep up on Snotlout and land on his helmet without him or anyone else noticing.

Tuffnut then turned to Ruffnut and noticed something above her head. "Oh, he's good."

"Yeah." Ruffnut agreed, before asking."Who's good?" She looked up and saw that Sneaky has managed to move from Snotlouts' helmet to her helmet again without anyone noticing.

"Sneaky." Tuffnut said as said Terror flew back to Astrid "Then again, he can't do what Butt and Head can do." He said as the two identical terrors walked to position.

"Let me guess... they're gonna run into each other?" Astrid said, knowingly.

"Ehh, wrong." Tuffnut said smugly.

Butt and Head corrected Astrids' statement by flying towards each other at a fast speed. They head-butted each other and fell to the ground, feeling dazed. "They flew into each other." Ruffnut stated.

"Totally different." Tuffnut said.

"Totally unpredictable." Raeda said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Alright, my turn. No one panic." Before anyone could wonder why she would say that, Raeda turned to her Terrible Terror, Tumbler, and gave him a hand signal. The terror immediately flew straight to Snotlouts' ankles, causing the boy to trip up. The Terror did the same with the other teens it was too fast for anyof them to realize what was going on before they hit the ground. The tiny dragon then flew back to Raeda, the only person still standing with her hands on her hips.

"Opponents are down and defeated." She declared.

"What was that?! That wasn't even fair! We weren't even ready!" Snotlout said indignantly.

"That is your fault, Snotlout. You're a warrior you should be prepared for any kind of sneak attack." Raeda countered.

"You know, strangely, yesterday there were some people complaining about someone tripping them up, but they never saw who it was because that person was too fast and always escape." Hiccup said suspiciously, as he and the others got back up.

"What are you saying Hiccup? That I'm the one responsible for that? I was busy all day yesterday training this little guy." Raeda said innocently.

What everyone failed to notice was that Alvin, Savage and Mildew have climbed out of the closest tunnel near the Academy and have snuck into the stands and were now watching the group below them. "What are they up to?" Alvin muttered.

It was now Fishlegs' turn. "Prepare to be amazed at the smartest little dragon in the archipelago."

Meatlug whined at that. 'There was a time where I use to be the smartest dragon in the archipelago.'

Fishlegs then pointed to a few crates which have been line up, each crate holding an ordinary item, such as an apple, a sword, a knife and a bucket. He then brought out parchments, each containing a drawing of the items on the crate. He started shuffling the drawings, with the drawings facing the other teens.

Snotlout scoffed, seeming unimpressed.

Fishlegs finally drew out a parchment, which had a picture of an apple. "Iggy, bring me this." He commanded, showing the Terrible Terror the drawing. The Terror took one look at the drawing before flying towards the crate. He successfully got the right item and brought it back to Fishlegs, with Meatlug glaring at him. "Good boy, Iggy. Aw, who's a good little guy?" Fishlegs cooed, oblivious to Meatlugs' sadness at the sight.

"Whatever. Lucky guess." Snotlout scoffed.

"Okay, you choose one." Fishlegs offered.

Snotlout snatched the drawings and picked on, the drawing of a bucket. He showed it to the others before shoving it into Iggys' sight. Iggy then went and got the bucket from the crate, delivering it right at Snotlouts' head.

"Smart dragon." Raeda commented impressed.

"Whoa. I couldn't do that." Tuffnut said.

"Aha." Alvin murmured, wondering what was this trick going to help them achieve.

"Big he plays fetch." Snotlout said, taking the bucket off his head.

"Well, what does your Terrible Terror do?" Fishlegs retorted.

"This." Snotlout said removing the lid from a crate. As soon as he did, his Terrible Terror, Pain, flew out and bit him in the ankle. This caused Snotlout to grunt in pain and hobble on his other foot, which was bandaged on the ankle, until he got his footing and presented his dragon as best as he could while in pain.

"So... so let me get this straight." Fishlegs chuckled, highly amused. "You trained him to bite you?"

"Try and pry him loose. I dare you." Snotlout challenged. "Took Gobber all day yesterday to get him off of this leg." He gestured to his other bandaged leg.

"You're ridiculous. Just tell them I won, guys." Fishlegs said to Hicca and Hiccup.

"Whoa, I don't remember agreeing to be a judge of this competition." Hicca said.

"Sis, this isn't a competition!" Hiccup hissed to his sister.

"Like anyone will listen!" Hicca retorted.

"You won?" Snotlout said to Fishlegs in disbelief."Ha! Get real!"

"It wasn't even close." Fishlegs argued.

It was then that Meatlug caught a whiff of a scent that shouldn't be here. "Whoa, whoa, Terror's stealthiness is pretty awesome too." Astrid piped in.

"So is my Terror's disarming skill." Raeda added.

"Astrid, Raeda, please. There're no brains involved in teaching a Terror to hide or trip people up." Fishlegs stated.

"Hey, our trainees ram their heads together at high takes brains." Ruffnut said.

"Yeah. Really hard, rock-like brains." Tuffnut added, knocking on his own helmet

The six teens continued to argue over who was the best in the competition, while Hicca and Hiccup were trying to get them to stop. Everyone, even the dragons, were so distract by the debate that they didn't notice Meatlug walking out of the Academy, following the scent she picked up.

Mildew then noticed that the Gronckle was heading their way. "Shh, we can't let that dragon see us." The three of them went off to hide from the Gronckle.

Meatlug continued on the trail of scent, flying a few steps to get faster. The trail ended at a pile of rock. But rather than feeling delight at the sight like she usually does, she started giving a menacing growl. She blasted at the rocks, which was then revealed to be a cover for Alvin, Savage and Mildew! Meatlug then started growling at them, clearly remembering them.

"Uh, this would be a good time to retreat into the tunnel." Mildew advised to Alvin, while Savage already started sneaking away.

But the Outcast chief wasn't having it "Alvin the Treacherous doesn't retreat!"

"Well, then, Alvin the Treacherous is gonna have to explain to Stoick the Vast what he's doing on Berk." Mildew warned, before joining Savage.

Alvin gave one last glare to Meatlug before joining the other two.

Meatlug then gave out a roar before going after them.

Her loud roar stopped the argument in the Academy. "Meatlug?" Fishlegs said, eyes widening as he recognized his dragons roar."Meatlug!" He ran towards the exit to the source of the roar, followed by the others.

Meatlug continued to chase after the three Outcasts, snarling at them. She fired lava blasts at them, hoping it would slow them down.

That's when Alvin the Treacherous decided that he has had enough. "This is crazy." He turned around and punched Meatlug in the snout, disorienting the Gronckle and causing her to slump down. "Muzzle her." Alvin ordered, holding Meatlugs' head in place."We'll use the dragon as a hostage."

Savage grunted as he started pushing Meatlug to the tunnel. "She's a tough one."

Fishlegs ran up in time to see Savage pushing his dragon right into a tunnel! The three men have jumped into the tunnel, just before Midnight and Toothless fired their plasma blasts. Unfortunately, the tunnel was surrounded by piles of rocks and the blasts caused them to move and cover the tunnels' opening, preventing Fishlegs and anyone else from going after them. "Hiccup, Hicca, they took my Meatlug!" Fishlegs cried out, looking at the blocked tunnel.

"We won't let them get away Fishlegs." Hicca promised. She then pulled Fishlegs back before turning to the other dragons. "Fire!" Immediately the dragons started firing at the rocks, hoping to blast the rocks away.

But Fishlegs noticed that it wasn't helping. "We're only making it worse!"

"He's right." Hiccup agreed."Hold your fire!"

The dragons stopped blasting the rocks.

"Oh, what are we gonna do, guys?Those tunnels go all over the island. He could be going anywhere." Fishlegs said worriedly.

"They don't really go 'all over' the island." Tuffnut corrected. "Like, six yak farms."

"A couple of sheep pens." Ruffnut stated.

"Mildew's cabbage field." Tuffnut added, before he and his sister remembered the last tunnel they visited.

"Gobber's outhouse." They both said, before shuddering at the memory."Blah."

The others gave them questioning looks. "What? We spent a lot of time in those tunnels." Tuffnut explained. "It's a tunnel of fun."

"Okay, we'll have to split up, cover all those places." Hiccup instructed.

"As soon as you find them, have your dragon give out a roar in the tunnel. Hopefully the sound will travel throughout the tunnels." Hicca said.

"Great. Dibs on the beach!" Tuffnut called, before everyone split up

Hiccup gave out an annoyed huffed before calmly turning to Tuffnut, having a feeling where Alvin and his crew might have gone. "Uh, what beach?"

"The tunnel that goes to the secluded beach, on the far side of the island.I can't believe you haven't been there." Tuffnut said in disbelief. "It's white sand, so soft on your little toes."

"Well, on the plus side Hiccup, at least we don't have to look through every tunnel now." Hicca pointed out.

The three Outcasts made it back to their ship, where Alvin ordered his crew to chain Meatlug. "Secure the dragon. We're shoving off."

The dragon riders and dragons, along with the Terrible Terrors, flew as fast as they could to catch up to the Outcasts.

"Oh, if anything happens to my Meatlug, I'll never forgive myself!" Fishlegs said worriedly, still beating himself up for neglecting his dragon.

"It's not your fault, Fishlegs." Hiccup reassured.

"Sure, it is." Tuffnut argued.

"Tuffnut." Hiccup reprimanded.

"What? It's not my fault." Tuffnut defended. He then turned to his sister. "Is it your fault?"

"Nope. Not my fault." Ruffnut answered.

"Yeah, definitely Fishlegs' fault." The male Thorston reiterated. "Sorry."

"Guys, not helping." Hiccup said.

"And it's definitely not Fishlegs fault, none of us knew Alvin would be here." Hicca pointed out.

"No, no, they're right, guys." Fishlegs admitted to Hicca and Hiccup. "I ignored the most important thing in my life because I got so caught up in beating Snotlout."

"See? Bad things happen when you try to beat the Snot-man." Snotlout boasted, earning unimpressed stares from the others.

"Seriously Snotlout?" Raeda deadpanned.

"What? Sometimes the truth is hard to swallow." Snotlout stated.

Fishlegs ignored the Jorgenson boy. "You two tried to tell me, Hiccup and Hicca, but I didn't listen."

"Fishlegs, we will get her back, we promise." Hiccup reassured.

"Yeah, Alvin's not going to make back to Outcast Island with Meatlug." Hicca promised.

"Hey, if you three girls are done doing each other's hair, there's an Outcast ship we might wanna attack." Tuffnut stated, pointing to the ship below them.

"Gladly." Raeda said, setting her sights on the ship.

"Let's go!" Hicca commanded, as she guided Midnight towards the ship. The others followed her. As soon as they were close, the dragons started blasting at the ship at every place they could see.

Although they succeeded in setting fires onto the ship, it was quickly extinguished when Alvin dropped buckets of water on them. "Give them plenty of lead." Alvin ordered, shoving the bucket to one of the soldiers. "Maybe we can take out more dragons than I thought."

Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Barf and Belch flew up blasting the ship again, to the blonde twins amusement. "Ha, like shooting yaks in a barrel." Tuffnut said.

Ruffnuts' eyes lit up at the memory. "That was fun."

Stormfly then shot a line of spikes at Alvin. He managed to dodge them and was brought closer towards Meatlug. Getting an idea, he pulled out his sword and pointed it at the poor dragon. "Back off! Or I'll run the Gronckle through."

"Hicca, Hiccup, wait! Don't fire!" Fishlegs pleaded, as he watched the scene below.

Hiccup assessed the situation quickly and made up his mind. He made eye contact with his sister and they both nodded at each other, as if they were mentally communicating with each other. "Riders, hold your fire! Fall back!" Hiccup commanded.

Reluctantly everyone followed and flew away from the ship, hoping that the Haddock twins will come up with a plan and fast.

Fishlegs looked back and saw Meatlug sadly watching them leave her. "No! We can't just leave her there!" He exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Fishlegs. We're not going to." Hiccup reassured.

"Like I said, Alvin is not going to make it back to Outcast Island with Meatlug." Hicca said.

Alvin, Savage, Mildew and the other Outcast soldiers looked at the sky, searching for any signs of a dragon coming at them. But it all seemed quiet.

"I don't see anything. Maybe they aren't coming." Savage suggested.

"Oh, they'll come." Mildew said, knowing that the teens don't give up that easily.

Alvin knew that as well. "He's right. Their sentiment is their weakness." He gave out a laugh, turning to Meatlug. "Isn't it, Gronckle?"

Poor Meatlug looked to the ground, feeling defeated. She then looked up and got a shock when she saw Sneaky sitting quietly on Alvins' head!

Alvin didn't notice the tiny dragon on his helmet, but Mildew and Savage certainly did. Mildew was about to warn Alvin when Savage elbowed him to keep him quiet.

"Alvin, don't move." Savage whispered drawing out his sword. Alvin turned around, wondering what his right-hand man was up to, when he suddenly got a hard whack to the head sending him to the ground.

Luckily Sneaky managed to escape in time. Savage looked around for the Terrible Terror and found that it suddenly disappeared.

Alvin then got up glaring at Savage for daring to hit him.

Savage's eyes widened as he realized the danger he put himself in. "Now let me explain, was a-a little dragon on your..."

But his chief clearly wasn't going to listen as he drew out his own sword. But before he could strike, his sword was suddenly taken out of his hands! "Hey!" He then noticed a Terrible Terror, Scarlett, cutting through the main sail of the ship, preventing it from moving any further.

Iggy brought the sword back to Fishlegs, who was holding up a drawing of a sword. "Yes!"

"I wish I was as smart as that dragon." Tuffnut lamented.

"I wish you were as smart as that dragon too." Ruffnut agreed.

"Now it's up to Sharpshot." Hiccup said. He gave a hand signal to his Terrible Terror and immediately the tiny dragon flew towards the ship, towards Meatlug. He fired at her restraints, helping her break free from them. The Gronckle took the chance to fly up, but was held back when Sharpshot missed the restraint on her back right claw.

The Outcast soldier saw the bigger dragon trying to escape and went to stop her when they were suddenly tripped up by Tumbler.

"Oh, no, you don't!" Mildew said, making a move to stop Meatlug. He was then stopped by Butt and Head when they rammed into his head on opposite sides. Ruffnut and Tuffnut laughed at that.

This gave Meatlug the perfect opportunity to escape. It looked like the Gronckle was going to make it back safely, when Alvin suddenly lassoed her tail with rope! "Not so fast." He said as he and Savage pulled the poor dragon back to the ship.

"Oh, she's not gonna make it!" Fishlegs said panicking.

"Oh, yes, she is!" Snotlout said. He yanked Pain, who was now biting him at the back of his neck, off causing Hiccup and Fishlegs to wince. He then threw the purple Terror, who still had its mouth open, right at the rope, causing the rope to break under the Terrors' teeth. This caused Savage and Alvin to fall back and allowed Meatlug to finally fly away from the ship. "Bam! Who's the best dragon trainer now?" Snotlout hollered. His triumph was cut short when Pain flew right back at him, biting him again. "Pain."

Meatlug flew towards her human, who immediately jumped on her saddle. "Oh, I missed you too." Fishlegs said, rubbing the Gronckle.

"Just one more loose-end to tie up." Hiccup said, turning to his sister. They exchanged nods once again and signaled Sharpshot and Scarlett to stay back. Midnight and Toothless then flew on opposite sides of the ship waiting for the right opportunity to strike."Wait for it, wait for it." Hiccup and Hicca muttered.

As soon as they were close enough, they gave the command. "Now, Toothless/Midnight! Barrel-roll multiple blast!" The Night Furies did so and blasted the ship, setting it on fire and causing the Outcasts to jump overboard.

"Oh, baby, we got you back. Oh, Meatlug." Fishlegs cooed, hugging Meatlug.

"We all did. Together." Hiccup stated.

"See guys everyone has a part to play." Hicca said.

"Guess that competition was worth something." Tuffnut said.

"Oh, for the last time, it wasn't a competition!" Hiccup repeated suddenly annoyed.

"Just let it go Hiccup." Hicca said.

Alvin and Savage held onto the floating planks while Mildew ended up on top of it. The old man came back to consciousness in time to see Fungus floating on a barrel. (A/N: Am I the only one who's wondering why Mildew would bring his sheep along?) "Ah! Fungus... wha... what happened?"

"Well, I'll give you a chowder turned back into fish heads." Alvin said, glaring at the old man.

"Shame. I do love chowder." Savage said.

"Well, let's look at the positive." Mildew tried once again, only to get knocked out cold by the Outcast chief.

"Let's not." Alvin grumbled. The three men and sheep continued to float about, unaware that there was a shark nearby...

Back on Berk, Fishlegs immediately apologized to Meatlug a dozen times for neglecting her and promised never to do it again. They spent the rest of the day playing toss the sheep to make up for lost time.

"Great toss, girl." Fishlegs praised, after catching the sheep.

Hicca, Midnight, Hiccup and Toothless flew by. "Hey, Fishlegs, we're gonna do some more training with the Terrors." Hiccup said.

"And Snotlout's getting another bet going with the others. This time, the loser cleans the winner's stall for two months." Hicca informed the blonde boy

"No can do, Hiccup and Hicca. Meatlug and I have a lot of catching up to do." Fishlegs said firmly.

The auburn twins nodded in understanding and flew off to join the others, leaving Fishlegs and Meatlug to chase after the sheep that now decides to run away.

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