Wanderlust ✓

By AnxietyIsMyWeakness

221K 5.6K 1.8K

When introverted Paige Lewis unexpectedly wins a radio contest, she didn't know she would be off to Florida f... More

0. Music of love
1. Hopelessness
2. Bliss
3. Compromise
4. Annoyance
5. Organize
6. Nervousness
7. Relief
8. Exploring
9. Serene
10. Joyous
11. Playful
12. Contemplating
13. Amazed
14. Chaos
15. Bitter
16. Change
17. Euphoria
18. Reality
19. Departure
20. Unload
21. Amusement
22. Patriotic
23. Mayhem
24. Return
25. Mess
26. Aftermath
27. Confrontation
29. Breathless
30. Crisis
31. Heartbroken
32. Resentment
33. Tense
34. Cracked
35. Cease
36. Rescue
37. Encouragement
38. Forgiveness
39. Epilogue
40. Final Regards

28. Surprise

3.7K 107 36
By AnxietyIsMyWeakness

The music flooded the car as we headed down the long stretch of road in front of us. We had almost reached wherever Parker wanted to take me to, the sky deepening with every passing minute.

During the journey, we hadn't spoken much. It had mainly been in an awkward silence, watching the rest of the houses pass us by as music filled in a few gaps. Parker has been tapping his fingers against the wheel to the beat of each song. I had also been tapping my fingers but more rapid against my waist, in time with nothing but my own heart. The anxiety was breaking me down, I needed to say something.

But what if this makes the date more awkward? It'll be another hour and a half journey home in silence worse than this.

Interrupting my destructive train of thought, Parker spoke up, "Paige I know I haven't been the best recently but the silence is starting to scare me. You're not gonna ditch me as soon as we get back, are you?"

I could clearly here the panic and worry in his voice, I couldn't help but sigh. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his eyebrows raise.

"Park... I'm not going to break up with you. The other night was disappointing but I know you're trying hard to make up for that."

He slouched back in the driver's seat. He reached over and grabbed my hand, halting all the tapping.

"Okay, that's great. I was kinda worried about that and now I'm not. Just a bit to get off my chest." He's too cute.

"I know it's not really my place to ask but what happened with your stepdad? You keep on mentioning him but you never seem to go further. In fact, I know hardly anything about your family."

He sighed, squeezing my hand harder.

"My stepdad isn't the best. He met my mom a few years ago. A year later I met him and he just... I don't know, decided that I was his enemy. Flash forward to now and suddenly I'm blamed for all of his shit and my mom takes his side each time." He inhaled heavily and continued, "The other night I had enough. Again. Told him I wasn't doing whatever he asked and that I wasn't gonna be his little bitch anymore. He starting throwing things and yelled at me like he always does. Told me to go for a walk and to come back with respect. Before he raised his fist, I called Marcus and well the rest is history."

I was too shocked to reply. How long has this been happening? I didn't want to push him further. That was already a lot especially from him. He smiled sadly at me.

"Guess you're rethinking that break up plan now."

Not acknowledging what he said I twisted in my seat and grabbed his hand tighter between both of mine.

"Parker, I'm sorry I shouldn't of pushed you like that. Your stepdad has no right to do that to you and your mom should be on your side. I just wish you would've come to me first before the party or at least called."

"Next time Paigey, you'll be the first to know. Besides, that sweater was really comfy I'll have to try it again."

And like that, the mood was lightened once more and it was like a weight had been lifted off of him.

I was still just worried about how fast I was falling.


"This...is what we drove almost two hours for?" I questioned, pointing up to the neon sign and feeling extremely confused.

"Nah, it's just the first stop. I'm starving," Parker said, grabbing my hand to pull me into the mom and pop's diner. The bright red booths stood out against the fluorescent lights and the worn down black and white tiles that lined the floor were reminiscent of how long they'd been in business.

We seated ourselves in a quiet corner booth and it reminded me of our first restaurant outing. I laughed at the thought as Parker looked up at the sound from the menu and cocked an eyebrow.

"I was just thinking about when we went to that seafood restaurant, still not knowing each other that well, and you ordered a bunch of gross fish."

He smiled. "I do recall that adorable disgusting face you made at it. But wow, how things have changed."

"We were just strangers a few months ago, that's so crazy to think of."

"Good crazy." He said with a smirk before looking behind him to call over a waitress. "We gotta eat fast, it starts in a half hour."

"What starts in a half hour? An event?" I leaned forward over the table in excitement, prying for answers.

"Nah ah, pretty girl. I'm not answering anything so you're just gonna have to wait."

I groaned and then a light bulb went off. I usually wouldn't be this confident but I was getting way too comfortable around him.

My foot came up to his ankle causing him to freeze with wide eyes. It slowly caressed his calf, moving upwards in a leisurely pace.

I was never the one who initiated touching.

Our waitress, an older woman, finally arrived at the table with a name tag that read "Pam". Her warm smile greeted us.

"What can I get y'all?" She said, pulling out a notepad and pen.

I smiled up at her. "I would love a Diet Coke and a cheeseburger, please."

"And for you, sir?" Before he could respond properly, my hand reached out to caress his upper thigh. It traveled in small circles and dangerously close to you know where.

What has gotten into me? I smirked.

"I-uh..." He cleared his throat, obviously flustered. "Meat? In a bun?" Parker questioned, squinting to try to get his thoughts together as I tried to hold in my laughter.

"Do you mean a hamburger?" Pam looked confused which just added to my suppressed giggles. 

"Yeah-yes! Just, give me whatever she's having." He said, giving up.

She nodded once, done with the order and turning around to make her way back to the kitchen.

"Thank you," I mumbled to her as she left the table. Parker smiled at her too but it looked more like a grimace. As soon as she was out of earshot, my laughs erupted.

"You-you're face!"

He caught my hand and fingers that were trailing circles over his jeans. Unfortunately, he wasn't as amused as I was.

"If you keep doing that, we'll never make it to the show." He looked at me sternly.

Mission accomplished. "Oo so it's a show!"


We finished our food within minutes of it coming to the table and were out the door with him speeding to our next destination. We were only on the road for another ten minutes before we pulled into a large parking garage.

I could see the arena in the shadows of the night but the lack of light and large posters made it nearly impossible to tell what the show might be. As Parker drove around looking for a spot to park, I continued my search for clues to the mysterious night. At one point, I considered asking some seemingly excited people what was going on but quickly decided against it, not wanting to talk to others but also not wanting to disappoint Parker by ruining the surprise even if the need to know was ever growing and scratching at my brain.

A spot opened up near us and we pulled in.

"I hope you're ready for this."

I gathered my bag and slid out of the passenger door. I walked around to meet Parker on the other side. He reached for my hand clasping it gently in his, tugging slightly as we began our walk to the arena.

The closer we got, the more desperate I became. My eyes now furiously scavenged for clues as Parker chuckled lightly.

"Why do you want to ruin this? Why can't you trust me to do something nice for you as an apology?" He teased trying to reduce my stress.

"It's not that I don't trust you... it's just there's a rather large itch at the back of my head that I desperately want to get rid of. Please tell me Park! Please, please, please!"

I was begging now, so close to hands and knees. Usually, I'd consider myself a patient(ish) person but this was eating away at me.

Chuckling lightly, he spun me so I was facing him once we were safely on the path.

"Okay you really want to know?"

I nodded my head eagerly.

"Well, it's..." he leaned closer, "A..." even closer. I could feel his breath on my face, "Surprise!"


Pleased with himself, he kissed my nose ignoring the overdone pout on my lips before giggling to himself and dragging me once more.

"Come on, we might not get inside on time otherwise."


I can't believe it. He took me to a Bastille concert, goddammit.

I couldn't believe my eyes when we got inside and he led us to our seats just in time for the lights to dim and the band to take center stage.

He fucking remembered!

We had seen Bastille just a month ago at Wanderlust and I remember going off about how good they were that night to him. I raved about them for an hour! Before I fell asleep, he promised we would see them again one day.

And today was that day, coincidentally.

As the first song played out, I regained myself after feeling stunned and immediately pulled him to me for a passionate kiss. He deserved it.

Our lips disconnected with a popping sound and I smiled brightly up at him.

"What was that for?" He yelled over the music.

"For being you," I yelled back.

My giddiness only went up during the concert. Halfway, I was standing, dancing with Parker like we had done at the festival and it felt like I was transported back to those easy days.

He was too good for me.

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