Trust Me Or Ruin Me

By LawyerESH

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Xavier King:- 28 years Old business man. CEO of Maxwell & King Co. Multi-billionaire, Sexy, Intelligent, Cock... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
New Story?


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By LawyerESH


I drove back to Xavier's mansion and as expected all our family members and friends are here, in living room. Must be waiting for Xavier and I,  both. I was a crying mess by now but watching Liam, all calm but still worried, triggered something in mind.

Xavier too came after me, so why not me?

All heads turn to me in hope but my bad, their Xavier is not coming real soon.

"He is safe....for now" I mumbled last part to myself.

I turn to Samuel King. Fucking bastard.

"In spite of tight security, Wills managed to cut the power and his men managed to drag you all here. Isn't it quite fishy ?" I asked to no one in particular but my eyes are still on Samuel.

"What are you implying at?" my dad asked angrily.

"Oh, we have his partner in crime also. Everything was fucking planned. The moment Samuel came to know about our relationship, he planned all this. Maybe, along with his best friend a.k.a my dad. We were not able to locate Wills, in spite of Liam's best investigators, because you were misleading us. You hid him and when you got that Xavier is not gonna leave me then you planned kidnapping but you know where you got trapped? When my dad and you met him alone. My dad asked him to kidnap me and you asked him to kidnap your son. Well the case is solved but not close. We are getting Xavier back but before that, I want reasons. Although some where deep inside me, I know the reason" I pointed my gun at him and all gasped in shock but I know Liam is still calm.

"You can't accuse him" Romina snarl angrily but I don't give a damn.

"SHUT UP. JUST SHUT UP. Do you know how it feels when your lover's life is at stake? It pains Romina. It fucking pains. Not only emotionally but also physically. You can't even bear the pain I'm feeling right now. So everyone here, keep their mouth shut, except Samuel and dad" I know I should not speak to her like that but I'm no saint.

I also lose my senses at time, especially when it comes to Xavier.

Now everyone is dead silent. Good for them because I won't consider twice before forcing bullets in Samuel's brain.

I sit at table, just in front of Samuel, whose eyes are now a Niagara waterfall.


I don't know what the fuck he is contemplating on but I can't tolerate this silence. I pressed my gun on his chest whilst waiting for his reply. At this moment, I can even listen his heartbeat. He nodded before speaking. I retreated my hands back because I don't want him to die of cardiac arrest.

"Romina and Wills used to date back then but his involvement in mafia broke them apart. Initially I was her rebound but soon our feelings changed in love and we decided to marry. Everything was in hurry.  I didn't realise then but after few months, I got to know about her pregnancy and that too with Will's baby. I forced her to give that child to adoption center and prmised her that I'll look after him financially. Everything was going smoothly. Xavier came and soon after we were gifted by two daughters. 12 years ago, Romina requested me to let Wills  work in company. I agreed because somewhere I felt guilty to force her to give his child to adoption center. After 4 years, he demanded my company but I brushed off his warnings. That was  my biggest mistake of my life. The factory that caught fire when Sophia was attending her camp, was not an accident. Wills tried to  kill my Sophia but luckily you saved her. There after he did what he wanted in my company. Xavier was very much interested in business so I was bound to hand over company to him. His next  target was Xavier. He wanted revenge over me because he thinks I manipulated Romina to marry me. I was in dire need of your help. My family and company was in danger. So I asked you to help me but I never wanted Xavier to learn the truth. You helped me,  my company and protected Xavier and my daughter, Sophia. I knew she'll be safe with you. That's why I refused to recognise my own daughter. I just wanted my family safe and happy.  Your father asked me to break your relationship with Xavier due to his bad image in media and for your safety. I agreed instantly because I love you my child. I can't see you hurt and that too because of my own son. At starting, everything was going as per plan. Xavier was going to marry Rebecca and you were out of his life but in this all mess, we all lost you. You not only left Xavier but also your dad, us. I tried to make him understand but he refused to change his decision but the day Xavier broke off his engagement with Rebecca, I was hundred percent sure that he is gonna keep you happy and safe throughout his life. But everything got change when Xavier involved his mafia friends to find Wills. He wanted to destroy him but you came in the picture and then your life was also in danger. That's why, your dad asked my help to keep you safe. I chose your safety first but I can't let my son die bit by bit. So when Xavier met Wills and you came for his rescue, he planned his sinister strategy to keep you away from him and broken. He couldn't kill you due to Liam. Because he knows if he kills you, Liam is gonna expose him to the world and Xavier will kill him and same goes for Xavier. So he can't kill either of you.  After thinking of all pros and cons, we decided of kidnapping to force in breaking you guys apart.  In this way, you both can live but separately"

His confrontation surprised all of us. Now all are crying but Liam and me is still expressionless.

"Send them all to Italy now itself" I ordered Liam but how could I forget those bunch of idiots.

"We can help you to rescue him"Zach said but I ignored him.

"He is my son. I can't leave him" Romina's statement riled me more.

"Leave him in the same way, you left Edward." I retort back. She looks hurt and gasped in disbelief at my cruel behavior. This is the way I'm.

"Liam, just do what I say. Change your clothes and wear bullet proof jacket. Ask our mafia acquaintance for backup and book a private room in Angel Wings Hospital. An ambulance must be parked in front of the location I just texted you. Ask cops to wear casual clothes and be ready with weapons. You have maximum two hours" I instructed him due to all the possibilities and I know he is trust worthy.

"Consider it done" he knows what to say and when.

It's easy for us because we have done these rescue missions before.

I drove at my hideout to change my clothes.

Aliana's outfit:-

And hidden equipments:-

I know the location where Xavier is because of the tracker. I knew Wills will come back but had no idea about the day he will chose.

Me and Liam drove to the location and as expected an ambulance and cops are already hidden at their designated spot.

Liam's outfit:-

"It's been almost a year when we did something like this" Liam exclaimed being excited.

"Real mature" I commented sarcastically and hop out.

We followed the tracking device and marched to the warehouse like we own the place. I stopped in front of a door where two men are standing. I signal them to open the door and they did without any reluctance. I gave Liam a proud smile and we both entered.

I tried my best to not look at the person who is tied on chair with blood all over his body. Hearing our footsteps, Wills turn back and his expression is full of horror and pure shock.

"How? My guards? Men? Camera?" he is not able to form a single sentence.

Liam head to Xavier to free him but Wills fired in air.

Soon door open and more than 20 men rushed inside. They all stood behind Wills.

"How wrong I was to think you'll quit. Here your lover boy refused to sign the papers and you refused to leave but the question is how you both managed to even find the location at first place? Entering my premises was impossible" he asked in shock but calm because of his so called men standing behind him.

I ignored him because all my attention is on my man, who is unconscious.

I hugged him, sobbing hysterically. I untied his hands, legs and untapped his mouth.

Wills tried to shoot me but his one of the men pull him back and snatched his gun.

Liam chuckled humorlessly.

"Every gang has an intruder. Same goes for your gang. Your all men are now our's. They will do what we say. You are not going to walk alive so let's give your brain some relaxation. Mafia Python helped us to hostage your men and your men disabled all cameras, in fact they helped us to enter freely. The tracker in Xavier's body helped us to locate you. In less than 6 hours, you will be dead meat and all your crimes would be exposed to entire world" Liam cleared his doubt but my attention is still on Xavier.

I checked his heart beat that is still normal that means he is just unconscious.

"Xavier please open your eyes. Please babe. Please" I cried for him to open his eyes but he doesn't budge.

I kept shaking and pleading him but all went in vain.

A loud shrill sound of bang was heard but I recognized very late that Wills fired.

My eyes turned to Liam, who is standing in shock and pale but he is not being shot. I looked myself down and soon realised heavy weight on my body. I'm sitting on a chair where Xavier was tied a second before but now he is not top of me. My hand automatically went on his back and it registered to my brain that it's Xavier who is shot.

I tried to speak something but only air came out of my mouth. Liam rushed towards me and Wills tried to shoot him but before he could do anything, our human shot him right at the centre of his head. His lifeless body fell down and soon paramedics came inside.

All way, I kept speaking to Xavier, who is not even reacting a little bit. His pulse rate is going down. As per plan, doctors are already in the ambulance, started with their initial stage of operation. After reaching to the hospital, Xavier is admitted quickly. All other things are been taken care of.

I and Liam, sat in front of operation theatre. After 6 hours, doctor came outside.

"How is he?" Liam asked him.

"Is he alive?" I asked him and Liam gave me a look of disbelief but I can't help it, I need to know.

"He is alive Mrs King. There is nothing to be worried about. As per your instructions bullets were changed from Wills's gun. So the injury is not severe but due to all physical torture, there are many bruise on his body and his lower rib has hairline crack. Due to excess blood loss, he is still unconscious. We have to wait for another 3 hours for test results" Doctor Oliver replied and left.

I hugged Liam happily.

"Thank you Liam. Thank you so much. We succeeded only because of you. You are an angel. I can't even thank you enough in words. I owe you my life and I'll be forever grateful to you" he hugged me tightly before pulling back.

"I just want to see you happy. If it was not you then I would not be The Lawyer Liam Cullen, whose worth in our profession is like a precious gem. What I'm today is all because of you. I just want you to call me your brother but before that go and see him" he pushed me inside.

I sat beside Xavier, whose breathing is even and pulse rate is normal. His cheekbone is stitched and his head is covered in bandage. His rib is plastered and bruises can be clearly seen on his body. 

I brushed my lips on his, slightly because his corner of the lip is bruised. I held his one hand in between my palms.

"You know love, I never believed in magic or miracle but then I saw your smile. As cliche as that, I fell for you at first sight. It took me time to realise but I love you from the day one. Samuel's call, case and me being your PA. All was planned but at same time, it was a miracle to make us meet. You are perfect. But I fell for your flaws. Your cocky remarks, your attitude, your anger but most importantly I fell for you being yourself. Your love, your care and your possessive nature. You were right when you promised me on our first date that our journey will be full of hurdles and obstacles but at last our love will conquer. So why are you not opening your eyes?  You know I can't lose you. You saved me, although you were in immense pain but you took that bullet for me then now why you can't kiss me? Xavier please baby wake-" I stopped in mid sentence when my eye fell on his chest.

A tattoo. The same tattoo I have on my collarbone. An eagle and the star. But at bottom it's written 'Katherine Aliana Xavier King'.

When he got this tattoo? And we are not even married then why he wrote my name as his wife? I'm happy but confused. The man lying in front of me is my life, who makes me happy without even realizing.

I kept speaking whatever came to my mouth without even thinking for next 3 hours.

After that doctor showed me the results which is positive as there is no internal injuries. But the problem is why is he not waking up?

I woke up when Aliana started speaking.

Yeah, don't be angry guys but you can't miss a golden opportunity of Aliana framing her feelings.

I heard whatever she spoke and I'm surprised to know that she can speak for so long continuously.

With great difficulty I opened my eyes but didn't saw her. I raised my hand to press the button but felt something heavy. I look beside me and sighed in relaxation.

Aliana is sleeping peacefully like a baby but my heart sank painfully when I caressed her tear stained cheeks. With other hand, I drank water and kept looking her longingly. I don't know for how long I kept looking her but was disturbed by Doctor Oliver.

"How are you Mr. King?"

"I'm fine. Just hungry"
He asked few more questions and left.

After 15 minutes, Liam came with food tray.

He looked to Aliana and kissed her forehead. I glared him angrily to which he chuckle in amusement.

"You are lucky to have her" he said still smiling.

"Indeed" I replied looking her dreamily.

He helped me to sit and I ate like I was starving for days.

Liam told me about all their plan and I'm proud of my girl and thankful to Liam. It's relief to know they are now brother and sister. I also came to know about my dad and her dad.

"Why is she still sleeping?" Liam asked holding her wrist. Maybe checking her pulse rate.

"She is not sleeping. She is unconscious dammit" saying this he emptied a full glass of water on her face.

"What the fuck?" I shouted and moved to wipe her face but groaned in pain.

"Xavier" Aliana said and hugged me laughing like an idiot. My idiot.

"Finally you are awake. You killed me nearly. Who asked you to take the bullet? Why didn't you singed the papers? It's not the you would have lost anything because you already have named everything under me. Your life can't be compared to materialistic things" she kept on rambling.

I pulled her back and slammed my lips on her. I kissed her like we never kissed before. My lips hurt so she kept kissing gently and slowly. She pulled back and opened her cute mouth to speak but I shushed her.

"I'm fine. I'm perfectly fine and as I said earlier, I won't think even once before getting myself killed if it takes me to protect you. And I wanted you to come back but if I had signed those papers then you would have not came back because before that Wills might have released me. And now he is dead. We know the truth. We are here alive and happy. More importantly we are together. And I heard every word you spoke when you thought I was unconscious. I love you and one more thing, I too fell for you at first sight. You are the best. You love me like no one can. You are crazy for me. Now no one is going to separate us. Everything is sorted. We are smiling together and gonna live happily ever after like we always dreamt of. I love you Katherine Aliana Kinght" we sealed our love of living together entire our life with a kiss. We poured all our love in one kiss. I got my happy place at last.
Finally they are together. This was the last chapter guys. Hope you liked the story.
Thank you !

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