The Mafia God (Crazy Mafia se...

By MedievalTomboy

375K 14.7K 2K

"My Lord!" She gasped when she saw a deep wound on my hand and ran to me with quick steps. The rain was nonst... More

Things to Know
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
The Mafia Stalker

Chapter 34

4.1K 214 27
By MedievalTomboy

Albina Point of View

"But he is a serial killer!"

"He was a serial killer, now; he is a serial lover who loves you unconditionally."

"He is dangerous."

"But I have you, we all have you and you are our talisman."

"He's not trustworthy, for f**k sake."

"If you have doubts then test him. He will achieve A-grade with your blessings."

"Why am I marrying you, again?"

"Because you love me."

My Lord is still confused about his duties till this point. I tried assuring him that I will never let him down but still he worries too much which resulted in getting frustrated and showing his doubts in Sean.

I mean, seriously?

Like, how can you even doubt Sean?

I know he used to have a dangerous hobby in the past but now, he is as innocent and herbivorous as a giraffe.

His only hobby and obsession now is My Lord.

I don't know why can't My Lord trust Sean. Poor man, he is such a good person and always listens to me.

"Listen Cuckoo, see he used to kill people as a part of entertainment in the past. Just think how he would decorate our wedding venue with that messed up mindset." My Lord held me by my shoulders and said slowly as he waited for my understanding.

Uh, how else will one decorate a wedding venue? With flowers and candles.

"He will use flowers, candles and those beautiful curtains that everyone use." I answered him, not understanding his thoughts.

Does he have any other unusual theme in his mind?

"What if the reminisces of his past hobby takes over his mind and convert the whole venue into a crime scene? Or worst he may theme it into an unseasonal Halloween party." Ah right. So this is what he is worried about.

But what is there to worry about something that can be solved with a phone call? These days he seems to be quite a bit over-sensitive.

Is it the wedding jitters?

Is he nervous?

Should I give him some counseling?

So to relieve his tension I called the person in love with him to confirm the details. He picked up my call on the second ring and I clicked on the speaker icon on the phone so My Lord can hear it too.

"Rae, hi." Sean answered cheerfully which brought a huge smile on my face and a huge sneer on My Lord's face.

People say opposites attract. I and My Lord are great example to it. Even our facial expressions differ every time.

"Sean, can I know how the preparations are going on?" I asked directly because I have so much work to do for the upcoming wedding of mine and I cannot spare time for small talks at all.

"I already placed an order for fresh flowers from the meadows owner who use to help with the funerals of the people I killed. I also placed order for some nice scented candles that I used to use in the past when I was covering up the crime for few days. Both of them gave a huge discount to me, can you believe it? Really, connections do help us one day." Superb. So he has everything covered.

See, My Lord is uselessly worried. Sean is a responsible man and he can do the job given to him with precision. After all he has such good practice in the past.

"Thanks Sean. Please make sure that they are delivered on the right day at the right place on right time. Get a follow up from them every day to make sure." I pleaded him and ended the call with a chuckle when he said, 'Yes, Lordess'

"Now you can take a breath of relief, My Lord. Sean is doing everything in a right way." I told him as I turned to face him.

He looked startled, somewhat aghast, a little puzzled and a lot angered. I say, he is like a chameleon who has an art of showing so many facial colours.

"I am not even asking any explanation of what he said. I'm just so vexed up with this so you can do whatever you like as long as you don't knock my reputation down." He mumbled gritting his fine teeth.

If he does that a lot, then by the time our kids are born, he will be toothless.

"Of course My Lord. I can't ill-repute you at all; remember, I'm the source your present reputation." I assured him. "Oh, by the way, please call me My Lordess after we get married." I suggested looking at him with stars and hearts in my eyes.

"The female word for Lord is Lady, not Lordess." He taught me as if I don't know but there is a very deep meaning behind the word 'Lordess'.

"I know, My Lord but I'm trying to make us equal. Wife has four letters but husband has seven letters which is three letters more. But Lord and Lady has equal number of letters so I made the word Lordess as an initiation of gender equality." I said proudly to which he just shook his head as he murmured something to himself.

Must be praising me for my ideas!

He looks like a pendulum in wall clock when he shakes his head like that. So Cute!

"So, from now on, I'm your Lordess." Saying that, I immediately picked my phone that was ringing continuously.

It was my favorite person in the world, Zinnia.

No, My God is not a person, he is a God so he is my Favorite God.

"Yay, you are getting married. My baby cousin is getting married and the groom is none other than the very kind and caring Mr. Kidnapper." Zinnia hollered as I switched on the call in speaker mode.

I laughed loudly as she congratulated me on my impending best day of my life.

Sigh, she is just awesome.

"This is the fourteenth time you are congratulating us, Mae. Are you that happy for me?" I asked as I laughed out loudly but like always, My Lord is maintaining his opposites attract pose.

He got us from the couch we are currently sitting on but I held his hand and sat him down back in his place because I want his to share mine and Mae's happiness.

My Lord deserves a share in everyone's happiness and I know he likes Mae a lot like a sister.

"Your work is done, Rae. I designed few invitation cards and sent you so look at them and decide on one so we can get them printed." She said to which My Lord cough out loudly and violently.

He immediately closed the speaker of the phone and leaned to me to whisper something. "She is designing the card herself? Why?" He asked me somewhat angrily and I know why he is angry.

He didn't want Mae to get tired with such tedious work because he sees her as his sister.

"Yes, she wants to do so much for us. Isn't she amazing?" I exclaimed and turned back my attention to the phone call.

"Rae, now you have to look for a person who will walk you to the aisle. Do you have anyone in mind?" She asked me.

"Not one but three. There are three men who will escort me; Uncle Odell, Kevin and Sean."

"What? No way! No way in hell will that serial killer escort you." He suddenly yelled loudly at me but I didn't really mind at all.

On Whom else can he yell if not me? I'm his heart and only he has every right on his heart.

"But he is like my brother." I pouted. I need to make good impression of Sean in My Lord's eyes before he hates him completely.

He looked at me shocked again and opened his mouth to say something but closed immediately. His lips quivered as no sound left his mouth. He looked like a fish gasping for air outside water.


Why is he like this?

"Wow. He is such a great guy and now he will be our brother too. Fantastic. World is such a great place to live, Rae." Mae shouted in excitement hearing Sean's name.

See, even Mae loves Sean. But then again, Mae has a great skill of judging people so no wonder.

"Great now I have a psychopathic killer for a brother-in-law. This is just getting out of world. God knows what else can shock me beyond this." He sighed heavily, walking out of the room leaving me along to have a conversation with Mae.

It's okay Sean, when he sees your talent and hard work, he will love you like I and Mae does. I mean, Sean is like a wild flower in the jungle, he just looks rough but is a flower at heart. His past is only a past now as he is a saint at present.

You will surely be his favorite person, Sean.

For sure.


Hello Sweeties,

Next chapter is here. Enjoy!

What do you think about the chapter? Boring?

What Callisto and Albina are getting married?

How is that happening?

Sean is making arrangements to it? But...!

He is going to walk her through the aisle? Your views?

Can Sean be reformed or is it just Albina's misconception?

Is Sean a safe person or Callisto is right about his opinion on him?

Please shower me with votes and comments.

Share my books with your friends.

Lots of Love

Lady Prim

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