CAPTURED BY HIM (Book I: Capt...

By caffeinatedwriter05

83.1K 1.9K 130


Author's Note
1. Elle
3. Elle
4. Elle
5. Logan
6. Elle
7. Logan
8. Elle
9. Logan
10. Elle
11. Logan
12. Elle
13. Logan
14. Elle
15. Logan
16. Elle
17. Logan
18. Elle
19. Elle
20. Logan
21. Logan
22. Elle
23. Elle
24. Logan
25. Elle
26. Logan
27. Elle
28. Elle
29. Logan
30. Elle
31. Elle
32. Logan
33. Elle
34. Logan
35. Elle
36. Logan
Not a chapter!
37. Elle
38. Logan
39. Elle

2. Logan

4K 74 10
By caffeinatedwriter05

In the animal kingdom, predators use different kinds of mechanisms to catch their prey, some like to chase their food while some like to stalk, on the other hand there's ones that prefer to work in groups. Not me though. I had been extremely careful and patient as I waited for her to be alone. I did not want her to grab attention from the people around us and so I couldn't just steal her away. I had to be nice, so I asked her for a drink but to my dismay she rejected me.

Out of habit, I do not take rejections very well, it tells me I am lacking something, and I strongly disagree to that. I may have underestimated the woman; no sane girl will just go out for a drink with a stranger. Especially when I didn't even introduce myself. I must admit that I didn't play my part well, I made a rushed move and now she's in the eyes of more people than before.

It should be an easy task for you.

I grunt at the mocking voice as I watch her cut the red ribbon pasted across the store entrance, splitting the giant bow into two halves, she smiles for the camera. Slowly everyone starts moving in and I'm probably the last one to get in.

In all honesty, I want this to be over with. I want to take this woman away from here and I don't give a damn about anything else but at the same point I made a promise to my father. I wouldn't create a notion unless necessary. Well, this damn well looks like 'absolutely necessary'. But if I want to prove myself to him, I had to do things his way and just by walking next to her I knew she was going to be difficult.

I had no clue what had gotten into her as she started running away from me, however, I could easily catch up to those legs. She isn't a short person as compared to other women I'd known but next to me she didn't stand a chance. Just when I was convinced that she was suspicious of me and was trying to get away, she surprised me by slowing down.

For a second there I was confused, surprised and curious as to what she was up to, but I couldn't let her see that. Thinking that today was one of the days where the predator loses its prey, I leave the music store. I was not interested in seeing the show, the only thing I wanted right now was to finish the task assigned to me and I was trying to come up with a plan. Crossing the street I find Doyle waiting in the car.

"What's up, boss?" He smirks at me as if I've failed. "We're going to plan B" I mutter, leaning against the vehicle. "I didn't know we had a plan B" The slyness in his voice made me want to punch him.

I should've just taken her when I had her alone on the streets. Fuck the rules, she will have no clue of what's happening anyway. I had to say though, by making her come with me willingly would be a reward for my ego.

"Try and be nice, I'm sure you can get her to come here by using your charms but if you can't keep your temper in control, you can do whatever pleases you. I need the girl, how you get her isn't my problem"

Somehow my father managed to challenge, insult and give me an assignment all at once. I nodded as I looked around the dinning table, my two younger brothers stared back at me. Elon and I were very similar when it comes to looks, hell, even our personalities were similar, we both disliked the way my father carried his business, some of his dealings disgusted us. And that would change, when he decides to retire and put me in charge.

For that I constantly needed to prove myself, show him that I am worthy of the position. He knew the fact that I wanted it so badly and he made sure to use it against all the time. "Perhaps I should be the one carrying out this project, after all it was my idea" Constance suggested. My youngest sibling was a mirror image of my father, inhuman and merciless.

Lucky for us he had to wait for Elon and I to give up the position before he could have a say. "This is Logan's task, you'll get your chance with her. That family has done nothing but cause trouble for us and she will pay the price for it" Father's face reflects pure evilness.

My eyes scanned the stack of pictures splattered across the dinning table as if the woman in them was part of the course tonight. She was going to be ours to enjoy and the innocence in her smile made her tempting. Constance made a weak attempt to steal one of the pictures, when I raised a brow at him he shrugged his shoulders and neatly tucked a snap into his blazer pocket.

It was one where she sat in a black satin gown, hair neatly tied back, a string of diamond earrings shined ever so brightly. Her eyes were closed shut, a small smile graced her supple lips as she play the cello. The string instrument was placed between her spread legs as her slender arms hugged it close to her. But that wasn't the best part of the picture. The dress she wore had a plunge deep enough to show the most perfect cleavage in a well sophisticated way.

Fuck! I'd been wanting to keep that picture to myself, and now my brother was probably going to jerk off to it tonight. It's okay, I told myself because I get to have her. I have to admit that she's beautiful and soon I'd ruin her.

I don't know how long I stood by the car but it's been long enough that I see people dispersing out of the store. And then I see her, surrounded by one bodyguard, I'm assuming based on the way he's clear out the path for her and then there's her friend. I'm almost certain he's not her boyfriend, but if he is it might make this more difficult. I can't charm her if she's already in a relationship.

I had already given up the thought of her coming with me willingly and I was preparing to take her once she was alone at her house, so when she sauntered down the street towards me, I was left speechless.

"Drink sounds good" She heaves when she's inches from me. Her long brown hair gently sways with the cool breeze, her flushed skin says she's taken a shot or two already.

Is this woman really that stupid or she really that naive?

My lips turn into a cold smile just as cold as the weather tonight. "I'm glad" I open the car for her and without a thought she leaves her innocent life behind and steps into my dark, twisted world.


"Something changed your mind" It's more of a statement than a question but I need her to answer, curiosity taking the best of me. She frowns for a moment, maybe having second thoughts. Too late now, we're already moving.

I was expecting her to yell 'stop the car' and apologize for not thinking thoroughly before getting into a car with a stranger but she had to go and surprise me again.

"Trust me when I say I don't usually do this, but I really need to do something rash. Live in the moment even if it's just for a while" She fails at hiding the pain in her voice but the good thing is that it doesn't have any effect on me. Although, I'm getting even more curious about her than before and I hate her for making me feel that way.

My goal today is to kidnap her, not build relations.

"Fair enough" I mutter. She shifts beside me, clenching the jacket which she probably borrowed from her friend. I study this absurd but beautiful creature next to me as she leans back into the plush leather. Eyes fixed on something on the other side of the tinted window. For two whole minutes she's lost in her own little world, it's almost as if her mind has floated to some other dimension. I find it intriguing and enraging at the same time. I wanted to know what she was thinking, more so I needed to know because that's how controlling my personality is.

I had to control everything that I owned and this little prey of mine is no different. "Doyle, I think this is where I want to take Miss Lively" Doyle's eyes quickly darted towards me through the mirror, confusion written all over him.

Stick to the plan!

I nod my head at him and he exits the lane and pulls into the parking lot of a bar.

The woman leaves her jacket behind as she steps out of the vehicle. With my hand placed gently at the small of her back I guide her inside. Her body is radiating a kind of heat that I'm attracted to like a moth to fire. She takes a seat at the bar and I stand closely next to her. The place is crowded and there's not a lot of seating which is perfect as we'd just blend into the crowd. We're just two people here for some drinks. The female bartender comes in and we place our order, an old fashioned for the lady and the usual whiskey sour for me.

"At what point tonight, are you going to tell me your name?" She swivels her stool to face me, taking a long sip of her drink. For the first time ever I actually take notice of her eyes, they're the most gorgeous set of green pools I've ever seen and in that moment I wanted to get lost in those eyes. There's a slight color on her cheeks which tells me she's a little tipsy already.

"How rude of me, Logan McKenzie" I swirl the liquid magic in my glass. "Well, nice to meet you Logan" Her lips curl up to a smile and I cannot stop imagining how it would be to have those plush pink lips around me.

Fuck. Get a grip.

I watch her intently as she chugs down another drink, while I'm still on my first. I can't afford to be drunk around her. Not when I'm so close to having her. I take my time in observing her, the woman has curves that any man would die to get their hands on. And mine at the moment are itching to feel her soft, slightly tanned skin.

She orders herself another round. And another. And another.

She can fucking drink and for some reason it comes off as a surprise. "So, why don't we cut the bullshit and tell me why you really asked me out?" I don't know where that came from and I wondered what gave me away.

"Because I saw you and thought you were fucking gorgeous. Actually, I stand corrected, you are fucking gorgeous" At least I am being honest.

Had it been any other woman, they would've melted away at that compliment, probably begged me to take them home and fuck the daylights out of them. And that is exactly the kind of effect I was hoping to leave on her so when she rolled her eyes at me, I couldn't help but raise a brow. She didn't believe me.

"Can I ask why that's so hard for you to buy?" Never have I been so curious that I take the empty glass from her hand, the one that she just poured down her throat and order a tall glass of iced water.
"I never believe anyone" I'm taken aback, this person in front of me is the complete opposite of the one I met a couple of hours ago. "Yet you willingly came to me" This is probably the most number of questions I've ever asked someone.

"You know I'd like to go now" I raise a brow at how her words slurred at the end of that sentence.

"And where is it that you want to go, Miss Lively?" The egoistic part of me wants to hear it so badly but the question is will she?

"Doesn't matter, I want you to—nevermind"

"Say it" It's a firm command so she doesn't have an escape route. Her eyes lock with mine, there's so much of power and intensity in them that she almost cracked me. "I want you to take me away from here, even if it's for a night, I don't care" The pain in her voice is back, laced with loneliness. I almost give in, I'd like to take her away. Hell, that's what I've been wanting to do all this time.

But at the same time I'm intrigued as to what has made her somber. What could she have possibly been through or going through? She is as beautiful as they come and that depressed look does not suit her at all.


"Let's go" Quickly, I reach for my wallet and put enough cash on the counter to cover the drinks and tips. Grabbing hold of her elbow, I start walking her out because I don't think she can walk on her own anymore. Doyle catches up fast as he opens the door for us. I let the woman get in and turn to Doyle, so she doesn't hear me. "Take us home" I mumble out and he narrows his eyes. "Did you drug her?" He peeps into the car as he whispers.

"Just alcohol" I shake my head and get in. Drugging her was my last resort, I wasn't interested in dragging around a limp soul. I don't have that kind of patience and to be honest this is turning out to be quite interesting so why would I ruin it.

Once we're on the main streets again, I turn my attention to the woman next to me. She's been quiet, which is good, but something doesn't feel right. Deciding against my will, I stare out the window, the alcohol feels good in my system and I can't wait to get home and have some more until I'm so drunk I knock myself out to sleep.

"Can I kiss you now?" I snap my head back at the sweet voice. I'm pretty sure that Doyle was staring at her right now as well.

Who the hell is this woman?

"What were you thinking was going to happen tonight?" I question, trying hard to conceal the surge of surprise she's brought on to me. She leans in closer to my face, her voice a seductive whisper.

"A one night stand" I can't hold the surprise in any longer.

"And you wouldn't mind doing it here?" I hate being wrong but damn this woman just turned me on. I assumed that she is naive and innocent but man was I wrong. She's so much more. A coy smile forms on her pink lips as she replies, "I wouldn't mind if he doesn't mind"

What the fuck? Is she trying to play some kind of a game with me? Because it's working, she keeps surprising me and I couldn't hate her more right now. My hand reaches out to grab her face, my cool skin feels uncomfortable over her warm cheeks. She leans into my touch, green eyes fixed on mine. "Just to be clear, I don't go through so much trouble for a one night stand, Miss Lively" I don't miss the way her breath hitches at that statement.

"However, you are something that I've never encountered before. Do you want me to fuck you?" I assumed that she'd come up with some kind of an excuse, that's what I thought before as well but she's proved me wrong more than once now.

Her gaze never leaves mine, lips pressed to together tightly and then she does the unthinkable, she places her hand over mine, fingers covered with band aids. Probably from playing the string instrument. She wipes my frown away as she plants kisses over each of my fingertips, leaving behind a burning sensation that wanted more.

I wanted to fuck her so badly, I was about to ask Doyle to get the hell out of the car so I can have my way with her. A picture of her naked body riding me right here, right now slipped to my mind and blood flowed to the south of my body immediately. Shit.

"As much as I'd like to fuck you senselessly right now, I have an agenda for tonight" I pull my hand back unwillingly. "What agenda?" She looks at me as if I have grown another head.

"I'm going to be honest here, I'm not taking you to have sex. This is a kidnapping"

2850 words!!!

I wanted to split this into two chapters but went against it in the end.

What do you guys think?

How do you like Logan's character??

I don't know why but I keep thinking of Ben Barnes when I write about Logan.

Who comes to your mind?

Please comment, vote & share!

Thank you!

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