
By user17450679

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*Editing* #1 mystery in the Rising Gem Awards #2 mystery in the Hidden Gem Awards #3 mystery in the Rising Au... More

Just a Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Six

182 98 28
By user17450679

July 1st, 2021

2000 hours

Nothing of importance happened for nearly an hour, until an unlikely couple stopped near the table. Robyn picked up snippets of a very heated conversation and decided to move closer. Chancing a glance, she recognized the mousy doctor she'd spied sneaking about the hallway in the museum, talking to Lynne in loud, distraught whispers.

Robyn shifted her body, attempting to move closer. She may not be an agent, but she knew enough to know that didn't sit right. The fact that a scientist was on the rig at all drew her suspicions. Her ears were alert from her position and she caught a few words, but the distance was still too great for anything to be heard over the chorus of 'Copacabana'. Robyn let out a snort at the choice in music before shaking her head resolutely.

I have to get closer, she thought. What would Quinn do?

Her mind whirred for a few seconds, tossing about scenarios, each as unlikely as the one preceding it, before she caught an idea. A passerby refreshing his champagne glass sparked the thought. She would move closer and pretend to need a drink or appetizer.

Quinn would be proud. Immediately after thinking this she scolded herself for caring what the debonair heartthrob would think. Quinn Jones was just a very good representation of what happened when good genes, quick wit and government training were combined. Robyn hated to admit it seemed to have done well for him: enter one sexy, self-assured male with, understandably, highly narcissistic tendencies.

Loud arguments drew her out of her funk and she jumped to attention. She couldn't mess it up; it seemed everyone was counting on her.

Robyn started tentatively toward the end of the table where the two stood. A few steps in, a sudden realization struck her: the scientist had seen her. What if he recognized her?

Indecisiveness clouded her mind and she quickly busied herself with the platter in front of her to cover up her strange, jerky movements. Perhaps he would realize he'd seen her before, or maybe it had been dark enough in the hall that he hadn't. Perhaps he never got a good look at what she looked like in that gloom; but then, she remembered him vividly.

Robyn's heart hammered in her chest as she weighed the odds. She knew precious seconds were ticking by. Every word spoken between to two could prove vital to Quinn's investigation.

She glanced sideways again at the unlikely couple and shoved whatever she had picked up from the table into her mouth. The moment the salty, pebbly consistency touched her tongue she nearly gagged: caviar. She hated caviar. It was her opinion that, regardless of her occupation, fish eggs were not meant for human consumption.

Robyn managed to swallow the disgusting mouthful she'd taken and screwed up her courage. She made her way leisurely down the spread, pretending to be interested in the food. Stopping at the plate nearest Lynne, she reached over and grabbed a glass of wine, casting a smile at her as she did.

"Beautiful ball." She offered, making small talk in an attempt to blend in.

"Yes, quite." Lynne responded, tone emotionless. Her body language reeked of irritability, and the glare she cast at the quivering man beside her left no doubt in anyone's mind what irked her.

The man eyed Robyn for a second and her breath caught. Fear that he would place her wound its way around her heart and she struggled to keep her breathing steady.

"Yes, it is." He finally spoke, eyes slowly leaving her and focusing on Lynne's demanding presence.

Robyn smiled again and turned, intending to mock a trip and fall, but instead her heel caught on the table cloth and she really stumbled, spilling her beverage down the skirt of her dress.

"Shit." She cursed, hating to ruin the garment, but pleased with the way she'd managed to turn a fake accident into an actual one. She looked around for something to help wipe up the soaked fabric, finally spying a stack of napkins. Her hands trembled as she roughly grabbed a handful and started to rub at the darkening spot. Unfortunately, their thin quality wasn't sufficient to dry anything, and instead they disintegrated and left white specks all over the fabric. Quinn would kill her, but then, if he could afford this dress, she imagined it wasn't an imposition on his bank account to purchase it.

She realized her position allowed her access to Lynne's conversation and she strained her ears, still frantically attempting to dry her skirt. She made sure to utter curses under her breath, but just low enough she could still hear snippets of what they were saying.

"Documents are secure-"

"But I just don't understand why-"

"Shut up! Someone will hear you, you insipid rodent of a man!"

"They're getting suspicious!"

"Let them." Lynne hissed, pointing a finger at his twisted nose. "They won't find anything."

"But-but the...thing!"

"You destroyed it, right?"

"Yeah but-"

"But what, Dr. Urskin?"

So, Robyn thought, I have a name. I'll definitely mention it to Quinn so he can run a background check on him.

"What if..." the man trembled, limbs shaking in fear "what if another one got out?"

"They couldn't."


"Unless you've been lying to me, we only have two mature ones, correct?"

"Y-y-yes." He stammered.

"Then we are fine."

"But the other one!"

"Don't worry, my love." She patted Urskin's cheek with mock affection. "You'll just run back and check on that for me?"

Urskin nodded eagerly. His knees trembled and Robyn hid a noise of disgust: he was smitten with the devious, conniving female. It was pathetic, the way his eyes closed with pleasure at her touch. Robyn jerked away, disgusted by the sick show of affection and mouthed almost invisibly into her mic.

"Robyn to Quinn."

There was no response, save the static crackle of naked radio silence.


"Miss Bourke?" The voice came smoothly over the com, reminding her of ice cream melting in summer. Sweet and semi-viscous, but not overly friendly, with a slight chill of sedative indifference tainting the ameliorable tone.

"I just heard something rather strange between Ellis and that Dr. Frankenstein of hers. I think he's heading back to the rig to check on something and make sure it's safe."

"Keep an eye on them."

"Uh..." Her eyes shot toward the pair. Her heart sank in despair as she saw Urskin alone, gazing twitchily at the crowd. Ellis was gone.

She scanned the glittered masses, and after what seemed like eternity, the ample figure came jaunting back into her periphery.

"Both of them at my nine. You need to get over here now."

No response.


Robyn was getting antsy. She had spent far too much time lingering near the table: soon, her proximity to the couple would no longer go unnoticed. Not to mention, her stomach was churning in protest and she regretted eating so much.

"Quinn. What do I do?" She hissed into her hidden microphone, eyes darting to see if anyone noticed. The noise of the band covered her low voice quite nicely, and the placement of the mic was sound: the fingernail sized instrument rested behind her azure throat choker, which she'd been unceremoniously forced to don by the rather persistent FBI agent. It was almost invisible to the unwary passerby.

"Quinn!" Robyn said too loudly, causing a man near her to startle. He jumped, looking frantically for the noise, and then shook his head, resolving himself to grab a plate and pile it high with cocktail shrimp.

"Yes?" Came a soothing voice from her mic, though it seemed too close. She jumped a bit, after which came a soft hiss of "Keep still! You're under cover you know."

"Damn it, Quinn." She grumbled lowly to the tangible presence that materialized behind her left shoulder. "Don't sneak up on me like that."

"Sorry," he apologized sincerely, laying a warm hand on her upper arm "but Lynne hasn't spotted me yet, and if she sees me conversing with you she'll clam up if I need you to tail her in the future. She doesn't even know you exist, which is supremely beneficial to me."

"Yes." Robyn huffed. "That is why you brought me, isn't it? I'm of use, because I'm invisible."

"On the contrary. You do know you radiate every wonderful aspect of your personality, don't you?"

"What the hell does that mean?" She almost yelled, fingers shaking angrily as she attempted to control her temper. "Are you saying I'm adolescent?"

"One couldn't argue with that, considering your attitude right now." He narrowed his eyes at her. "Why are you so testy?"

"I'm not! This just isn't me!" She yelled. "I am not FBI!"

Quinn placed a firm hand over her mouth, his eyes wide and staring at something behind her. "Shut up!" He hissed, so soft she barely heard him. Her muffled protests went unheard as he turned his gaze to her eyes. She struggled for a moment and then resigned herself to subjected compliance, her stifled groans becoming soft moans of discord.

"Do as I do." He whispered into her ear and she felt her body go soft. Her limbs literally ceased to function, her eyes meeting his.

"Mmm?" Came her muffled confusion.

"Follow my lead." He said. Her eyes narrowed in anger and she brought her hand up to push his away from her mouth.

Suddenly, his mouth was covering hers, his soft lips pressing against hers with delicate urgency. Her eyes widened in shock for a moment until she felt herself melting into his kiss, her mouth moving in tandem with his, and her hands fell from his shoulders, caressing his hard chest. He brought one arm around her waist while he tangled the other in her long, silky hair just behind her neck. He pulled her deeper into the kiss, tongue flicking slightly, tracing along her lips, asking permission.

She allowed him to enter immediately, parting her hot lips and permitting his tongue to dance with hers along to the beat of the music. Robyn felt herself dropping her arms around his hard waist as he tore his lips from hers and placed them onto her warm neck, running his hand from her hair, tracing down her back and moving tentatively toward her toned stomach. She gasped as his hand traced down her side, barely brushing against her breast as he traveled his way down her slim curves. His hand rested on her hip and squeezed as he brought his mouth back up her neck and onto her lips. His kiss was feverish and demanding, and she found herself giving back, moving urgently against him.

Robyn allowed her body to melt into his embrace, she felt him hardening against her lower belly and her body soared with anticipation. Her hands had moved of their own accord into his thick, dark hair, and she gripped it, his breath hitching and a low, wanting groan escaping his throat. His lips moved across her cheek and just behind her ear, nipping gently before bringing them to rest on her mouth. She felt him pause and she inhaled with eagerness. When he didn't continue, she felt the need to speak.

"What was that?" She breathed, mouth still moving on his. As she opened her eyes, she noticed that he was looking not at her, but at a point behind her.

"Hmm." He mumbled, detaching his mouth from hers. "She didn't see me."

"What?" Robyn gasped, still clinging to his body, heart pounding loudly.

"Ellis. She was standing behind you." He explained categorically, looking shocked at her expression. "She didn't know I was here. I thought I'd keep it that way. The element of surprise is quite effective...are you okay?" He raised an eyebrow inquisitively, glancing her over.

Right, she thought, trying to still her trembling body, disappointment sinking in the pit of her stomach. Right, she thought, stupid Robyn. He was just hiding from Lynne by using her as a human shield. She felt humiliated with the way he'd made her feel: not only that, but she was devastated that he hadn't felt the same way. He's acting, she reminded herself. That's part of his job. That acknowledgement didn't make her feel better.

"That's what I was trying to tell you." She said flatly, shoving him away several feet. "That damn woman was right fucking here."

"Language, Miss Bourke. I've rarely heard you use profanity."

"You haven't known me long. Or ever, really." She grumbled a reproaching response, eyes low, not meeting his gaze. "Surprise." She was amazed the table hadn't caught on fire with the way her angry glare raged at it.

"Are you okay?" Quinn asked again, closing the space between them again.

She didn't want him there; this time she was certain she wanted to be far away from Quinn Jones. That damn kiss! She cursed the tears that threatened to leak out the corners of her eyes.

"Yes." She gasped a little too enthusiastically, earning her a reproachful glance from several party goers. "Now, get away from me."


"You're an enigma, that's for damn sure." She shook her head sadly. "Just like what's locked away in that briefcase. Go get it, Quinn." She crossed her arms, lips pressed thin in anger.

"What's the matter with you?" He hissed, grabbing her arm roughly.

"Let me go!" She barked, voice harsher than usual.

"No, not until you tell me what the fuck-"

"Look," she pointed over the dance floor, wrenching her arm from his grip "there she goes."

Quinn gaped at her for a second before continuing. "Who?"

"Lynne. Don't you need to 'discover' what she's hiding? I'm sure it will be easy for you to get what you want." Robyn shook her head angrily. "What are you waiting for?"

Quinn balked, unsure of how to handle the emotional female before him. He had an inkling what the problem was, but he was torn between following a lead and comforting the distraught woman before him.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, running his fingertips up her waist. It was a test: both knew it; he felt her shudder with ecstasy and she thought she felt a longing in his fiery touch.

"Yes," she murmured, unshed tears still locked behind adamant eyes "go. What are you waiting for?"

"Right." He said distractedly, running his long, nimble fingers through his thick black coif. " I'll be back shortly." He stated, eyes diverting from her vulnerable form, focusing on the distant stage where Lynne stood talking animatedly to the board. "Can you follow the doctor if he decides to take a sabbatical?"

"Like a good girl?" She shot back angrily. "You'll find, if you weren't so busy investigating, that I refuse to be a play-thing."

"What the hell is the matter with you? Can you act civilly for a moment and focus? Please, for the sake of this investigation, will you keep an eye on him?"

Did he always have to be right? Robyn felt as though they were in a rather heated game of poker, only she wasn't holding any cards. "Fine, but I'm not doing it for you."

"Good." His eyes held hers for a long time before he finally pulled away.

Robyn watched his lithe body striding confidently across the dance floor. As he neared the podium Lynne spotted him and her face fell, quickly losing her flirtatious smile. She turned from the handsome, silver haired man she'd been engaging and opened her mouth to holler insults at Quinn. Robyn couldn't hear across the room, but she watched as the sexy agent closed the space between himself and Lynne. The woman's facial expressions changed like the phases of the moon as he chatted her up. In just a few minutes she had allowed him to become so close to her personal space that he could bend down and whisper in her ear, which he did. Robyn could only imagine what was being said as the raven beauty giggled childishly, a mischievous grin plastered on Quinn's face. Robyn followed the curve of his lips as he chatted amicably with the older woman.

She watched Lynne's mouth laugh, saw her painted lips bend up to Quinn's and she discerned the suggestive hints in the couple's body language. Quinn placed a hand on Ellis' hip, just above the very revealing slit of her sparkly midnight dress. Robyn felt her chest flush with longing as those nimble, white fingers fluttered and landed on the bare skin exposed there; Robyn wished wildly it was her being touched that way. Hot jealousy coursed through her body and she watched helplessly as Quinn placed his other hand on the raven haired beauty's curvaceous waist and guided her deftly out of the ballroom.

Robyn felt her heart tearing with angst as the two maneuvered around the party guests and up the elegant staircase toward the elevator. Moments passed, the pair long gone up the marble stairs, before she could tear her eyes from the spot where they'd been.

"Miss Bourke?" A soft voice issuing from her two-way caught her attention.

"Yes?" She stammered.

"Quinn needs you to follow that lead."

"I don't give a damn what Quinn wants." She huffed tearfully, wiping angrily at the moisture leaking from her eyes. Her eyes lifted and she met a pair of solemn ones across the room. Gordon gave her a forced smile of encouragement, sympathy flitting through the mask. "Don't look at me like that."

There was a small pause on the other end. "It's just his job, you know."

"I know, Gordon." She sighed, turning her gaze to the scientist hovering tepidly near the refreshment table. "Don't worry, I'll tail this one."

"Be careful, Robyn."

"Don't worry about me."

"Quinn wouldn't hurt you." Came the soft voice.

"Could have fooled me." Robyn spit out harshly. "That pathetic excuse for a human can't empathize to save his life."

"He is a bit impudent, and rather blunt, not to mention hopelessly egotistic...never mind, I could be listing his obvious flaws until kingdom come. Look, he's deeper even than he lets on. As far as sentiment is concerned, he's excelled at masking what he feels, to the point you begin to wonder if you'll truly ever know the man behind the mask. Trust me," he pleaded quietly, noting the disbelief shading her face, "I've known him since he was in grade school. What you see now wasn't always there. Mentally, he always surpassed everyone else, but on the outside, his personality wasn't always so pungent."

"I don't need an expert on the baffling eccentricities of Quinn Jones. From where I'm standing, he's just like any other man."

"But, unlike most men, Quinn not only knows what he wants, but how to get it."

"I think that's been undoubtedly established." She huffed, eyes rolling at Gordon from across the room.

"I know you aren't daft-I said, he knows what he wants." Gordon emphasized, giving her a pointed look.

This time she couldn't keep the tears at bay. They flowed freely down her cheeks. "I really wouldn't know what he wants."

"I would have thought that was fairly obvious."

"It clearly isn't." She responded sadly. The mousy man Lynne had been talking to was slipping out of the side door. "This was a very enlightening chat, but my lead is getting away. I'm going in." She laughed ironically. "I sound like a real agent, Gordon."

"Do be safe." He whispered over the radio static.

"For whose sake?" She laughed sardonically, walking swiftly to the door and slipping through it just before it shut.

"Quinn wouldn't want anything to happen to you."

"Like I said, I don't give a flying fuck." She growled, glancing at the small crack of light between the door and the jamb before it shut portentously behind her. Keeping her voice low, she continued. "I hope whatever is in that case is worth it. Tell him, from me, that I'm done with him. Robyn, over and out."

She tugged the bud from her ear and made her way determinedly through the dark utility hallway.

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