Someone Like You (BoyxBoy)

By live2laugh4life

21.7K 510 92


chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen

chapter Ten

941 24 3
By live2laugh4life

Gabe’s POV

            I was gripping so hard onto my desk I thought I was going to break the corner of it. Why did this… thing feel the need to hold the hand of my mate, I mean he didn’t even smell human, I couldn’t really put my finger on it but I knew they weren’t human. I was so lost in my own thoughts I didn’t even realize the period was over. I started to get out of my seat, when I saw the other twin grab James backpack. Me with my supper hearing I decided to tap into there conversation.

“You don’t have to carry that for me, it’s not heavy.” I watched as he leaned over to take his backpack back. He grabbed his waist and pulled James into his body, and kissed his temple. I started to see red, and feel my wolf coming to the surface. The only thing that stopped me from shifting was the fact that James didn’t know I was a wolf and the last thing I needed was him finding out by me killing those things. I watched as the longhaired twin grabbed his hand and the three of them left.

            What was I going to do I wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. I know I rejected him, but it was only to protect him. I slowly left the classroom only to be greeted by Jess.

“Hey sweetie I noticed your “friend” has got him self a pair of twins, no less supernatural twins. What do you think they are?” She leaned over and grabbed my hand as we started heading to my locker.

“Don’t know.” I was to depressed to talk, my wolf was crying and howling, and trying to claw his way out. I looked over at her to see her smiling at me.

“Do you hate me?” I asked.

“No, why would you ask that silly?” She said with face concern on her face.

“Because your putting me thru the touchier of having to pretend to like you, I know you don’t have a mate but you don’t have to try and make my loose mine.” I said, I looked has her eyes filled with guilt, that was quickly replaced by evil.

   “Because babe you will quickly get over him as long as you’re with me.” She sad, while trying to look more powerful.

“Fine as long as you know, that the minute high school ends we are done, I’m claiming James and we will run the pack together.” I said, she stopped and looked at me.

“That’s all the time I need to make you mine.” She made a cheesy smile and strutted away.

            I made my way into the lunchroom and saw James and the twins laughing and eating lunch together. And it hit me, I never seen him so happy, and I know I probably could never make him that happy.

I’m not fit to be his mate.


Sorry! I know I haven't updated in a really long time and I felt bad so I wrote you all this sad chapter. sorry it's so short, but I didn't really know what to write. but I do have one complante I have 2,518 reads and 94 votes and 29 coments so I know some of you are not voting and comenting and this makes me really sad so, unless we reach 100 votes and 35 coments i'm not updating. but thank you to all the people that vote and comment means the world to me!

Pic of Gabe on the side -------------------------->

That is all love you guys <3


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