Never Give Up

By AlwaysDramione

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[SECOND INSTALMENT] This story continues on from 'I'll Fight For You - Fremione'. Amelia George Weasley, the... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Ten

4.9K 175 95
By AlwaysDramione

‘It is the bloody morning! Why do I need to get up at this time?’ Fred said groggily as he rubbed his eyes.

The crack of dawn brought the singing of birds along with it and sunlight poured throughout their room as Hermione pushed the blinds back a little and then she pushed them all the way to the side. Fred shielded his eyes and glared at her – he didn't have this problem when he was living alone.

‘Fred...’ Hermione whispered, her voice carrying across to where Fred was trying to bury himself in the covers. Hermione walked to him and sat down on the bed, taking the covers off his eyes, ‘I’m scared...’

‘Hermione, can’t you be scared in the middle of the day? Why must you be scared at the crack of dawn!’ Fred sighed sitting up in bed and pulling the covers away from him. Hermione placed a hand on his naked chest and looked up at him. Fred sighed once more, ‘what’s wrong?’

‘What if... what if my pregnancy is... Fred, I don’t think I can do this!’ Hermione whispered, leaning forwards to lean her head on his chest, ‘I’m scared, Fred! I had a dream that... that the baby...’

‘I’m sure this is normal for every woman who’s pregnant for the first time,’ Fred assured her, stroking her long curls. Hermione winced a little and Fred felt his chest get a little wet – Hermione was crying, ‘listen to me-’

‘Fred, what are we doing?’ Hermione asked and pulled away from him. She moved so that she was sitting right in front of him and on his legs. Fred tried not to wince at her weight and succeeded. Hermione started to babble uncontrollably in a worried tone, ‘what if something happens during the pregnancy and our baby... or what if something happens to me? You have to save the child, forget me, if that situation happens! What if the baby grows up to hate us because we didn't plan-’

‘It will be fine and I swear I will be right next to you holding your hand while you give birth. You will get through this because we are strong together. We’ve fought for our love and we have won. We can get through this, understand?’ Fred asked, holding her hands in his, ‘I love you.’

Hermione nodded after a while and she climbed into bed beside him. Fred and Hermione slept for another hour before waking up again and changing clothes. Fred changed into his shirt and tie for work while Hermione cooked him breakfast, feeling better once she had everything off her chest. Fred was right, they would be fine.

‘What’s for breakfast?’ asked Fred as he tied his tie, walking into the kitchen. Hermione didn't answer him so quickly. She grabbed her stomach, feeling a little spurt of pain shoot through her. Just as soon as it had begun, it disappeared. Hermione handed Fred a plate of eggs and toast, ignoring his weird looks, ‘are you alright? Are you... is it the...?’

‘I’m fine. Just... felt a little weird for a second there,’ Hermione said and reassured Fred when he narrowed his eyes at her, ‘I’m sure it is normal pain.’

Hermione bit into an apple and she took the seat in front of Fred, feeling her back start to pain a little more. Fred watched her as he ate his toast.

‘Fred, I’m fine! Honestly, you worry-’ Hermione stopped suddenly. Her eyes widened and the apple fell to the floor with a thud. Fred stood up so suddenly that she didn't even notice when he was kneeling beside her. Hermione felt the same pain again in her lower stomach and lower back. She turned to Fred, her fright coming right back to her, ‘I’m in labour.’

‘No...’ Fred mumbled, holding her hand tightly.

Hermione felt a surge of anger at him and she felt like pushing him away. She ignored the urge since she knew it was because of her pregnancy but she couldn’t help but shout at him.

‘I’M IN LABOUR, FRED! DO SOMETHING!’ Hermione yelled and Fred got to his feet instantly. He started to mutter out loud and pace the room. Hermione started to pant slightly as she felt continual pain of early labour and she glared at Fred, ‘if only we had an owl, we could send for someone!’

‘Don’t start!’ Fred yelled back at her. Hermione reached for his hand and squeezed it as Fred knelt next to her. He managed to make her look at him and he stared into her eyes, ‘I’m going to apparate to Harry’s and get his owl and come right back. Will you be okay?’

‘It’s very early, Fred, I’ll be fine. Just go!’ Hermione said, ushering him away.


*Fred’s POV*

Fred disapparated in Harry’s empty house in a complete daze. Even the indefinite thought of becoming a father didn't appeal for his emotions. He was scared – beyond scared. He was petrified.

Fred hadn’t been thinking of where he was going and he bumped into Ron as he came out of the kitchen. Ron fell backwards against the doorway and glared at him but Fred was too out of his mind with worry to even care.

‘What are you doing here?’ Ron asked, watching Fred jog into Harry’s room. Ron followed him and watched as Fred grabbed Harry’s cage where an owl was hooting softly in its sleep. Ron stopped Fred by grabbing his arm, ‘what the hell is going on?’

‘Hermione, she’s... in labour!’ Fred moaned and managed to push Ron away from him.

Fred disapparated and had no idea how he arrived home rather than somewhere else – he wasn’t thinking straight. He could hear Hermione bustling about in the room, she was probably getting a bag ready to take to the hospital. A deep breath filled Fred’s lungs and he dispelled it, calming down slightly. Fred found some parchment and quickly scrawled a letter to Percy explaining why he cant come to work. The other letter was for Hermione’s mid wife, explaining her labour and pains. Fred sent the mid wife letter first and then checked on Hermione.

‘Ooof!’ Hermione squealed, sitting down on the bed. Fred sat next to her and she turned to him with a smile on her face, a bag full of clothes was zipped up on the floor next to the bed, ‘the pains are still bearable.’

‘Did you... clean the room?’ asked Fred, noticing how the dresser looked spotless and the bed was made perfectly.

‘I had to take my mind off the fact that I was in labour, Fred!’ Hermione said, wincing a little as her hand went to her back, ‘I’m terrified.’

‘So am I,’ Fred said and he was glad to hear Hermione chuckle. He kissed her cheek, ‘I’ve sent an owl to your mid wife, she should be getting back to us soon.’

Hermione winced again but now she closed her eyes in pain too. She breathed uncomfortably after the pain disappeared and she wanted to walk around, complaining that she was hungry. Fred lead her to the kitchen but she insisted on getting food by herself. He was about to argue but Harry’s owl was back so Fred rushed to the window. He opened it and a light breeze floated into the room which Hermione felt wonderful as she was sweating slightly. Fred detached the letter and then sent the other one for Percy before he read the letter that had arrived.

Dear Fred,

This is a huge moment for you and Hermione. You’re going to be parents for the very first time and I know you are scared (I judged from the shaky handwriting) and Hermione must be worrying so much but you must keep her calm.

She is in an early labour stage and can not worry or else she will start to rush things and that is the last thing she needs. Make her tea with lots of sugar if she wants it and make sure she takes her mind off it. Let her take a shower if she wishes or even clean the house as most pregnant women like to do. She will be a little edgy and angry but be patient and loving. If she is wincing from the pain then I assume the early stage will last about half an hour and then she will start getting contractions.

Once she starts to feel a lot more pain and the pain starts to come a little faster and for a longer duration, bring her to St. Mungo’s. I am here and will most likely be her Healer. If you are able to be with her, I’m sure she will appreciate your help.

Healer Elizabeth

‘What did she say?’ asked Hermione nervously as Fred leaned against the counter and read the letter. He looked up to see her nibbling on toast and sipping a little at her tea. Fred handed her the letter and waited until she read it, ‘so we relax and wait?’

‘I guess so,’ Fred muttered.


*Hermione’s POV*

Pain. That was all she was going to remember from her pregnancy. Deep, aching, profound pain! Hermione breathed heavily and tried her very best not to start squealing out loud. Fred’s hand found hers and she squeezed his hand as tight as she could hoping that made the pain disappear but of course it didn't. Hermione clenched her teeth and Fred rubbed her stomach, getting her to breathe in and out.

‘Just a couple more seconds!’ Fred muttered, trying to soothe her by showing her how calm he could be – it didn’t work out so well - looking at his watch and then darting his eyes to Hermione nervously. Then she collapsed onto the bed, panting deeply. Fred breathed heavily, massaging his hands, ‘they’re getting longer... and more painful.’

They arrived in St. Mungo’s an hour after Fred had received the letter since Hermione’s pains were getting a little more intense although she could be active throughout the pains. Elizabeth had already checked over Hermione and had proclaimed that she was in the ‘active labour phase’ which meant she will get contractions but they should fade away. She could walk, eat and talk when she didn't have contractions. Fred and Hermione had been in the room for nearly five hours now and Hermione’s contractions were getting a lot worse.

‘This is horrible,’ Hermione sighed, rubbing her stomach soothingly as though trying to calm the child. She wondered if this was all worth it and a part of her even wished she’d had an abortion but she quietened that part down, knowing it was only her pregnancy talking.

‘I know,’ Fred sighed and Hermione shot him a glare. What did he know about pregnancy?

‘You don’t know, Fred!’ Hermione yelled at him, feeling anger boil inside of her. Fred shut his mouth, he knew better than to argue with a very pregnant Hermione. She reached for the apple next to her and bit into it, ‘you probably had the time of your life that night we made this child and now I’m suffering through this awful pregnancy!’

Fred chuckled and Hermione turned her demanding eyes to him. He nearly shrank away from her gaze but then he chuckled again and kissed her cheek. Hermione stood up, muttering something about going to the bathroom. Fred asked her if she wanted him to go with her... the glare told him his answer and he smirked. Hermione went into the bathroom and Fred stood near the door just in case. There was silence for a minute and then Fred heard the water running and Hermione drying her hands before the door opened. She came out, looking pale and she looked up at Fred as he led her back to the bed.

‘I think my waters just broke!’ Hermione groaned and a tear fell out of her eye as she lay back down. The door opened and Elizabeth the Healer walked in. Hermione repeated the news and Elizabeth went to checking her, ‘Fred...’

‘It’ll be fine, Mia. I promise,’ Fred muttered anxiously, watching Elizabeth nervously and waiting for her to speak.

‘Okay, I think you’re nearly ready. A few minutes at the most-’

Elizabeth was interrupted as Hermione’s eyes widened. She felt a hot sensation burning through her, increasing in intensity and then she felt the sudden pain. Hermione shrieked loudly and Elizabeth shouted for some nurses to come into the room. Fred’s hand was white since Hermione was hanging onto it as though her life depended on it. Hermione started to chant Fred’s name as her breathing got heavier and heavier and the pain was a constant rush. Fred groaned as she pulled him down onto his knees and then Fred was screaming alongside Hermione.

‘Why! Are! You! Screaming!’ Hermione asked in between huge pants of breath.

‘Seeing you like this... it hurts me more than you can imagine, Hermione. Just take deep breaths. In. Out!’ Fred started to hyperventilate as a nurse stuck a needle into Hermione’s arm in order to dim the pain for her.

Hermione lay her head back, breathing heavily. Fred grabbed a tissue from beside him and got to his feet. He started to wipe Hermione’s forehead and then turned to Elizabeth. She was examining Hermione with the utmost concentration. Fred turned back to Hermione and was about to ask if ‘there was any pain’ when Hermione lifted her head and screamed again louder and more profound screams.

‘No don’t do that, Hermione!’ Elizabeth said calmly and Fred looked from her to Hermione, ‘you aren’t ready to push yet.’


‘What are you doing here?!’ Fred nearly shouted, glaring at Ron as he spotted him sitting on the chair outside of Hermione’s room. Fred had gone to get some water with ice for Hermione. Ron frowned back at the tone of his voice and Fred sighed, ‘sorry, it has been a long day.’

‘How long has she been at it?’ asked Ron as Fred rubbed his face with one hand. He looked awful and exhausted.

‘Well she had technically been in labour for six hours now. She started getting really painful contractions in the last hour and the Healer says she might be ready to push in a few minutes,’ stated Fred and then he thought of his parents, ‘have you told anybody else?’

‘No... I guessed you could tell them the happy news. Maybe you should tell Mum first,’ Ron suggested, shrugging.

‘Yeah but I need to go in there before Hermione starts shouting for me,’ Fred said, patting Ron on the shoulder, ‘can you tell Mum we are in the hospital?’

‘Sure, man. Be with Hermione, she needs you,’ Ron said although there was a pause after Hermione’s name.

Fred thanked him and then went into the room where Hermione was screaming as loud as she could. She looked up as he came in and Fred hurried to her. Hermione clenched his hands tight as Elizabeth finally told her to push.

‘We’re so close to becoming a family!’ Fred said, kneeling next to her. He was trying to console her but she screeched loudly nearly making Fred deaf but he carried on, ‘you can do it, Mia!’

‘YOU PUT THIS BABY INSIDE ME!’ Hermione yelled and then pushed before yelling again, ‘I HATE YOU, FRED!’

‘You’ll love me afterwards, I know it! We’ll have a cute little child in her hands, Hermione! A baby girl! Just think, Hermione!’ Fred said, his voice was loud as he spoke to Hermione and he wiped away her sweat off of her forehead.

‘BOY!’ Hermione managed to say before Elizabeth urged her to push.

‘It’s a girl, darling! I can feel it!’ Fred said and he screamed with her as Hermione pushed.

A cry filled the noise around them and Hermione grew silent except for her heavy breathing. She turned towards Fred, wide eyed, and even Fred couldn't believe it.

‘YOU NEED TO KEEP PUSHING!’ Elizabeth said over the cries and Hermione obliged, ‘nearly there! One – more – PUSH!’

Hermione put all of her heart and soul into the last push. Fred was chanting her name in surprise over and over again. Suddenly she fell back onto the pillows, her hair was messy and all around her. Fred felt elated as Elizabeth held up a small baby in her hands.

‘Mia... Mia... we did it! HERMIONE, WE BLOODY WELL DID IT!’ Fred shouted and kissed her full on the lips. He jumped up and a few tears leaked out of his face as he stared at his beautiful little baby.

‘Is it a boy or a...?’ Hermione asked, she was too exhausted to finish her sentence.

Elizabeth set the baby onto Hermione’s chest and Fred saw the way her face lit up as the warmth of the baby filled her very heart. Hermione looked up at Fred and then to the baby. She was utterly speechless and the only thing Hermione was capable of doing was to cry in happiness. Fred joined her, putting her arms around Hermione and looking down at the baby.

‘I told you it was going to be a girl,’ Fred muttered into Hermione’s ear.

‘My baby girl... she is beautiful, Fred,’ Hermione muttered and she had to admit that deep down she knew her baby was a girl. Fred kissed her.

‘Beautiful just like you, Mia.’

The baby’s cries were like music to Fred and Hermione’s ears.

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