Forever and Ever || A Lauren...


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The Cimorelli girls were making it really big after their debut album release. From press conferences, to TV... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Small Update

Chapter 16

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Ky's P.O.V.

I started getting ready for my date with Lauren in the park after school. I hadn't seen her in four days, but we didn't stop talking one second of that time. She had told me she had something important to tell me today. I grabbed my guitar and headed for the door.

"Dad, I'm going out!" I screamed so that he would hear me.

"Okay! Love you!" He yelled back after a few minutes. As soon as I heard his response, I opened the door and left.

I walked to the park that was only two blocks away from my house. I loved spring in my city. Trees were blossomed, it was not too hot or too cold, people seemed somehow happier. I just enjoyed it a lot. I got to the place and saw Lauren sitting on a spot in the grass. She smiled at me and I left my guitar beside her, greeting her.

"Hey." I said and kissed her. "How are you today?"

"Oh, I'm..." She replied and left the sentence unfinished for some seconds. "Great. I'm great." Something about it wasn't really convincing.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, it's just that..." She trailed off again. "I have a very sad reminder I thought about today." Her expression showed immense grief now.

"What is it Laur?" I asked her, worried.

"I remembered I'm leaving, I mean we still have time left. But I will be leaving soon, I'm not sure what I really want to happen between us. I don't wanna be involved with someone I know I'm gonna lose so fast." My heart dropped when she said that. She was right, she was leaving sooner than later, she had to go.

My mind just blacked out. In less than a month, I wouldn't be able to see her face to face. I would be alone again. The girl of my dreams, gone. I wanted her to stay forever, to never leave me, to be with me always.

"I-I uh..." I started but broke off. "Don't worry, we still have this month, right? I'll be on spring break, and I'm planning on making the most out of it." I finished and she smiled. After I'd had said that, she leaned in towards me and kissed me. God, it felt good.

"Okay." She simply said after we pulled away. Then she looked at the guitar beside me. "I didnt't know you played guitar." She told me.

"Yeah, I do. When I'm bored I just play for hours." I replied. She smiled widely.

"Can you play something for me?" She asked me. I grinned, of course I would. I took out the guitar from its case.

"What do you want me to play?" I asked her. She thought for a while.

"I don't know. Play whatever you want." She answered. I started playing for her and went on for what seemed like forever.

"Ky you play beautifully." She said after a while.

"Yeah, I have played for some years and I have been singing for as long as I can remember."

"Well, it was wonderful. Gosh, aren't you perfect. I really want to stay with you, I mean it. I like you, and I've loved seeing you these past three days. Each date has been amazing, and I really feel like this could be something real. I just have this..." She said, getting up and starting to wander around, facing the other way. "feeling in my gut that it's all gonna mean nothing once I'm gone. I'm too scared of loneliness and heartbreak."

"Lauren, I will be by your side as much as you want me to." I responded, standing up and hugging her from behind tightly. I was gonna miss her so much, not seeing her would hurt. She turned around and our lips met. Her soft, delicate lips that I craved so much. The lips that transmitted so much passion and safety.

Once we broke our kiss I left the guitar in its case and Lauren took food out of the basket she had brought. As soon as she had taken everything out, I heard the sound of a camera behind me. I turned around and saw a man with a big camera in his hands, taking picture after picture of us. Before I could even notice, there were two guys, trying to take shots of us together. Of course, how could we even think of having a picnic in the middle of the park in broad daylight. The girls were not who they were before. The world knew them now, they wanted exclusives about them and wouldn't stop at anything.

When I saw one approaching us more, I spoke. "Miss Cimorelli isn't answering any questions. Now, if you don't mind, we're leaving." I told them as I offered Lauren my hand, grabbed my guitar with the other and began to leave.

The cameras followed us till we reached her hotel and even after we had gone in, they stayed there, waiting for us to come out. We took the elevator and she tried to press the button, but I stopped her, I saw something in her eyes.

"Laur, what's wrong?" I asked her. She looked away as some tears formed in her eyes.

"It's just..." She started. "This may sound stupid but it makes me so mad that they can't give celebrities some privacy. Ever since we've gotten more famous, the press has crushed me. They mob us everywhere we go, once I had to fight with one of them because they wanted to come inside of our house! Why can't they just understand that celebrities are just like them? They need privacy and their own life." She finished and I grabbed her face looking at her right in her eyes.

"Lauren, don't let them bring you down. Show them you are stronger than that. You were really good back there, you could avoid them perfectly. I'm proud of you, but you've gotta promise me you'll try to act like this every time." I said and she nodded. Then I pressed the floor number and she looked at me.

"I just remembered." She said in sudden shock. "My family knows nothing about us. I'm gonna try to avoid them, hopefully Christina won't be in our room and Dani knows. But there's a chance we may encounter them. What am I supposed to say? I mean we're nothing official yet, but I don't really want everyone to know anything if I'm not even sure it will last. And I just don't think I can—"

"Lauren, Lauren, Lauren." I interrupted her grabbing her face. She was speaking at the speed of light. "It will be okay, I'll do what you want me to. If you want us to leave, we'll leave. Just tell me what you want me to do and say." She looked at me attentively and nodded as I let go of her face.

"Could you..." She started saying. "like, if it's awkward or uncomfortable for you just tell me, like I know it can be a weird situation seeing how our relationship is going and—" She began overthinking again.

"Just tell me Laur." I interrupted again. She sighed.

"Could you say we're like officially dating if anyone asks?" She asked shyly. I smiled at her.

"It'd be my pleasure to be your fake boyfriend." I replied, which made her smile too and hug me cheerfully.

Once the doors opened, we reached for her hotel room. Lauren took her key out of her small purse and swiped it. As soon as we got in, there was no sight of Christina. We rushed into the bedroom and found Dani lying on her bed on her phone.

"Hey, Dan." Lauren whispered.

"Hey Laur and..." She started, looking interested. "Ky..." She looked at Lauren and mouthed 'oh my gosh'.

"H-hey!" I blurted out softly.

"We were at the park and some paparazzi showed up so we came here. Thankfully, Christina wasn't there to see us." Lauren explained.

"Yeah, they all said they'd be gone for a couple of hours, so you can stay here until they come back from—" Dani was interrupted by the sound of an opening door and voices coming into the room.

"Crap." Lauren muttered. The voices became clearer: it was Christina and her parents. "What should we do?" She said nervously. I grabbed her shoulder and calmed her.

"What we had planned. Just tell them I'm your boyfriend even if I'm not, it's okay. That's the easiest way out." I reassured her and she nodded with a smile. She faced the door and went into the living room. Dani and I followed.

"Hi girls," Her dad said. "And...?" He continued, looking at me.

"Oh, Ky." I said and shook his hand, confusion filling his face. "Nice to meet you."

"The pleasure's mine." He simply answered. Then I shook her mom's hand.

"Hi, dear." Then she faced the girls. " And what is this special occasion?" She asked them. Christina watched quietly.

"Um, he's..." She said shyly.

"Yes, honey?"

"We... We..." She mumbled.

"Are dating." I finished, aiding her. She was too nervous. I looked at her and winked. I got this. "We are dating, Mr. and Mrs. Cimorelli." I hated lying, and this lie was kinda hurtful because I wanted to be her actual boyfriend, not her pretend one; but I did it for her.

"You what?" He asked, astonished.

"Yes, dad, we're together." Lauren answered with an exaggerated smile, suddenly guiding the conversation.

"As if in a couple?" Lynne asked, doubt and suspicion on her face.

"Yes, you know, kissing and that stuff." Lauren answered with humor and playing it off like it was nothing.

"Well, that is a lot to process." Her dad said. "What do you expect us to do?"

"Accept us." She answered firmly.

"I only have one question: does he make you happy?" Her mom asked. Lauren looked at me and smiled, relaxed.

"More than I've ever been." She answered, making me smile and look down.

"Well, that's enough for me." Lynne simply answered. "Sweetheart?" She asked, looking at Mike.

"I-I... Oh, ok, anything for you, baby." He finally agreed.

"Great, thank you guys!" Lauren said and hugged them tight. While they were busy, Christina approached me and whispered in my ear.

"You hurt her and you'll have to deal with me." She said softly but firmly. I suddenly froze and gulped. Of course I wasn't going to, but the threat scared me anyway.

Lauren pulled away and came back beside me. Christina just smiled at her.

"Oh, there is one tiny issue." Lauren added. "Some paparazzi are blocking the door and we can't really go out without having to deal with them." Christina looked out the window.

"Yeah, there's at least four or five guys. You'd better stay here for a while, Ky." She said reluctantly.

"Yes, you can stay here until they're gone." Lynne added. I smiled and thanked her.

"So, wanna go back to the room?" She asked. Lynne coughed and Lauren turned around. "It's ok, mom, we won't do anything, I'll leave the door open and Dani will be there." Then she relaxed a bit and sighed in relief.

We walked through the door and got to her room, where Dani was lying on her bed again.

"Wanna see a movie?" She asked. I nodded. "Which one?"

"You choose, beautiful." I said and she blushed a little. I heard Dani go 'aw' behind us.

She sat on the bed and I sat next to her. She picked what I expected: The Notebook.

"Oh, my friends told me about this." I said, remembering something.

"About what?" Dani asked from the other side of the room.

"The whole Notebook thingy."

"And by that you mean...?"

"Well, they said it's the classical thing that girlfriends do, The Notebook." I laughed it off. Lauren looked frustrated and started scrolling by again. "No, no, Lauren, it's ok, I want to see this movie with you." I said. She smiled at me.

"So The Notebook it is!" She said and hit play.

I put my arm around her shoulder and we got comfy as the movie started. By the time the movie ended, Lauren had sobbed her heart out and I'd dried every tear.

"Hey, Laur, it's ok, don't cry..." I comforted her.

"I know, it's just... He loved her so much... This movie makes me so emotional." She answered back, slowly stopping the sobs. I kissed her.

She sat up and fixed herself. She suddenly changed the subject completely.

"I was wondering, you never told me your full name..." She said curiously.

"Allen," I said slowly. "Ky Mairo Allen. My mom has always loved the ocean, water in general; so she named me Ky, which means strait of water. My second name comes from my father's side, it's Maori; it was my grandfather's name. And Allen means 'son of Alan' in Maori.

"Very interesting , Ky Mairo Allen!" She commented and I laughed softly. She was so cute.

She rested her head on my shoulder and I looked at her. She was angelic, as if God had put special attention into her making. She caught my eye every time I saw her. When I was in the same room as her, she was the only thing I could see. I didn't understand how other people looked somewhere else, to be honest. I stroked hair hair softly and then rested my head over hers. She was so soft and cuddly. Her hugs were the best thing ever I swear. I just loved every single tiny little bit of her, on the inside and on the outside. She was perfect, and she was all mine.

"You know, I was thinking..." I said and she hummed, cueing me to go on. "We don't have to stick to this fake couple status..." She lifted her head and moved away a bit. She'd gotten it wrong.

"Oh... sorry. I guess I got carried away..." She replied shyly, looking away. I put my hand below her chin and lifted it till she was looking at me.

"No, what I meant is... I know it's only been less than two weeks knowing each other, and you may still be unsure about everything because of everything that could go wrong and I'm probably talking too much and too fast." I stopped and laughed. "I guess, seeing how little time I'll have you here for, I was wondering if you... would like to be my real girlfriend?" Her face suddenly lit up while mine blushed. I couldn't believe I had plucked up the courage to actually ask her.

"It is scary, especially knowing that it won't last too long." She said. Was she saying no? I looked away in disappointment. "No, Ky, what I mean is... it is scary, but doing it with you is worth it a hundred percent." She added. Now it was my face lighting up too. I flashed a wide smile at her and kissed her, still smiling through it.

I heard Dani come over and felt her arms around us while we were kissing. "I'm so happy for you guys." She said excitedly. We both pulled away and laughed.

I looked at the time and realized it was too late for me to be out on a school night, and I hadn't even had dinner. I looked out the window and saw no one at the door.

"I really have to go, sadly." I told the girls. "My parents are gonna kill me if I'm not home soon, I have school tomorrow." They both sighed.

"That's okay, I'll see you soon!" Lauren said and kissed my cheek, walking me to the door.

"Bye, Mr. and Mrs. Cimorelli! Bye, Christina!" I said as I walked out of the hotel room. Lauren closed it behind her and kissed me. "I'll call you." I told her and winked. She laughed softly and watched me go.

Once the elevator doors closed and opened again, I reached the hotel doors and walked back home.



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