Agent Carter An AU Series

By Peggysousfan

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WWII is over and Peggy Carter is pregnant(By Rogers)(I am anti steggy so this is not about them) and she move... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (part 1)
Chapter 13 (part 2)
Chapter 13 (part 3)
Chapter 14 (Part 1)
Chapter 14 (part 2)
Chapter 14 (part 3)
Chapter 14 (part 4)
Chapter 15

Chapter 1

815 17 3
By Peggysousfan

(This story will alternate between point of views)

Peggy's POV: 

Its been 8 months since the War ended. The War to end all wars, a war that changed my life forever. First it was my engagement, then my brothers death, and now it is the death of someone else. Someone I grew close to and considered a dear friend. Someone I never thought of romantically. He was awkward and kind, brave and headstrong, and most of all; loyal. Loyal to his family and his friends, and I admired him for it. He showed interest and attempted to flirt, but I simply brushed it away. Now I will admit a glossy, shirtless man, will have any woman weak in the knees, but that doesn't mean I was in love with him. He took my kindness and interpreted it wrongly. I tried to show him my disinterest, but the super-solider serum must have knocked a few screws loose in exchange for muscle. 

One night will the Commandos and I all played cards in a pub, getting drunk off our arses. Most everyone had left already so it was Barnes, Rogers, Dugan, and myself. Dugan was loosing terribly and Barnes was no better.

"Goddammit! Carters cheatin'!" He said. I simply rolled my eyes.

"Its not that I'm cheating Sargent, I'm simply better at this game than you," I remarked. He stood suddenly and swayed. 

"I'm calling shit on that, Carter." His eyes nearly rolled to the back of his skull as he tried to call me out.

"Alright alright. I think Buck's had enough to drink," Steve laughed. He attempted to stand and help Barnes, but Dugan had beat him to the punch.

"I got Barnes, you get my money back," Dugan said, as he too began to sway. I couldn't help but laugh.

"As if that's going to happen. I've already earned more in the past hour from you boys than I have in 2 months." I brag.

"Yeah.. yea- yeah". Banes slurred "Ch-EaT-er."

"C'mon ya lug." Dugan says as he drags Barnes away. The entire scene was comical and I couldn't help my outburst of laughter.

"Alright Carter, just you and me." Steve said. I look to him and then the cards. "But first I'm getting another beer," I look at him, puzzled.  "I know Stark said they won't affect me, but that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun, you want one?"

"No no, I'll have a whiskey. Neat." As he orders our drinks I look through my deck. 

Over Nana's dead body will he ever see a win after this. God rest her soul. When he returns we resume the game. Hours go by and many more drinks are ordered, eventually the game is over, or so I presume. Half way through my memory began to blur. All I remembered was waking up in Steve's cot the next morning. Weeks later I discovered I was pregnant. But by then, his plane had went down, and the War was over...

Being a woman, I was no longer needed or wanted in the military. I still worked for the SSR, but I had a transfer put in for New York. I moved into a new apartment complex in Brooklyn with a roommate name Colleen. I hid my pregnancy for as long as I could, but when I began to show I had to take a leave of absence. Not that I minded, Agent Finn is a real bastard. I needed to trick the SSR into believing I had an emergency with my family in London and that I had to leave the states; luckily they believed it. For months now I have been living with Colleen and a growing belly. She tried to fondle over the the unborn child the moment she was aware. I attempted to keep it from her for as long as I could, but eventually I couldn't. As everyone in the building now thinks, my 'husband' died in the war and left me widowed and with child. The only reason I never shared this news was because I was still mourning him. 

For these long months I discovered that the Brooklyn SSR offices were shut down, and that I would be working at another SSR, NY office. Brilliant. Now I will have to work for more Agent Finns in an office I know nothing about except its cover, a phone company.

"What jobs are you looking for once you're on your feet with the baby?" Colleen asked one evening. We were both at the table with tea looking through the mail and newspaper.

"I was thinking of the telephone company, as long as they have some positions open for when I'm ready."

"Do you really have to go back to work Peg? What with the baby and-"

"Of course I do." I say. "Its not as if any one else will do it. I have to have some sort of income to pay my share of the rent and take care of the little one." Colleen opens her mouth as if to speak and then shuts it again. "I have friends of a friend who will be able to care for babe once I am ready to work. I can't keep letting you pay your half of the rent and mine. Its meant to be shared between us both."

"I know I know. Its just..."

"I understand, Colleen, but I don't have a choice. And if I'm to find a new apartment-"

"You don't have to leave Peggy. I helped my cousins and their babies. Besides, we also have Mrs. Keller down stairs who is obsessed with babies." She states. Mrs. Keller is an elderly woman with eight children of her own and twenty grand children, and a handful of great-grand children. That woman is the center of gossip in the building, and has not stopped talking about my baby since she found out. I take a large sigh and the conversation dies down. I'm not ready to be a mum...

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