[Discontinued] Sorrow's Road...

Door Valrey23

409K 5.3K 6.9K

In the beginning they were the perfect Family You got Love, Care, and so much more Until they stopped... and... Meer

1: A Beginning
2: The Accident
3: Forsaken
Armor and Weaponry
4: Search and Retrieval
5: Beacon
6: The Reveal
6.5: Big Iron
7: Thorns
8: Her
Something New
9: A Quick Bounty
10: Sparring Mishap
11: Ironwood
12: Detention...
13: Just Another Day
14: Why?
14.5: Nightmare
15: Sorrow
16: Aftermath
17: Captured
18: The Crash
19: Vytal Festival
20: Vytal Pt. 2
21: A Piece of Cake
21.5: The Vow
23: An End
24: A New Beginning
25: Shattered
26: Questions
27: Rose and Bone
28: The Conversation
29: Marked
29.5: Mornings, Am I Right? [Lewd]
30: The Call
31: Devourer
31.5: Last Wish
32: Taken
33: The Pit
34: Hazel
35: Breakout
36: Familiarity
37: Oddities
38: Road-trip!
38.5: Tai
39: Decadence [Lewd]
The Mistake
39.5: More the Merrier
40: Reunion
41: Truth and Time
41.5: Mantle
42: Valentines Deal
43: The Worm's Vessel
44: Raven's Call
Rose Reformed
45: Recovery
46: The Favor [Lewd]
47: Tragedy
48: A Process
49: Siva and an Explanation
50: Testing
51: Wakeup Call
52: Breakthrough
53: More Tests
54: Ashes
55: Everything Stays
56: Date with the Amazonian
56.5: The Devourer's Mark
57: A Date with Blue
57.5: Embers
58: Loss
59: Vanguard
61: Yor
62: The Hellmouth
62.5: Breakdown
63: Figments
64: Seed of Doubt
65: Seeing Ghosts
66: Planning
67: General
68: Riving Light
69: Effigy
69.5: From Me to You
A Gift From Cayde
70: Hate Goes Both Ways
71: Between You & Me
72: Way Down We Go

22: Fall

4.4K 71 95
Door Valrey23

Y/N lays in his hammock, peacefully asleep. But a figure cloaked in darkness approaches him, with a whistle in hand. The figure brings the whistle to their mouth, and count in their head.




They blow the whistle causing Y/N to practically jump out of his resting place and on to the floor.

Ruby: Oh my Oum! Y/N, Are you okay?!

He says nothing, nor does he move.

Ruby: Y/N? Y/N!? Y/N!

She began panicking before she pulls her scroll out of pocket.

Ruby: Who to call...

But unbeknownst to her, Y/N began to arise from the floor. A shadow cloaked his body.

He slowly creeps up on her. Ruby notices the shadow grow on the wall in front of her. She turns around and is only able to gasp before being hit on the head with a book.

Ruby: OW!!

Y/N: You have received retribution for your transgressions

Ruby: What does that even mean?!

Y/N: It's means revenge has been served

Ruby: You didn't have to hit me...

Y/N: And you didn't have to use a whistle

Ruby: ...

Y/N: Exactly. Anyway, what did you come up here for?

Ruby: Oh, We noticed you weren't there for Yang and Weiss' fight so I figured I'd come to see if you were here

Y/N: And I am

Ruby: Yup

Then there was an awkward silence that filled the room.

Y/N: Welp, it's awkward now and I'm leaving

Ruby: You're gonna leave in... that?

Y/N looks down at himself. He had no pants on and only a white T-shirt and some gray socks.

Y/N: Yeah, why do you ask?

Ruby: Because you barely have anything on!

Y/N snaps his fingers and his armor appears on his body with the remnants of blue particles surrounding him.

Y/N: Better?

Ruby: How did you do that?!

Y/N: Space magic

Ruby stares in disbelief at what she just heard.

Ruby: That doesn't make any sense!

Y/N: Yet I don't hear you or anyone else complaining about me coming back to life. Anyway I'll be leaving now

He turns and opens the door, about to walk out.

Ruby: Wait!

He stops mid stride and turns around

Y/N: What?

Ruby: Did you really mean what you said?

Y/N: (sigh) Yes, I did

Ruby was at a loss for words from his response.

Y/N: And I'm off

He turns around and leaves the room.


'Man, can't believe I missed it'

I walk through the halls and look out the windows as I walk by them. Then I bump into someone or something.

???: Hey, watch where you're going next time

Y/N: Oh, my bad I wasn't paying... attention

It was Emerald

Y/N: Oh shit...

Emerald: You.

I get up and slowly back away from her.

Y/N: We got no problem, right?

Emerald: We do now

She points to the cup that's in her hand. Empty.

Emerald: You're gonna get me another one

Y/N: Yeah about that...

I turn around and sprint away with haste.

Emerald: Hey! Get back here!

I keep running and never look back. Once. I turn the corner and sprint towards a door. Then the worst thing happens. The door begins opening. The world goes in slow motion as I run into the door.

'Is this how my life ends?'

Then a realization forms in my head.

'I'm being lied to!'

I run straight through the door.

Y/N: HA! Nice try!

Then I trip

'Karma is swift with her justice...'

I feel someone grab my leg and begin dragging me.

Emerald: Don't make this harder than it has to be!

Y/N: I did nothing wrong!

Emerald: You spilt my drink on the floor!

A thought pops into my mind as I'm being dragged on the floor.

'This could be the perfect chance to get some ice cream!'

Y/N: Alright, just let go of me

Emerald hesitantly drops my leg, and I quickly stand up.

Emerald: How can I be sure that you won't run away?

I hold out my pinky

Emerald: You're kidding, right?

Y/N: Do I seem like the type of person to joke?

Emerald: Yes

Y/N: Wow, ok. Maybe I should just run away.

Emerald: Ok! Fine!

She locks pinkies with me for a couple seconds before quickly pulling her finger back.

Emerald: There. Now let's go

Y/N: Lead the way my-

Emerald: Don't.

Y/n: Alright then

I follow Emerald to... honestly I have not even the slightest fucking clue where we are going.



We end up at some café place that I don't know, and don't WANT to know the name of.

Emerald: You're paying by the way

Y/N: If I knew this I wouldn't be here

Emerald: You'd be on the ground with no wallet

Y/N: Who said I have a wallet?

Emerald's jaw drops at my statement

Y/N: Might wanna keep that mouth closed, sweetheart

I think she blushed a little, judging from the tint of her cheeks. She closes her mouth but keeps her sight on me.

Emerald: Then where do you keep your money?!

Y/N: Space magic, sweetie. You should learn about it sometime

???: How may I help you 2 today?

Emerald: Oh, I can get a large soda please?

???: Sure thing ma'am!

She walks back somewhere, but I'm not really paying. I'm just thinking about what kind of ice cream I should get.

'I could get regular vanilla. Or maybe cookie dough? It was good last time I had it. Oh! Maybe cinnamon bun! Yes, definitely cinnamon bun!'

Emerald nudges me with her elbow.

???: Here you go ma'am. 

I reach out and give her some lien.

???: Thank you. By the way, Are you her boyfriend?

I choke out a laugh, while Emerald had a blush form on her face.

'Might as well have some fun while I'm here'

Y/N: Why yes, I am

???: Oh! I was just thinking you 2 looked like quite the couple

Y/N: Yea but she gets a little embarrassed when people bring it up though

???: Oh, I'm so sorry ma'am

Y/N: There's no need to apologize miss

???: Well, thank you for coming.

Y/N: Your welcome

I walk out with Emerald hot on my heels. As soon as we step out of café, I release the laughter I kept caged.

Emerald: Why'd you say that!?

Y/N: Well if you dragged me out here I figured I might as well have some fun

Emerald: Whatever...

Y/N: Oh, and when you finish meet me at Beacon cliff

Emerald: Why?

Y/N: Just meet me there, ok?

Emerald nods in response

Y/N: Alright, see you then

I give her wave which she returns before walking off. 

I begin my journey to the store and once I get there I look for some ice cream and buy some cinnamon bun Ice cream. After I head back to Beacon, I devour it without a second thought then patiently wait at the cliff.


Emerald: Hey

Y/N: Hey

I turn around to face her

Emerald: So what did you want to talk about?

Y/N: (sigh) Be honest with me. What is Cinder planning?

She looks taken aback by my question.

Emerald: Is that why you wanted to see me?

I didn't answer

Emerald: To think you cared...

Y/N: I do

Emerald: If you did you wouldn't care for Cinder's plan!

Y/N: You must understand-

Emerald: Understand what?!

Y/N: Understand that I had to know, so I could protect those I care for! Those like you

Emerald: You would care for the enemy?

I give no response. It's a truth I wanted to ignore, but I guess I could only ignore it for so long

Emerald: I thought so...

She turns and begins to walk away.

Y/N: Emerald

She whips and stomps towards me.

Emerald: What do you want?

Y/N: If that was what you truly want, to be my enemy, then heed my next words carefully

She raises an eyebrow

Y/n: Watch your next step

Emerald scoffs before turning back around and heading back to Beacon. I turn and sit on the edge of the cliff to clear my head of this short argument.

Vale appears in a cloud of particles. She looks at me then turns back to look out at the Emerald forest.

Y/N: Vale?

She turns back to me

Vale: Yes?

Y/N: Let's not bring this up...

Vale: If that's what you want

Y/N: Thank you


I close the dorm door and take off my cloak and look it over.

Y/N: Hm... I've had this for so long I'm surprised it's not shredded by now

Vale: You're quite the tailor

Y/N: Thanks

I throw it over my shoulder and walk to a desk and set it down. I turn around and turn on the TV and tune in to the Tournament.

I head back to the desk and sit down.

Y/N: Vale, I need the tools I used to repair my cloak

Vale: Becoming a clothier, are we?

Y/N: I'm trying something new, ok

Vale: Whatever you say son

Y/N: Don't ever say that again

Vale: I'm just kidding, but here you go

I look back to the desk and the necessary tools I need are there.

I begin crafting another cloak while occasionally looking back at the TV.

Another Timeskip (I'm sorry)

I'm almost finished with the new cloak, but for right now; I'm watching the fight between Mercury and Yang. There isn't much to narrate for you guys, but it's nothing more than punches and kicks. But something about Mercury's kicks got me thinking.

'His kicks hold too much weight. It's like his legs are almost made of metal.'

Soon Mercury starts shooting in circles; creating a literal bullet storm that eventually comes down on Yang after he knocked her down. But what he didn't expect was for her to get up and whoop his ass with some punches.

Y/N: Heh, Nice one

She begin walking away till she turned around put a round in his knee.

Y/n: Holy shit!

I damn near jump out of my seat.

'You'd never do something like that. Something's definitely wrong. Wait... There wasn't any blood...'

Now I know something is wrong. And I know exactly who is behind it all.

Y/n: I've got to do something, but first! My new cloak!

Vale: You can't be serious!

Y/n: I am! I may be a 'huntsman' but I got to look nice when I'm slaying grimm and beating bad guys!

I sit down and spin back around to the cloak and begin making the final touches.

30 minutes later...

Y/N: Finally finished...

I stand and lift up my new cloak. Its all black with a gray circle in the middle reassembling a thorn bush around the 'main attraction'

(Picture this but the symbol being white and the 'ring' being grey.)

Y/N: Perfect

I put on my new cloak and begin heading out.

Y/N heads out to go meet up with the others. Shall we see what Cinder and others are up to?

Mercury: Oh Doc'! Tell me! Will I ever be able to walk again?

He gets hit the arm by Emerald who frustrated yet conflicted with what had transpired hours ago.

Emerald: Ugh... headache. I can handle one mind but 2 is a stretch

Cinder: Well, you all performed marvelously. Including our driver 

Neo graciously accepts the compliment with a nod in response.

Mercury: So, you think it worked?


Emerald and Mercury go back and forth before Cinder enters.

Cinder: Enough you two. 

She walks forward towards the 2.

Cinder: Mercury has put on a wonderful show. He was quite brave, taking a hit like that 

Mercury: These things are exactly cheap you know

Emerald: So, what's next?

Cinder: You and I will go make sure the plan goes accordingly

Then something came to Emerald's mind.

Emerald: Cinder!

Cinder: Yes?

Emerald: Mar gave me a message that I think you should hear

Cinder: Oh? And what was it?

Emerald: He said, "Watch your next step."

Cinder let out a small laugh.

Cinder: If he thinks he can make a threat like that, he will surely receive what's coming to him

Once those last words left her mouth; she begins making her way out and back to the Arena.

Mercury: What am I supposed to do here?

Cinder: Nothing. You get to lay low till the end. We wouldn't want people to see you on your feet and have our hard work be for naught, right?

Mercury: Can do

After he finished talking, Emerald and Cinder left the warehouse and headed back to the Vytal Festival to continue their plan went smoothly.

Till next time, O Reader mine~

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