Irondad and Spiderson: One Sh...

By yaknowiknow

2.7K 59 17

One shots that I hope you will like. :) The other Avengers may be included at times just an FYI. :) Send in r... More

The Field Trip (Part 1)
The Field Trip (Part 2)
The Field Trip (Part 3)
The Judgement Day
Cooking Lessons With Mr.Stark
Birthdays :(
Asking Her
Getting Ready
The Date
The Case of The Missing Pop Tarts
More Posts
Updating Schedule
The End

The Only One

68 2 0
By yaknowiknow

Alright so this sucks I'm sorry. :)

Request by 


The team has left for a mission two days ago and Peter was in charge of watching over the tower. They were pretty sure they would only be a week, but that didn't make them feel any better putting their home in the hands of a teenager. It's not like they didn't trust Peter it's just Peter is, well, Peter.

May had also permitted him to stay at the tower for the week as long as he still went to school and didn't get in anyone's way. Peter promised May that he would be fine and off he went for the week. May was nervous because super hero's live in that tower and anything could go wrong at any time, but let him go anyway. She knew about Spider-man and knew he could hold his own if he had to.

When Peter got there he threw his stuff into his room and went to work in his lab, but he soon found out that it wasn't the same without Tony there to banter with. He then tried to go out for patrol, but got worried that something might happen when he was gone and the tower would be destroyed and that it would be his fault. He eventually did go on patrol when Pepper got home that night and told him that she would watch over the tower and cook dinner for him while he was gone. He was very appreciative that Pepper was there.

The first few days were very boring for Peter. He would just go to school and come back to an empty tower. He was starting to realize that he missed his family and wanted them to come back as soon as possible. He was worried about them because they hadn't checked in in a few days and Tony always tried to check in with Peter because he knew how Peter worried about them while they were gone. But he hadn't and Peter was getting scared that something might have happened.

Right as Peter was about to go ask Pepper if she had heard from Tony his phone rang.

Incoming call from Mr.Stark

"Answer." Peter yelled from the door of his room. "Hey Mr.Stark how is the mission going?" Peter asked as soon and the phone had been answered. "Hey Underoos, it's going alright. We got a little banged up today, but we all got taken care of. Everyone say hi." As Tony said that there was a chorus of hi's from behind him. Peter smiled and waved knowing that they could all see him. "How's everything going at the tower kid?" He then asked after. "Oh, it's going good, just a little lonely, but Pepper cooks me dinner every night so it's fine." Peter said putting on a smile he only half meant. "Well that's good kid, we should be home in the next couple days, so lets just hope for sooner than later right?" "Right." "Alright Underoos go to bed, you have school in the morning. Good night." Tony said and ended the call. "Good night, love you." Peter whispered under his voice after the call was ended. Pepper had heard Peter and sent the footage to Tony as soon as it happened.

The next day everything happened the same except for the fact that Peter didn't go out for patrol that day. Instead he decided to stay in and watch a movie while Pepper made dinner for the night. He was watching the live action version of Beauty and the Beast, so he was pretty quiet in the moment.

About a quarter of the way through the movie every hair on Peter's body started to stand and Peter could hear a ringing in the distance, but he didn't know what it was. He immediately told Pepper to get down and he hid behind the couch. A few seconds later a drone with hydras logo on it started firing at the full glass windows. They immediately shattered and Peter stood up and shot his web at the drone and pulled it to him. He immediately crushed it and went to see where the other would be coming from.

"Pepper stay down I've got this handled. FRIDAY put a suit on Pepper and don't let it come off until I say so." Peter yelled around the room as he saw more drones flying in. He was definitely outnumbered, but he was able to dodge the attacks and get through the first wave pretty quickly. Unfortunately more started coming and he was having a bit more trouble with this wave.

One of the drones he thought he had down hit his leg and he fell to the ground. On the ground he was able to web up and destroy the last of the second wave, but he knew another one was coming. He quickly got up and wrapped a towel around the shot in his leg to try and stop the bleeding. He made sure Pepper was still safe and prepared to take on the last of the drones.

The last wave was the one that hit the hardest, Peter didn't have his suit on so every hit he felt. He had a few bullet wounds in his arms and legs, but nothing he couldn't get checked out in the med wing. He was on the last one, but it was one of the hardest ones. This drone was bigger than the rest of them and had way more firepower. Peter had dodged all of the shots so far and webbed up a few of the shooters.

He hid back behind the couch and tried to create a plan to take the bot down. He decided that he needed to get it to a side with a distraction and attack from the other side. "Pepper?" Peter whispered into the comm he knew was in the suit Pepper was in. "Peter?" "I need you to make a noise over there so I can get its attention off of me." Peter instructed Pepper. "Alright on the count of three, one, two, three." As soon as she said three there was a loud bang and enough time for Peter to get in and strike. The drone was down, but Peter was bleeding pretty badly.


The Avengers came home to Peter in the med wing getting bullets taken out of him. "What the hell happened here?" Tony yelled when he walked in. Peter then proceeded to tell the entire story and waited for the response. Instead of words Peter got wrapped into a hug by Tony, "Good job Underoos." 


Alright sorry about how bad that was I really tried though. Also I was making sure something was correct and left the page, but then I came back and my entire story was gone and I panicked, but I just had to refresh. :)

Word Count: 1096

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